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2017-02-10, 01:37 AM


2017-02-10, 01:41 AM
Glossary will go here

2017-02-10, 01:42 AM
The deity can create a powerful creature who serves as their alter ego, allowing them to be in two or more places at once. While deities can create an avatar in their own image, they often create wholly unique divine beings. Being an extension of the deity, an avatar serves as the eyes and ears of said deity. Thus, deities senses and knows everything the avatar senses and knows and vice versa, effectively making the avatar a remote location. Lesser deities can have up to 3 avatars, Intermediate deities 4, and Greater deities 6. Minor deities and below cannot make avatars. To create an avatar, the deity takes six months plus a month per divine rank they impart unto the avatar. The creation process of avatars does not require a deity’s full attention; however they must simply begin the process and let it run its course while within their own divine realm. Thus, the avatar effectively functions by relying on the deity as an eternal power source. If a deity dies, the avatars dies as well. Though they are divine beings, avatars are not true deities. Avatars possess the following powers and bonuses:

__Avatar gains the [divine] and [extraplanar] subtypes and has a divine rank of 0.
__They possess the fastest speed which is determined by their size and type and full hit points per Hit Dice.
__Avatar Senses: The avatar can sense whatever its creator senses whenever it comes to portfolio sensing and remote sensing. Essentially, the avatar receives information from their creator in which they respond as necessary.
__Call (Sp): 3/day, as a standard action, the avatar can call creatures to its side.
__Damage Reduction 20/[epic], [alignment], and [material]
__Darkvision 100 ft., true seeing
__Divine Armament: Avatars are usually equipped with epic level weapons, armor, and items with which they use to great effect. While this gear is equipped on the avatar, they cannot be sundered or damaged in anyway by any being less than mythic status. Even so, mythic and supernal beings must expend the appropriate points in order to do so. If the gear is not equipped, they can be damaged as normal unless otherwise noted (usually if the gear is of artifact level or higher). If an avatar’s gear is destroyed, their creator can grant them access to more equipment. At which point, the avatar can bring forth said equipment as a free action causing it to manifest in their hands, or on their bodies. This is, however, at the discretion of their creator.
__Divine Body: The avatar is a divine being placed into the Mortal Coil to further spread its creator’s influence. Thus, this avatar is immortal and does not need to eat, breathe, or sleep in order to live. Also, the avatar is immune to ability damage, ability drain, banishment, death effects, disease, energy drain, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison, polymorphing, and 2 energy types. They have an energy resistance 30 to 3 energy types. Only mythic and supernal creatures can overcome these immunities after first expending a mythic/supernal point to do so.
• Divine Bonus: Avatar gains a divine bonus to armor class, attack rolls, caster level, damage, initiative, saves, skill checks, and spell DCs depending on the rank of their creator – lesser +4, intermediate +6, greater +8.
• Divine Initiative: Avatars have a base initiative of +10 before other modifiers are applied.
• Hard to Kill (Ex): The avatar automatically stabilizes when below 0 hit points and dies when its hit points reach a negative number equal to 30 + creator deity’s rank.
• Recuperation (Ex): By taking a 1 hour rest, the avatar can restore all its hit points, and 3+2d6 supernal points.
• Unstoppable (Ex): By expending 1 supernal point, as a free action, the avatar can end one of the following conditions: bleed, blind, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, or stunned.
__Divine Shield (Div): The avatar can use part of its personal energy as barrier that protects against almost any attack. As a free action, by expending 1 supernal point, the avatar can create a shield that lasts 1 hour and protects their body and equipment from attacks. The shield stops 100 points of damage. Once the shield stops that much damage, it collapses. The damage can be from any source, including a divine blast attack. The avatar can adjust the shield so that it does not block damage the avatar ignores anyway. For example, if the avatar is immune to fire, the avatar might want to adjust the shield to ignore fire damage. The effects of multiple divine shields do not stack but can supersede a current divine shield that may have taken damage. If a divine shield has been destroyed, the avatar must wait 2+1d6 rounds before creating another.
__Domains: The avatar can grant spells to its worshipers from 3 domains the creator deity allows. The creator deity must have control over said domains.
__Innate Spellcasting = Hit Dice - 5 of avatar.
__Mythic Power: The avatar is created to properly represent their creator and the power they wield. Thus, an avatar is considered to have a mythic rank of 10 and can choose up to 10 mythic abilities from any path. Also, the avatar chooses a mythic path which determines bonus hit points and mythic features they possess such as the archmage’s archmage arcana or the champion’s champion strike, etc.. When it comes to bonus hit points, avatar multiply the bonus with their total Hit Dice. Alternatively, the avatar can have a unique divine ability in place of a mythic ability. Avatars expend mythic power to perform mythic abilities. However, the avatar pulls from a greater pool of mythic energy. Thus, the avatar can perform mythic abilities a number of times equal to 20 + Constitution modifier + divine bonus
__Regeneration 20 [epic], [alignment], and [material]
__Saves: The avatar possesses all good saves.
__Spell Resistance = CR+13
__Supernal Points: Avatars have access to unique divine abilities which can be used by expending supernal points. They possess supernal points equal to 10 + avatar’s Constitution/Charisma modifier (whichever is higher).
__Telepathy 300 ft.

2017-02-10, 02:07 AM
Use of a tag system for DR and regeneration is ambiguous without differentiation between "and" and "or".

2017-02-10, 02:29 AM
This divine man that stands before you is tall and handsome with a body built for warfare, yet no scars or wounds stain his immaculate body. His armor, sword, and shield are of the highest quality – superior to those who serve him. He slicks back his short, dark-brown hair before donning his helmet. His light-brown eyes flash a terrifying red as he strides onto the battlefield, sword and shield at the ready.

Ares {Prime Avatar} [CR 27/DvR 0/MR 10 (Champion)]
Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Divine, Evil, Extraplanar)
Initiative +28; Senses: Darkvision 100 ft., detect good, detect law, detect magic, true seeing; Perception +42
Aura: Fear (150 ft., Will DC 40)
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Orc; tongues; Telepathy 300 ft.
Armor Class: 63 (+11 armor [+5 breastplate], +3 Dex, +6 divine, +1 dodge, +15 natural, +10 deflection, +7 shield [+5 large shield]) touch 30, flat-footed 59; CMD 59
Hit Dice: 930 hp (30d10+360+120 [epic toughness] +150 [mythic]); regeneration 20/epic, lawful, cold iron; fast healing 10; hard to kill; recuperation
Damage Reduction 20/epic, lawful, cold iron
Energy Resistance: cold 30, electricity 30, sonic 30; Energy Immunities: acid, fire
Immunities: ability damage, ability drain, banishment, death effects, disease, energy drain, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison, polymorphing; Spell Resistance: 40
Saves: Fort +35, Ref +31, Will +32
Defensive Options
Greater Feint, Mobility
Special Qualities
Divine Armament: equipped gear cannot be damaged by non- mythic/non-supernal beings; free action, summon forth necessary gear at his creator’s discretion
Divine Being: immortal; divine immunities and resistances; Supernal Points: 22
___Divine Bonus: +6 divine bonus to armor class, attack rolls, caster level, damage, DCs, initiative, saves, skill checks, and spell DCs; Divine Initiative: +10 base initiative; Hard to Kill (Ex): auto stabilized when below 0, dies at -45 hit points; Recuperation (Ex): 1 hour rest, regain full hit points, rage uses, innate spellcasting uses, and 3+2d6 supernal points; Unstoppable (Ex): free action; expend 1 sp; end condition - bleed, blind, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, or stunned
Divine Shield (Div): free action; expend 1 sp; 100 hp shield
Domains – Chaos, Evil, War; Grant Spells
Speed: 40 ft.; Base Attack: +28; CMB +41; Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Melee: +6 keen, flaming burst, bastard sword +55 melee (1d10+27 plus 1d10 fire/17-20/x2 plus 2d10 fire),
Melee: +5 returning shortspear +52 melee (1d6+24/x2)
Melee: Shield Bash [+5 large shield] +52 melee (1d6+24/x2 plus shield smash)
Ranged: +5 returning shortspear +42/+37/+32/+27 ranged (1d6+19/x2)
Ranged: ranged touch +36
Full Attack: +6 keen, flaming burst, bastard sword +55/+50/+45/+40 melee (1d10+27 plus 1d10 fire/17-20/x2 plus 2d10 fire), and shield bash +50 melee (1d6+24/x2 plus shield smash)
Full Attack: +5 returning shortspear +52/+47/+42/+37 melee (1d6+24/x2), and shield bash +47 melee (1d6+24/x2 plus shield smash)
Attack Options
Combat Reflexes, Dire Charge, Great Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Disarm, Greater Sunder, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
Special Abilities
Call (Sp): move equivalent action; 3/day; call 2+1d6 Birds of Ares or 1+1d6 war lions
Rage (Ex): free action; 44 rounds/day; +8 Str and Con, +4 Will; no fatigue
Shield Smash (Ex): power attack (-5 attack roll/+10 damage) shield bash or critical shield bash; Fort DC 43; failure Large or smaller creatures 15 ft. knockback and prone 1d6 rounds; failure Huge or larger creatures stunned 1d6 rounds
Mythic Abilities (38 mp/day)
Avenging Maneuver (Ex): after suffering critical melee hit; Ares can attempt a bull rush, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver check without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Champion’s Strike (Fleet Charge) (Ex): swift action; expend 1 mp; attack at highest attack bonus during movement; +10 attack roll; damage bypasses all damage reduction of non-mythic creatures
Critical Master (Ex): automatic critical hit confirmed against non-mythic creatures; deals max damage
Legendary Champion (Ex): against non-mythic creatures, reroll attack roll again if 1st attack misses; on a natural 20 attack roll regain 1 mp
Penetrating Damage (Su): against non-mythic; ignore chaotic, cold iron, evil, good, lawful, magic, or silver damage reduction; can change with each attack
Perfect Strike (Ex): standard action; expend 1 mp; attack deals double damage and ignores all damage reduction and hardness; on critical hit increase critical multiplier 1 step
Shatter Spells (Su): successful melee attack; expend 1 mp; target is affected by greater dispel magic (CL 20th)
Titan’s Bane (Ex): can occupy the space of creatures two or more size larger than Ares; gain cover against said creature; creature is considered flat-footed when Ares attacks it
Unstoppable Shot (Ex): standard action; expend 1 mp; ranged attack deals damage to all in a 20 ft. line
Divine Abilities (supernal points: 22)
Slaughter Strike (Div): standard action; expend 1 sp; 15 ft. wide wave; 100 ft. line; 94 divine fire damage; Ref DC 40 halves; failure by 5 points must succeed Fort DC 40 or be incinerated
War Flare (Div): standard action; expend 1 sp; 300 ft. range; 60 radius burst; 30d10 anarchic fire damage; Ref DC 40 halves; failure foe set aflame 3+1d6 rounds, 6d8 anarchic fire damage/round; Ref DC 40 extinguish
Innate Spellcasting: (CL 31st; concentration +41)
Constant – detect good, detect law, detect magic, true seeing
At will – break enchantment, dispel good (DC 30), dispel law (DC 30), fireball (DC 28), flame strike (DC 30), freedom of movement, greater magic weapon, greater scrying (DC), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), magic vestment, mass cure critical wounds, restoration, symbol of stunning (DC 33), symbol of weakness (DC 33)
6/day – blade barrier (DC 32), cloak of chaos (DC 34), fire storm (DC 33), greater restoration, mass heal, word of chaos (DC 33)
3/day – implosion (DC 35), storm of vengeance (DC 35), wish
Abilities: Str 36 (+13), Dex 26 (+8), Con 35 (+12), Int 25 (+7), Wis 28 (+9), Cha 30(+10)
Feats: Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Disarm, Greater Feint, Greater Sunder, Greater Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Intimidating Prowess, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Epic Toughness
Skills: Acrobatics +47, Bluff +49, Climb +39, Diplomacy +49, Disable Device +31, Disguise +32, Escape Artist +47, Heal +37, Intimidate +49, Perception +48, Ride +27, Sense Motive +48, Stealth +47, Swim +46, Use Magic Device +46
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary (unique), Troop (Ares, 13 fighters), War Band (Ares, 25 fighters, 6 Birds of Ares, 3 war lions)
Treasure: +6 keen, flaming burst, bastard sword, +5 returning shortspear, +5 large shield, plus triple standard

Special Abilities
Call (Sp): 3/day, Ares can call various minions to his side with ease as a move-equivalent. When calling minions to his side, Ares can call the following:
• 2+1d6 Birds of Ares
• 1+1d3 war lions

Fear Aura (Su): Ares can radiate a 150-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 40 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 30th). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by this aura for 24 hours. DC is Cha-based.

Rage (Ex): Easily angered, Ares can fly into a rage and unleash his fury upon those who dare stand against him. 44 rounds/day, Ares can enter a rage as a free action gaining a morale bonus of +8 to his Strength and Constitution and a +4 morale bonus to his Will saves. He can end his rage as a free action and is not fatigued afterwards.

Shield Smash (Ex): With divine strength, Ares bashes his foes so fiercely with his shield, he sends them flying. Whenever Ares strikes a Large or smaller foe with a power attack shield bash, taking at least a -5 penalty to the attack roll, the victim must succeed a Fortitude save DC 43 or be sent flying 15 ft. away landing prone for 1d6 rounds. Huge creatures and larger who fail their saves are stunned for 1d6 rounds instead of knocked back. Alternatively, this ability activates on a successful critical hit. DC is Strength-based.

Mythic Abilities
Avenging Maneuver (Ex): Taking grievous wounds only empowers Ares. Any creature that confirms a critical hit with a melee attack against Ares provokes an attack of opportunity from him. He can use this attack of opportunity only to attempt a bull rush, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver check. He does not provoke attacks of opportunity for attempting this combat maneuver check.

Champion’s Strike (Fleet Charge)(Ex): As a swift action, Ares can expend one use of mythic power to move up to 30 ft. At any point during this movement, he can make a single melee or ranged attack at his highest attack bonus, adding his tier to the attack roll. This is in addition to any other attacks he makes this round. Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction.

Critical Master (Ex): Whenever Ares rolls a critical threat against a non-mythic/non-supernal creature, he automatically confirms the critical hit and deals the maximum amount of damage to that creature.

Legendary Champion (Ex): Whenever Ares makes an attack roll against a non-mythic/non-supernal foe and miss, he may immediately roll again. Ares must take the second roll, even if it’s lower. Once per round when he rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll, he regains one use of mythic power.

Penetrating Damage (Su): Whenever Ares deals damage to a non-mythic creature with damage reduction, he can overcome one of the following types of damage reduction: chaotic, cold iron, evil, good, lawful, magic, or silver. Ares can change this type with each attack. This ability only aids in overcoming one type of damage reduction; if the creature’s damage reduction requires a combination of different types of damage, he must be able to overcome the other types using other means.

Perfect Strike (Ex): Ares can expend one use of mythic power as a standard action to deliver a perfect strike. A perfect strike attack is made using his full base attack bonus. If the attack hits, it deals double the normal amount of damage, and this damage bypasses all damage reduction and hardness. If the perfect strike is a critical hit, increase the critical multiplier for the attack by 1 (so a ×2 weapon deals ×3 damage). Damage that isn’t multiplied on a critical hit isn’t multiplied on a perfect strike. Perfect strike can be used in conjunction with any champion’s strike if he expends uses of mythic power for each ability separately.

Shatter Spells (Su): Ares can destroy a magical effect (whether it’s on a creature or an independent effect such as a wall of fire) by attacking it with an unarmed strike or natural weapon. He must succeed at a melee touch attack against the creature or effect and expend one use of mythic power. If this attack hits, the creature or effect is subject to targeted greater dispel magic, using double his tier as his caster level. If he dispels an effect, he suffers no harmful effects from touching it. If the effect is on a creature, the creature takes 1 point of damage per spell level of each effect dispelled.

Titan’s Bane (Ex): Ares can move through the space of any creature two or more size categories larger than himself without provoking attacks of opportunity, and he can share such a creature’s space. When sharing a larger opponent’s space, he gains cover against all melee and ranged attacks made by the creature, and it is considered flat-footed for the purposes of any melee or ranged attacks he makes against it.

Unstoppable Shot (Ex): Ares can use a ranged or thrown weapon to make a single powerful shot that shoots through all creatures in a line. As a standard action, he makes a single ranged attack roll and resolve the attack against all targets in a straight line up to the maximum range of your weapon, stopping at any barrier the attack couldn’t penetrate. Ares rolls damage once and applies that damage to each creature hit by the attack. Before making the attack roll, he can expend one use of mythic power to bend the path of the attack up to two times as it strikes targets or objects. Each deflection can alter the line of the attack up to 90 degrees, allowing him to shoot around corners or cover.

Divine Abilities
Divine Shield (Div): Ares can use part of its personal energy as barrier that protects against almost any attack. As a free action, by expending 1 supernal point, he can create a shield that lasts 1 hour and protects his body and equipment from attacks. The shield stops 100 points of damage. Once the shield stops that much damage, it collapses. The damage can be from any source, including a divine blast attack. Ares can adjust the shield so that it does not block damage he ignores anyway. For example, if Ares is immune to fire, he might want to adjust the shield to ignore fire damage. The effects of multiple divine shields do not stack but can supersede a current divine shield that may have taken damage. If a divine shield has been destroyed, Ares must wait 2+1d6 rounds before creating another.

(Unique) Slaughter Strike (Div): Strengthening his stance, Ares pulls back his sword as it burns with a scarlet flame before slashing horizontally in any direction he chooses producing a wave of destruction. As a standard action, after expending 1 supernal point, Ares can launch forth a 15 ft. wide wave of energy in a 100 ft. line in any direction he chooses. This attack deals full critical hit damage (94) as if hit by the sword to all within range, except all damage is divine fire. Reflex save DC 40 halves damage. Failing the save by 5 or more points causes a creature to be incinerated. At this point, a Fortitude save DC 40 is required to survive. DC is Charisma-based.

(Unique) War Flare (Div): Gathering the fury of battle and the destructive rage of fire, Ares creates a ball of fire and chaos to annihilate his foes. By expending 1 supernal point, Ares can launch a ball of chaos and fire at any enemy within 300 ft. of himself which deals 30d8 points of anarchic damage in a 60 ft. radius. Reflex save DC 40 halves damage and prevents catching aflame. Those who fail their save are set on fire for 3+1d6 rounds and take 6d8 points of anarchic fire damage each round. An additional Reflex save DC 40 is allowed each round to put out the fire. DC is Cha-based.

Special Qualities
Avatar Senses: Ares can sense whatever its creator senses whenever it comes to portfolio sensing and remote sensing. Essentially, the avatar receives information from his creator in which he responds as necessary.

Divine Armament: Ares is equipped with a +6 keen, flaming burst, bastard sword, +5 returning shortspear, and a +5 large shield with which he uses to great effect. While this gear is equipped on Ares, they cannot be sundered or damaged in anyway by any being less than mythic status. Even so, mythic and supernal beings must expend the appropriate points in order to do so. If the gear is not equipped, they can be damaged as normal unless otherwise noted (usually if the gear is of artifact level or higher). If Ares’ gear is destroyed, his creator can grant him access to more equipment. At which point, Ares can bring forth said equipment as a free action causing it to manifest in his hands, or on his body. This is, however, at the discretion of his creator.

Divine Being: The prime avatar of Ares is a divine being placed into the Mortal Coil to further spread his influence. Thus, this avatar is immortal and does not need to eat, breathe, or sleep in order to live. Also, the avatar is immune to ability damage, ability drain, acid, death effects, disease, energy drain, fire, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison, and polymorphing. Only mythic and supernal creatures can overcome these immunities after first expending a mythic/supernal point to do so. Finally, the avatar gains a +6 divine bonus to his armor class, attack rolls, caster level, damage, initiative, saves, skill checks, and spell DCs. Destroying this avatar weakens the true Ares to a certain degree until he is able to create another.
• Divine Bonus: Ares gains a divine bonus to armor class, attack rolls, caster level, damage, initiative, saves, skill checks, and spell DCs depending on the rank of their creator – lesser +4, intermediate +6, greater +8.
• Divine Initiative: Ares has a base initiative of +10 before other modifiers are applied.
• Hard to Kill (Ex): Ares automatically stabilizes when below 0 hit points and dies when his hit points reach -45.
• Recuperation (Ex): By taking a 1 hour rest, Ares can restore all his hit points, all uses for class features and abilities, and 3+2d6 supernal points.
• Unstoppable (Ex): By expending 1 supernal point, as a free action, Ares can end one of the following conditions: bleed, blind, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, or stunned.

Experienced Fighter: Ares is a terrifying fighter upon the battlefield. Thus, he gains bonus combat feats as a 20th level fighter.

2017-02-10, 02:33 AM
Use of a tag system for DR and regeneration is ambiguous without differentiation between "and" and "or".

Good looking. Thanks.

2017-02-10, 03:38 AM
Can you do us a favor mate and explain the idea of what you are doing is this thing a setting or just your home brew share / dump folder

2017-02-10, 03:55 AM
Can you do us a favor mate and explain the idea of what you are doing is this thing a setting or just your home brew share / dump folder

It's supposed to be a collection of homebrew ideas (creatures, variant rules, etc.) contained in one Thread