View Full Version : Pathfinder What's your favourite obscure 3rd Party Product?

2017-02-10, 05:55 PM
I've been looking through some various new 3PP stuff for Pathfinder, and I've noticed that there are some little gems I've never even heard about, so I've been wondering about what other unknown 3PP material playgrounders adore.

2017-02-10, 06:12 PM
It's not really obscure per se, but I love Gonzo 2!

2017-02-10, 06:17 PM
Not sure if this counts, since they have gotten some attention here and there, but my absolute favourite 3rd party product for Pathfinder has to be Cerulean Seas.

I just love it. I own every book in PDF form (I pretty much instabuy whatever they put out) and a couple of books including the core book in dead tree format. I can't imagine doing anything ocean-related without Cerulean Seas.
The mechanics are excellent, the books are very well written and beautifully illustrated, and it all just appeals to me.

Another book I have lots of love for that I don't see mentioned very often is Deep Magic, a huge tome of spells and magic options by Kobold Press. I love this book, it has so many flavorful spells and options.

And the last one I'm going to mention, which has just been released and is a bit of an unpolished gem is Starjammer. Originally titled Starfinder, they changed the name when they got in touch with Paizo and hashed out their cooperation agreement, which includes a full rework of Starjammer once Starfinder gets further along in its development, to be 100% compatible with Starfinder.
Plus, it's realy cool!

2017-02-10, 06:19 PM
Spheres of Power (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/) is definitely my favorite 3rd Party Product. While some may say it isn't obscure, I still regularly see people ask what it is.

2017-02-10, 06:33 PM
Kobold Press's New Paths Compendum and Rite Publishing's 101 Series are some of my favorites, discounting the really popular ones (DSP, Savant, DDS's Spheres Series, etc.)

Though admittedly I don't know if they can be called obscure either.

2017-02-10, 11:25 PM
Not sure if this counts, since they have gotten some attention here and there, but my absolute favourite 3rd party product for Pathfinder has to be Cerulean Seas.

I just love it. I own every book in PDF form (I pretty much instabuy whatever they put out) and a couple of books including the core book in dead tree format. I can't imagine doing anything ocean-related without Cerulean Seas.
The mechanics are excellent, the books are very well written and beautifully illustrated, and it all just appeals to me.
As far as obscure 3rd-party resources go, ditto on Cerulean Seas, though Ponyfinder is also a favorite of mine. :smallbiggrin:

Mithril Leaf
2017-02-10, 11:37 PM
I love Spheres of Power, everything by DSP, and of course Grimoire of Lost Souls, but those are hardly obscure.

I'd say far more obscure is my love of Legendary Rulers, which was an expansion of the Kingdom Building rules by one of the freelancers that originally worked on them.

2017-02-11, 02:50 AM
As far as obscure 3rd-party resources go, ditto on Cerulean Seas, though Ponyfinder is also a favorite of mine. :smallbiggrin:

Ponyfinder is way more awesome than it has any right to be. I love it.

2017-02-11, 04:28 AM
Once my DM gave my half-orc warrior a little sheep companion...a very angry little sheep (http://paizo.com/products/btpy89vy?Agate-Companion). Needless to say, love this one.
((I really like most of DSP's stuff, including lesser known books like Lords of the Night, but they're hardly obscure))

2017-02-11, 04:52 AM
I will also throw my hat behind Ponyfinder. It's surprisingly good. I'm also a massive DSP and Spheres of Power fanboy, but you said "obscure".

2017-02-11, 05:19 AM
Much though I'd like to put "Beyond Countless Doorways" here, for being frickin' amazing (that's what you get when Planescape alumni get together and let their imaginations run wild), it has to be FFG's Dragonstar setting.

D&D in SPAAAAAACE. And not like the (admittedly awesome) silliness of Spelljammer, DS is legitimate SF with your D&D. Spaceships, robots, blasters and lasers, missiles, computers. Dragons got tired of being killed off for their treasure so they banded together and took over everything, then spread to the stars. It's an immense setting that can house just about any sort of story you want to run.
Shadowrun style cyberpunk, high stake politics and intrigue, Firefly/Traveller style rogues and traders, mil-SF stories, conquest of new territory, alien invasions, dungeon crawling with guns and grenades and more.
Sadly out of print and it only got half a dozen or so books, but it did a great job with what it had.

These are settings and came out in the 3.0 period, but I stand by my choices.

2017-02-11, 10:44 AM
Kobold Press. All of it.

Raging Swan Press. All of it. But especially the Lost Coast minisetting.

Ilorin Lorati
2017-02-11, 12:09 PM
Interjection Games is my favorite obscure publisher. Just about every book they put out has an interesting, fairly well tested, unique mechanic or shtick that gives them something awesome. A general list includes:

Herbalism, which involves finding and cultivating herbs (or fungi, bugs, rocks, etc, depending on archetype) to produce effects,
The Tinker Class, which builds and customizes a small army of constructs,
Composition, which creates a musical melody not unlike a bard, except combining 3+ separate effects to produce a full tune,
Ethermagic, a Recharging pool-based Warlock pastiche with some pretty awesome classes,
The Antipodist, a dual-pool "caster" based around light and dark,
The Bloodlord, a class that takes the bloodlines of the Bloodrager and Sorcerer and carries them out into a full base class (the book this one's in also has a pretty impressive amount of Bloodlines on its own)
A competent and fun conversion for Truenamer.

A few of them are actually on the unofficial SoP wiki (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/), down towards the bottom under "Strange Magic", and the Tinker has its base mechanics on d20pfsrd.

My specific favorite product of theirs is Strange Magic, which includes Truenaming, Ethermagic, and Composition.