View Full Version : DM Help Help with interesting pocket dimension properties

2017-02-10, 08:47 PM
Hey, thanks for any help you guys and gals could throw my way. I'm planning an encounter for my players where reality gets fractured during the battle. The idea is that everyone is getting sucked into pocket dimensions that mimic various planes and they get randomly shunted around while moving and fighting. The main purposes are for cool possibilities in combat, but also to limit the amount of a large scale battle they can perceive so that doesn't bog things down too much.

I want each pocket to have a different effect on all beings present, and I'm looking for fun ideas. So far I've got:
Everything heals 1d6+4 a turn
Elemental damage 1d6+4 a turn
Everything is floating and everyone who isn't used to it has disadvantage on melee
Time dilation relative to other pockets
Save for a derangement every turn
Total darkness

I feel like these are low hanging fruit, and there must be some more interesting options. Characters are all Level 6, but incredibly creative and well constructed so I'm fine throwing tough stuff at them. Permanent damage or buffs would be on the table.

Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated!

2017-02-10, 09:11 PM
Plane of Impossible Geometries

Everything seems to stretch and warp as the landscape jumps impossibly and then snaps back into place - your move is inverted (Have a move of 30 and try to full move? Find yourself back where you started. Have a move of 30 and try to move 10? You move 20. Have a move of 15 and you move 15. Once they've figured out the trick, just need to concentrate to find themselves anywhere in sight!)

Floating one could be gravity reversal. So one turn on floor, one turn floating, one turn on ceiling, etc.