View Full Version : Need assistance crafting Exalted Marrussault

2017-02-11, 04:20 PM
OK guys and gals.

I have joined a gaming group of skilled players from around my neighborhood for an epic level 30 game. This post is actually the original reason I joined this forum but I got sucked into other threads because I also DM/Story tell/Ref/Action Coordinate/L.A.R.P moderate/ hole myster/ etc. on occasion and delight in responding.

The group organizer DM explained it would be an exalted campaign. The starting base creature must be mortal from a common realm. Each of us create a story leading up how you got where you are and why you are still there. Try to keep the character agendas simple and the requirement of creature HD had to be 5-10.

A tough role to play. If any of you glorious gamers can assist me I am in need of stat checks and level progression of Marrussault HD levels as a player character. Saves Base Attacks Etc. I am also looking for any information references to the race other than detailed in Sandstorm if anyone has seen it.

Sandstorm: The Marruspawn (168-169,171),
Manual of the Planes: The Hospice (84)
Deities & Demi-Gods: Soldier of Light (208-210),
Complete Divine: Pious Templar (50-51), Divine Oracle
Sword & Fist: Devoted Defender (17-18)<-- Is there an updated version of this class?
Character History so far:
One of the strangest occurances the caretakers of the Hospice had ever seen. His arrival was a sigh of happiness from the final breath of a dying refugee mother who spent her time in hiding from servants of Toldoth. Beautiful gold insignia with silver linings tattoo that smelled of subtle ambrosial hitns across the pups back giving testament to a higher purpose set in motion. Sister Agatha of the Soldiers of Light held the tiny pup above the birthing table speaking the name, "Saint Veremore" as written in the high prophecies of Elishar servants reborn.

Large Marrusault Outsider (Augmented Monstrous Humanoid, Native)
Monstrous HD 6
Level Adjustment +2
Saint Template level adjustment +2

--->Does any know if there are any other restrictions than prestige classes cannot go over 10 unless you are at least level 20? I am planning to use the racial HD base attack bonus of the creature to take the place of that I would normally use in a class leading up to a prestige class.

These are the prestige classes I plan to use in the never ending dedication to standing between the innocent and great evils time and time again. Slowly but surely carefully crafting the characters gear for damage mitigation and humbled compassionate visual effect of a star knight beloved by the surrounding realms of good.

Pious Templar of Elishar (His first position at the temple)
Devoted Defender-->are there any updates of this class? (dedication to the safety of allies unswerving)
Soldier of Light (The military order responsible for his traveling.)
Divine Oracle (Expanded vigilance although I am not sure what spell list I will pump up. Perhaps a single level put to Divine Crusader for a greater spell capacity surprise.)

Personality Traits-Reserved(Calm),Benevolent(Kind),Passionate(Driven)

Any info would be helpful. I can also use a couple quirks to flesh out a decent uniqueness. I kinda like the picture I drew might post it later.

Edit: Do not reply to this. I withdrew my playing in this game. My reason. Because the amount of book keeping I would have to do for all the items and amount of each of my allies and what they were doing last with my characters leadership score.. plus my stronghold with the histoy of the character adding certain plot twists plus the multiple planer plans versus enemies announced in the game is simply so vast that it would literally be a night of paperwork with a spare note pad on hand instead of me actually enjoying myself with my friends and a mountain dew code red.

-Thank you for your views. But this would be a pain in the @#$..-