View Full Version : [3.5] psionic focus with a non-psionic character

2017-02-12, 12:40 AM
Could a non-psionic character (no psionic power points, no psionic powers) gain and later expend psionic focus? For instance, on the feat psycarnum infusion in Magic of Incarnum?

2017-02-12, 12:49 AM
... No. Why would you be able to perform a psionic technique without being psionic?

RAW, the rules regarding the gaining of psionic focus specifies that it's something only psionic creatures can do.

2017-02-12, 02:16 AM
It's not possible, but since literally anything that gives you a PP reserve lets you attain psionic focus, I can't imagine that it'll cost more to gain focus legitimately than it would cost to (metaphorically) purchase whatever hypothetical ability you're thinking of.

2017-02-12, 03:24 AM
If you have 1 or more power points available, you can meditate to attempt to become psionically focused. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/skills/concentration.htm)

You don't have the option to use this feature of the Concentration skill if you don't have any power points currently. A creature that's not psionic and has no power point reserve can never become psionically focused. A psionic character who's expended their entire power point reserve and is currently at zero cannot become psionically focused until they regain at least one power point.

2017-02-12, 12:00 PM
Thanks! I thought that was the case, but on the other hand, the people on this board sometimes come up with interesting loopholes.

2017-02-12, 12:25 PM
Thanks! I thought that was the case, but on the other hand, the people on this board sometimes come up with interesting loopholes.

It's not particularly a loop-hole, but anyone can take Wild Talent (or Hidden Talent if your DM is generous) to become a Psionic character.

2017-02-12, 01:06 PM
Yeah, taking a feat for a 1pp reserve is the only way a nonpsionic character can become psionic without taking a psionic class.

2017-02-13, 12:01 AM
You can also just reincarnate into a psionic race e.g. a Xeph or Kalashtar, and get a PP reserve that way.