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View Full Version : superhero equipment d20 modern, possible?

2017-02-12, 03:26 AM
I was thinking specifically about batman, robin? and ironman.
Would it be possible to recreate their equipment in d20 modern and are there other iconic super heroes that I am missing?

Maybe its also possible to recreate other superheroes equipment by creating magic gear, ie. Supermans Cloak of flying?

2017-02-12, 08:19 AM
I was thinking specifically about Batman, Robin, and Ironman: Would it be possible to recreate their equipment in d20 modern and are there other iconic super heroes that I am missing?

Maybe its also possible to recreate other superheroes equipment by creating magic gear, i.e. Superman's Cloak of Flying?

It depends on how faithful to the source material you want to be. Superman doesn't have a cloak of flying; he can fly just fine without it. It's a distraction so people won't look at his face (ditto for his skin-tight suit). Source: Lois and Clark - one of the funniest scenes ever. If you made it a magic item, it wouldn't be the same most likely. I mean there's a reason none of the villains try to steal his cloak.

All of Batman's gear is technology-based. Yes you could make it up. It's time consuming.

Great googly-moogly! DC and Marvel have 100s of superheroes. Just look at the movies and TV shows with super heroes; they're almost all iconic.

I recommend Mutants and Masterminds rather than D20 Modern. It is designed for super hero gaming. There is even an online SRD for it here: http://www.d20herosrd.com

Good luck.


2017-02-14, 11:50 PM
Thanks Debbie.
M&M is super and designed for superheroes, but I wanted to try and go the other way and bring Classic superhero stuff to D&D :-)

Hm maybe superman could be a Class and a race...

Nice! D20 superman: