View Full Version : Odd monster question.

2017-02-12, 06:10 AM
As the title says. The question specifically is, "What is the heaviest monster a Red Wizard, using Shape Change and greater circle magic to come in at effective caster level 39, could turn into?".

Yeah, bit of an odd question, but still.

Uncle Pine
2017-02-12, 10:13 AM
If you have access to the Reserves of Strength feat, you can use Shapechange to turn into a Colossal animated object (32 HD). Neutron stars have a density of 3.7×1017 to 5.9×1017 kg/m3 according to wikipedia, so I think it'd be difficult to top that.

2017-02-12, 11:44 PM
Interesting, but I don't have the reserves of strength feat. I have Red Wizard and Advanced Circle Magic. So, anything I can get with that would be cool.

Uncle Pine
2017-02-13, 03:24 AM
A Gargantuan animated neutron star (16 HD)?

Other heavy things that come to mind are construct, but I don't know if there's any explicitly extremely heavy off the top of my mind.

2017-02-13, 05:48 AM
I suppose the problem is that very few creatures have a recorded weight, only a size (which are completely unrelated).

Any answers you guess are likely based on guesswork. Going by OotS logic, your best bet would be an Osmium Elemental.

Uncle Pine
2017-02-13, 06:57 AM
I suppose the problem is that very few creatures have a recorded weight, only a size (which are completely unrelated).
All monsters have listed height and weight under their statblocks, or at least a reasonable estimate.

2017-02-14, 04:59 AM
Um, ok, perhaps I should elaborate. Were coming into the final stretch of my IRL game. One last tower with a series of Mini boss fights and ending on a major fight with an elder evil and whatever senior cultists are left when we get to the top.

One of the party members is a hulking hurler now. She has a couple of great big rocks that are slightly below her throw limit for the class.

Soooooo, she and I hit on the idea of having me riding one of the rocks when she throws it, and timing my shape change to drop extra weight on it as an added surprise for one particular cultist leader that our characters both kinda hate in particular.

I'm just trying to something big and heavy that won't actually make the DM throw a book at my head. An animated object neutron star would do that. Something like some flavor of stupidly big dragon or giant or fey or giant animal/vermin/magical beast or a really stupidly big monstrous humanoid on the other hand would not.

Uncle Pine
2017-02-14, 05:10 AM
I believe your best bet is to go through the various monster manuals and look at the weights yourself, writing a monster down whenever it breaks the current record. For example, battlebriars (MM3) weigh 9 tons.

2017-02-14, 05:52 AM
A Gargantuan animated neutron star (16 HD)?

Other heavy things that come to mind are construct, but I don't know if there's any explicitly extremely heavy off the top of my mind.

There is minimum size for neutron stars and it seems to be sphere with about 250km radius (http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/143166/what-is-the-theoretical-lower-mass-limit-for-a-gravitationally-stable-neutron-st) so you can't have Gargantuan neutron start.

You also really should make sure your DM will OK the idea (I don't think any I played with would).

2017-02-14, 05:59 AM
I suspect he will be cause he's got at minimum 14 mini bosses for us to fight, knows the PC is a hulking hurler and that our party's whole Schick since level 1 has been to do borderline nonsensical bat**** insane stuff that comes clear out of left field to win, and were only going to do this 1 time on 1 mini boss. Since it's not actually going to ruin anything, just bring an ironic punishment on the villain, I doubt he'll be overly put off by the idea.

2017-02-14, 06:09 AM
Elemental weird (earth) seems kinda heavy, dunno if it's more than 9 tons tho

Uncle Pine
2017-02-14, 06:58 AM
Elemental weird (earth) seems kinda heavy, dunno if it's more than 9 tons tho
Apparently MM2 decided to skip weights altogether, but normal elder earth elementals (24HD) weigh 30 tons.