View Full Version : Quick VtM Question

Mr Blobby
2017-02-12, 09:12 AM
Okay. Kindred are limited to how many Blood Points they can spend per turn for Disciplines, depending on Generation. But what about healing and using physical buffs? Do these count or not within the Blood Point / turn limit?

I've got a gut feeling for what I would rule on this, but want to know if any of you good people know if either 3rd or 20th rulebooks have officially spoken on this one...

2017-02-12, 02:54 PM
Pretty sure both editions state how many blood points you can use per turn. What you use them for is up to you, but you use the same pool for attributes, disciplines and healing.
The limit would not make much sense if you have a pool for each of them.

2017-02-13, 10:15 AM
Pretty sure both editions state how many blood points you can use per turn. What you use them for is up to you, but you use the same pool for attributes, disciplines and healing.
The limit would not make much sense if you have a pool for each of them.

We've always run it this way, ourselves. Also further increases the benefits of raising one's generation.

2017-02-13, 11:37 AM
Blood points per turn is blood points per turn... healing, buffs, disciplines, whatever.

2017-02-13, 03:51 PM
There are ways (powers/perks) to increase your pool, increase your spend, or not spend for an action you'd usually pay for, but there's no "secondary" or "off books" pool, nor is the pool really treated differently depending what you're doing with it (unless you're using a specifically exempted power).

Different editions (OWoD, NWoD, D20) do make a lot of changes regarding what you can do (particularly with Celerity and Thaumaturgy), but the singular pool is one thing that they all agree on.

Mr Blobby
2017-02-13, 03:54 PM
I was leaning towards that personally, but it's nice to know it's official too.

Thanks, all.

2017-02-14, 09:52 PM
Gungho is correct. They made quite a few changes from Gurps all the way up to the End editions. You will want to pick a version. Some cross disciplines introduced in some of the clan particular focused books can also be used regardless of blood per turn limit.

Celerity being one of them as a reactive skill against an attack.
Some Storytellers try to make it a rule that if a discipline that requires more than the blood point limit of the character is used. It will simply take more than one turn to power to make it fair and balanced.

Things like pumping up your physical stats using blood points is governed by how much blood you can spend each turn to how many stats you can push up. This is what makes those more potent of blood a grave threat to a player or non player character.

Example - Darien the Nosferatu ugly face Elder is approached by four blood hunting anarchs who want to commit diablerie using his life essence. Darien can spend 6 blood pool per turn and pushes his average strength of two to a wopping strength of eight. He's immediately attacked by the closest anarch!! Normally since he spent his blood max he would be powerless but using the celerity defensice action rule he can draw blood points from use in his next turn! And with the cross discipline Shadow Feint he aids is dodge with both obsfuscate and celerity at one time! bolstering his defense all the while spending more blood points left over from the following turn to avoid the rest of the neonate scum who had enough auspex to even attempt to break his ever so skilled cloak of shadows evasion moves.

Reactions are your best friend. Whats anoying about kindred is outside of reactions you have to wait for your celerity to kick in on the following turn anyway. Dark ages was so much more forgiving to the kindred than modern era.

Edit: Of course this is oWoD so if your doing nWoD please ignore my little travel conversation to the mid 90's and early 2000's.