View Full Version : More than a nuker

2017-02-12, 04:13 PM
13th level evocation wizard. Has wand of fireballs and wand of lightning bolts. I have enough AoE that I can literally cast a mass damage spell every round on game day. Very good at thinning out masses of low level mobs. But I want to expand on my usefulness. Recently, I was going to cast Longstrider and Haste on myself as a defensive measure (keep myself really, really far back and out of range of the mobs). But yesterday I wasn't being challenged in the back of the party at all, so I ended up using that spell combo on our dwarven cleric instead. Normally, due to his short, stubby legs, he trails the front line. But with those two spells, he was able to zip way ahead and set up a choke point while everyone else tried to catch up to him. Just those two spells empowered him enough to, essentially, take out half the mobs by himself.

My character's role in the party is to wipe out the chaff and put some dings on the big guys, and shutdown enemy casters by using Globe of Invuln and counterspells. But I'm exploring if I should try to add more buffing. I was reviewing my spells, and I don't feel like I have very many--as previously mentioned, I am an evoker. My entire repertoire of "buff" spells is just longstrider, fly, haste and greater invisibility. I do prepare all of those. What other buffs are of value that I should pursue? Looking over the spell list, I'm not seeing much that I would consider worthy of taking up a prepared slot. I guess another question is, should I bother to add buffing, or just stick to my current role?


2017-02-12, 04:53 PM
I think it depends on you and your party, some buffs are more usefull for certain classes

2017-02-12, 06:04 PM
Why not look into out-of-combat utility. Wizards get SO many spells that can be cast as rituals, and don't even need to prepare them. This could give your party a lot of good out-of-combat things, providing you more to do than nuking things to death.

2017-02-12, 06:22 PM
One thing that I always recommend is learning water breathing and not preparing it. You can cast it every morning as a ritual, and for the next 24 hours the entire party can breathe underwater.