View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Idea for an NPC

2017-02-12, 06:59 PM
Had a bit of an odd idea for a NPC in my game.

Say the NPC has suffered an extremely traumatic event (like loss of a loved one).

NPC goes out and allows his emotions to be permanently drained by a Joystealer, then follows up with having his memory wiped by a Maelephant's breath.

Said NPC now has no emotions and cannot use any of his class features or skills, and any new memories formed fade in a day.

How would use use this NPC in a game?

Cheers - T

2017-02-12, 07:15 PM
Sounds like the set up for Momento (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_(film)).
Perhaps you can, in a similar way, have him "right" a wrong, but he may be given bad information by a third party. Perhaps he is unknowingly being used As an assassin and the PC's are tasked to find the killer, unveiling a much larger plot and intrigue. Perhaps there is a troop of these assaassin, immune to interrogation or things like Zone of Truth. The endgame is to kill X to get McGuffin.