View Full Version : Balancing Flavor with Crunch/ Nature Tank

2017-02-13, 01:21 AM
So i have a paladin with stats 14/6/14/14/14/15.I am torn in what Sacred Oath to take once i hit level 3, and what to do after that.
His backstory is a farmer who left home after it was attacked by bandits, to track down and protect whoever they go after next. He worships Chauntea and because of his upbringing and cares deeply about life of everything.

In the party I am the tank. I have the protection style and throw out compelled duels when necessary. It's working ok right now, but i think it's mainly a strategy thing and not an ability thing. Also, no one in our party is nature themed, so there is a niche i can fill there...

For my oath I'm debating between devotion or ancients. Devotion gives me a nice boost to my attack with channel divinity as well as sanctuary to protect an ally who needs a break for a turn or two.

Ancients really pushes my druidish character with ensnaring strike and plant growth, I also like the aura as well as the 15 ability much better. However, it doesn't give much to help me protect my team.

I was also thinking of multiclassing into either druid or bard.

With druid I would go 4/5 levels of Moon for the ability to wildshape into a brown bear. This really smashes the druid tendencies, as well as giving me a solid boost to my hp, being able to wild shape to a brown bear for a big boost to my effective hp. It also gives me spells like entangle for some added control. Going 4 levels gets me to the ability increase but an extra level would also get me level 3 spells, like plant growth or conjure animals. I would probably pair this with Oath of Devotion for the attack boost, as well as sanctuary, and because I wouldn't want to overlap with Ancients.

Bard pushes me into a leader role in my party. I would almost certainly go 5 levels for the d8 inspiration, short rest recovery, and level 3 spells. Bard also has access to most of the plant/animal spells, so while it wouldn't be full druid I could still play into it. Both lore and valor would be helpful, but I am leaning towards valor. Either oath would work here.

Or I could just go straight 20 paladin of either oath...

Once again, I am wanting to make my character make sense with my backstory of growing things and loving life, but also need him to be decent at his job of protecting the team.