View Full Version : Best Low Level Quests

2017-02-14, 08:29 AM
Hello everyone!

I'm running a sort of episodic adventure for my players, where they are part of a guild and are going around being paid to do random odds and ends. The problem I'm having is, coming up with low level quest for them. I have about a hundred quests for level 5 and above, but nothing to get them there. Well... at least nothing interesting. I was thinking the famous TV trope fetch quest where they have to keep going to different people to get them what they want but each wants what the next has, but that seems annoying at best to me, and they don't yet know enough people to know where to find everything.

So I turn to you, The Humanoid, Dragonoid, Bloboid, beings of the GITP. Please bestow upon me your much higher Intelligence and Wisdom scores, For my Charisma is not high enough to BS through this.

2017-02-14, 08:44 AM
You can try out one of the free pdf that have been released for every one of the published adventures. Some are easily adaptable, others are frankly harder, but still.

0- LMoP: save a kidnapped knight from goblins, clean a village from bandits
1- HotDQ: a village besieged by an army with 5/6 subquest to do during the siege: save the mill, save the people in the church, defend the keep, ecc..
2- PotA: some small subquests like: cave with undead, secret evil cult in the sewers of the village, ecc..
3- OotA: PC are prisoners of the drow, must free themselves. You can change the Drow in to whatever race you what and let them be rescuers instead of prisoners. The location is quite nice.
4- CoS: investigate a Haunted House.
5- SKT: clean a village from goblin marauders, defend it against orcs, save the kidnapped villagers, ecc..

There's so much to work with.

2017-02-14, 09:49 AM
Protection gig. Any commoner who knows too much or a princess in need of escort may need to count on the adventurers on a sensitive situation. At higher levels this is more difficult because enemies can just wreak havoc fearing little repercussion.

2017-02-14, 10:15 AM
Have them do some investigative reporting. The local newspaper asks them to find some important guy as he's about town & get an interview from him.

Doesn't involve combat, but you can give them some exp just for roleplaying, and use that as an opportunity for exposition. Maybe the rich guy owns a business that turns out to have dealings with the rebel forces or whatever.

2017-02-14, 11:48 AM
I like saving undead until later levels...higher level undead are a lot more fun to scare you players with. Low level adavenutre I like to keep it common monsters.

Kill all the rats in location X --> Lead to bigger Dire Rats ---> Lead to Wererat Boss -->Should get your player to level 3. This could lead into the exploration of the sewers as locals have begun disappearing since the Wererat Boss you killed is now gone.

2017-02-14, 12:17 PM
Prove yourself by clearing out local dangerous wild Beasts is always a classic 'before we trust you with a real quest' material. So is 'escort this wagon to the real plot location, hey look bandits!'

2017-02-14, 12:25 PM
Have you started the campaign yet?

If not you could just start them at level 5 and go from there.
Or you could run LMoP as their 'first quest', since that's a 1st to 5th level campaign.