View Full Version : Battleborn, anyone?

2017-02-14, 01:40 PM
So, I despite having absolutely no skill with multiplayer games, first person shooters, multiplayer shooters, MOBAs and Borderlands, I picked up Battleborn (https://youtu.be/Pug3VJYMbgA)on the PS4.
Surprisingly, I'm having a great time.

For those of you who don't know, Battleborn (a.k.a Not Overwatch) is a first-person multiplayer shooter from the creators of Borderlands. It has a large cast of "hero" characters you can choose for the match - each with a wacky personality, several skills that slot you into a comfortable archetype, a telent tree for upgrading your abilities and leveling mid-match and random gear drops which can boost your performance when activated.
It also has several multiplayer modes - the main one being a MOBA-type (5v5 minion escorting. Destroy the enemy team's big robot), but there is also a campaign, and VS bots matches.

It also has a sniping robot gentleman with a holo-monocle.

So, is anyone else playing this?
Does anyone have any tips for a MOBA newbie trying to learn the ropes of this type of game?

2017-02-14, 02:55 PM
I love the characters but they really shot themselves in the foot with many of the other design choices they made at launch. I hear it's a lot better now, but in the same way that Evolve got a lot better - too little, too late.

I do plan to grab it on the next big Steam Sale though.

2017-02-15, 08:10 AM
I do have it in pc for a while (got it in humble bundle) and been wanting to try it for a very logn time, but just never got the chacne for it. And yes, I got it because of the gentleman robot sniper :p.

2017-02-16, 11:15 AM
I got it for PC as a Christmas present, So far I am playing through the story mode,
I gotta say its a lot of fun, I have no Idea why more people aren't playing this.

2017-02-16, 11:28 AM
I got it for PC as a Christmas present, So far I am playing through the story mode,
I gotta say its a lot of fun, I have no Idea why more people aren't playing this.

Combination of lack of marketing, popularity of Overwatch and now Paladins, and Gearbox using bait-and-switch tactics when marketing Aliens: Colonial Marines probably contributed to low sales. And it kept snowballing from there when new players couldn't get a match or were matched with vastly more experienced people. Add that to early season pass and micro transactions in full price retail game and Randy's Monument of Sin is complete.

2017-02-16, 11:44 AM
Yea, I don't get it. Besides having a large cast of characters
Overwatch and Battleborn are Very Different games.
Over watch is just a modern TF2,
While Battleborn is more of a hybrid FPS/RPG/halo story mode.

2017-02-16, 12:33 PM
Yeah, a large cast of colorful characters and a first-person viewpoint are the only similarities. But apparently that's enough for some people.
And not to mention Blizzard's great marketing.

I just finished the story mode yesterday, but will probably play through it a few more times.
I love that there are several different sound clips for each mission, and even a bit more if some characters are presnt. (For example, take Phoebe or Shayne/Aurox to the second mission)

So far I love playing the large "tanky" characters: ISIC (nihilistice, psychopathic AI in a mech suit) and Shayne/Aurox (a space-punk and her djinn)
But my favorite do far is Montana: the great man-mountain of Applia with his frozen/burning minigun, tiny head and ridiculous naivity.

What are your favorites?

Are the "operations" missions worth playing? Are they lenghty?

2017-06-12, 03:38 PM
Thought I'd mention as of a few days ago,
battleborn now has a Free to Play mode (not the story mode)
The Battleborn Free Trial gives players access to unlimited multiplayer matches.
You’ll have access to a rotating roster of six heroes,
but you can permanently unlock one of Battleborn’s 30 characters using in-game money or hard currency.

Kitten Champion
2017-06-12, 11:23 PM
I tried the demo via PS4 this weekend actually. I liked the solo campaign prologue bit that was available well enough, but I found the multiplayer underwhelming.

The MOBA-style gameplay lacks a degree of fluidity and general excitement to it. For instance, I don't like killing minions because it feels like dull busy-work. In a MOBA the act is a passive thing your character does via auto-attack or something you might clear out with a few ability clicks, actually having to do it manually in first person is tedious. The maps are broadly uninteresting FPS-wise in every respect. The perks for leveling up are also unsatisfying on a visceral level, I didn't feel like they were particularly meaningful to my gaming experience beyond a certain min-maxing element and once you've learnt the optimal choices it apparently becomes a perfunctory sort of thing.

Mostly my enjoyment was buried under the weight of the extensive wait-times. It took me around 8 minutes to login each time I re-entered the game, just loading the Dojo to test the individual characters out took 3-5 minutes out of my life to just get to the character select screen and that's if it loaded at all as I often had to cancel it out and try again just to be able to pick a character. If this was a matchmaking issue I could accept a somewhat lengthy process, but I should not have issues accessing the bloody training area.

2017-06-14, 09:21 AM
In a MOBA the act is a passive thing your character does via auto-attack or something you might clear out with a few ability clicks.

Well that sounds incredibly dull...

Did you try the other multiplayer mode where you have to escort the giant upgradeable spider mecha to the other end of the map,
while the other tem tries to do the same ? did you know anyone can build turrets to kill the mobs? did you know you can fight
mercenary's in order to recruit them to your side for a while ?

2017-06-14, 11:45 AM
Is the game worth getting for the Story Mode only? I ask because I'm not into MMOs. I was a fan of the Borderland series, but opted not to pick up Battleborn because I had heard it was basically an Overwatch clone.

How long is the Story Mode? And can you play it co-op with a friend split screen style?

2017-06-14, 02:31 PM
Console may have split screen...
but I don't believe PC does.

I've played through most of the campaign mode,
and it's pretty fun, as far as the MOBA...
there is a little bit there on some stages,
but on most it's more FPS/RPG lite.
as you can upgrade your skill tree as you lvl up
but you will always start at lvl 1 at the start of the map.
also you can bring 3 bits of gear with you,
you get these as random drop at the end of a match.

Mostly it's running and gunning with a friend
to beat the campaign maps. oh and you can
resurrect your friend if can get to them fast enough,
other wise they have to hoof it from the last check point.