View Full Version : Player Help Sticky situation for a character

2017-02-14, 05:06 PM
Hi everyone,

First time posting, though I have been lurking for a little while.
I have a sticky situation with a character and I'm hoping some expert eyes could give me some ideas of how to get out of it.

The party entered a castle that seemed mostly abandoned. While talking to a gatekeeper and the Lord of the castle (the only two people we had any evidence of) my Deep Gnome Arcane Trickster (level 5) who had avoided being seen at all thus far snuck past the Lord to explore the castle.

After finding not a whole lot I stumbled into the master bedroom and the study just moments before a gnome woman in robes accosted me in the hallway.
Not disguised, no invisibility yet, I had a mage hand stealing some fancy ink from the table invisibly. I dashed into the master bedroom before emerging from another door and trying to knock her out with a blunted bolt... finding out the hard way that she was definitely more "scary spellcaster" than "random servant"

Failed a strength save so got entangled, She animated a sword and told it to kill the character if he moved at all before walking off to alert the Lord.

Basically, it seems as though there is no hope. But perhaps if I can figure the limitations on the possible animate spells (can I blind it with ink?, what about pulling the sword away with the mage hand?) or range/concentration rules finagling (I'm at least 5 minutes of walking into the castle) there can be some hope.

Not what I was hoping to be my introductory post, but I am quite fond of this character and I would like to keep him alive as long as I am able.

2017-02-14, 05:21 PM
Alright. A couple ways to go.

You're an AT, so... Wait. Did you take Snirvb... Snirfvbel... DID YOU TAKE THE DEEP GNOME MAGIC FEAT?! Can't you just merge into a wall once a day or something?

Anyways. You're an AT, so you've got 1/3rd spellcasting. So your spells available is limited. Mage Hand can apply ten pounds of pressure. She's got a sword. SWORD. Not lightsaber. So if you can put something between yourself and the sword via Mage Hand, you can buy some time. Or... Use Mage Hand to direct the sword to slice the constraints holding you? You don't have Dispel Magic at your level. Hmm... Did you take the Shield spell? That can buy you a round.

I honestly don't think the DM will kill you. I think he didn't expect you to explore the castle so early, and he's actually saving you, since there's some nasty stuff in there that you'd die facing alone.

2017-02-14, 05:25 PM
Anyways. You're an AT, so you've got 1/3rd spellcasting. So your spells available is limited. Mage Hand can apply ten pounds of pressure. She's got a sword. SWORD. Not lightsaber. So if you can put something between yourself and the sword via Mage Hand, you can buy some time. Or... Use Mage Hand to direct the sword to slice the constraints holding you?
Will have to remember this one for my AT

2017-02-14, 05:30 PM
This one is quite a bit of a stretch, but worth a shot.

She animated a sword. She gave it instructions. Since it can follow commands, did she give it a semblance of intelligence?

If so... Can it be bargained with?

"You're a mighty blade. Your potential is wasted here. You could be the stuff of LEGENDS. Here, you sit in an abandoned castle, wasting your potential in that scabbard. You're a tool for them. Cut off my constraints, and come with me. Together, we'll be a formidable team people will speak of for ages. And your legend will grow, and the mightiest warriors will quest for you, hoping to have your magnificence at their side."

2017-02-14, 05:51 PM
This one is quite a bit of a stretch, but worth a shot.

She animated a sword. She gave it instructions. Since it can follow commands, did she give it a semblance of intelligence?

If so... Can it be bargained with?

"You're a mighty blade. Your potential is wasted here. You could be the stuff of LEGENDS. Here, you sit in an abandoned castle, wasting your potential in that scabbard. You're a tool for them. Cut off my constraints, and come with me. Together, we'll be a formidable team people will speak of for ages. And your legend will grow, and the mightiest warriors will quest for you, hoping to have your magnificence at their side."

Nice. That's so far outside the box that I'd be tempted to let it work as a DM.

I think jaappleton is probably right that this is a way to NOT kill you, but...depending on how tightly "move" is interpreted (i.e. what about spellcasting?)...if it can't see you move, it can't/won't kill you. Drape a bedsheet over it with mage hand? It also has no orders to defend itself...

2017-02-14, 05:57 PM
Nice. That's so far outside the box that I'd be tempted to let it work as a DM.

I think jaappleton is probably right that this is a way to NOT kill you, but...depending on how tightly "move" is interpreted (i.e. what about spellcasting?)...if it can't see you move, it can't/won't kill you. Drape a bedsheet over it with mage hand? It also has no orders to defend itself...

Suffice to say "out of left field" is a good way to describe basically any idea I come up with at my table.

DM: You're trapped.

-whole table looks at me-

Me: Ok, here's the plan...

-three minutes later, I can see the DM just crossing stuff off his notes with a defeated sigh, but a gleeful smile at the direction I'm taking things-

2017-02-14, 06:04 PM
*reads the title*


*reads the actual post*

Oh, easy. Being restrained doesn't let something instantly kill you, so you can in fact attempt to break free and run. If running isn't an option, objects animated as per "animate objects" do have a specific amount of HP, so you can still fight and "kill" the sword if that's what's going on.

2017-02-14, 06:47 PM
These are some great ideas!

I love the idea of talking to it to figure out if it is intelligent while maneuvering the hand to drape it with the blanket if it ends up un-amenable.

I actually am not sure if she used Animate Objects to animate the sword or something else, but now I have some ideas either way.

I also appreciate the sentiment that my DM might be saving him. I did just enter a room with two suits of probably animated armor ( I was going to steal things from the doorway via invisible mage hand ). Svirfneblin can't get out of this unless he can escape the immediate situation. Once I'm free and unseen; non-detection with some crafty illusions and stealth rolls should see me safely to freedom ( I set up a few escape routs as I went, and I can always dive out a window and use feather fall )

2017-02-14, 06:53 PM
Hope it works out. And welcome to the community!

2017-02-14, 06:58 PM
Well first step might be to wait.

What spell were you entangled with and what is it's duration? Most spells like that have a duration of a minute. If it takes more than a minute to fetch the lord, you might be ok.

As the spell expires you then just have the sword to deal with. Animated sword sound more like an animated object than the spell animate objects so explains the potential double concentration thingy.

Now the sword may have been given instructions. Did you hear them explicitly? Can you play on that? What does "moved at all" mean in practice?

Can you not move more than 5 ft? Can you move an arm to cast a spell? your mouth to cast a spell? Can you take the hide action - can it see?

Assuming a readied action by the sword to attack - maybe a dodge action, cunning action dash and a normal move once the ensnarement goes might do the trick. It will get you some distance and with cunning action you might be able to outrun it.

2017-02-14, 07:23 PM
Alright. A couple ways to go.

You're an AT, so... Wait. Did you take Snirvb... Snirfvbel... DID YOU TAKE THE DEEP GNOME MAGIC FEAT?! Can't you just merge into a wall once a day or something?

Anyways. You're an AT, so you've got 1/3rd spellcasting. So your spells available is limited. Mage Hand can apply ten pounds of pressure. She's got a sword. SWORD. Not lightsaber. So if you can put something between yourself and the sword via Mage Hand, you can buy some time. Or... Use Mage Hand to direct the sword to slice the constraints holding you? You don't have Dispel Magic at your level. Hmm... Did you take the Shield spell? That can buy you a round.
In your regards to your comment about interposing something between the character and the animated sword using Mage Hand I had a thought while eating dinner and having a beer.

If you can cast Mage hand, and move it around using an action and a bonus action AND the hand can move 10lbs............ Why not simply get the hand to move the blade away from you and hold it there?
I am entirely uninformed regarding animated objects but jsut a thought.

2017-02-14, 07:44 PM

A good point. In my mind, animated objects are held aloft with magical power. Similar to telekinesis. In my minds eye, whomever has the ability to cast something like that, they have enough Magic power to withstand more than 10 pounds of pressure, y'know?

But that's my view on it. It's not explicitly stated anywhere, to my knowledge.

2017-02-14, 07:55 PM

A good point. In my mind, animated objects are held aloft with magical power. Similar to telekinesis. In my minds eye, whomever has the ability to cast something like that, they have enough Magic power to withstand more than 10 pounds of pressure, y'know?

But that's my view on it. It's not explicitly stated anywhere, to my knowledge.
A valid point, my thought is that if it is an object that is animated it is either being controlled (as you said) which would require concentration. The sudden resistance may cause that person to fail. Or....if it is a sentient item not being controlled then again the resistance may be enough for the character to make like a tree and remove themselves from the hostile situation with haste.