View Full Version : Legion, Marvel did it again? -Insert "we are many" joke here-

The Eye
2017-02-14, 07:20 PM
So, what you guys think about marvel new non-netflix series.

Is anyone here watching it? What do you think about it?

2017-02-14, 07:35 PM
I liked that a lot happened in first episode adn even if in the end the cgi got to eyes the telekinesis used on people looked just what it should like :)

Though it was bit messy episode also so need to see couple more episodes to see where it goes.

2017-02-15, 12:32 AM
I liked it. Lots of mind-screw and nonlinear storytelling. It's a bit out of the ordinary so I expect it won't get that much attention, though.

2017-02-15, 02:36 PM
Haven't decided yet if I'm more intrigued or confused.

Need a few more episodes to give an impression, but so far it looks different, and in a good way.

The Eye
2017-02-15, 06:36 PM
I liked it. Lots of mind-screw and nonlinear storytelling. It's a bit out of the ordinary so I expect it won't get that much attention, though.

We need more nonlinear storytelling things. GOOD nonlinear storytelling. : )

2017-02-16, 02:12 PM
Saw the second episode.

Still a bit confused since it's hard to separate between what's real and what's not, but I guess that is sort of the point.

So far I'm impressed, keep on the good work!

2017-02-16, 09:20 PM
I tried watching part of the second episode last night.

Not an easy show to drop into. I was thoroughly confused, with no idea what was flashback, what was dreamscape, what was “real” or at least the starting frame of reference for the narrative.

I don’t enjoy shows like that, because that gets old fast. Dan Stevens was clearly having fun with the character, but that’s not enough to keep me involved. I have too many good books to read.

But if this show ever does a crossover with Good Behavior, I’m all in. :smalltongue: