View Full Version : With the new UA how does all the warlock patrons and pacts rank?

2017-02-14, 10:55 PM
Honestly thanks to that new smite ability from blade pact a level 1 fighter start allows for some pretty scary bladelocks without using hexblade.

Seriously. Here is a planned character i have been brewing up. at my parties current level of 6 he's rather scary!

Half-elf to help solve those MAD issues. (and 2 free skills and other elf-y goodies)

1/fighter for heavy armor and shields AND a free fighting style and mini heal. oh and con prof.

Ability scores
Dex:10 (you can switch this with wisdom for that +1 initiative and better dex saves)
Int:8 (ugh i hate playing a dumb character but its the perfect dump stat)
wis:12 (My dms like evil things that make us do lots of will saves)

for my feet I took warcaster because of how perfect it is for this character. Letting me eldritch blast fools for free if they run away from me AND advantage to keep my hex going.

Then throw on my splint mail and a shield AND my fighting style (defense for +1 armor) and BAM you have 20 armor.

Then for invocations
Mace of Dispater- so that you can knock dudes prone WITH NO SAVE...AND freaking eldritch smite
Thirsting blade- Im a anti-paladin now with my extra attack and smites and spells :D
Agonizing blast- because **** you you DON'T outrange me just because im a melee character (oh and you better hope you don't give me any opportunity attacks since the aforementioned warcaster feet i took)

AND then when i kill ANYTHING I get temp HP thanks to fiend pact which more then makes up for my slightly lower hp then normal.

I still need to run this guy to see if this is as powerful as i think, but overall i have to rate the patrons like this.

God-tier: Fiend (The amount of tools you get from this patron is frankly insane. Blade gets the best of the weapon invocations able to knock enemies prone WITHOUT SAVE. Blasters get the ability to use fireball THROUGH their eldritch blast. They can also get temp hp when the kill something which works PERFECTLY with the new insane burst warlock gets. ...just...god damn this is a good patron with lots of possiblities. HELL you can even get the ability to to get a ton of temporary HP and become encased in ice which may not be useful...but god damn is it cool)

A-tier: Hexblade (Has a LOT of very powerful abilities and is very front-loaded making it perhaps the best patron to multi-class into for cha based classes. But it has this wonky handful of problems holding it back, anti-synergy between its weapon invocation AND a lack of heavy armor just to start. Seriously your weapon invocation makes it so you CANT use charisma but instead HAVE to use strength. And then you only let them have medium armor which means they need to have a decent dex to survive melee combat. ...seriously MAD)

B-Teir: GOO and Fey (lots of goodies but nothing old or new really measures up too the two patrons above them. Though GOO does get the ability to get x-ray vision whenever they want which is awesome and Fey now has some interesting archer builds/multiclasses)

C-teir: Undying and Seeker (Just...meh. Undying has some of the most bad-ass flavor of any patron or class but REALLY needs a rework or some SERIOUS love in some invocations. And seeker...is...okay. it works but really has nothing unique about it and anything it can really try to build for can be done better by a different patron.)