View Full Version : Bridges of Bone (IC)

2017-02-15, 08:44 AM
OOC thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?511365-OOC-Bridges-of-Bone

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016--Kingsport Council, 10:30 PM

It is before the Council formally begins. As is usual for the first Tuesday of the night, the Lord of the city, Ashton Kington, is not yet in attendance.

Looking through the room, you can see how it is a grand ballroom. A crystalline chandelier hangs in the middle, with candles casting a dim light through the room. Elegant stairs, draped in white and red cloth, lead upstairs. It is well known the Kingtons entourage will be descending soon. The several side rooms are prepared for more private conversations, and you see trays of appetizers, water, and wine set in the alcoves.

As is usual, attendance is fairly high. Brother Baring is standing, reading a book that, from its cover, appears to be modern finances rather than ancient lore. The Crown, Ring, and Cape of Isasaer are conversing with one of the Others, some revenant by the look of him, while the witch hunters stand near the back of the room. White Bird and Weeping Dragon are talking with Miach mac Airmid. In one corner stands Alan Kington, the greasy, guff, and beer-bellied Goblin King of the family; he is drinking from a newly opened bottle of gin. There is also a gaggle of goblins in the back (not near Alan), making various obscene gestures and obnoxious laughs between themselves. A few scattered Others, largely keeping to themselves or talking in small groups, are also present.

One unexpected face is a woman with almost-white blond hair flowing down to her waist, with olive-tan skin like someone from the Mediterranean, wearing a light blue robe around her lithe body and, oddly enough, carrying a black-iron trident. She is talking with two of the Kington family spirits. A small green frog with red speckles sits on her shoulder.

So here's some time to mingle before Council formally begins. If everyone posts in OOC that they have nothing to say or a couple days pass, I'll post the next scene. Otherwise, some RP time.

If you'd rather your character come in just before Council starts (right before 11 pm), that's fine.

Also, when Council formally begins, there's a chance to make a formal announcement, if you wish. Let me know if any of you plan to, because no reason to divide up two scenes otherwise.

Lastly, these first few posts of mine are probably more 'wall of text' than most, so I hope it doesn't seem foreboding. Trying to set the scene. I'm also rather new at trying to write good descriptions of people and settings, so, well, please bear with me.

2017-02-15, 05:29 PM
Vermin finishes snacking on something from the tray of appetizers and walks over to the unfamiliar woman with the trident. She doesn't interrupt the conversation immediately, she just moves closer to gauge the situation and see if she's immediately noticed and what the response will be.

2017-02-15, 08:36 PM
Darius would be seated off to one side, largely by himself, though others are nearby there is a distinct sense of a gap between him and them. The eyepatched seafarer would be chewing on the end of an unlit pipe. Something that looked ornate at first glance, but was clearly mass produced somewhere. His eyes on the stairs.

To those that had seen him at the Council before, he would seem significantly more haggard than in the past. Signs of lack of sleep and stress are more readily apparent than in the past.

2017-02-15, 09:44 PM
As Vermin draws near to the woman and the two spirits -- fairly clearly lesser Kington ghost-souls, once you get a little closer -- she overhears one of them saying, "...so once Lord Ashton asks if there are any announcements, that is the best time for you to make yours. He is aware you are in town, and would appreciate you introducing yourself." The woman replies, in fluent English but with a clear accent (European?), "Thank you. I am glad it was easy to find the meeting place of practitioners and Others."

Her frog hops on her shoulder and she turns her head towards Vermin and gives a pleasant smile and a slight wave hello. Kinda fake, but the practiced, polite fake of a receptionist who at least wants to try to make people happy. She then turns back to the spirit and says, "In most places I've had to visit, my introduction to their council is far worse than a being like yourself appearing near me or mine. New York's... well, I could in theory call them people... were outright rude when they came upon me. Wound up a bloody mess, and one of my friends even wound up badly scarred on her fins. Well, I know I shouldn't socialize too much before I formally introduce myself to your Lord, but, if I may--".

She motions towards where Vermin is standing. The spirits don't show any protest, so she then turns towards Vermin and says, "Hello. I'm a visitor here, and have met few beyond the Lord's servitors. Are you a regular here?"


Darius may notice that people tend to be giving him a wide berth than usual, but nobody says anything to him. A few do whisper while talking to one another with a glance towards him.

2017-02-15, 11:10 PM
"Yeah, I am. You can call me Vermin. If you're sticking around for a while you'll probably see me around and if not, well then I should probably pump you for stories and rumors before you leave." Vermin says with a friendly smile and extends a hand for a handshake. When she does so, a rat in mousketeer garb pops up out of her collar and salutes the frog.

2017-02-16, 09:13 AM
She flinches for just a second at the mouseketeer, but then resumes her pleasant demeanor and shakes your hand. The frog hops, give a slight 'ribbit', and nods towards the gentleman rodent.

"Vermin? I am fluent in English, but I admit I have a hard time telling the difference between names, pseudonyms, and titles, especially with names like Autumn or Leaf in use. Which is yours? I am called, in translation, Daughter of the Trident. Pseudonym. And this is my companion and familiar, Caeneus. Name. I am certain he'd return the salute, but his true form is not so appropriate for a formal evening event as your companion's.

I hope not to be in town too long, but regardless, I can see us trading in story and rumor, if not more." With a smirk, she adds, "Information is currency, is it not?"

Gonna try Teal for NPCs, to make things more readable.

2017-02-16, 01:50 PM
"Well, it's nice to meet you Daughter of the Trident. And you Caeneus." Vermin says to the woman then the toad. "Uh... I'd say pseudonym and maybe title too? This little guy, who I wouldn't really call very appropriate for formal meetings being that he's a rat and all, is..." Vermin pauses to examine the rat to figure out which one it is. "...Folly." Folly then gives a bow to Daughter of the Trident. Vermin places her hands together in a way that expresses excitement and appreciation of shared enthusiasm and smiles, "Yes. Yes it is. A stories are good fun too! But... I think we should make a date of it since we probably don't have much time for a good tale right now." She then waits to see if Daughter of the Trident will agree.

2017-02-16, 04:49 PM
She smiles. "That sounds good to me. If you operate during the day, there's a McDonald's on Elm Street I was thinking of visiting. I know food is... not the best, but I usually don't get to taste American fast food in my travels. Maybe there around 11? If night is preferable, how about 11 at the same. I do have a cell phone number, in case you need to reschedule, and I'll accept your number if you have one. I know we can call each other simply by repetition of names, but I prefer mundane means when they are just as convenient."


Frank, the hunter made of mostly muscle, gets up and starts walking towards the other side of room. Stopping by Darius, he turns to him and says, calmly and quietly in his deep voice, "We were told not to kill you for now, but know that you're on my sights. Looking forward to you screwing up."

He then starts to walk on as he was going.

I'll give Roland another day to join the Council and interact. Otherwise, plan to start the new scene (the Kingtons' arrival) on Friday morning.

Let me know if you plan to make any announcements.

2017-02-16, 05:26 PM
"Lunch sounds good." Vermin replies with a smile and exchanges cell numbers with Daughter of the Trident.

2017-02-16, 07:20 PM
Darius would chuckle at Franks statement, looking up to the man from his seat, "I would look forward to such a thing myself. Of the ends that I know of, that's one of the better ones. Not the best of course, but certainly not the worst." He'd say with a slight smile, paradoxically, the death threat seeming to cheer the pirate up. He would stow his pipe and stand, turning from the witchhunter to approach Brother Baring.

"I don't suppose you'd still be interested in talking sometime?" He'd ask, a slight sigh following.

Yeah, Darius would probably make a brief announcement.

2017-02-17, 09:17 AM
OOC NOTE: editing post since I misread who Darius said the second statement to

Frank pauses and looks at Darius with scrutiny in his eyes.

"Y'know, it's troubling sometimes knowing that you practitioners can't lie." He then adds with a smile, the first real emotion he's shown. "But if you wanna end things real fast, just come up to me when I'm alone in a dark street. Like most nights when I'm working at a club. I'll assume it's a threat, and I'll be sure to be carrying."

Frank eyes Brother Baring as Darius starts talking to him, but continues on.

Brother Baring glances at his watch then replies, "Talk? Well, certainly we can talk. The Kingtons have decided to treat you more as an asset than a liability at the moment, and my assessment is... similar. Not too much time at the moment, but feel free to say your piece or speak to me later."

OOC statement: he's serious, so please don't come up to him alone in a dark street unless you want a fight. That's not a plot hook.

Gonna give Roland a little more time to make an appearance, then later this morning post the next scene.

2017-02-17, 01:42 PM
Right as the clock begins to chime, a couple more Others come inside. As do Tara and Janet, who seem to trying to vanish in the shadows near the back of the room. Roland walks in almost at the last time moment. (A wizard is never late…) Brother Baring whispers to Darius, “Later, I suppose.”

As the clock stops chiming, the Kington family begins to descend the stairs. Lord Ashton, accompanied by his wife, lead the entourage. Lord Ashton’s familiar, a transparent man dressed like English royalty, walks behind him and is accompanied by Flavius, the almost-skeletal family advisor. Several other Kingtons and ghosts follow.

When they have descended to the bottom of the stairs, Lord Ashton remarks, “Welcome to Council, denizens of Kingsport. Miach mac Airmid, you continually honor us with your presence. Brother Baring, it pleases us to see you tonight. Crown of Isesaer, thank you for your presence, and for your handling the unfortunate noise of the past week. Roland, you are welcome with your wisdom. White Bird and Weeping Dragon, we welcome any news you bring us of the shores.

With all that said, we have little to announce this day, but the little contains much. One of our children turns eight this week, and so shall be Awakened. Some of you have heard about some frog spirits causing problems near the docks, including the death of two workers; the Crown and his witch hunters have eliminated the issue.

Darius, I see you have decided to come tonight. I would rather not spend much time tonight talking of the… discovery about you from two weeks ago. You are not banished from our city. I do recommend that any who work with you show caution.

Does anyone have news, a request, or a pronouncement? Or,” he adds looking at the woman with the trident, “an introduction?”

She approaches the center of the hall and bows graciously. “Lord of this city, thank you for your hospitality. I am known as the Daughter of the Trident, priestess to Poseidon. My god has sent me to this town to seek an artifact of his that he believes to be lost in your coasts. Some servitors of Poseidon have accompanied me, but they lack the means to comfortably come onto land and have not come to council. I am here to announce myself and my intentions, and to ask that any merfolk seen in your seas during my mission be left alone. I also bear a gift, in the form of a promise, which I hope will alleviate any burden you may find my presence. I intend to cause no harm to you or your town, only to find the artifact and then return, with mine, from whence I came.”

As she talks, she removes a scroll from her robe. A younger Kington comes forward and retrieves it, then brings it to Lord Ashton. His familiar passes its hands through it and nods, then Ashton opens and reads it. He then replies, “Daughter of the Trident, you are welcome to Council, and we accept the gift and terms in your letter. We wish no ill with you or your god. However, it is not our policy to encourage trespass into the shores, lest it cause the beings there to come to our town. I do not forbid you, but be cautious and know that there may be consequences if you inadvertently cause harm to our town or ours. Lastly, you may make your offer to Council.”

She bows again and states, “Thank you, O Lord of the City.” Turning to the gathered people, she continues, “I am a foreigner here, and, although I am strong in power and in the standing of Poseidon, and have allies who have accompanied me, I am not familiar with this area. If any of you would like to accompany me, we can discuss terms and payment. The seas hold many riches and, although not a generous god, Poseidon is a fair one.”
She then bows yet a third time to the Kingtons and returns to where she was standing. Lord Kington gazes over the crowd, waiting for any other announcements.

A small goblin, about the size of a terrier, approaches the Kington Lord, visibly terrified. You can hear snickering and laughter from some of the others goblins in the back of the room. Most others show surprise or offense at the little miscreant coming forward. In an unpleasant nasal voice, the goblin squeeks, “L-lord Ashton, please don’t kill me. I was bound to deliver a message. I-I don’t know who sent me. D-didn’t see their face. Think it was some practitioner. Sounded female, maybe, hard to-hard to t-tell.”

“Silence,” the Lord replies with a frown, “Speak the message. You may be questioned for information about who sent you, but it is not our policy to harm those forced beyond their will to simply deliver a message. Even for messengers such as you.”

The goblin scrunches his brow, as if trying to remember more words than its mind usually holds, and says, “There is a bounty on the head of Brother Samuel Baring. Money and favors. Extra if you can bind his ghost. Anyone interested should kill two pigeons and tie their entails to the legs of a third. When the live one tries to fly, declare aloud your interest to take the bounty, to discuss terms, and that it ain’t a trick or plan to turn her in. Gotta say it so you’d be foresworn if lying. The…” he pauses with fear on his face. “The one who sent me said they could give enough for it to be worth any wraith from the Kingtons. Could give protection. Please don’t kill me!”

His final plea sounds like nails on a chalkboard and several in the hall grimace. More laughter is heard from the other goblins. Most others are looking at Brother Samuel, who has kept a stoic appearance, and Lord Ashton.

Ashton replies, “Alan, escort the goblin and see he is given suitable hospitality until Council is well over, then question him gently. Gently. Little goblin, the rules of Council I uphold forbid me from forcing you to accept our hospitality, but I strongly encourage you to, unless you wish yourself later to be found by my cousin in far less gentle circumstances.

Brother Baring, I believe we should talk in private soon. When you are ready, please come to left-most sitting room. Crown of Isesaer, please come to discuss things with us as well after we have had some time to talk. I do not care for someone putting out bounties on those in my domain. And, Daughter of the Trident, I regret your first appearance at our council is followed by this scene. Please do stay until we have had time to talk, and know that you are welcome to attend council next week as well, should you still be in our city.

Does anyone else have any pronouncements?”

The goblin cringes as the fat, greasy man with unkempt and long black hair and beard walks up to it, but it follows him to one of the other rooms. The man offers the goblin a half-empty bottle of gin as they walk away. Lord Ashton looks over the crowd, waiting to see if anyone else wishes to speak.

Time for any announcements. GreyStormcrow, I hope it's cool I have Roland show up.
I probably won't be able to check forums over the weekend.

2017-02-18, 12:49 PM
Darius would stand, holding his implement up. The flip-top lighter closed. "I have something brief I'd like to say." He'd state, not quite shouting but voice raised to carry across the hall from his seat.

2017-02-18, 03:36 PM
As Darius speaks, there a few hushed whispers in the crowd. One of the goblins guffaws, making a neck-cutting gesture. If anyone looks, a small smile is seen on Frank's face and he loosens his jacket such that his revolver is easier to reach, though he keeps his hands relaxed.

Lord Ashton frowns but says, "Then speak, Darius."

2017-02-18, 06:36 PM
The pirate would nod, lowering his implement. "My intentions here have not changed. I will continue subduing the creatures as I have. Be as cautious as you like, but don't try to fight something you can't out of fear of me." Then he'd stop and turn to give Lord Ashton a brief bow, lifting his hat off his head slightly as he did so, before returning to his seat.

2017-02-19, 12:50 AM
It was a good spot for him to show up. I apologize for the delay in posting - I've been struggling with a bout of the flu.
Roland eyes the newcomer from his chair, fingers rubbing along the smooth-worn wood of his staff as he listens to her state her case. Once upon a time, he muses, my heart would have leapt to hear of such a task; a noble plight, beautiful company... Or, perhaps, not. He had never been all that prone to the folly of youth.
The matter of the bounty is more worrying - whoever is behind the matter is bold indeed, and not afraid of advertising the fact. Though... as unafraid as they are of challenging the town's authority, they still chose to remain anonymous. If it is rebellion they seek, then it is not yet an open one. Interesting.
Roland raises one grey eyebrow at Darius's cryptic statement, momentarily considering and then dismissing the idea of investigating. Whatever it is, it's none of his business, and he'll be better off remaining uninvolved.

2017-02-19, 04:10 PM
Lord Ashton nods approvingly at Darius' comment. "Well said. Yes, it could be said that you are likely the best here to be called upon to face forces that are demonic in nature, and you have proved yourself capable of such in the past. Now, if there are no other announcements?"

As no one else makes a move to speak, Lord Ashton and the other Kingtons disperse from their entrance. Ashton goes to the room he mentioned to Brother Baring. Brother Baring checks his watch and mumbles a few words, then follows, speaking a few words to some Kingtons as he passes by them.

The room becomes slightly more relaxed and discussions begin. Ghostly servitors pick up the trays of food and drink that were in the alcoves and carry them through the hall, acting as wait staff. You see the Circle of Isesaer discussing things amongst themselves. The representatives of the Watchers on the Shore are also talking between themselves, with some gestures towards the Daughter of the Trident. It looks like they plan to approach her soon. The Daughter of the Trident takes a glass of red wine and sips it, standing with a relaxed posture but looking over the people (giving a smile and slight raising of her glass as her gaze passes by Vermin).

2017-02-24, 09:17 AM
As the evening goes on, a few people come and exchange minor pleasantries with Roland and, to a lesser degree, Vermin. Most ignore Darius, even the ghostly wait staff seeming to rarely come near him.

At one point, Janet shouts, "Shut up!" to a goblin that was talking to her. The goblin laughs and makes an obscene gesture, then walks off. Tara and Janet leave shortly afterwards, getting dirty looks from a lot of people for their outburst. Some whisper, though, that the goblin in question was the one that killed their friend, Olivia.

The Daughter of the Trident seems to broker some sort of deal with the Watchers. At least, the two of them walk away with a pleasant gait, although it's hard to tell much due to the masks they wear. The younger witch hunter, Thomas, chats with her a little bit, both showing a flirty air.

At about midnight, Lord Ashton, Brother Baring, and Crown leave the room. Conversations eventually quiet and Lord Ashton waves to Baring.

Baring states, with a calm yet cold confidence, "You have heard the claim against my life. If one of you here are responsible, you should be forewarned that I am not to be trifled with. The powers of my House are ancient and I am their steward. You will fail. If I have my way, you shall also suffer. I will be investigating you. Any who have information of value they would like to share are welcome to broker with me. I, too, have resources, and they can be earned without the wraith of our noble Kington lords."

He then nods respectfully towards Lord Ashton and steps down. Lord Ashton continues, "Let it be known that, at this time, this effort against Brother Baring is treated as an effort against us as well."

A few people come to discuss things with Baring, but the conversations are short. The Daughter talks with some of the Kingtons a bit, before setting off to leave (with a "see you tomorrow" to Vermin as she passes by.) The assorted groups begin to disperse.

If nothing else at the Council, feel free to post what you do the next day. Vermin may jump to the meeting at McDonald's if you wish.

2017-02-24, 05:22 PM
Vermin will talk with the witch hunters a bit, asking how the items she's made for them are working out.

((I totally forgot I wanted to do this earlier, sorry about that.))

2017-02-24, 06:49 PM
Darius would chuckle a bit, the Diabolists laughter deep and containing far more mirth than it should have. "Ah, I'd almost forgotten what internal strife and scheming looked like." He'd say, voice laden with quiet amusement. His mumbling to himself done, he'd stand and approach Baring, and the others.

Speaking softly, "I might have some information. Though there's every possibility you know it yourself."

2017-02-24, 11:11 PM
The witch hunters respond cordially, saying everything is working well and mentioning a tool you made a while back proved rather useful in the last couple weeks. Frank, as usual, is quiet and just grunts agreement that it was helpful. He's keeping his eyes on Darius.

Thomas adds, "Do you have anything that might help track down who put the hit on Brother Baring? Not that I care for the guy personally--he's a snob in my book--but the Crown asked us to look into it."


Brother Baring turns to Darius, "Hmm... well, I am certainly interested, and if it proves worthwhile, I can pay. What do you know?"

@Ramsus: nothing really comes to mind out of the tools you've made or comes to my mind OOC, but I'm cool with you potentially thinking up something

@druid91: from your studies, you'd know the ritual described with the pigeon is something some demons (such as those focused on cruelty to animals or abuse of the natural world) could sense, so it's possible a diabolist or demon put out the hit. Though it could be a dark bogeyman or some rare practitioner magic, so you can't be certain.

2017-02-25, 01:51 AM
"You have my sympathies as well," Roland says to the Brother as he approaches. "Though I have no knowledge with which to aid you." He shakes his head. "It is a sad day when a respected member of the community must fear for his life because of some lowlife with a goblin."

2017-02-25, 03:01 AM
"Uh...." Vermin thinks about her current collection of items for a few seconds. "Don't think so. I'll ask around with my usual contacts like I normally do for this kind of thing, but I doubt they'll know anything. And I might wind up out of touch for a few days. I'm thinking of joining the Daughter of the Trident's quest. It's not often we have that kind of adventurous but not dark as heck out of the gate thing just land in our laps, would be a shame to pass it by." Vermin replies. She also comments she's pleased her items are performing well as a matter of pride and because she actually likes some of these guys.

2017-02-25, 03:25 PM
Baring replies to Roland, "Thank you, Roland. I suspect this, eh, lowlife as you put it may have used the goblin as an indirect means to lie. He, she, or it could have told it to tell us those things without actually stating that true riches or protection will come. I hope that Alan will find out more."


Thomas smiles with a shrug and says, "Well, I figured not, but no harm in hoping. If you think of anything or hear anything, I appreciate if you let us know. As for that Daughter, she seems nice. Watch yourself out on the shores, though. I know you can handle yourself, but it's a dangerous place. If you want an extra firearm or something for the trip, let me know." He pauses with a look of puzzlement. "'Course, I'm not sure if guns would work in the shores. I haven't been there myself--one of the benefits of not being a practitioner--but I hear it's like being underwater, least in parts of it."

2017-02-25, 05:25 PM
"I... don't know either. I don't have a lot of practice with guns but... I guess it'd be better to be prepared for anything. So yeah, if you're offering?" Vermin replies.

2017-02-25, 09:05 PM
"When you're ready to leave, let's walk out together and I'll hand it to you. I've got a spare on me, but, well, given the crowd, me pulling it out is likely to be misinterpreted. If you do happen to fire it in the Shores, let me know if it ends up working or not, okay?"

Frank chimes in, with his usual stony attitude, "And if it works. Good to know what a bullet hurts and what it don't."

2017-02-25, 10:36 PM
Roland nods slowly. "That may in fact be the case. Of course," he muses, "It may be preferable to the alternative - if they think that they can back their promise up..."

2017-02-25, 10:47 PM
Vermin nods and replies, "Of course." She looks around before saying, "I think I'm ready to go whenever you guys are."

2017-02-26, 01:58 PM
Darius would lean in slightly, lowering his tone, "There are demons of certain choirs, namely the Fifth and the Sixth, that could detect a ritual of the sort described in the job offer." And then lowering it even further until he's practically whispering, "And two, they made a mistake. One performing the ritual merely has to state they aren't intending to trick her to turn her in. Someone who merely intends to kill her themself is in the free and clear."

2017-02-27, 10:09 AM
Thomas looks to the other witch hunters, makes and makes sure they're cool with him leaving a tad early.

When outside, he kneels down to lift up his pants leg and remove a holstered pistol. He shows Vermin the basics of where the safety is and how to load and upload the clip. It's fully loaded, and from the description he gives, the bullets are fairly powerful rounds for the size of the gun, but the only special thing is they are coated with silver. "Doesn't work extra against most things, but, man, when it matters, it matters." He also mentions a couple stores in town where you could buy a holster or extra ammo, if you want.

"Well, have a good night. I think I'm gonna grab a couple beers before heading home. It's nice to relax a touch when the whole 'peace of the Council' is in effect."


Baring replies to Roland, "A good point. The person could just be so arrogant they think they can fulfill their claims. Thank you for your council."

Baring gives a thoughtful hmmm at Darius' words. "Yes, it did sound demonic. I appreciate you confirming such could the case." He then continues with a slight condescending tone, "As for your loophole, the goblin did mention it 'ain't a trick OR attempt to turn her in'. Did you miss that part?" followed by a pat on the shoulder as he places his hand in his pocket, looking like he's going to stroll away. But then he leans in and whispers, with no condescension: "So act interested in taking in my head, but plan to kill them? A bold move. I wish you hadn't spoken it, albeit in a whisper, amongst so many. I don't trust everyone at Council, though likely none here at the moment are not serving as spies. Are you offering your services? Speak quickly, and move little. I can assure us privacy for but a little time."

Darius may notice that no-one else seems to be moving. Roland saw the pat on the shoulder, but not the leaning in and talking.

I'm not real knowledgeable of guns, but it's a handgun like you'd see most cops wear. The bullet's aren't special ('sides the coating), just the most powerful that can go in such a gun.

For Roland, assuming Darius goes along with Baring's orders while they talk, you see Baring do the pat on the shoulder then walk past him, staying still near you but chatting with some Kingtons in the crowd about possibilities. Little of import comes up.

EDIT: made slight change to Baring's insult, so it fit better with Darius' reply. He's just trying to seem like a jerk, though, so.. well, not a big change.

2017-02-27, 05:09 PM
Vermin pays attention to what she's being told, though she's handled a gun a few times before. Still she's no expert and it's been a while. She gives Thomas a smile and thanks before tucking the gun away in one of her many many pockets (on the inside of the coat) before heading off herself to check in with a few Others in parts of town that are sometimes more dangerous since this is the safest to do so. From there she just heads back home.

2017-02-28, 08:36 AM
Nothing too much of note while checking in with some of the Others. Some ask if anything of import happened at council, but otherwise just your normal checking in.

2017-02-28, 01:13 PM
Vermin lets them know in general terms about the threat against Brother Baring and asks them to keep their ears perked for any information on that and about Daughter of the Trident's quest. In certain cases she mentions if some person/Other was at the meeting or not as is in the interest of those Others. She also lets them know of any good targets or other information she would usually give that Other.

2017-03-01, 08:27 PM
Darius would quirk into a bit of a grin. "Such has it's upsides, if she doesn't hear, then the option remains open. If the option is closed, they they can't trust that someone agreeing to take the job is not an assassin." Still the pirate would remain still as asked. "Though I find my Karma a tad..... thin. To expect that the spirits would side with me on such a vague excuse. And as you can expect, the consequences of my bindings losing their power... could be disastrous."

Would Darius know of any specific demons of the sort needed to track the pigeon ritual?

2017-03-02, 09:25 AM
Baring replies, "Let us talk more later, then. Tomorrow, perhaps? I may have another party interested in acting as the 'assassin' by then and you could assist them with binding or killing after they do the ritual. If not, I imagine your karma is likely better than a diabolist actively using their fiends. My magic works in debts, and while I cannot truly manipulate karma, I can likely lend your words some weight with the spirits. Call the number saved in this phone to reach me securely."

He then slides a small cellphone into Darius' pocket, stands to his former position, and pats Darius again on the shoulder. Things resume as they were before, and he takes a couple more steps.
"Roland, could I discuss this topic more with you, in private?" He gestures towards one of the side rooms.

Do you mean demons who could track something via the pigeon ritual, or demons you could use to 'trace the call' of the pigeon ritual?

For who might use the ritual as a means to contact you:
Sounds like Choir of Feral (dealing with wildness and animals) or Sin (animal cruelty?), although it could be something esoteric related to Unrest. Not to say it couldn't be others, but those seem most likely.

For who you could 'hire' to trace the call:
Since the ritual seems to make some connection between the pigeons and the demon, a demon of Ruin might be able to use the connection to learn about or attack the caller. Likewise, a Feral could possibly subvert the connection, allowing you to sense more about them than intended. I'm willing to say an Unrest could do it, but I can't think of how.

For who you know... I'm willing to say you've banished an imp that could fit the description of one of the above. Your choice on the details. You know its name and could call and barter with it or bind it for its service.

Rather than think of the demons you know off the top of my head like in the last paragraph, I would prefer you think of a handful of demons (mostly if not all imps) you can summon, either by having banished them and knowing the means to summon them, or having learnt of them in your studies and thus knowing how to call them. That way, like Vermin with her tools, you have your powerset made.
BUT I am willing to think of your knowledge as the plot progresses. I'll probably use a dice roll to determine whether or not you have a useful demon in some cases, or at least how easy/safe it is to deal with them. Roland's path of a wizard doesn't have his powers strictly defined, so it's not fair to require you to.

Also, I'll note here that I'm assuming the Pactverse allows banishing of demons in a sense that seals them away from earth. Sort of how some bogeymen are sealed away in the Abyss until called. That seems implicit in the book.

2017-03-02, 04:45 PM
Roland pauses for a moment before nodding his assent. "Certainly."

2017-03-03, 11:20 AM
Once in the room, Brother Baring asks, "Roland, your words and reputation make me trust that you are not related to this brokering for an assassin. I think there is some worth to Darius' plan, though I wanted to make it appear otherwise to the crowd."

"You are known for speaking in riddles and circles, and, more importantly, for doing so for reasons other than circumventing the truth. I believe you could talk to the assassin and phrase things such that they would believe you intend to kill me, but actually you will be part of a group planning to kill... well, who- or whatever it is. I can likely gain some others to provide protection during any fights. And, of course I am willing to pay, either in mundane means or through favors now or owed."

With a pause, he adds, "Darius is willing to give aid, at least in bindings, perhaps in doing the pigeon ritual itself if you find that part too unpleasant. I imagine he could do the ritual but you do the talking. All three of us could discuss things tomorrow, if you are willing."

2017-03-03, 08:25 PM
Roland leans heavily on his staff and bows his head in thought. Eventually he raises his head to look the Brother in the eyes. "You ask much of me. To speak plainly, I am trusted, despite my mode of speech, in large because I try to refrain from the type of thing you are suggesting." He holds out a hand. "That is not to say that I am unwilling to assist you - your cause is just; merely that... again, you ask much."
He runs a hand through his beard and sighs, shaking his head. "If- If you can get others to help you with this... then I will likely assist you. He straightens. "I will meet you and Mr. Torban on the 'morrow - right now, I am weary. Did you have a meeting place in mind?"

2017-03-03, 09:15 PM
Baring looks disappointed at Roland's initial words, his usually cold exterior drooping slightly. By the end, though, he exhales a sigh of relief and sympathy, although a glint in his eye shows his pleasure at the words.

"Thank you, both for your willingness despite this strain and your understanding about this cause. I will see who else I can enlist. As for where to meet, there is a small antique shop on East Street. I am not the owner, but I know the owner. His back room at noon? Tell him you are there on business of the Brotherhood, and he will know you are there to see me."

He places his hands on Roland's. "Thank you, Roland. I realize this is asking much, but know that, in addition to defending my life, your aid will likely lead to the defeat of a creature of darkness."

Brother Baring releases his grip and goes to talk to some others in the room. Soon you see one of the Kingtons go with him to an alcove to discuss things in private.


Soon after Darius leaves, he receives a phone call on the new phone Baring left him. It is Brother Baring, and he gives the location, time, and directions he gave to Roland.

If nothing else, feel free to jump to your respective meetings with Daughter and Baring. They are already there by the time you show up.

Also, as a general note, I'm fine with you RPing your familiar's words, in case it comes up. They haven't really showed up yet, but just wanted to say that ahead of time.

2017-03-04, 02:31 AM
Vermin walks into the McDonalds at about the appointed time, maybe a few minutes late or early basically just depending on traffic. In tow is her familiar Swarm, though to those viewing it with mundane eyes Swarm seems to just be a very large burly fellow. They'd probably make an unusual pair if not for the several more unusual looking people in the town. While this establishment isn't a common hangout or the like for Vermin, she's been in here plenty of times and regularly enough that the cashier might remember them, if only because of how the pair stand out a bit.

Vermin spots Daughter of the Trident and walks over and asks, "Hey there. Waiting on me to order food?"

2017-03-04, 09:15 PM
Daughter waves Vermin over. As Vermin gets closer, she can easily spot that the answer is 'no'. An assortment of food is there, including several burgers, fries, nuggets, soda, and two different milkshakes. The Daughter stands up and, with a playful embarrassed expression, says, "Well, no. Like I said, I rarely get to sample cuisine like this, so I figured I should avail myself while the line was short. Please do feel free to go ahead and order. And this fellow..." She pauses and crooks her neck for a moment, then a slight gasp escapes her lips. "Ah. My apologies. I was viewing things through more mundane eyes until just now. A pleasure to make your, or all of your, acquaintance."

2017-03-04, 11:23 PM
Swarm makes a chittering buzzing clacking screechy noise in response. If Daughter is able to understand the intent, it's cordial (basically just polite slightly warm hello). In the mundane world this comes out as an affirmative sounding grunt.

Vermin says, "Ha ha... yeah he doesn't really do a lot of talking. Ok well, I'll just..." and so saying nods her head in the direction of the line.

She walks over, waits in line. The person directly ahead of them is a bit nervous with the big man behind them, but that's the sum total of excitement that occurs before they place their order. Which winds up being two big macs, a fish sandwhich, a large fries, a milkshake, a cola, and some apple pies. They take their number and go back over to Daughter and sit down while they wait. Vermin says, "Do you eat fish? I like the fish sandwhich here. It's funny, it's the only fast food I know that has a decent fish sandwhich. Maybe because here they just decided to skip pretending it's healthy and just fry it."

2017-03-04, 11:23 PM
Roland steps into the shop, his staff safely stored in the golf bag slung across his back, Slip tucked away in his pocket. He approaches and greets the man at the counter. "I'm here to see Brother Baring. On Brotherhood business. I trust he is here, and in good health?"

2017-03-05, 03:25 AM
Darius would note down the time and place, and would ensure he arrived on time. "It seems we're on the same business. Roland." He'd give the wizard a nod. As someone else who, to a lesser degree tried to fit to an older image, he could respect the level of dedication Roland had in that.

2017-03-06, 01:12 AM
"So it would appear," Roland acknowledges. "Though I will admit to some curiosity about your presence. Do you suspect the involvement of dark forces?"

2017-03-06, 09:50 AM
The Daughter gives a friendly nod. "I do eat fish, but I get enough of it at the temple and try to avoid it while traveling. Don't worry about offending me. After watching a few Others enjoy their particular dinners with some regularity, I find it hard to have my stomach upset by others' habits. But I appreciate the question. Most fish are too stupid, even if one can talk to them, to rationally be bothered by eating them.

So, though I'd happily trade some stories, and maybe piqued your interest a bit on some details, may I ask if you are interested in accompanying me to the beach, at least potentially? We don't have to discuss it in complete detail, but it'd be nice to know." Towards Swarm, she motions, "And your companion's name? I... assume this is not Folly's true form. Caeneus, will you join us?"
Her frog hops out of a bag of fries, swallowing a piece as it exits. He says, in a rather gruff voice and rather more-accented than the Daughter's, "Hello, lady and warrior. If we shall fight on the same side, may we be victorious."

By the way, she is dressed in blue jeans and a New York Mets T-shirt, with her hair tied back in a rather long ponytail. There is a large guitar case beside her, which looks large enough to hold her trident.
Basically, seem to be going for a college girl look.

The man gives a polite nod and replies, "Yes, sir. Mr. Baring is in the back and, from what I can tell, his health is well." At Darius' entry, he simply nods and motions towards the door as well, then seems to try to keep his distance and not hear what the back and forth between the two men.

Brother Baring is standing by a table. A decanter of wine, a decanter of water, and bread sits at the table, with plates and glasses for the three of them. At seeing you enter, he says, "Welcome. Let us share hospitality before we begin. I welcome you as my guests, in a spirit of peace and discussion in this hall."

From what I remember of Evan in the book, familiars can talk in animal form in public, but only practitioners and Others can hear their words (at least as more than animal sounds). Hence her familiar feeling safe talking.

Darius/Roland: Feel free to have some more banter back and forth before walking in to see Baring, but I wanted to give the description already.

2017-03-06, 02:25 PM
Vermin laughs and replies, "Good. That would have been a bit awkward since I already ordered it and you'd know I was going to eat it eventually."

"Oh yeah. Yes, I'll come with you on your quest. I mean it's like an actual quest. That sounds so much more fun than normal practitioner stuff! Of course I know it won't be all sunshine and rainbows, but it's not immediately clearly terrifying or aggravating or boring sounding." she replies with a smile.

"This is Swarm. He's not very talkative usually. Folly is with me, but people don't tend to like seeing rats in restaurants." she gives an amused grin at this.

"Warrior? Huh. Nice to be working with you too." she replies with a raised eyebrow and amused and friendly smile.

"So... what kind of stories-" At this point Vermin is momentarily cut off by her number being called. Swarm gets up and gets the food. "What kind of stories do you want to hear?" she continues.
Swarm brings back the tray of food. Most of it is placed in front of him, but over the course of their time Vermin actually eats all of it aside from a fry here and there eaten by Swarm pretty much just for the sake of appearances. She also feeds a few fries into her sleeves, presumably for the rats in there.

2017-03-06, 04:24 PM
She says, "Excellent. Well, I heard a bit about the shores from those masked fellows last night, but their prices for useful information were rather high and would have me getting more involved in local politics than I'd care to be. I did gather they do not look too kindly upon the Kington family. Still, negotiated for a guide, some sort of canine Other in their employ, which they say is trained and smart enough to help us avoid the most dangerous regions and to easily find a way back to town. But I'm still wary, so any stories you know about that would be nice. Though, just some stories about your colorful companions would be welcome. Swarm here is quite intriguing, and I found Folly rather delightful. And, if we are to travel together, I wouldn't mind knowing more of your area of expertise.

But to tell you a bit of my story to start... Well, my god keeps most of his followers in his own domain. We travel the land from time to time, but generally spend our time underwater, with just a few sites in Greece and other areas with local temples. I hear it's rather different from most others who worship the old gods, but of those I've only met a priest of Thor and a priestess of Hera in my travels. Well... we all have our own duties, and one lowly acolyte -- not me, just to be clear -- was tasked with guarding this lamp, told not to interact with it. I think it was a boring job as punishment for ticking off the high priest. The lamp has an Other sealed in it, some sort of storm spirit or maybe even demon. Supposedly useful for creating storms, but known to be hard to control and to cause unintended consequences, so we basically kept it sealed away.

This acolyte got bored and started talking with the thing. Seems he got under its sway, and let the lamp get away. It's still sealed, but it's likely trying to get free. Through the acolyte's connection to it, we managed to track it to these Shores. So now it's just to find it. The big reason I want help is that this Other rather easily gets Others with a aquatic nature under its sway, so I can't really take any of my merfolk with me. I do have the acolyte stashed in town, but he'll be foresworn if he disobeys me in any way or tries directly or indirectly to cause me harm. He'll basically be a beacon to help us find the lamp."

She speaks with an excited, friendly tone, but some hints of worry creep through when talking of the creature inside the lamp. She covers it up with a big bite, eating about a third of a Big Mac in one chomp.

2017-03-06, 09:08 PM
"Yikes. Well I hope it isn't a demon. Hmmmm. We might want to enlist the other newcomer that introduced himself at the meeting since he's a demonologist just in case though." Vermine replies while thinking about what story to tell and then takes a long slurp of milkshake.

"My specialty is binding Others into objects. The only kind of Others in general I don't know much about binding are demons... and dragons I suppose. I know the theory there, just haven't had....." There's a pause as she thinks about how to phrase it. She kind of gives up and goes with, "...that come up. I've got a decent number I can bring, one is even a lamp." She gives a chuckle at this. "Swarm's capability is.... well he's very special. He absorbs weaker Others into himself. Thus.... Swarm. Mostly I'd just say consider him a physical sort. He can split up and be in multiple places and can fly, so... there's that."

"Swarm's origins are still a mystery to me. I'm pretty sure he was in town a long time before I showed up. Certainly before I was born or even my parents were. Not really sure how long though. He was the kind of thing that was why you wouldn't want to go wandering around in the dark. I don't think he was a major threat, but he wasn't really beholden to anyone or really associated with any of the practitioners or Others so he was always just this danger you might run into if you weren't careful some day. I think his unusual nature was a good part of why. He's not easy to bind since... how do you bind something you don't really know what is? It's not like there's some binding you can do for 'Other' that I'm aware of." she says.

"As for Folly, he was one of the rats in my demesne when I claimed it. He'd do a bunch of silly stuff like trying to get food I put out of reach. But what really earned him his name was this time I saw him sleeping cuddled up next to Swarm." she delivers the little tale with a laugh, remembering the scene.

2017-03-07, 09:09 AM
"That exchange between... Darius, was it?... and Ashton did catch my attention. I thought of talking to him last night, but I feared association with him might put me out from other allies. What is his story?"

To the more casual stories, she listens with interest, a delighted twinkle in her eye. She bursts out laughing at how Folly got its name, but then collects herself and whispers towards Vermin's clothes. "I apologize, little one. I meant no offense, but to hear of your nature was quite refreshing."

"Your talent sounds pretty remarkable. I do recommend not bringing any tools made from Others that dwell in the sea. They'd probably be safe from the lamp's influence, but to be safe.

As for my talents, in addition to having the favor of my lord--though, of course, I daren't call upon it too often--I dabble in the art of Naming. True names work best, of course, platonic ideals and such. I'm not very powerful -- my god doesn't like our attentions too divided -- but probably the most useful thing I can do is transfer a wound between two beings, effectively healing one while wounding the other. It is draining and I can't do it often, but it saved my life in New York." With a whisper and smile she adds, "And since merfolk consider scars a sign of bravery in battle, I can stay pretty and transfer any scars I have to my companions. Win win."

With a gesture towards the guitar case, she adds, "And I know I don't look it, but I am a fairly capable fighter. My namesake, a gift from my god, makes me rather fierce when needed. And of course Caeneus here is a strong fighter. Rather remarkable how heroes of legend turn into Others." With that comment, she gives the frog a gentle pet on the back. He responds with a pleased grunt.

2017-03-07, 01:41 PM
"I don't really know the details. Something happened down at the Shore and the Kingtons and Darius were there and they dealt with it. And during that Darius got outed as a diabolist and the Kingtons let him stick around. So hopefully he's not super bad news. If you like, I can try and contact him. That way he'll only be seen with you once we're down at the Shore doing what you need done." Vermin replies.

There is a muffled squeak in reply from somewhere in Vermin's clothes.

"Noted, no sea monsters." she replies with a grin. And keeps grinning at the comment about staying pretty and appealing to menfolk's vanity. "Hah. That sounds pretty useful. And good to know I won't be expected to be the muscle. I can defend myself but I don't really want to be exactly on the front lines either."

At the words about the frog, she gives Caeneus a longer appraising look. She doesn't recognize the name, so she'll have to try looking it up on her phone later. This appraisal looks less impressive since she's also stuffing her face full of burger.

((I'm sure Daughter wants more stories. But do you want me to make up some stories about the town or is it ok to just say she tells some about X subject or such? I mean, I certainly wouldn't mind hearing a story about the undersea world, so it's perfectly reasonable if you want me to put in the same effort.))

2017-03-08, 09:26 AM
The Daughter nods eagerly. "That sounds great about you contacting Darius. We could speak or meet more in person if needed. I imagine he'll want some payment, and, well, I should be careful about what I offer someone who works with demons. Hmm... well, I have a couple ideas, but I'll talk to him. One of my teachers gave me a book, supposedly written by a good diabolist, about being a good diabolist. If Darius is hesitant, you could mention I have something like that he may like."

"And anything interest you particularly? I don't want to ruin the mood by getting into barter, but it wouldn't be fair for you to come with me just for the excitement of a quest. And although I wouldn't mind being unfair to some people I have had to work with in the past, or even that I met last night, you are rather pleasant company. I could gift you one of the Others in my employ. My lord would be mad if I gave away a favored or powerful one, but there's at least one merman who has aged past his prime, and he may welcome fighting on as tool you could fashion or part of Swarm. Of course, other options are, metaphorically, on the table." She then adds with a smirk, "Assuming mundane stuff like enough gold to buy a lot of burgers isn't your fancy. I'd rather give you something rarer than money."

As for stories, feel free to write something if you have the time and creativity, but I won't require it and I'm fine with just writing that stories are told. I might think up a few things to have her say, but today's looking a bit busy, so I might not before things move on.

2017-03-08, 12:43 PM
"I'm sure having some sort of reward will certainly help encourage him. A merman huh? Well I'd certainly have trouble getting one of those on my own, so that sounds pretty good." Vermin replies with a smile. She eats another bite and then asks, "In addition, if you have any really weak others to give to Swarm that would also be appreciated. Anything like a simple water or fish spirit or a ghost of a sailor or such. Sorry to ask for more, and you can say no, I just asked because helping Swarm grow is part of our pact."

Afterwards there is much trading of stories. Vermin will tell of her victorious war against the cats, the very silly day the mousketeers attempted to mimic Swarm, an old tale about Kingsport's founding she heard from Peter, and the legend of the Liar (a probably fictional practitioner who can speak lies, but may be foresworn if he speaks the truth) that is one of comedy and tragedy.

2017-03-08, 02:54 PM
The Daughter takes a drink of her second milkshake, and after a thoughtful hmmm says, "Yeah, I think I could manage that, at least if the mission's a success and there's nothing life-threatening in doing so.

I like to hedge my words a touch just to be safe, but I like you and I'd like to give some formal assurance. So: I hereby pledge that I plan to go through with a payment of one merman or maid in exchange for you accompanying me on my quest to the Shores, assuming there's nothing like either of us die, you betray me or my mission, or making these payments would cause me to betray my lord Poseidon or my familiar, or all my merfolk are slain, captured, or otherwise out of my ability to give to you. If I successfully retrieve the lamp with the being sealed within it, I also plan to give you a relatively weak Other, assuming the caveats stated above and that doing so will not cause great risk to my life or those given to me by Lord Poseidon."

With a more relaxed air, and quickly throwing a fry in her mouth, she adds, "And I can honestly say I go through with most of my plans. Now, to tell you a story..."

She talks about her visit to New York, how she was sent to retrieve what basically amounts to a baby Godzilla before it grew too large, but one of the big names in the town sensed her coming and wanted to throw his weight around and insist she pay tribute just for coming to town, for the right to see the city Lord. They had some harsh words and wound up a fight between her, merfolk, and a kraken against him, a lightning elementalist, and several elementals. Quite a fierce fight given they were on boats. She wound up linking her name to the kraken's, so it took the brunt of the electrical blasts while she got close enough to skewer the guy. He survived, but lost his arm. The rest of her time in New York was tense, but apparently the elementalist was in the Lord's disfavor, so he wasn't too unhappy about it all and allowed her to retrieve the Other. "The street vendor food was wonderful, though, and I found a couple spirits of water pollution I bound into my Lord's service. Vile things like goblins, but useful from time to time.," she adds at the end.

She also says a little about life at the temple. Talking and swimming with fish and dolphins, putting sharks and squid in their place when they get uppity, and some antics of temple life.

2017-03-09, 06:27 PM
Darius would nod to Roland's question. "Certain things are easy to see. Once you know how they are done." He'd say with a slight smile. "I worry, and some things don't bear quiet worry. Some things require looking into."

2017-03-13, 03:22 PM
"There is wisdom in that." Roland agrees. "Though one must be careful about what they take responsibility for. A good man who takes on too much can be more dangerous than a fool who knows to do only a little." He smiles genially. "Which is not to say that you need to hear such a warning - I would be a hypocrite if I were to suggest this task was beyond us."

2017-03-14, 09:07 PM
Darius would smile, "Indeed." He would move to enter the room, following after the doorman, he would nod to Baring, "And I greet you as a Host for the time being." grabbing a slice of bread as he takes his seat.

2017-03-16, 08:21 PM
Roland follows and dips his head to the Brother. "As do I."
He gratefully sinks into one of the chairs, resting his staff across his knees "I have heard it said that the walls can have ears, but have always considered such as fiction, a mere turn of phrase." He smiles. "But I ramble on. I trust that no one will disturb our meeting?"

2017-03-17, 10:25 AM
Brother Baring takes a sip from a glass of wine, then sits down as well.

"Well met, both of you. As for our privacy, while I cannot guarantee it against it all, I have taken measures to make this room secure. The walls here may lack ears, but they have other enchantments. Though, I admit that if either of you came here carrying a companion, such may to my knowledge be able to overhear.

We meet as host and guests, with giving and receiving of hospitality. I welcome you. We meet in peace, for the discussion of a goal, a goal I hope we all sincerely share.
Someone, whether with a sincere intent or even capacity to pay or not, has put out a 'hit' on my life. Although it hasn't been confirmed via the interrogation of the messenger, it seems possible that the messenger was an intermediary used to effectively lie, promising what cannot be paid in a way that no promises would technically be broken.

I suspect that the ritual described somehow gains the attention of some Other, either the hiring agent or its cohort, so that if one of us performs it it can somehow see or hear us. Darius, does that seem reasonable with what you know of... darker beings?
So I hope that one of you would be willing to perform the ritual and, with safe words, imply fulfillment while leaving the loophole Darius mentioned. Roland, I think you best suited to that task, with Darius providing support should the being appear. If it simply a scry of some sort, I am less certain how to respond. I feel I should not be nearby, lest it somehow sense me and thus realize the trap. Any suggestions as to method? Or, if you like, we can also discuss payment or other potential allies to enlist."

Editing in this note: the door is closed now. I don't really care who closed it, but Baring would after y'all get in.

2017-03-20, 12:40 PM
Roland nods. "I do have a companion, but-" He checks his coat pocket. "He is in another, more colorful, realm at the moment - undoubtedly dreaming of fireflies."
His expression hardens. "Now to the matter at hand. We face an unknown foe, ignorant of their abilities or true intentions. We are like cats seeking a rat, knowing the creature only by description." He shakes his head. "Whatever we do, we should do it with caution."

2017-03-21, 01:52 PM
Baring nods and leans in, as Roland's tone grows more serious.

"Indeed. But as to what caution to show and what action to take, as it seems likely the two of you will do it, I leave it largely to your discretion. My resources are of course available. I could call upon some resources of our city's lord, but I am hesitant to. I fear that calling upon their aid may cause one of them, inadvertently or purposefully, to tip off our target."

2017-03-22, 12:25 PM
"A worthy point. We know not where - or with whom - our words might fall upon hostile ears. Still," he muses, "We should be careful in the ascribing too much to our foe, lest we outfox ourselves. A fool may defeat a wise man, if a wise man does not realize he faces a fool."

2017-03-24, 08:44 PM
Darius's face would be sobre, but his tone would be.... strangely light. "It is possible that one of the Choir of the Feral could detect such a ritual, Demons can often detect acts that align with their nature. I am at present, wondering if perhaps, the reason for this roundabout route to strike at you, is because a Diabolist who dislikes you heard there's an Inquisitor in town, and wanted to avoid drawing that attention by sending a more direct attack." He'd speak the last with a somewhat self deprecating look, "Such a thing could go unnoticed by those not well versed in Diabolism. Or, of course, I could be jumping at shadows. An occupational hazard."

2017-03-27, 08:13 AM
"Feral... from the little I've heard of the choirs, that sounds reasonable. Crafty, but animalistic to a degree, aren't they? Perhaps we are attributing too much intelligence to it, and tricking it will be simpler than imagined.
So, if one of you does contact it through the ritual, any thoughts on what to say? And, if it is that choir like you think, any idea of how to track or attack it if doesn't show up physically for the ritual?"

With a slight look of worry in his eyes, he adds, "Also, Darius, I hope you can provide sufficient protections for yourself, Roland, and others if others are recruited, to prevent any contagion from the creature from reaching you. I knows risks will be present, but part of the reason I wanted to enlist you was not just your knowledge of the creatures, but for guards against their influence."

2017-04-06, 06:33 PM
Darius would give Baring a look, a particular arrangement of frown and furrowed brow that generally speaking translates among practicioners to 'You just made a dangerous assumption and I'm going to correct it.'

"Animalistic? To a degree. But that doesn't mean they aren't intelligent. Or anything like an animal. They lack the niceties of civilization, opposing it in all the forms they can. If you've ever heard the saying that the state of nature is nasty, brutish, and short. Then you understand what they seek. It says nothing of their abilities."

He'd say in a very sober tone. Not quite talking down to Baring, but certainly trying to make sure the man didn't underestimate the threat. "I can protect against most things. Though it requires preparation. And just because they're using one choir as a messenger doesn't mean they won't have another as a weapon."

2017-04-07, 12:31 PM
Baring takes in Darius' words. The older man certainly bristles a little bit, but he seems to be trying to suppress it--or perhaps it is all perfect control and he just wants his annoyance to be seen. Regardless, he replies civilly.

"You are correct, Darius. It seems you two are likely to be the ones who will approach it, so I defer to you as to how to contact it and what preparations to make. You should have time. If you need any mundane supplies, I imagine I can supply them. "

2017-04-10, 11:00 PM
"Sounds reasonable." Roland says. "Though, I will admit that I worry still. A phantom, once unmasked, is liable to become angry - and I would feel better with the weight of numbers on our side. Mayhap further allies could be recruited?" He asks, addressing the Brother. "We cannot afford to risk exposure, of course, but if we could be sure they were uninvolved..."

2017-04-11, 07:51 AM
Baring nods. "Is there anyone in particular you trust? I have some allies I would trust to come with you and to be discrete enough about helping, but unfortunately they are known to be strong allies of mine, such as our city lord, and thus their presence would tip off the target. ...I could lend each of you a ring with an elemental or other similar being stored inside it. The ring has fragile gemstones on it, and you release the bound creature by breaking a stone. It is bound to obey the orders of whoever releases it and to return once told to, until all the stones are broken. That would give you some firepower, but they're not smart or versatile.

We could probably force the Coven to swear to secrecy in exchange for some minor favors, but I think their presence would be a liability rather than a strength. I don't trust the Watchers on the Shore--in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them try to kill me, to get rid of a Kington's ally and to gain power. Any other non-Kington practitioners come to mind?"

As he mentions this, you notice -- almost for the first time, as if a glamour hid it before -- five rings on his fingers, each with several gemstones.

For ease of typing, I'll list here what you can pick: an earth elemental (slow but punches hard, very durable), a fire elemental (can fly, is fire), an air elemental (can fly & help others fly, little attack power), or a fierce goblin with swords.

Also, this is a good time to call Vermin :smallwink:
Or, if coincidence and fate wish to intervene, a decent time for Vermin to happen to call Darius.

2017-04-13, 04:17 PM
After acquiring Darius' phone number, Vermin calls him up. Since she doesn't get cell reception down in the sewers, she's making the call as she walks around town.

2017-04-19, 06:37 PM
The Piratical Diabolist would frown as his phone began to ring. Strangely, the otherwise old fashioned seeming pirate does in fact carry a cell phone. Though it looks like one of those nigh indestructible ones made by Nokia.

"Darius Speaking, whom is this calling?" He'd respond, picking the call up. Frowning only slightly at the unfamiliar number.

(Apologies guys.)

2017-04-20, 12:31 PM
"Vermin, you might recall me from the meeting? Or maybe you wouldn't. Anyhow, a third party was wondering if you'd be interested in a job and we figured it would be best for appearances sake if the offer came from me."

2017-04-21, 12:10 AM
Roland watches the conversation with curiosity. His immediate inclination is to listen in, and, for a moment, he considers it, fingers running across a rune on his staff - but then restrains the urge. Knowing things is always a boon, but discovering them can be a blight.
He glances sideways at Brother Baring, raising one bushy eyebrow. "Chance?" He asks softly.

2017-04-21, 08:55 AM
Baring smiles at Roland's remark. "Likely not." He closes his eyes for a moment. "I still detect no spies. Mayhaps karma is favoring us."

He takes a sip of wine, motioning towards Darius to continue the call.

2017-04-21, 08:03 PM
Darius would nod, "That's a possibility Vermin, depending on the offer and the nature of it." He'd say, raising his voice slightly so the others could hear the name. Giving the other two a significant look.

2017-04-22, 12:17 PM
"Well, I can't make any offers on her behalf, but the offer she made me sounded worth my time. It would be a job to retrieve something down by the Shore. If you're interested I'll let her know and we can arrange things from there." Vermin replies as she avoids a puddle.

2017-04-28, 08:14 AM
At hearing Vermin's name, Baring looks deep in thought for a moment, then scribbles something on a pen.

He hands it over to Darius, though in easy sight of Roland.

She could be a useful member to our group, though I would want her word she isn't planning on killing me in the next month. Whatever she wants could be some payment.
Quietly he says, mostly to Roland, "It would be in poor taste to require someone to swear not to kill me, but such will at least preclude her using this as a pretense for my demise."

2017-04-28, 06:23 PM
Roland lets out a soft chuckle. "An interesting way of putting things. I cannot say I'm acquainted with the name, though; is your request one of caution or necessity?"

2017-04-28, 09:16 PM
Baring's eyebrow lifts with a hint of surprise and skepticism. "You haven't heard of Vermin? She's the sewer rat--metaphorically speaking--that the Kingtons keep on payroll. Artificer, from what I hear. I haven't worked with her myself, but she seems... interesting enough to be worth knowing of, but unknown enough that I don't trust her with a heavy price on my head."

2017-04-30, 09:33 PM
Darius would nod. "Certainly something that could be arranged, Vermin. If you'd be willing to help me with a bit of trouble on my end. Though before we continue, it might be best to meet someplace. Discuss things properly."

The pirate would look to Roland and nod his head towards Baring. But obviously couldn't say anything just now.

2017-04-30, 11:50 PM
Roland strokes his beard. "Interesting, and potentially useful. I think I have heard of her, in fact - several times - but never by name. My sources led me to believe she was an Other of a rather frightening sort."

2017-05-01, 09:23 AM
Baring emits a hesitant hmmmm then adds, "Darius, feel free to invite her to our meeting here, though I take no offense if you need to meet without me."

2017-05-17, 12:39 PM
After arriving and letting Darius know about the job offer, Vermin asks, "Ok. Well I've heard you offer and it sounds fine, but what do you actually want me to do?"

2017-05-18, 09:13 AM
Baring replies in a polite yet matter-of-fact tone: "Two things from me. First, promise not to kill me, or try to kill me or have me killed, through any of this mess. You can word it how you want to protect yourself, but mainly I just want confirmation you aren't going to stab me in the back or try to collect the bounty. I mean no offense, but I don't have a strong reason to extent the trust that you won't use this opportunity to kill me.

Second. Aid Roland and Darius in their plan. So far, it seems the idea is for Roland or Darius to do that pigeon-ritual in hopes of contacting the demon. If it appears, Darius will try to banish or bind it. I imagine you'll help in the fight that may ensue. If nothing appears... well, I leave the planning to you three."

2017-05-18, 12:38 PM
"I will not to attempt to kill you for the duration of working on this problem for you, so long as you don't become a serious threat to me or others or try to double cross us in some manner. That good?" Vermin states, not really trying to be clever. In fact it comes out sounding almost perfunctory.

2017-05-18, 05:59 PM
Darius would snort slightly, "Technically, Baring is a threat to others even now. Given we're intending to track down a practitioner, Others are likely to get harmed in the process." He would say with a slight chuckle as he thumbed the speaker button Letting the others in on the conversation properly.

2017-05-20, 12:26 PM
Vermin sighs and says, "Then so long as he doesn't become a threat to me, Swarm, and humans of all kinds in general who don't try to physically harm him or arrange to physically harm him." Then Vermin rolls her eyes thinking "great, we've got one of those people in this group. That'll be funnnnn." Because she's still at least allowed to think sarcastically.

2017-05-23, 10:45 AM
Baring nods as Vermin gives her first statement, but shows a slight smile at Darius' nit-picking. After her second statement, he responds. "Quite acceptable, and thank you. I can assume you've had to say similar things to the Kingtons from time to time."

Does Baring come off as a bit of a prick? That's what I'm going for, but I'm not sure I'm capturing it right.
I admit that, when I read Pol Dolsten's list of NPCs, I pictured Baring as a condescending prick. I was kinda hoping ya'll'd kill him off instead of working to save him, but this definitely works and is probably safer and wiser over all.

2017-05-27, 10:00 AM
Darius is doing it for the money. Or rather, the Karma. But yes. He seems like a bit of a jerk who's only restraining himself because he's exceedingly mindful of his Karma, and also because he has an assassin trying to murder him. Whereas Darius picks nits because in the game of Demons, if you don't pick nits, you get evaporated.

2017-06-02, 09:22 AM
OOC: to try to get the game moving again, I'm going to try the multi-scene format. I'm assuming you have all agreed to work together for both plot points. Also, I'll handwave how damage from one could impact the other. If you want to start a new scene, such as some social thing your characters do independent of the team, feel free.

Scene: the Daughter's Quest

When you arrive near the beach, you see the Daughter of the Trident dressed like she was the night of the Council meeting. Two merfolk are near her -- definitely not the beautiful creatures of legend, one of which has a satchel around its waist. (my descriptive abilities fail me here, but think the mermaid from Cabin in the Woods) A small boat is also nearby, in which sits a shadowy, humanoid figure about two feet tall. Likely whoever the Watchers sent to guide her.

When she sees the first of you to arrive, she has an enthuiastic, friendly smile that seems more fitting to a cheerleader than someone leading a quest.

"Hi! Glad you made it. Well, once we're all here, we can head out. My guide's in the boat, and these two handsome gentlemen" -- she says as she pats the merfolk on the head -- "have your rewards. That way, if I don't make it back alive, you can still get paid. Poseidon doesn't want to owe any debts to you because I happen to run into trouble."

She motions for the team to enter the boat, which presumably will take you into the realm called the Shores.

Scene: Planning Baring's Protection
OOC: assuming all three of you gathered in the meeting room

Baring's phone rings. He glances at the number, frowns, and asks to be excused, leaving Vermin, Roland, and Darius alone in the warded room. He says he plans to stay in the store, but should take the call.

Once the door closes, you hear a gunshot from outside the door and a man groan in pain.

2017-06-02, 02:12 PM
Scene: the Daughter's Quest

Vermin looks at the merfolk a bit surprised. Not what she was expecting. Or maybe just not what she was hoping for. "Oh well." she thinks. Despite that, Vermin gives Daughter a smile and says, "Hopefully nothing that grim occurs. I'm hoping this will be interesting but not so grim as practitioner affairs so often get." With that Vermin steps onto the boat. Swarm follows her, though in an effort to basically not sink the boat with it's weight, all the parts of Swarm that can fly (that aren't somewhere on Vermin) are flying above the rest of it on the boat.

Scene: Planning Baring's Protection

Vermin, followed quickly by Swarm, rushes into the room, opening her eyes to the Sight, and looks around to see what's happened.

2017-06-07, 06:14 PM
Scene: Daughters Quest.

Darius looks very little like he does at council meetings. And much more like he looked on the day he was outed as a Diabolist, which is to say he looks like he's ready to survive, or start, a war. While he lacks a gun, a small hatchet is looped into a metal loop on the right side of his belt, a handcuff sheathe on the left side is sharing space with a bottle of what appears to be gasoline. An elaborate harness is about his shoulders, holding a lead pipe inscribed with elaborate and carefully arranged geometric patterns on one side, and a book that looks like someone either vomited on it, or bled on it, or both but strangely doesn't smell bound up in silver ribbon.

His implement was out, the small lighter being flicked open and closed as he walked up to the group. The small light being snuffed out each time. "So. Down below it is then. Can't say I particularly relish the idea but a deals a deal." He'd say looking out to sea.

Scene:Someone can't Bear Baring.

Looking towards the other room he would reach up, one hand grasping his eyepatch as he ran towards the sound of the disturbance. "Baring!"

2017-06-08, 11:37 AM
Daughter's Quest

She gives a genuine smile at Vermin's remark. "Yes, indeed I hope so. Be a shame to die here, cleaning up someone else's mess. I think it should be interesting, and as long as we keep our heads about us and the Other we seek is still in its container, we should be pretty safe, at least for the Shores. Right, guide?"

The small Other tilts its head and points towards the sea, but otherwise doesn't respond. "It hasn't talked yet, but I was told it'd point us in the right direction," the Daughter remarks.

She places (or tries to place) a hand flirtatiously on Darius' shoulder, smiling coquettishly. "Well, you certainly look ready to fight. Excellent. As Vermin may have mentioned, I'm not completely sure what the Other we seek is. Some of our records make us think it might be a water demon or a demon that just likes doing its thing with water, so I'm glad to have a demon-hunting diabolist on the team."

Once the party enters the boat, the Daughter opens a crate, revealing a disheveled young Greek man, an angry look in his eyes. "This," the Daughter says, "is the acolyte who let the Other go. As I mentioned earlier, he's sworn to obey me, not betray our mission, etc. Now, misguided novice, a command for you: do not harm Vermin or Darius, unless they are attempting to harm me or Poseidon, and obey them if I am incapacitated, dead, or enslaved, unless such obedience would lead to my death or your betraying Poseidon. Now, once we reach the Shores, you show us where the one you called master is, with no misdirection.

Now, Darius, Vermin, you remembered to bring no water-based Others, right? The Other we seek has sway over such, and I don't want us to be stabbed in the back. After some thought, I left my familiar, since although his true form has no aquatic basis, his animal form is a water-dwelling frog--I didn't want to take chances. Also, I have a talent at true naming, including healing; if you want to share more of your name with me than you already have, I can more effectively heal you should trouble arise. Of course, that also means I could more easily harm you if we ever became foes, so I take no offense."

OOC: feel free to have some talk before casting off, but I'll describe as you enter the sea

The Guide points this way and that as the Daughter steers. About when the beach gets out of sight, you notice the air get murkier, the sea... not really thicker or harsher, but more imposing and foreign. You can no longer see any stars in the sky. The Guide emits a chirp, sniffs the air, then the young acolyte says, with a hunger in his voice, "I sense him. He's... towards starboard, about 45 degrees. Still far, but... it's him."

The Guide sniffs towards that direction, nods, and the Daughter starts to steer that way. After a few feet, you see some sinuous forms -- snakes, eels? -- beside the boat under the water. They don't seem to be doing anything.


When you enter the room, you see the shopkeep holding a large handgun, his face contorted in terror though a dazed look in his eyes.

Baring leans against one of the display shelves, blood coming from his right shoulder, the wound held by his left hand. He has his right hand up, towards the shopkeep, and his mouth moves rapidly although you hear no words.
In fact, you may feel some disorientation as you enter the room. There appears to be no sound. You can see cars driving by through the store's windows, but don't hear them. Your own footsteps aren't making any noise, either.

The shopkeep shudders, shakes, and then grows calm (though his eyes remain dazed), aiming the gun at Baring. You can see a faint glow in Baring's outstretched palm.

2017-06-08, 01:56 PM
Daughter's Quest

Vermin nods when asked to confirm she didn't bring any water related Others with her. She'd made sure Swarm left any parts of itself that had water or fish spirits or the like in them back at her demesne.

"Thank you for the offer, I'll... consider it. Probably more strongly if I'm actually injured." Vermin replies with a little laugh.

After they've been in the Shore for a while, Vermin remarks with interest, "So this is the Shore huh? Neat." Normally she'd try and capture one of... whatever was swimming beneath them to add to Swarm, but obviously that's not a good idea right now. Maybe on the way back, she thinks.


Vermin tries to quickly swing her yo-yo and knock the gun out of the man's hands.
((If it hits it's probably going to completely break the gun, unless it just gets flung out of the man's hand.))

2017-06-08, 10:11 PM
Scene: The Daughters Quest.

That would get a reaction from Darius to say the least, the mans one eye widening slightly as he looks askance at the Daughter, though he doesn't actually prevent her from touching him. The expression of surprise open and honest, though strangely cold, his lack of interest somewhat clear. "Well, that's unusual. Usually, people are fairly unhappy to see me. Definitely the first time I've had someone flirt with me and acknowledge I was a Diabolist within a few moments of doing so."

He'd look towards Vermin, "You didn't tell me your friend was a flirt.", After the Daughter told them about the water connection he'd shake his head. "No, Madness, Darkness, and Chaos, and no water. But I'm hoping they Geanean and Khole won't be necessary." He'd give the daughter a look. Before nodding and pronouncing the names again. Slower. "If I'm not available for whatever reason to discipline my charges, feel free to take whatever steps you believe necessary. Even if it may permanently damage them. If I'm killed and they're loose, they won't hesitate to do the same to you. Counter Geanean with Unity, or Order and Khole with Rationality."

Scene: Baring

Darius would let go of the eyepatch and reach for Baring, pulling the man backwards towards the saferoom he had just left. Trying to pull him out of danger.

2017-06-09, 11:46 AM
Daughter's Quest

The Daughter gives a shrug at Darius' first comment, but stays smiling and friendly. "And rare is the man who responds so candidly to my flirtation. A nice anomaly." At hearing the demon's names and his recommendations, her face turns serious. "Unity, Order, Rationality. Most of the Names I know are not best suited to such, but thank you. That will guide me should it come to such."

The eel-things continue to follow alongside the boat. As the ship moves on, the acolyte directs the party towards their goal. A few times, the guide takes detours. At one detour, you see a massive whirlpool appear at the spot you otherwise would have traveled, though oddly it doesn't seem to impact the water where you are, just several yards away; the Guide gives a proud cheep at seeing it was useful.

As you continue, the air becomes thicker and thicker until you find you are all underwater; just the air turned to water as you went on. You can all breathe normally, although your clothes feel slightly weighted down by moisture and your movement slightly slower. Well, most of you; the Daughter appears unhindered. The water the ship flows on turns a darker color. (From what you've heard of the Shores, this isn't unusual; being underwater at times is normal.)

About twenty minutes later, an Other begins swimming towards the party. It looks like the mermaids of legend: a long, shimmering fish tail merging into a beautiful woman. Unclothed and with flowing blond hair, her human half looks like an ideal beauty. The eel-things slither to float beside her. Your guide steps anxiously from side to side, sniffing the air several times.

She opens her mouth to speak, and you can see fangs. Her voice sounds pleasant but otherworldly: "You are returning my master's pet, are you not?"


The yo-yo aims true, knocking the gun out of the man's hand and shattering the gun's handle. The man grimaces in pain, then draws a knife from behind the counter and starts to slowly walk towards Baring, a glazed look still in his eyes.

As Darius grabs Baring, the man does not resist and moves with him towards safety. The glow from Baring's hand fades. Also, sound returns to the room. Baring mutters, "Don't kill the man," his voice laced with pain.

2017-06-09, 01:09 PM
Daughter's Quest

Vermin shakes her head and the two of them. "You're not supposed to point out when people flirt with you. Silly Diabolist, lacking in social graces. Who would have thought!?" she replies, the last part clearly in amused sarcasm. ((Interestingly while sarcasm is normally super bad for Practitioners, it seems we can still get away with it in some ways.))

"That would depend on who your master is." Vermin replies. Before the mermaid can respond she looks to daughter and says, "So merfolk come in all sorts huh?"


"Swarm." Vermin says and the moment she does, Swarm just swarms the man and pins him down on the ground.

2017-06-12, 08:44 AM
Daughter's Quest

The mermaid smiles (or bears it teeth threateningly--hard to tell), though its eyes show malice and offense. The Daughter chuckles and says, with obvious condescension towards the mermaid, "Yeah. I think it depends on what human myths they draw power from. This one seems more like Western literature and the dreams of lonely sailors and teenagers. Those I usually work with are more ancient and, in my opinion, authentic."

The mermaid growls.
The acolyte takes a few steps closer to the mermaid, but then stops, stepping back with his eyes downcast.

OOC: I first typed "the mermaid grows" by mistake, which I found humorously not detectable as a typo


Swarm tackles and subdues the man. The man continues to struggle, but his efforts are nothing compared to the collective strength Swarm has.

2017-06-23, 03:47 PM
Moving along the plot

"Pet, the master is waiting," the mermaid hisses before it charges the boat, spitting black shadows, each about the size of a fist, out of its mouth as it runs. The shadows themselves continue onward, the water turning brackish and disfigured as they move through it. At the same time, one of the eel-snakes charges, while the other runs in the direction you were previously heading. Just seeing the misshapen water makes your stomach turn.

The Daughter, unhindered by the watery environment, steps slightly into the air and gracefully swings her trident, entering a stance ready to attack those coming near.

The acolyte, with a wild look in his eyes, smiles and starts to run towards the approaching Others.


Once everyone is relocated into the secured room, Baring curses as the shopkeep shifts from struggling against Swarm to foaming at the mouth.

Simple investigation notices that one of the teeth ruptured. It seems it had been replaced with a breakable capsule. The man poisoned himself. (I'm willing to warrant that Swarm could notice this.)

Between gasps of pain, Baring says, "I wound up using my magic to keep him from killing me. Whoever arranged me tricked me into revealing the supernatural to this man, and now he is dead. That karmic hit is on me, despite whatever magic they used to get him to attack me. That they knew he was my agent is... troubling."

2017-06-30, 12:19 PM

Vermin whips out her yo-yo at the eel-like thing, hoping to smash it so hard it makes the mermaid reconsider messing with them.

Swarm rushes to the shadows, swarming around one of them, trying to deal enough damage to it that it might absorb the shadow into itself. This probably looks kind of weird in the sort of underwater environment.


Swarm pours bugs into the man's mouth trying to get as much poison on their backs and such and carry it back outside the body, while another stream of bugs flows down the throat as far as they need to go and with as much unpleasant movement as is required to get the man to vomit in the attempt to get most of the poison out of the man.

Vermin looks at Baring and asks, "If Swarm can delay the man dying can you do anything to save his life or delay his death long enough to get him to a hospital?"

2017-06-30, 02:40 PM
OOC: ha ha ha. Gross and cool
Also, ad-libbing a bit for Darius to give druid91 time to post. Basically, giving him time to say


The yo-yo at first looks like it will miss the eel, the eel being able to move through the breathable water far more easily than Vermin can aim it. However, the spirits within it prove true, and at the last moment it swerves and strikes the creature in its spine. The Other whimpers in pain but is unable to move, simply floating in the water.

Swarm engulfs two of the shadows, the third darting around him and engaging Darius, moving around the diabolist and attempting to strike.
As Swarm's components tear into the shadows, the shadow-stuff in turn corrodes parts of Swarm, turning them partially liquid and brackish. Swarm can feel that engaging them physically is doing himself as much harm as them (though there is much more of him than them, so he is winning), and it appears that trying to absorb them would only make him lose part of himself, or... well, change part of himself. The corrupted parts of Swarm try to squirm out of his body.

With the shadows having gotten closer, you can see that the water they moved through no longer seems like real water. Darius at least would have reason to think these shadows are altering the water, much like an imp corrupts things of its nature.

The mermaid does not hesitate, but the Daughter drives her trident into its chest. The Other is in its death throes as a gush of shadow vomits from her. The Daughter raises her hands protectively, chanting a spell, and most of the shadow is diverted from her. The acolyte runs into the shadows, letting it wash over him.

Swarm succeeds. Baring coughs in pain, then remarks, "Yes. It is costly, but better than my karma. I thank you, Vermin." He pulls out his stopwatch and touches the man with it. The man, for all purposes you can tell, appears to go into stasis.

Roland offers to call 911 for medical help. Baring agrees and he dials.