View Full Version : How to make an Earthbender in 5E?

2017-02-15, 12:59 PM
Hey everyone, a friend of mine is interested in joining one of the D&D games I'm in and they want to play some variation of an Earthbender from the Avatar cartoon series. I immediately asked my DM if they could use a homebrew I had found previously, but he insisted that no homebrew or UA could be used but all official books were fair game.

I was going to suggest the 4 Elements Monk, considering it should be just down their ally, but its pretty much considered to be a straight out bad subclass. When questioning them further, they were totally fine with not being in melee as the throwing around boulders and earth-themed effects was the main draw for them.

So my question is: With feats, multiclassing and only official material available, how would you all make a character who's main focus is earth-themed with as little re-flavouring as possible? I understand it sounds impractical, but any and all suggestions are appreciated!

2017-02-15, 01:03 PM
Earth Genasi sorcerer. Load up on "earthy" cantrips and spells, and refluff Dragonic origin a bit if possible, or just say that your draconic heritage is mostly manifesting as elemental affinity. Basically, the player portion of Elemental Evil is going to be gold for you.

2017-02-15, 01:06 PM
If Four Elements is out (its problems can be fixed with a few minor tweaks, but 'no homebrew' might prevent that), you're reliant on spellcasting to achieve the flavour.

Mold Earth, Transmute Rock, Wall of Stone, Stoneskin, Stone Shape, Earthquake and Meld into Stone are probably the key spells you're looking for, maybe on a druid or sorcerer (I haven't checked which are on which lists)?

Oh yeah, earth genasi is a good point. It's not necessary; the benders in the TV show were human; but it could be fun nonetheless.

2017-02-15, 01:08 PM
You will never really get a true Earth Bender in 5e unless you refluff the hell out of it.

Change some cantrips to bludgeoning or piercing damage and change their fluff. That will get you part of the way there.

The issue is making shields and all the other cool things you see in the show. It just really isn't replicated until mid to high levels and you can't really do them as often as in the show...

Using 5e to make an earth bender is like hiring M. Night Shamalamadingdong as a director to make a Avatar (the last air bender) movie. Sure it has some things there but it won't feel or look right.

2017-02-15, 03:37 PM
You will never really get a true Earth Bender in 5e unless you refluff the hell out of it.

Change some cantrips to bludgeoning or piercing damage and change their fluff. That will get you part of the way there.

The issue is making shields and all the other cool things you see in the show. It just really isn't replicated until mid to high levels and you can't really do them as often as in the show...

Using 5e to make an earth bender is like hiring M. Night Shamalamadingdong as a director to make a Avatar (the last air bender) movie. Sure it has some things there but it won't feel or look right.

What are you talking about? There was no Avatar: The Last Airbender movie.


EDIT: On topic, making any Bender in D&D is somewhat difficult unless your DM lets you refluff spells. Shield, instead of being arcane magic, could be you bringing a chunk of earth to help fend off a blow as an example. I'd say talk to your friend and the DM about it.

2017-02-15, 05:26 PM
Druid has all the earthy feeling you need. If you really want to hit people instead of just casting spells, then a bit of 4E Monk will be necessary.

2017-02-15, 07:58 PM
Variant Human, Stone Sorcerer (From the Sorcerer UA.) Get the Tough feat as your vHuman feat, for added HP's since Earthbenders are Tough! Refluff things like Shield as a stone wall and use the earth-ish spells on the spell list like others have suggested.

Edit: Does your DM count UA as Official material? If not, please disregard this post.

2017-02-15, 08:00 PM
reskin spells to be earth related.

eldritch blast becomes "stone spear"

fire bolt is "sling stone"

etc, etc.