View Full Version : Warlock patrons

2017-02-15, 02:28 PM
I'm a curious fellow, and with the recent release of new patrons, I've got a question. Whats your favorite patron and why?

2017-02-15, 02:32 PM
I'll give two answers. My favorite from an overall perspective, and a favorite from a mechanical perspective. So Favorite and Strongest.

My favorite is the Great Old One. Playing your character as a John Constantine sort of investigator. Including the new Invocations, you can have X Ray vision, push and pull a target whenever you hit it with EB (So all sorts of shananigans with spells that rely on 'whenever a creature enters the area', like Wall of Fire), its normal telepathy, etc. The only glaring 'meh' spot of the GOO is "Hey, you're resistant to psychic damage". Doesn't come up often, in my experience.

Strongest? Oh, its Hexblade. Not even close. Curse Bringer's +2d8 per spell level is ridiculous.

2017-02-15, 02:38 PM
I like the Archfey, because it is the "Good warlock patron"

2017-02-15, 02:38 PM
My problem with this question is that I have a few, but they're ones I've written up and we haven't published yet on Middle Finger of Vecna (http://www.middlefingerofvecna.com/).

If I have to choose from core or UA. . . I would have to say Fiend and Undying Light. I know a lot of people like/dislike the Undying Light because it's strong, I just like the theme, and not having an evil/neutral patron.

It gives me the feeling of being the servant of a Solar if I go Pact of the Blade, or of an ancient Phoenix from the Elemental Plane of Fire if I go Pact of the Chain. It's a lot of fun! :smallbiggrin:

However, if I'm going classic warlock, I like the fiend. Selling your soul to become Ghost Rider never gets old.

EDIT: Wow...I just realized how egomaniacal that first sentence sounded. "Oh, my patrons are the best." I only meant that I've written some that fill thematic/mechanical niches that I enjoy, and that the published ones don't fill :smalltongue:

2017-02-15, 02:39 PM
My favorite thematically is the raven queen. She was always a cool character, and the patron effects are fun and thematic. Close second is Star, for being eerie and lovecraftian.

Mechanically, well... I would say hexblade, but I feel some elements of it are a bit awkward, and frankly I would have rather just seen a re-write of the bladelock mechanics to not need a whole separate dedicated patron to make them work.

So, failing that, probably fey, as I like the enchantment & teleportation angles, with raven queen as a close second.

Iron out the bumps in hexblade and it becomes an easy mechanical favorite, though.

2017-02-15, 03:02 PM
Fluff-only comment.

I am still a sucker for the Great Old One. I know almost nothing about the Cthulhu Mythos, but I love the idea of a plane that is, first and foremost, too alien to be safely interacted with. Is your patron evil? Maybe, probably, but that's not where the danger lies. Also, don't mistake "maddening" for "mad". Your patron has all of its pataphysical marbles.

For worldbuilding, though, I think most warlocks should be of the Archfey. Yes, fear the Fair Folk, but don't forget that the likes of the Fairy Godmother or the Lady of the Lake have their place in the story too. It can justify the class being a known part of the setting.

Sariel Vailo
2017-02-15, 04:24 PM
i like the undeath patron. for one reason my heads off yo stupid over here on yer right no yer other right.or healing and being tht creepy girl with alot of weapons

2017-02-15, 04:49 PM
Excluding UA, homebrew and Splat...

Probably archfey.

They seem the most versatile. Their patron can kind of be any alignment, you and amp up the tricky, the spiteful or the helpful as you see fit. In my opinion they also make the best bladelocks - or at least the best single classed bladelocks.

They get a great spell selection, really useful abilities but also their abilities are diverse. With a pact like fiend you have the option of doing damage... or spending a spell slot to do damage. Any encounter needing more finesse than just dealing damage can benefit from this patron.

Including UA, homebrew and Splat...

I once had a homebrewed ancient Treant patron that was pretty cool and great fun to play.

2017-02-15, 05:12 PM
I'm a simple sort of guy, Fiend patron is so thematic and powerful... Plus it has the absolute best capstone in 5e for any subclass.

Sending a creature on a trip through hell is downright fantastic.

The only way to make this a better feature would be to add that any creature killed by this feature belong to your patron.

Not that it matters much, but hot damn would that be awesome and at that level it would be great to cause a Fiend verses specific deity war and bring about the end of days.

2017-02-15, 08:58 PM
EDIT: Wow...I just realized how egomaniacal that first sentence sounded. "Oh, my patrons are the best." I only meant that I've written some that fill thematic/mechanical niches that I enjoy, and that the published ones don't fill :smalltongue:

Nah, you good. :smallbiggrin:

2017-02-15, 10:05 PM
GOO because they're the least likely to care what my warlock is up to and as likely as not don't even know they have a pact with him.

2017-02-15, 10:11 PM
I'll give two answers. My favorite from an overall perspective, and a favorite from a mechanical perspective. So Favorite and Strongest.

My favorite is the Great Old One. Playing your character as a John Constantine sort of investigator. Including the new Invocations, you can have X Ray vision, push and pull a target whenever you hit it with EB (So all sorts of shananigans with spells that rely on 'whenever a creature enters the area', like Wall of Fire), its normal telepathy, etc. The only glaring 'meh' spot of the GOO is "Hey, you're resistant to psychic damage". Doesn't come up often, in my experience.

Strongest? Oh, its Hexblade. Not even close. Curse Bringer's +2d8 per spell level is ridiculous.

This is literally me. I love Constantine, I love detective characters (I am currently working on a Shadow Monk named Brue Swain).

From a power gaming standpoint Hexblade is so amazingly strong, even with a level 6 feature that's nothing more than a ribbon.

2017-02-15, 10:33 PM
Of the officially released ones, I lean towards the Fey the most, as I like the thematics of it. GOO's a close second, such delicious spells.

Including the UA, it's still the Fey, but the Seeker rockets into second place. Complete utility on the spell list, a very "light" feel to a warlock, it's quite interesting.

2017-02-15, 11:12 PM
I'll give two answers. My favorite from an overall perspective, and a favorite from a mechanical perspective. So Favorite and Strongest.

My favorite is the Great Old One. Playing your character as a John Constantine sort of investigator. Including the new Invocations, you can have X Ray vision, push and pull a target whenever you hit it with EB (So all sorts of shananigans with spells that rely on 'whenever a creature enters the area', like Wall of Fire), its normal telepathy, etc. The only glaring 'meh' spot of the GOO is "Hey, you're resistant to psychic damage". Doesn't come up often, in my experience.

Strongest? Oh, its Hexblade. Not even close. Curse Bringer's +2d8 per spell level is ridiculous.

I second this fellow.

As a fan of Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos, my favorite one is the Old One Patron

Mechanics-Wise, Hexblade is the strongest as long as UA is allowed.

2017-02-16, 08:20 AM
Fluff-only comment.

I am still a sucker for the Great Old One. I know almost nothing about the Cthulhu Mythos, but I love the idea of a plane that is, first and foremost, too alien to be safely interacted with. Is your patron evil? Maybe, probably, but that's not where the danger lies. Also, don't mistake "maddening" for "mad". Your patron has all of its pataphysical marbles.

For worldbuilding, though, I think most warlocks should be of the Archfey. Yes, fear the Fair Folk, but don't forget that the likes of the Fairy Godmother or the Lady of the Lake have their place in the story too. It can justify the class being a known part of the setting.

I agree with this sentiment absolutely: pacts are great because you're basically a parasite latching onto a much more powerful being, and the vast unknowability of Great Old Ones really encapsulates that perfectly for me. It adds that bit of pressure because, while with the other kinds you can more or less figure out what your pact master wants, the GOO can be a lot harder to figure out, meaning that you have to live in the fear of accidentally doing something that it considers distasteful: the fear that all of that power might be stripped from you if you set a foot wrong is one of the things I love about warlocks, even if that never actually happens.

2017-02-16, 08:58 AM
I like the Archfey, because it is the "Good warlock patron"

You can make a "good" warlock of the other patrons.

I had a 4e player that had a great outside-the-box concept for a Fiend Pact warlock. Part of a cabal of Sehanine worshipers, the group had captured a powerful devil and bound in in a ritual in which they siphoned off some of its power. Those that siphoned it off then went into self-imposed exile, saying goodbye to their homes, and scattering around the world. As they gained more power (levelled up), they siphoned off more of the devil's power, weakening it more. As an additional plot hook, should enough of the warlocks of that cabal be hunted down and killed by the devil's minions, enough power would return to it that it could break its bonds.

I always loved that concept because it was a Fiendlock that upended the typical fluff of "I sold my soul to a devil".

2017-02-16, 10:20 AM
I'm mainly a feind guy (think of a intern too powerful demon/devil who gets treated like most fictional interns). But the fey pact seem so cool! I'd probably take a level in bard to finally become David Bowie. The Great Old One seems cool (I like the idea that the patron is the mind of a psion who achieved immortality by coming pure thought), and the undying warlock (although super niche) seems great as well (that level 14 ability has so many cool shenanigans!). Overall the warlock is my favorite class.

2017-02-16, 10:27 AM
My overall Favorite I want to play: Raven Queen Patron. Always loved the Raven Queen, glad to see they might be bringing her into 5th edition. My idea was a Raven Queen Patron Warlock 2 / Cleric of the Grave x, because while they may not mesh well stat wise, damn do they make a lot of sense thematically.

2nd, only because of new invocations Archfey Warlock is also a favorite to me now. I love the idea of Aspect of the Moon invocation which means you don't have to sleep anymore, I also like the Green Lord's Gift, and the Moon Bow as well.

2017-02-16, 10:40 AM
You can make a "good" warlock of the other patrons.

I had a 4e player that had a great outside-the-box concept for a Fiend Pact warlock. Part of a cabal of Sehanine worshipers, the group had captured a powerful devil and bound in in a ritual in which they siphoned off some of its power. Those that siphoned it off then went into self-imposed exile, saying goodbye to their homes, and scattering around the world. As they gained more power (levelled up), they siphoned off more of the devil's power, weakening it more. As an additional plot hook, should enough of the warlocks of that cabal be hunted down and killed by the devil's minions, enough power would return to it that it could break its bonds.

I always loved that concept because it was a Fiendlock that upended the typical fluff of "I sold my soul to a devil".

I always did stuff like this in 4e when I played Warlocks XD.

The Sorcerer Supreme from Dr. Strange reminded me a few of my characters, and is one of the reasons why I like the idea of Sorcerers and Warlocks being the same class.

Two of my favorites though is...

1: Parents sold their child to a devil in exchange for XYZ. My character doesn't really get a choice unless he can get another Patron to override the contract in some way.

2: Somewhere in the multiverse, Johnny lost that fiddle playing contest to the devil...

2017-02-16, 11:04 AM
My overall Favorite I want to play: Raven Queen Patron. Always loved the Raven Queen, glad to see they might be bringing her into 5th edition. My idea was a Raven Queen Patron Warlock 2 / Cleric of the Grave x, because while they may not mesh well stat wise, damn do they make a lot of sense thematically.

You might try multiclassing with last weeks version of the favored soul instead of a cleric. The stats mesh better, while still giving you that divine caster feel and spell access.

2017-02-16, 11:05 AM
I always loved that concept because it was a Fiendlock that upended the typical fluff of "I sold my soul to a devil".
I always did stuff like this in 4e when I played Warlocks XD.Stealing power from Hell was actually the default fluff in 4e. Asmodeus had obliterated some rival archdevils but failed to sever all the magical connections they had created as part of their pacts with mortals. Modern warlock PCs would find and exploit these connections. That's how the 4e PHB rolled.

Parents sold their child to a devil in exchange for XYZ. My character doesn't really get a choice unless he can get another Patron to override the contract in some way.A dying woman and her baby. The woman prays the forest spirits to foster her child. A magical godmother appears. The woman understands the being is no forest spirit, but something more... alien. She entrusts her baby to it nonetheless.

2017-02-16, 12:40 PM
Stealing power from Hell was actually the default fluff in 4e. Asmodeus had obliterated some rival archdevils but failed to sever all the magical connections they had created as part of their pacts with mortals. Modern warlock PCs would find and exploit these connections. That's how the 4e PHB rolled.

I don't recall that being the "default" fluff in 4e. Pretty sure default was making a Pact with a devil.

2017-02-16, 01:04 PM
I don't recall that being the "default" fluff in 4e. Pretty sure default was making a Pact with a devil.
Infernal Pact
Long ago a forgotten race of devils created a secret path to power and taught it to the tieflings of old to weaken their fealty to Asmodeus. In his wrath, Asmodeus destroyed the scheming devils and struck their very names from the memory of all beings—but you dare to study their perilous secrets anyway.Your devil patron is gone and forgotten. Only the pact magic remains. Isn't that convenient?

2017-02-16, 01:05 PM
I don't recall that being the "default" fluff in 4e. Pretty sure default was making a Pact with a devil.

Really, there was no one fluff for the 4e Warlock from the PHB. The PHB did a fantastic job not forcing any one way to play the classes and really has my favorite intro to the Warlock and many others.

"Warlocks channel arcane might wrestled from primeval entities. They commune with infernal intelligences and fey spirits, scour enemies with potent blasts of eldritch power, and bedevil foes with hexing curses. Armed with esoteric secrets and dangerous lore, warlocks are clever and resourceful foes.

However you came to your arcane knowledge, you need not accept the poor reputation warlocks sometimes endure. You could be a libram-toting scholar captivated my mysterious lore, foot-loose wanderer searching for elusive ultimate truths, a devil touched hunter using infernal spells to eliminate evil, or even a black-clad mercenary who uses sinister trappings to discourage prying strangers and unwanted attention. On the other hand, you could be a true diabolist using your gifts to tyrannize the weak-some warlocks unfortunately are exactly that.

The pacts are complete. The rites have concluded. The Signs are drawn in blood, and the seals are broken. Your destiny beckons."

Yeah the abilities were all fluffed but the reason behind your warlockness could be anything from "sold my soul to the devil" to "stealing power from the devil".

When it comes down to it, there is no specific fluff on why your character is a warlock.


People always forget, fluff was encouraged to be changed in 4e. Hell, mechanics were even encouraged to be changed if it didn't fir the character.

If you didn't want your Ice themed character casting fire spells, you could talk with the DM and change them to Cold as it wouldn't really unbalance the game.

2017-02-16, 03:01 PM
Really, there was no one fluff for the 4e Warlock from the PHB. The PHB did a fantastic job not forcing any one way to play the classes and really has my favorite intro to the Warlock and many others.

Yeah the abilities were all fluffed but the reason behind your warlockness could be anything from "sold my soul to the devil" to "stealing power from the devil".

When it comes down to it, there is no specific fluff on why your character is a warlock.


People always forget, fluff was encouraged to be changed in 4e. Hell, mechanics were even encouraged to be changed if it didn't fir the character.

If you didn't want your Ice themed character casting fire spells, you could talk with the DM and change them to Cold as it wouldn't really unbalance the game.

4e had "default fluff" that you were encouraged to change.

Changing energy types had a mechanical effect though (especially with cold spells ), and required a feat to do.

Prince Zahn
2017-02-16, 03:56 PM
Of the 3 core patrons, I enjoyed the Archfey, but I feel I would be at my best element with the fiend patron. you can't go wrong with making a deal with the devil.:smallcool: well, there's a lot that can go wrong but he'll give you what you wanted that's for sure. one of my favorite fiend warlock concepts was a sad dwarf who became a clown but wasn't funny enough to make people laugh, so he made a deal with the devil to make him funny, and he gave him warlock powers with the promise that he'll give the dwarf what he wants after he gets what he wants.

in term concept including UA I like the ghost in the machine the most, even though I can't imagine it seeing much use in my stories.

in terms of mechanics including UA - The undying Light is a very cute concept. I enjoy it very much, especially because it turns the warlock around
In theme with these additional personality stuff and light magic, while at the same time, many warlock spells are still dark and demonic, so it can create an interesting contrast. :smalltongue:

2017-02-16, 06:20 PM
I don't recall that being the "default" fluff in 4e. Pretty sure default was making a Pact with a devil.

I know 3.x you could either have made a pact, or inherited your power because of something an ancestor did.

2017-02-16, 06:22 PM
4e had "default fluff" that you were encouraged to change.

Changing energy types had a mechanical effect though (especially with cold spells ), and required a feat to do.

Maybe later on they had feats for it, but I recall them directly giving an example of the Paladin being able to be "evil" by changing radiant to necrotic.

Monsters are easily customization in 4e so it wouldn't actually hurt anything.

2017-02-16, 10:54 PM
Maybe later on they had feats for it, but I recall them directly giving an example of the Paladin being able to be "evil" by changing radiant to necrotic.

Monsters are easily customization in 4e so it wouldn't actually hurt anything.
For monsters? Absolutely. But players had feats and items that keyed off energy types. Cold especially had some good ones. Even better in paragon tier.

2017-02-16, 11:08 PM
For monsters? Absolutely. But players had feats and items that keyed off energy types. Cold especially had some good ones. Even better in paragon tier.

However, even with those feats, 4e was balanced enough that changing your damage type didn't really matter.

4e is awesome like that.

Ogre Mage
2017-02-17, 03:11 AM
From an optimization perspective I like the fiend and Undying Light. But from a flavor perspective I like the archfey as it allows for a very wide variety of patron types. Your patron could be anyone from a benevolent fairy godmother to Baba Yaga.