View Full Version : For Fun: Wizard personality stereotypes

2017-02-15, 09:59 PM
I thought it would be fun and lighthearted to start a thread on typical personalities for the wizard subclasses.

Abjuration: Wizards specializing in this school tend to be like over protective parents. Always worried that someone is going to get hurt and trying to put their "magic bicycle helmet" on them.

Divination wizards are nosy. They can't stand the idea of not knowing something, to the point of using arcane eye to read their party mate's diary.

Evocation wizard can be summed up in " An orc army is attacking the town? This is inn has the best ale for three kingdoms! Hold my drink, I'll be right back" Edit: Read that quote in a frat boy voice.

Enchantment school is peopled by those who really, really wanted to be the charming bard, but were just another annoying nerd. "But that's ok when I perfect this spell they'll have to be my friends!"

Necromancers are the weird kid that everyone makes fun of, so they make their own friends.

Illusionists are what you get when you take too many shrooms when you're supposed to be studying your transmutation spells.

Transmuters: "Yes, I know there's physical matter and elemental energy and spirit, but when you scrape that away, what's it made of really?"

The Conjuration kid really wanted his imaginary friend to be real. I mean really really wanted it to be real...

2017-02-16, 05:14 AM

Abjuration: "Stop trying to hit me and hit me", Morpheus... Actually more of Neo thing, stopping bullets in mid air and stuff. Both Over-confident and over-protective this guy has a hero complex and takes it uppon himself to not let anyone get hurt, feeling bad if they fail to protect their party.

Divination: You know the creepy feeling when you have a chill on your neck and you feel someone's watching? That's him. When you actually meet him, he will either be creepy as #$% knowing every detail about your life including your crush back in highschool, and state it as coldly as possible to add to his creepy demeanor, or be a geeky know-it-all that nobody likes, and beats up as soon as he oppens him mouth.

Evocation: If there was a spellcasting barbarian, that's what he would look like. Do you know the proverb that not all problems are solved with violance? Well, this guy hasn't. And usually his kind of violance is more probably to leave friend and foe burning on the ground than just leave you with a couple bruices.

Enchantment: If the Bard is the Rock Star, the Enchanter is the manipulative genious . He'll have you join scientol... his cult in no time, make you think he is a decendent of some deity and you'll even feel generous when he rapes you, as you were "chosen". Beware he is dangerous.

Necromancy: More often they start off as misunderstood and not accepted by their peers, then join a group that accepts them, and they end up with a dark style raising the dead in no time. Deep down, all they really want is a warm hug, and someone to tell them "well done, son" to turn them back to sweethearts making their skeletons help mommy in the kitchen, daddy in the fields and picking up roses for the love of their life... till she rejects them or dies, which makes them self-destructive again, and they end up pursuing Vampirism or Lichdom.

Illusion: "No drugs baby... 100% good old me. Carefull though, I'm more addictive than those herbs you are looking for." Some kind of hippie, spending more time lost in his illusions than in the real world. His pals value him for giving them the best pipe dreams, and 100% hangover-free too. He is quite popular with both guys and girls, and enjoys juggling between his accademics and the relaxed life of "Make Love Not War".

Transmutation: -Blah Blah Blah Jeeberish Jeeberish Theorem Blah Blah to improve our lives. You know the guy who speaks, and everyone just pretends to listen to wile they get only 1/10 words they say? He sure is smart, but nobody truely aknowlages how much, as he is more usually lost into his own dilhemas. That, plus the fact he is banned on all good shops because he attepted to pay with his home-made gold, which then turn into dirt. All your popular peers want him out of your group for being too weird and hurting your image, but you can't help believing in him eventually archieving greatness.

Conjuration: -You know what would be more fun than walking? Anything! This guy is the future meets the present. He makes things out of thin air, can give you an instant transportation to your vacation house with no 4-hour flyight and even summon pets for company or protection. He is your best friend, as he can summon a crazy party in mere seconds, making your every night legend...wait for it...ary