View Full Version : Player Help So my DM is handing out a magic item of my choice...

2017-02-15, 10:54 PM
So our DM is giving everyone at the table a free magic item of our choice so long as it's of rare rarity or lower as a story reward for story-related events in our campaign.

What would be a good choice for a pure-classed Bladesinger? I'm currently thinking along the lines of a Flametongue rapier (thematic for my PC as they specialize in fire-based spells) or a sunblade. I also considered magic studded leather armor and a +2 wand of the warmage. I already have 20 Int and so a headband of intelligence is useless, and have a Cloak of Elvenkind and a Cloak of Protection.

Thoughts? Apologies for any grammer/spelling mistakes, it's late and I'm exhausted. Not paying attention to what I'm typing entirely.

2017-02-15, 11:00 PM
I would suggest a ring of evasion, ring of spell storing or a wand of fireballs. Of these I think the wand would be my top pick, followed by the ring of spell storing.

The Zoat
2017-02-15, 11:01 PM
A periapt of health, perhaps?

2017-02-16, 12:18 AM
Sunsword is very rare. I'd say Cloak of Displacement.

2017-02-16, 12:24 AM
Silver Horn of Valhalla is always fun... or brass horn if you're proficient in all simple weapons...

2017-02-16, 12:33 AM
Sunsword is very rare. I'd say Cloak of Displacement.

My DMG says it's rare. Was it changed in an errata? And thanks for the suggestion, I was so focused on what swords I could get I didn't consider cloaks.

2017-02-17, 05:25 PM
The Sun blade is rare, the Sunsword is legendary. That's probably the source of the confusion

2017-02-17, 05:42 PM
The Sun blade is rare, the Sunsword is legendary. That's probably the source of the confusion

No sunsword in the DMG. Do you mean Moonblade?

Damn you WotC for your magic swords with similar names!

2017-02-17, 08:33 PM
I second the Ring of Spell Storing. I almost suggested the Ioun Stone that does the same thing but holds 2 levels less of spells so the ring is superior.

After that I could suggest Winged Boots or Wings of Flying. Having a flying speed can be pretty useful! The boots have a speed equal to your ground speed so I believe your Bladesong would work to increase the speed. The wings have a 60ft specific speed though.

After that I could also suggest the Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals. I believe you'd have to still use concentration on the spell but it means you could have a backup melee guy to help you.

Edit: The reason for the Ring of Spell Storing is if you have other casters in the group who buff you, they could put it in the ring and you buff yourself. Sure it means you have to spend the action to do so but you might know when to use it better than them depending on the spell. Bonus points if you have a Paladin in your group, they can now share their Smite Spells (not their Divine Smite class ability ) with you!

Ogre Mage
2017-02-17, 08:41 PM
+2 Wand of the War Mage, Cloak of Displacement and Ring of Spell Storing are all strong choices.

I would also consider a Helm of Teleportation. This vastly expands your tactical options and allows for a hasty retreat if worse comes to worst.

2017-02-17, 09:58 PM
Wand of the War Mage (the most straightforward answear for a Wizard... simple and effective.)
Wand of Magic Missile (no attunement+autohit+saves you spell slots)
Wand of Fireballs (Save spell slots to cast a spell you will spam either way as soon as you get it)
Wand of Lightning Bolts (Same as above, expect you may be the kind of party that spends more time in tunels and caves than oppen field, thus your enemies tend to be in a linear formation rather than a sphere)
Wand of Paralysis (Can be a usefull Controll option)
Wand of Wanders (It's randomness can be very fun... at least untill you petrify yourself)
Rod of Ruleship (Who needs friends when you can make a whole dungeon your minions?)
Bracers of Defance (Extra AC is golden for a Melee Mage)
Flame Tongue (Extra Damage is extra damage)
Frost Brand (if you encounter a lot of Fire Resistant/Immune opponents use this instead)
Sun Blade (though inferior to Flame Tongue and Frost Brand... choose only for damage type, if you fight a lot of undead or other creatures vulnerable to Radiant Damage).
Ring of Feather Falling (You'll understand how usefull it is the next time your dm drops you in a seemingly bottomless pit)
Bag of Holding (All purpose storage so you won't ever again have to fear you can't carry enough.
Broom of Flying (I favor this over Wings of Flying and Cloack of the Bat, because Wings of Flying are going to be consumed in one go, and the Cloack of the Bat is like tempting your DM to flash a daylight-or-similar spell on you, just for the troll of it. Winged Boots may be safer, as someone could knock you off the broom, but I still prefear at-will over limited, reguardless of safety. If your DM lets you trade 1 Rare for 2 uncommon, go for a combination of the two for safer flights.)

2017-02-17, 10:04 PM
I say Bracers of Defense.

I'm going to assume a couple things:

You're a Bladesinger with 20 INT. I'm going to assume 16 Dex and 14 Con. If your stats are higher, even better.

Assuming Mage Armor, that's 16 Dex. 21 with Bladesong. 26 with the Shield spell on top of that.

Now with Bracers you'd be at 18/23/28.

A considerable difference.

This doesn't help just you. If you're getting hit less, that's less spells the Healer has to use. That's less uses of you using the Shield spell. This helps the resources of the whole party.

EDIT: Wait you mentioned you had a Cloak of Protection. It all stacks together. So if you have 16 Dex and Mage Armor, with the Cloak and Bracers, you're at 19 AC. 24 with Bladesong and 29 with Shield.

2017-02-17, 10:42 PM
Wand of the War Mage (the most straightforward answear for a Wizard... simple and effective.)
Wand of Magic Missile (no attunement+autohit+saves you spell slots)
Wand of Fireballs (Save spell slots to cast a spell you will spam either way as soon as you get it)
Wand of Lightning Bolts (Same as above, expect you may be the kind of party that spends more time in tunels and caves than oppen field, thus your enemies tend to be in a linear formation rather than a sphere)
Wand of Paralysis (Can be a usefull Controll option)
Wand of Wanders (It's randomness can be very fun... at least untill you petrify yourself)
Rod of Ruleship (Who needs friends when you can make a whole dungeon your minions?)
Bracers of Defance (Extra AC is golden for a Melee Mage)
Flame Tongue (Extra Damage is extra damage)
Frost Brand (if you encounter a lot of Fire Resistant/Immune opponents use this instead)
Sun Blade (though inferior to Flame Tongue and Frost Brand... choose only for damage type, if you fight a lot of undead or other creatures vulnerable to Radiant Damage).
Ring of Feather Falling (You'll understand how usefull it is the next time your dm drops you in a seemingly bottomless pit)
Bag of Holding (All purpose storage so you won't ever again have to fear you can't carry enough.
Broom of Flying (I favor this over Wings of Flying and Cloack of the Bat, because Wings of Flying are going to be consumed in one go, and the Cloack of the Bat is like tempting your DM to flash a daylight-or-similar spell on you, just for the troll of it. Winged Boots may be safer, as someone could knock you off the broom, but I still prefear at-will over limited, reguardless of safety. If your DM lets you trade 1 Rare for 2 uncommon, go for a combination of the two for safer flights.)

Frost brand is very rare.

2017-02-17, 10:48 PM
Hears to me being weird and coming up with a homebrewed weapon on the fly:

A rapier like weapon in the shape of a tuning fork. Functions as a Ring of Spell Storing. This spell is cast by the sword ringing out a note and launching the spell.

The wielder the ability to understand all spoken languages. If the sword is dropped it rights itself on it's hilt and sends out an audible note.

2017-02-18, 10:51 PM
No sunsword in the DMG. Do you mean Moonblade?

Damn you WotC for your magic swords with similar names!

The Sunsword isn't in the DMG, it's from Curse of Strahd

2017-02-18, 11:30 PM
The Sunsword isn't in the DMG, it's from Curse of Strahd

That's probably the source of confusion then.

Hears to me being weird and coming up with a homebrewed weapon on the fly:

A rapier like weapon in the shape of a tuning fork. Functions as a Ring of Spell Storing. This spell is cast by the sword ringing out a note and launching the spell.

The wielder the ability to understand all spoken languages. If the sword is dropped it rights itself on it's hilt and sends out an audible note.

As awesome as that sounds, my DM is disinclined to allow homebrew. He will however allow me to reflavor the ring of spell storing as something attached to my rapier.

Thanks for the suggestions. Next session for my group is the 22nd, I'll make a decision by then.