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2017-02-15, 11:59 PM
The World of GAIA


(cue music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-SbkgGjPPo)

If there were a single word to describe this world, it would be- epic.

Not everyone or everything here is larger than life.

But everyone knows such things exists.

Some have seen them.

Some have been killed by them.

Others became epic themselves, their stories grown into legends.

This is one such story.


Mysidia, City of Magic: Temple of the Summon, Valefor

A young woman with short brown hair was ruffling absentmindedly through some papers. Her Green robe and single-horned tiara marked her as a member of the Summoners Guild. https://cdn.pastemagazine.com/www/articles/yuna%20sleeves.jpg

Suddenly, a younger girl with green hair, wearing the same attire, burst into the room. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/42/d6/fd/42d6fd215e98125ec1cfe003da79cd8f.jpg

"Lady Yuna!" she gasped. "Pardon my intrusion, but I bring grave news!"

"What is it, Rydia?" Yuna asked, taken aback.

"I have just received a report from the Northlands. Some travelers claim to have seen two monsters fighting. From the description, it seems to have been Salamander and Sylph- fighting on their own, without anyone summoning them!

Yuna's expression grew grim. That was unusual, indeed.

"This matter must be investigated" she finally said. "However. For the Church to do so, without sufficient evidence, might bring unnecessary consternation. What we need are adventurers. Preferably young ones. Those are always up to a challenge for a reward without asking too many questions."

"I know just the place to find them!" Rydia said, smiling. "By your leave."

Yuna smiled back, and nodded. Rydia bowed and exited the room.

***a short while later***

The 'Beginner's Hall' was both a sort of unofficial school for adventurers, as well as a place where more seasoned ones could practice. No truly experienced hero would be caught dead there, but plenty of others did.

Rydia was less than impressed by the men and women of various races she saw there, either practicing their skills or just hanging around. "A-hem" she announced her presence. "Your attention, please. I'm Rydia, of the Summoner's Guild. Lady Yuna requests the services of adventurers for a mission. You will be informed of its nature at the temple. Anyone interested, please follow me."

Players: Indicate where in Mysidia your character currently is and what he or she is doing. If they are at the Beginner's Hall, indicate your reaction to Rydia and her announcement.

2017-02-16, 02:09 AM
Val Devant


Val groaned as he gingerly got to his feet amid the scorched and broken earth. The Red Mage who had spent the afternoon throwing spells at him seemed to be enjoying it just a little bit too much. But Val was convinced that with the right combination of arcane pattern recognition, he could learn traditional spells cast by monsters as Blue magic.

As the Red's cure spell finished patching him up he took down some notes and prepared for another round of the torture/training, a friend arrived across the field with an excited message that the High Summoner was seeking a group of adventurers to join her on a quest.

That was too good an offer to refuse, the Summoners had all the best magical resources. Thanking the Red Mage for their assistance and carefully sidestepping the fact that he hadn't paid them, Val raised his left hand and spoke the word of Air; his dark blue cloak splitting and forming a pair of leathery wings. With that he took to the air and headed to the Mysidian Temple.

2017-02-16, 03:10 AM
As soon as he heard the announcement, Deboroh told to himself: "Oh boy, i did good coming right to the Beginner Hall!". He started following the green-haired girl and thought to himself: "I hope they'll give some money for this..."

2017-02-17, 07:22 AM
Simon stared dubiously at the water. It didn't look any more unusual in a cup than it did in the bucket. With a shrug, he took a deep drink. "...alright, fine. I do believe you got this from a magic healing spring." He gives one of the Beginner's Hall staff a surprised smile. Just as the man had said, the nicks, scratches and general weariness of his journey across the continent were gone.

His smile quickly fades as the staff member launched into a lecture on supernatural geography, but Simon forced himself to take a few notes. He knew the information might come in handy. Still, what he really needed was information on the stone in his pocket, which for all the world appeared to be a piece of the legendary auracite.

He ponders taking Rydia up on her offer. Though he wasn't a true adventurer, he'd seen enough danger to handle himself in most situations. Zangan's fighting style had served him well against everything from out of control machines to mutant animals. And surely, the Summoner's Guild could help him with his dilemma. Simon scratched the back of his neck. Did they check for a license like the clans back home? Shrugging again, he waved a hand at the Summoner. "Sure. I'm looking for work."

2017-02-17, 09:21 AM
Nedow looked bored for a delivery girl with four legs. Looking up from the stammering mage who was supposed to be signing the delivery form for this dump's newest batch of Beginner pamphlets, the centaur's eyes light up at the prospect of a job. She snatches the form away before that guy can finish scrawling his name, crumples it into her jacket pocket and hastily clips over.

"Hey. I'm a member of the red guild, she says, flashing a pin affixed to her jacket, and flicks her tail for effect, "And I just finished my last delivery so lead the way to the job."

2017-02-17, 10:29 AM
"Oh boy, a centaur!" Deboroh has never seen many sentient form of life other than humans, so the sight of the girl surprises him. He realizes, thought, that he exclaimed that loudly and everybody were looking at him. Deeply embarrassed, he tries to break the ice with the cantaur and complimented her to ignore the eyes on him: "E-Ehi dude, you have like twice the legs than the others here."
He was desperately screaming inside.

2017-02-17, 02:42 PM

He sat in the joyous liveliness of the Beginner's hall basking in it's buzzing, having a drink and sharing stories with the fellow journeymen. He definitely wasn't as gloomy-doomy as he supposed to be, according to people's view of Dark Knights - in fact, if it weren't for the guild's insignia on his armor, nobody would recognize a Dark Knight in Alistair - he pretty much looked like your average warrior-type, just with unusually bright eye. When the announcement sounded he smiled to his peers: Well, easy money - why would I reject this. Bye to all, who stays, good luck to all, who goes - and calmly walked following the Summoner

2017-02-17, 08:24 PM
"... Bomb Cores are volatile matter. They do not retain their shape when left in an open-air environment, so the proper use of an alchemical vessel is required to port this substance safely. That is the first rule that you will need to learn when dealing with alchemy -- many reagents are highly susceptible to the crystal's ley-powers that surround the environment around you, and must be stored in proper containers. Ignore this, and you have a swift path to a lethal mishap."

This wasn't the kind of mission Rixia thought she would be assigned to -- an alchemy lecture in the Beginners' Hall seemed a little substandard, but it was a mission, and she at least had to accept that teaching others about her line of work had to have some merit.

The white-haired woman was dressed primly in her SeeD uniform, consisting of a sharp black blazer with the emblem of the Garden and a white fur trim, along with her white dress and black leggings and armwarmers underneath. She wore a pair of spectacles as she explained basic principles of Fire, Water, Earth and Wind...

The bell rung, and the SeeD walked down the hallway with a binder of notes, blinking as she noticed the group and moved in a bit closer, noticing two people she knew -- Alistair and Nedow. "Nedow?" she asked. "Is that Lady Rydia from the Summoners' Guild? What's going on here?"

2017-02-18, 01:28 AM
Having wandered around the market with her comparatively enormous weapon hoisted over her shoulder, Ruby failed both in finding anything she could make a shield with that was in her price range, and being taken seriously. One annoyed blacksmith eventually sighed, "You should probably go to the Beginner's Hall. You're practically their poster child."

After finding her way there, she looked around the room at the odd assortment of characters, completely unaware of how much she stood out. Lacking a conversation opener, she awkwardly wandered around the room, peering at other people and their conversations, until she heard Rydia's call to action.

"I heard 'adventurers' and 'interested', and I'm both of those things!"

2017-02-18, 09:22 PM
Sarel Garner left the White Magic instructor's office, closing the door behind him. He had been in the city for a few weeks now on some business of his own, but one of his colleagues from the Great Library had contacted him and asked him to deliver a report to one of the professors at the Beginner's Hall.

Passing through the main chamber as he made his way out of the Hall, Sarel overheard Rydia's announcement. It had been a while since he'd been out and about - studying magic may be fascinating, but there's something special about actually going out into the wild and using it. And besides, two Summons fighting seemed too important to ignore.

"Well, you've got my attention. Lead the way!"

2017-02-19, 11:54 AM
Nedow is only kept from lashing out at the would be samurai by the sheer audacity of his questioning, her jaw going slack and her cheeks turning a bright pink.

Y-you... You creep; were they out of tact at the samurai store or what!?!

Nedow neary backs up over the young kid with the huge weapon, actually apologizes under her breath upon realizing Ruby is a child, and waits by the exit for Rydia to lead them out...

2017-02-19, 12:21 PM
"I-I didn't m-mean to..." Deboroh mumbled as Nedow got away from him; then he just leant agaist a wall waiting for the mission to be spoken. He was completely red in the face and had the collar of the jacket all the way up, trying to cover his crimson cheeks.

2017-02-19, 03:27 PM
Rixia let out a little sigh at Deboroh's antics; it wasn't particularly new of Nedow, nor was that the first time she, as a winged person, had seen that either. She stepped in to curtly say, "She is shy," to the boy, before looking towards the centaur and the others. "A new mission, then?" she surmised, looking at her wristwatch for a moment. "I've a few hours until my next lecture, I suppose..."

2017-02-19, 10:03 PM
Rydia sighed at the near-incident she witnessed. Such things were to be expected of such greenhorns, she guessed. Though the centaur was unusual. As was the child with the scythe.

She turned around and exited the Hall, expecting at least a few of them to follow. She was not disappointed.

Temple of Valefor, a short while later

Lady Yuna regarded the assembled motley crew before her. But unlike Rydia, she smiled. She was much better at dealing with people.

She stood up. "Greetings, everyone. Thanks for answering my call. As my assistant informed you, I indeed have work for you- yes, all of you. The more, the safer in fact."

"Because yes, this mission might be... dangerous. Note I'm *not* asking you to put yourselves in danger unnecessarily. This is a fact-finding mission. You bring back any information you find out, and will be paid accordingly. And of course, any treasure you find is yours to keep."

"As for the mission itself: to the north, as you probably know, are some ruins. Nothing of much importance. But recently, apparently some... Summons were seen there. Battling each other, for no apparent reason."

She let that sink into her audience's mind.

"Your mission then, is to find if this is true, and if so, why. You do not have to battle them, in fact that would be reckless. Again, just report."

"Oh, and another thing: this is of the utmost secrecy. Do NOT tell anyone what you learned here, or the deal is off" her tone changed to serious now.

"The ruins are located two day's travel on foot. On the other hand, you can ride chocobos, which will allow you to arrive in one day. You can rent them at the local chocobo stable. Just tell them I sent you."

Players: if you have any questions for Yuna, you can ask them now. Otherwise, you can post about your character picking a chocobo (if you will use one.)

2017-02-19, 10:48 PM
Rixia went without complaint or comment, standing near the back and tilting her head in thought as Yuna explained the situation. "Why do the Summoners' Guild send outsourced help from the Beginners' Hall on a top secret mission?" she questioned. "This is a dispute between two unruly Summons that aren't falling in line. Is it not our expectation that the Summoners' Guild would respond to such problems?"

She had no particular allegiance with or against the Guilds, but she was curious and wanted to probe further into the unspoken matter of this issue. Something felt off. It didn't add up.

2017-02-20, 12:00 AM
With the group in a situation where Ruby pretty much had to be paying attention, the child finally had an opportunity to stare at Nedow. She approached cautiously and reached up, trying to touch a wing. She backed off quickly when Rixia finished speaking, afraid her (likely inadequate) distraction was now gone.

2017-02-20, 03:35 AM
Val Devant

Val circled over the city, following a troupe moving towards the Temple that he presumed must be the rest of the applicants. He landed gracelessly with a thud at the base of the steps and his cloak sparkled slightly as it returned around him. He glossed over the centaur as Yuna spoke; monstrous allies were par for the course in his trade. The Samurai in baggy jeans and the little girl with the scythe were a bit more surprising, but he resisted commenting on this as they were both heavily armed.

Asking no questions himself, Val awaited Yuna's answers to the rest of the group and left with them. As they did, he casually waved his hand through the air, sparks of magic from the temple congealing into a pale green powder which he aimed into a small canvas bag - Cackle Flour, an all-purpose ingredient in mundane and mystic cooking, much more efficient than the normal stuff.

Once at the chocobo stables, satisfied that none of his new allies were Thieves Guild, Val relaxed slightly and spoke. If I may, is anyone assigned to this mission, or are we all here on personal time? Any volunteers for party leader, as far as one's needed at least?

2017-02-20, 12:25 PM
Yuna regarded Rixia, then she smiled again and sat once more behind her desk.

"A fair question" she responded. "Indeed, this would be a matter for our Guild to investigate... assuming of course, that it is true. But our sources aren't indisputable- just some sightings from some travelers. For all we know, they could be mistaken- or lying."

"Further, if it were known that The Summoners are investigating trouble, there would be talk among the people. Possibly even panic. And at this point, there is no reason to allow that. Thus my hiring adventurers. I need conclusive evidence, either for or against it."

"Any other questions? I am sorry if I sound pushy, but I hope you'll understand my haste on this matter."

2017-02-20, 12:49 PM
"Sounds clear to me. I'll just grab a Tent by the market before going for the chocobo. You never know when you need one of these."

2017-02-20, 03:33 PM
Rixia closed her eyes in thought for a moment, before nodding with a faint sigh. "Very well," she answered, before drawing her phone and stepping aside. "It's me. Xu, could you please draft a B-52 confidential and fax it to client CK-552, please? ... yes, it won't be long. I'll return to my regular mission after this is done."

She stared back over her shoulder at the young child attempting to touch her wings, before sighing and turning, leaning over closer to Ruby. "If you are really that curious, you could ask. Though I'd prefer it if you didn't touch them." The wings wiggled up for a moment, flexing.

She closed the phone and glanced over to Rydia and Yuna. "A colleague of mine will contact you regarding the contract for this job soon," as she turns and heads out with the others.

Rixia had to admit, she didn't particularly enjoy chocobos... cars and other modern vehicles suited her just fine. But it was what was available. She moved to one of the closest ones and stroked it at the cheek, and it gave a 'kweh-!' in turn.

She glanced back at Val to say, "I don't mind. We'd best confirm our route and estimate how much supply we'll need for our trip, first. The Lady said it will be two days' round trip, give or take an extra day for any surprises along the way."

2017-02-20, 05:48 PM
Chocobo Stable

The stable was just like the adventurers expected; many of them had been here before. It smelled bad and there was hay and greens everywhere.

And of course, there were chocobos.

[[music cue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=598tWx5tALQ]]

A young man ran up excitedly as soon as he saw people arrive.

"Are you the group Lady Yuna hired? Don't worry, its all covered! Err, this time" he cleared. "Just pick a mount to your taste and go. Don't worry they are all well-trained!"

2017-02-20, 06:08 PM
"Oh boy, it has been a while. I like this one." Deboroh said while hopping onto the fattest chocobo in the stable. "I remember riding one of those creature, like 15 years ago: my uncle brought me to a fair where they let kids ride those birds. Other than that my memory is kinda blurry: I think I dropped and hurt the head or something."

2017-02-20, 06:13 PM
Val Devant

Val Scans the birds looking for one that knows a spell he can claim. If he finds one he'll take it, otherwise he expresses gratitude for the freebie and takes one with the longest tail.

2017-02-20, 09:23 PM
Val's sword Scans the chocobos on the stable, but, as they were all raised there in the first place, none know any of the monster magics their wild counterparts sometimes know.

2017-02-20, 09:51 PM
"I'm in." Simon began privately doubting his decision as soon as he made it, but if he had to be honest with himself, he had been looking for an opportunity like this. To test himself and his skills against the world. In any case, if the matter was as serious as Yuna claimed, he had to help.

He waited until the adventurers had turned to leave before approaching the Summoners. "Can I ask you a question about a different matter?" Simon removed the green crystal from his pocket. "I found this about a month ago in the slums of Midgar. It's not what they call Materia, but it does contain magical powers." Specifically, a spell that could temporarily freeze enemies in time.

"Also, I swear I've heard a voice speaking to me since I picked it up. Do you know what this is?" There was also the question of whether it was dangerous, but that was hopefully implied.

As he was already going to be late meeting the others, he decided a quick stop at the item store wouldn't hurt matters. Simon arrives at the stable carrying a bag. "Sorry I'm late. I was getting some potions."

2017-02-20, 11:12 PM
Val Devant
Once at the chocobo stables, satisfied that none of his new allies were Thieves Guild, Val relaxed slightly and spoke. If I may, is anyone assigned to this mission, or are we all here on personal time? Any volunteers for party leader, as far as one's needed at least?

"Personal time for me. I suppose it's actually my lack of assignment that's brought me here. As far as a leader's concerned, I'm not so sure we need one, but I'd be willing to step up if we think it'd be a good idea and nobody else wanted the responsibility."

Sarel then turned to the chocobos and, gently patting it on the beak, climbed atop the one with the brightest-yellow feathers. He'd heard that was a good way to judge the birds' health, though he wasn't entirely sure how true that was.

2017-02-20, 11:46 PM
While she seems to take great pains to avoid being too much of a grouch in front of Ruby, Nedow failed to hide her surprise concerning something Yuna brought up...

"Wait... Which summons were spotted having a fight? I mean, there's only a few dozen of them, it would help if we knew anything about which ones scared away anyone who was up in the ruins to begin with... she flicks her tail in what could be considered a nervous tick, and yet, she can't bring herself to trot away from this gig. Delivery jobs are barely paying for her needs as it was.


At the stables, Nedow can be seen pouting a few yards away from the entrance, just daring anybody to suggest that the centaur herself should get a ride. She also seems to not be very fond of chocobos to begin with, shooing away a curious bird that gets close to her from behind the fence. She paws at the ground a few times with her left hoof, pretending not to pay attention to the others converse. "By the way, I don't care who the rest of you elect as leader; I'm not following any -stupid- commands, let alone from a group of mostly strangers.

2017-02-21, 01:41 AM
Ruby giggled when Rixia turned around, then flashed a big grin at her.

"Sorry! I've never seen someone with wings before! No one in my village had wings."

She peered over at the chocobos. She'd seen them before, but never ridden one herself. Still, she was convinced she could gauge the general health and well-being of any animal she came across, whether or not that conviction held any merit. She began inspecting the creatures one by one.

Nature roll to investigate the chocobos: [roll0]

2017-02-21, 03:12 AM
The dark knight listened to Yuna silently, just nodding - sure, why not, go to the place where two God-Beasts are fighting and get the idea, why. Oh, yes, do it with a team of fellow greenhorns and a total of zero actual summoners. Just your everyday mission. SARCASM. Then, after the summoner asked for questions, he waited till the last moment and attempted to remind all who gather in the temple about some necessities of life.
- Hmm, Lady Yuna, it might be just me, but somehow I've missed the 'reward' part of this mission briefing. Would it trouble you to repeat?

2017-02-21, 04:13 AM
Val Devant

Disappointed, Val mounts up nonetheless.

Nature: [roll0]

2017-02-21, 04:30 AM
While he was trying to figure out how to move on the chocobo, Deboroh said:"Well, about the leader of the group idea... Don't you think it's better just go with a democratic approach? I mean if anybody has an idea we just put that to the vote."

"What do you think of it, Mr. Wiggles?" said to the chocobo.


2017-02-23, 07:14 PM

Yuna regarded the green crystal the Monk had produced. it was indeed unusual- especially the flaw that resembled a beast of some kind. Or was it a carving?

"You're correct, this is magical, I can feel it" the Summoner explained. "However, I do not recognize it. It might be some kind of Magicite. My advice is that you take it to a Sage and have it looked up in the archives of the Great Library. Maybe something will turn up there."

Then the centaur asked to know which Summons had been been spotted- somewhat rudely, which almost caused Rydia to snap, but Yuna quickly gestured and calmed her down. "I understand how you feel" she said. "I would be worried too. But, try to see it from our side: if this turns out to be wrong -or worse, and attempt at spreading misinformation- then the more we share with others, even you, risks spreading panic. In fact, I had to convince my superiors that you even needed to be told about Summons being involved- they just wanted you all to go in blind, but I argued it was not safe."

"Besides, since yours is a fact finding mission, if I tell you the identities of the -alleged- Summons involved, that might bias your expectations, don't you think? In any case, we will all know soon enough."

"Any other questions?"

Players: Actually, no more questions are allowed. Please continue with the section regarding the character's preparations.

Nature Roll results:
-Ruby finds the best available chocobo.
-Deboroh gets pecked on the head while inspecting one.

2017-02-23, 07:20 PM
Rixia made her preparations, placing her attache-case to the side of the chocobo saddle and looking towards the others. There was a curious air about this mission that had her frowning inside, still. Something unspoken that people didn't want to say.

"We can start by passing names around the group and what your strengths are," she spoke up as her chocobo marched towards the centre of the stables. "Rixia. I'm a SeeD from Balamb Garden. I can use some natural magic through Junctioning technology, and infiltration is a core skill of mine."

2017-02-24, 12:40 AM
Ruby vaults up onto the chocobo and slings her scythe back over her shoulder.

"I'm Ruby Dawn, and I'm good at killing monsters! I'm a warrior, just like my dad, but better! I'm also good at getting funny looks in cities."

She drums her fingers on the horn of the saddle, being generally bad at sitting still and itching to see some action.

2017-02-24, 02:24 AM
Val Devant

Val; Hresh-Aspet of the Blue Mages Guild. I wrangle monsters and make a mean Dark Stew. I also set stuff on fire quite well.

He eyes Rixia's wings for a moment. Can you fly or are those ornamental?

2017-02-24, 02:31 AM
Rixia looked quite patient, but then spoke softer to Ruby, "If you draw odd looks, then you'd better stick closer to me. We'll be relying on that scythe of yours, then." For as aloof as she could be, Rixia seemed to have a softer spot for children.

She glanced to Val to say, "I can fly, though you shouldn't ask me to go cross-country."

2017-02-24, 03:34 AM
Simon was a little disappointed by the Summoner's answer, but at least he had a lead. "Alright. Thank you. I'll be in touch when we've made some progress on our mission."

A few minutes later...

"I'm...er, hang on." He hadn't ridden a Chocobo since his parents sold their farm. He struggled a bit to get in the saddle. "Simon Darling. I'm a student of the martial artist Zangan. So, yeah, my specialty is hand to hand combat." He doesn't bother to hide that he is impressed by the other adventurers (and more than a little concerned, in Ruby's case).

2017-02-24, 05:37 AM
Ruby rides up next to Rixia, possibly taking the remark a bit too literally as she practically rubs the chocobo up against the woman.

"So... were you born with wings, or did you magic them on or something?"

2017-02-24, 09:24 AM
Seeing his colleagues for this mission introducing each other, the young samurai, rubbing his head for the pain of the bird's peck, took the word: "The name's Deboroh. This is my first mission ever, but don't worry, I have every word that the great master Jigen Dellabona wrote printed in my mind. Any move you can possibly do with this sword is embodied in my muscles, eh eh..."

"Ah, yeah. Would you excuse me for the gaffe i did." Deboroh said, chuckling awkardly, turning to Nedow "I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I really got nervous 'cause everybody was looking at me and when I'm like that I can say very stupid things."

2017-02-24, 02:05 PM
Nedow paws the ground impatiently and other than a mildly disdainful look she gives the would be samurai, (opposed to open scorn and contempt which is at least a step in the right direction,) she doesn't voice a response to him. Instead she keeps waiting for the others to hurry up and lead their dreadful birds out of the stables. Yuna and Rydia's dismissal of her questions has kept her in a foul mood and she takes some it out on the others.

"I'm waiting, is who I am!" she finally responds with a huff, but keeps going: "You can call me Nedow. I'm Rixia's...acquaintance, but I'm also a Red Mage. Don't be stupid and get yourselves too hurt because I'd rather lightning blast my enemies than heal-spell my allies. And you keep away from me." This last bit was towards Val, as Nedow has assumed (incorrectly or not) that he wrangles monsters for the cooking pot. With a shudder she trots away the moment the others get past the fence. Don't worry, she can keep up with most chocobos.

2017-02-24, 02:16 PM
After the group left the temple, Alistair waved to Rixia, and looked over his would be colleagues. Yep, just what was expected from Beginner's hall - a group of quirky individuals - like himself. Perhaps, it was good that the leadership talk quietly died - it would be a pain to manage that herd of cats - or be managed by one of them. As the introduction continues, he turned to the group himself. - Well, hello there. Name's Alistair. "Al" is fine in combat, but not in regular conversation. I also know a thing or two about this big chunk of steel on my shoulder. Oh, and if I end the fight ALL WOUNDED, looking like I'm IN PAIN and SUFFERING - that's okay, don't freak out. That tend to be usual these days

2017-02-24, 04:40 PM
Val Devant

"Look, I get that you're jealous you don't have wings, but there's no need to take it out on me. I thought Red Mages were supposed to be charming...

To Rixia he just replies "ditto" as he leaves the stables.

2017-02-25, 02:26 AM
Rixia softly paused and said, "They've been there for as long as I can remember--"

A flash distorted her vision for a moment, and she paused.

A field of flowers, falling feathers-- a woman turns, arms outspread--

I'll be here, waiting--

--and then it's gone, as fast as it came.

"... yeah--" she groans a little as Ruby's chocobo brushed up, but she kept pace, glancing to Deboroh. "That's fine. Everyone has to learn somewhere. Stick close, don't risk your neck for nothing. Remember, this is reconnaissance, not an infiltration mission."

2017-02-25, 09:15 AM
Sarel turned to address the others from his seat atop his chocobo.
"I'm Sarel Garner, and as you could probably tell from my apparel," he said as he gestured at his white-and-red robes, "I'm a White Mage. I hope I can ensure we all make it through this in one piece."

"Alistair, I know you just said not to freak out, but – and I don't mean to be rude! – that sounds a little concerning. If you don't mind me asking, is it something I should know about for if – or when, I suppose, as I'd be willing to bet we aren't getting through this unscathed – I end up healing you?"

2017-02-25, 03:18 PM
"Of course, of course; our mission is to watch, not to fight" Deboroh said nodding "Oh, by the way, I bought a Tent, so we can use it if needed. I surely don't doubt on your capabilities, Mr. Garner, but you know, better safe than sorry, eh eh."

2017-02-25, 05:27 PM
Alistair waved his hand in dismissal. - Thanks for concern, Sarel, but it's not big deal. That's just the Dark Knight magic - you can only hope it destroys the opposition before it kills you. Nothing special, just the lifeforce drain - should be curable as any injury. Apologies in advance for bothering you with extra work. - he sounded like he was used to near-death situations because of his magic - and he certainly did not put much drama into it.

2017-02-26, 01:13 AM
Sarel nodded to Alistair. "That's good to know, thank you. I'm glad your power is on our side, rather than being in the hands of our enemies."

"And no offense taken, Deboroh. I put a lot of faith in my magic, but I certainly won't turn down the opportunity for a proper rest on the road, and I'd be willing to bet that the rest of our party would agree."

2017-02-26, 01:38 AM
Rixia nodded at the crew as she looked to Sarel and Deboroh both. "Good idea. We'll have to nominate shifts on watch soon enough, given I don't suspect we'll be so lucky as to find an inn a day into our journey."

2017-02-27, 09:46 AM
A while later, on a road heading north

Having made their introductions and preparations, the group set out on their mission.

[[Music cue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Pkg7Y6Uq4 ]]

The road they took crossed a wide prairie covered in tall grass.


Players: roll a Moderate (9) Difficulty check (please use two separate 1d6 rolls rather than a 2d6 one) and add Awareness if any.

2017-02-27, 10:09 AM
Nedow, for all her horribleness, is a surprisingly graceful and fast runner, holding her arms up around her ribcage and galloping at a pace that keeps up with the chocobos. She canters to a slower pace upon entering the grass, an eye out for any potholes or anything hazardous to a quadraped.

She seems to have never heard of the term marching formation because other than Rixia (or maybe Ruby) she always trots away from getting too close to the others during all of this, and doesn't say much. All that running though may be more of a culprit than rudeness, as she takes deep breaths when she slows...

+2 = 6

2017-02-27, 10:30 AM
Ruby grinned, looking around at the group as the chocobos trotted forward, and Nedow easily kept up without one.

+2 = 12

2017-02-27, 11:53 AM
Deboroh enjoyed the feeling of the wind against him while riding his gallopping Chocobo. "OH BOY! What a breeze!" he cried out while sprinting ahead of the others.

[roll0] [roll1] +0=7

2017-02-27, 12:40 PM
Val Devant

Val Rides along at group pace, using pauses to try and figure out how he could teach the chocobo magic.

Awareness: [roll0] = 5 [Fail]

2017-02-27, 01:10 PM
Rixia kept her eye out front as they rode, frowning quietly as she rubbed at her head. "Monsters may appear at any time -- do keep your eyes peeled," she advised.

[roll0]+3 - Awareness

2017-02-27, 05:45 PM
Sarel rode near the front of the group, the wind ruffling through his hair. It was good to get out of the city for once! He glanced across the prairie ahead, keeping an eye out for potential threats.

Awareness (2d6+3):
Total: (6+3)+3 = 12

2017-03-01, 08:57 AM
Ruby, Rixia, Alistair and Sarel spot rabbit-like creatures hiding near them amid the grass. In fact everyone is being followed by one, but only these three party members have noticed yet.


Players: state your actions. Those who haven't seen the Rabbits may react to them if their presence is announced by the others.

2017-03-01, 11:05 AM
Ruby's eyes widen, and she gasps audibly. She stares quietly at the creature following her for a moment, and when she speaks, it doesn't seem to be to anyone in particular.

"I want that."

2017-03-01, 09:26 PM
There is a cry of frustration further back down the trail. "Oh, the heck with this!" Simon jogs to catch up with the team, pulling his Chocobo by the reins. "I forgot how to make it go," he grumbles.

He peers in the direction Ruby is looking. "You want what?"

2017-03-01, 10:09 PM
Rixia frowned and looked to the rest of the group, saying, "Stay alert -- we've got some creatures on our tail," as she turned her chocobo around and reached for the Blazefire sabre anchored at the back of her attache-case.

2017-03-02, 12:15 AM
Ruby looks over in Simon's direction, then points to the creature following her.

"That! You have one too!"

She furrows her brow at Rixia in confusion.

"But they're so cute! I don't think they can be dangerous."

2017-03-02, 02:31 AM
Val Devant

Distracted by his chocobo's frustrating lack of talent, Val didn't notice the rabbits until Ruby called them out.

Cute doesn't mean safe, I once saw a Songstress dropkick a Wendigo.

Slow Action: Scan on Rabbit(s - nearest first if I can make multiple out of combat actions). Any blue magic spells?

Lore (Monsters) on Rabbits: [roll0] +5 = 8

2017-03-02, 07:27 AM
Note: Combat has not started -yet. I will let you know when/if it does.

Scan results: Beast, HP: 32, MP 8, no Blue Magic spells

Lore (Monsters) Result: Difficulty Check- Easy (7): Its a Giza Rabbit, very common around these parts.

Everyone in the group is now aware of the creatures. Similarly, the rabbits are now aware they have been spotted.

Players: state your actions.

2017-03-02, 09:15 AM

The Dark knight grinned, while readying his sword. He looked at the rabbits with anticipation - Anyone knows a good recipe with those?

2017-03-02, 09:41 AM
"Actually they are best served with cheese and cornmeal mush and cooked with olive oil and rosamery" Deboroh said, making himself hungry "It's a shame I didn't bring any of those... Oh well, I never tried to cook them anyway. So... we attack them or not? They don't seem excessively aggressive..."

2017-03-02, 07:06 PM
Sarel brought his chocobo to a halt, wheeling around towards the rabbits. He calmly retrieved his staff from its spot among his saddlebags and looked over the fuzzy creatures that had been following them.

"So what's the plan? They don't look particularly threatening, but I'm not sure I like how they've been following us."

2017-03-02, 07:14 PM
So intent on picking her path, Nedow doesn't notice the little buggers until she first notices that everyone is talking about them. Shaking out her blond hair, she snorts at their appearance... and balks at the samurai and dark knight's discussion

"For crying out loud, what's the hold up her--Oh. ...Wait, what the hell, you two?? At least wait for the kid to stop fascinating over the fuzz balls before you talk like that, jeez!"

2017-03-04, 01:08 AM
Simon pulls himself back on to his chocobo's saddle. He says to Ruby, "Thanks, but I'm not much for pets." It takes him a couple of tries to get his mount moving again. "And let's not be killing animals until we're sure they're a threat. Pretty sure that'd be a quick way to have them chasing us in an angry horde." Still, he does keep a wary eye on the rabbits.

2017-03-04, 02:58 AM
Val Devant

Val responds to Nedow's complaint.

Kid, if you want one as a pet then I'm happy to help you to try. Otherwise they're a nuisance and my job is to keep their numbers down.

If Ruby or someone else wants to try something else, I'll hold my action. Otherwise Val enters combat with the rabbits.

Will the chocobos still be here if we fight? Val flies in battle so will have to dismount.

2017-03-04, 03:46 AM
Rixia sighed in turn, wondering if this was going to escalate rather quickly. Things had a habit of doing so.

"They likely smelled food, probably from our packs," she made the best educated guess she could determine. "I'd rather not bother, and there is prudence in not drawing further attention to ourselves."

She looked to Ruby.

"If you're intent on befriending them, try enticing them with a snack. With any luck, they should be satisfied."

2017-03-04, 05:12 AM
Ruby thinks about Val's words for a moment, then looks down at the creature following her. She remembered hearing something vaguely similar from her village about other animals when a local farmer gave her a lecture (that she'd half tuned out of) about keeping the ecosystem in balance.

"So they eat crops? That's not good, but it would be bad to kill all of them too, right?"

She looked over at Rixia and nodded, then took out a small piece of dried meat from her pack. Slowing down a bit, she held it out towards the nearest creature and clicked her tongue.

2017-03-04, 09:38 AM
The Rabbit closest to Ruby looked at her quizzically, then made a sound: "Chitter?"

Nedow -and anybody else who speaks Monster Talk, or succeeds at a Heroic (17) Language roll- will understand that it said: "...Food?" (Note: the roll is optional)

2017-03-05, 04:21 PM
Suddenly, several of the rabbits began chittering at the same time. Nedow can understand their noises:

"No! Beware stranger!"



"Wait! Protect land! Mistress commands!"

"Block the way!"

"Do we attack?"

"Sound the alarm!"

Players: how do you react? Remember, only Nedow can understand the panicked chittering.

2017-03-06, 12:34 AM
Nedow's expression rapidly shifts from one extreme to another. First she appeared calm, if indifferent as she approached Ruby and her chocobo, about to explain that these things were just hungry. But then, with one foreleg raised and looking like she might try to backpedal, she blanches every so slightly and shoots Val a look that translates to "You idiot" in any language before going back to appearing rather skittish.

"Stop it all of you! They were curious, but now they're feeling threatened and about to attack! They think we're tresspassers against some master of theirs." Note that she doesn't specify gender before wheeling about and trying to get between Ruby and the 'rabbit', holding her arms out wide and frantically chittering back at them. She is doing a remarkable impression of them, at the very least.

{{"Hey, whoa! We're not here to hurt anybody, the child here just wants to make friends with you cause she thinks you're cute and we don't even know who your mistress is! We're just travelers! SOME of us are just really stupid when they shoot their mouth off, at worst!"}}

Negotiation from the biggest grouch!
[roll1]= 9

2017-03-06, 02:31 AM
Ruby grins at all the excited chittering.

"I guess they do eat meat-"

Seeing Nedow come over and explain the situation, she opened her mouth to ask just how the woman understood that much from what sounded like a bunch of noise to her, when the negotiation attempt in their language nipped that question in the bud.

"Oh. Well, if they're someone's pets I guess that makes sense."

2017-03-06, 08:40 AM
Negotiations Check Result: Difficulty Moderate (9) -success

The Rabbits suddenly stop their chittering, and stare at the centaur, as if baffled. Then they begin again:

"You talk?"

"You no harm us?"

"Must still block you! Mistress says so!"

"Am cute!" says the one next to Ruby.

"Shut up!" was it told.

Players: state your actions.

2017-03-06, 11:23 AM
Alistair looked at the chittering blob of ears in confusion. Here he was, on a mission with fellow adventurers and suddenly, one of them wastes time, chatting with rabbits. Hi sighed and glanced at Nedow.
- So - he asked - Anything interesting, or you just like chatting with rabbits?

2017-03-06, 01:38 PM
Rixia glanced at Alistair and says, "Give her space -- I think she's making headway, the way they've stopped frantically chittering amongst themselves."

2017-03-06, 03:41 PM
"Give me some space, you loudmouthed idiot; these rabbits are working at the behest of someone, not some fat huge mega-rabbit who just wants meals delivered to it. And they'll attack" Nedow huffs, her tail flicking angrily, If we tresspass, and if someone's capable of getting these bunnies under their control, I imagine they have lots more goons, probably bigger ones. We've lost the element of surprise, may as well try to get info instead."

She goes back to the pile of varmints surrounding them, first addressing the closest one to Ruby.

{{"Yeah, the kid thinks you're cute. I bet she's a hugger. But listen, rest of you, we're from...a different...warren from the south, and we're trying to investigate some ruckus going on. We aren't trying to trespass, just passing through to see what the trouble is. ...Has your mistress been having problems that she needs brave beasts such as yourself to guard her territory? Maybe we can help each other..."}}

Do I need another negotiation? Here's on just in case:


2017-03-06, 04:42 PM
I'm going to judge that since you're not asking for anything specific *yet* another Negotiation Roll isn't needed.

The Rabbits stare at each other silently. Finally one steps closer to Nedow and says,

"Big Fire Beast come, burn our forest. Mistress told us to watch for it, not let any strangers come closer" it explains. It also points North- the direction the PCs were supposed to go.

Players: state your actions. The Rabbits obviously don't want to let you pass. You'll either have to convince them, fight them, or try to find another route, which might take you days. Or you could give up and return.

2017-03-06, 04:47 PM
Fire? Oh Hell's bells...

Nedow lets out a melodramatic sigh and asks the rabbits to give her and her 'pack' a moment before wheeling around and trying to herd the others into a huddle in a rather pushy manner.

"Okay, dummies: the rabbits said some big fire monster up north has burned down these guys' forest, and because of that whomever is in control of them--their Mistress-- isn't letting anybody through. I don't have to tell you that I can guess who the fire guy is, but I really don't want to piss off two powerful figures if we only have to find out what one of them is doing. So how do we kiss ass enough to get through without a fight?"

2017-03-06, 04:49 PM
"I'd rather not see us bogged down with unnecessary combat," Rixia commented as she finally hopped off her chocobo, letting her wings let her glide to the ground. She gave it some thought for a moment, before saying, "We can assure them that we're here to help. It's not a lie -- if this large creature really is Ifrit, then this is vital news that will spur the Summoners' guild into action."

2017-03-06, 05:25 PM
Val Devant

You tried making friends and it failed. It was worth a shot, but we're being paid for confirmation of summons without summoners; unless the rabbit can provide that, our job's not done. If they get in the way I have standing Guild instructions to clear them.

With that Val flicks his chocobo's reigns and continues north.

2017-03-06, 09:52 PM
"Hey!" Simon facepalms, hurrying to stop Val. "Are you trying to start a fight? For all we know, these guys can help us." He turns to Nedow with a question. "Can you ask them who their boss is, and whether she'd be willing to talk to anyone seeking passage?"

2017-03-07, 12:30 AM
Ruby looks back and forth between Val and the others, but stopped when Rixia did, vaulting off of her chocobo and then sitting on the ground.

"I can't talk to them, but I bet I can distract them."

She tries offering food again, this time in her open palm.

2017-03-07, 06:52 PM
I did not fail you rotte-- HEY!!!!" Nedow looks ready to help the rabbits attack, as long as it's Val, stamping her hoof agitatedly before Simon intervenes.

"Yes! Finally! Somebody has a good idea! Keep little boy blue over there in his damn saddle and STAY PUT...." Like a woman with a pile of masks on hand, she turns a smiling, saccharine visage back to the rabbits, hands clasped.

{{Hey, buddy bunnies, would you be able to tell me who your mistress is? We might be able to help each other out if we can meet with her...}}

NOW to negotiate

2017-03-07, 07:27 PM
Negotiation Check Result: Difficulty Moderate (9), success

The Rabbits huddle together, and begin chittering nervously. They do not seem entirely happy with the situation, but finally come to an agreement. Finally, one of them returns to Nedow, and says,

"Green Lady."

2017-03-07, 07:47 PM
Nedow blinks. slowly, while scratching her tangled locks, she looks back at the others.

Knowledge: Everything:
[roll1] +5

"Huh. That's a new one on me. Hey! Does anybody know any Green Lady? The bunnies work for her."

2017-03-07, 08:15 PM
The Green Lady? It must be a primal of some kind...

Rixia tapped her chin in thought.

[roll0] Lore(Magic)?

2017-03-07, 08:31 PM
[[My apologies, I should have listed what to roll to figure out the Green Lady's identity. Any Lore roll will do, but the difficulty is Challenging (11). ]]

2017-03-08, 12:56 AM
"Hm. I'm sure I've heard that name used somewhere, but I can't quite place it..."

Lore (Magic): 2d6+3
5+3 = 8 (Fail)

2017-03-08, 09:09 AM
Val Devant

The blue mage turned smugly to the red.

He did know her.

Lore Magic: [roll0]+1 = 11 [Pass]
Lore Monsters: [roll1]+5 = 11 [Pass]

2017-03-08, 04:09 PM
Lore Checks results: "The Green Lady" is another name for the Summon, Siren.

What does Val do now?

2017-03-09, 05:11 AM
Val Devant

"Their mistress is Siren. We're being played by a summon, and if they get to report on us we're dead."

2017-03-09, 08:05 AM
[Players: state what your characters do now.]

2017-03-09, 10:32 AM
Ruby looks blankly at Val for a moment, then turns to Rixia, waiting for the woman's lead.

2017-03-09, 11:43 AM
"So..Ifrit, I'm guessing and Siren are pissed at each other? Great... But we can't kill all these rabbits; Siren would notice that just as much as any of the fuzzballs reporting back to her, and then we'd be attacked by both summons the moment we intervene. I mean, how many other bands of armed people are wandering around here? Best thing we can do to mitigate all this crap is work alongside Siren for now. I imagine she's the safer bet since she's not the one trying to burn everything around her down to the ground."

Nedow drops some of her acidic 'charm' and directly gives her two gil on the matter, though she watches Val like a hawk, not wanting to see things go awry with a stray attack.

2017-03-09, 11:53 AM
"Hm. Val makes a good point, but if we're trying to resolve a conflict between Summons, killing off some of their followers might not be the best idea if we're hoping to do so peacefully. Then again, we don't know if Siren actually cares about these rabbits – probably doesn't, if I was to hazard a guess."

Sarel then turns to Nedow.

"You're probably right on Siren being more reasonable than Ifrit, but the prospect of working for any Primal is... not particularly enticing, especially if that means Siren's rivals treat us as being affiliated with her."

2017-03-09, 12:16 PM
Val Devant

Y'all remember Yuna saying this mission was recon only, and specifically telling us not to engage. Right? Working for the Green Lady is not an option, this is fight or flight now.

2017-03-09, 12:27 PM
"Yeah. Also that. I guess if we're down to fight or flight, we should choose the former – better for some rabbits to go missing than to tell Siren all about us."

2017-03-09, 01:14 PM
"It's like this riddle my dad told me: if there are five crows on a fence, and you shoot one, how many are left? I kinda think if we kill one the others will just run away. And I kinda think if they run, we can't catch them."

2017-03-09, 01:14 PM
- We might as well try to take one alive - for proof of our recon results. But let's do something quickly - the number of involved summons is increasing as we stand - Alistair commented bitterly.

2017-03-09, 02:21 PM
Rixia let out a soft sigh as she glanced up towards the path they were to head to. This level of reconnaissance was insufficient to turn back and report on. Her wings twitch a little as she gave it some thought.

"I am more inclined to move closer to Siren's circle. There is information to be had from understanding this situation, which we are still on the fringes of," she folds her arms. "Besides, one's word is only so binding, so long as none of us sign any blood contracts."

2017-03-09, 02:32 PM
I agree with Rixia. Look, if we go back right now, whether we have to fight our way through or just run like hell, what are we gonna tell those stupid summoners? I don't think the bunnies are lying, but telling that to our employers is another thing altogether. Let's at least witness something more concrete before we bail.

2017-03-09, 11:27 PM
"Right." Simon grimaces at the thought of attacking the rabbit creatures after gaining a measure of their trust. "As far as they know, we were trying to pass by on some other job. And we decided to investigate after they informed us of trouble in the area." He narrows his eyes at a realization. "Did we ever find out what this fire guy looked like?"

2017-03-10, 12:16 AM
"I'm not certain myself..." Rixia admitted, then said, "But, if the servants of Siren are on edge like this, then allegiance or no allegiance, you can probably bet that the servants of 'this fire guy' will be no less ready to attack us on sight."

2017-03-12, 07:49 AM
Suddenly, there was a shift in the wind. It was now coming from the south, and it brought with itself the unmistakable smell of- burning grass.

"YIIIIII!!" one of the Rabbits screamed. Nedow would understand it saying, "FIRE BEAST! FIRE BEAST COMES!!"

And then all the Rabbits started running away in all directions, obviously panicking.

Players: state your actions. Note that returning to Mysidia would require going south, towards the source of the smell.

2017-03-12, 09:16 AM
Ruby stands and takes a couple of steps toward the smell of smoke, essentially placing herself between it and the party. She closes her eyes momentarily and inhales deeply, trying to gauge the approximate distance of the source. The threat of fire makes her uneasy, and her grip on her weapon tightens.

+3 = 6

2017-03-12, 07:08 PM
[Nature Roll result: Difficulty Easy (7) = failure]

2017-03-12, 07:11 PM
Rixia frowned softly, and then flexed her wings and rose up into the skies, to get a better vantage of what was happening.

[roll0]+3 for Awareness.

2017-03-12, 07:42 PM
Awareness Check result: Difficulty Easy (7)- success

From her vantage point, Rixia spots burning grass to the south, not too far from the party's current position. Something is moving through the flames, almost lost in them but she manages to catch a glimpse.

Roll to recognize: Elementary (5) Lore (any).

2017-03-12, 07:45 PM
Lore (Magic) [roll0]+2

2017-03-12, 08:41 PM
Rixia spots a tiny, crimson lizard with flaming eyes that she easily recognizes as the Summon, Salamander.

No one is accompanying it.

Merilan: What does Rixia do now?

2017-03-12, 08:57 PM
Rixia drops down to the ground and gestures in that direction. "Salamander," she confirms and glances to the group, "is down there, in those fields. I can't recommend we come close in the middle of a grassy field that will soon turn into an inferno, though."

She folds her arms and says, "We'd best regroup with these rabbits to the Green Lady's. Our trip down south may be very well blocked at the moment, and I'd rather have Siren at our back than none."

2017-03-12, 10:51 PM
"Well, balls. We're gonna need one of the rabbits. I don't know where Siren is.

With that, the centaur nimbly rides between the chocobos and with surprising flexibility she attempts to scoop up the rabbit that was happy to be called cute. If only because it's either a rube or because it's got the most sense, she can't tell...


{{"Hey! You know what would be best right now, rabbits? If you all ran to Siren and took us with you! Or if you want, hop on me or the others-- we can ride faster than that thing immolates stuff." }}


2017-03-13, 01:48 AM
Val Devant

Being impervious to flame, Val is much more blasé than he might otherwise have been in the ever-deteriorating scenario.

How did this go from snooping to choosing sides in a war of the Gods, unbelievable. I hope you know what you're doing; Siren's no benevolent, any more than Salamander is a mindless arsonist.

If the rabbit puts up a fight, Val will offer a rock-cake. If fed to the rabbit it'll be Petrified and easier to transport.

2017-03-13, 01:57 AM
Ruby coughs a little, covering her mouth.

"I don't like fire anyway."

2017-03-13, 07:35 AM
Roll to catch the Rabbit: Difficulty Moderate (9)- success

"YIII!!! Let go let go fire comes!!"

Negotiation Roll: Difficulty Elementary (5)- success

"Green Lady? Yes! Must tell Green Lady! Take me there!" (points north.)

Meanwhile, the rest of the Rabbits have ran away.

ENCOUNTER OVER. All characters have earned 1 EXP for resolving it without violence. Please add it to your character sheets.

Players: state your actions.

2017-03-13, 01:07 PM
Val Devant

If the Blue Guild fines me for not killing those rabbits, I'm expecting you to chip in.

With that he saddles up and rides north.

2017-03-13, 10:25 PM
Nedow doesn't respond directly to Val. Instead, she stuffs the rabbit under her arm like a fuzzy football, rears up and then leaps into a gallop northward, expecting the other mercenaries to follow her after she slings her arm in gesture.

"C'mon, idiots! I'm not sticking around to die in a fire anytime soon!"

2017-03-13, 10:28 PM
Rixia stared at Val and said, "For a guild founded on observation and learning of monster behaviour, the Blue Guild seems surprisingly eager to demolish the ecosystem of their subjects."

She turned and followed after Nedow, coaxing her chocobo to sprint.

2017-03-14, 12:44 AM
Ruby hops back onto her chocobo and rides up next to Rixia. She casts a glance to the south, not completely convinced they'd be able to outrun the summon, when something occurs to her.

"Aren't they only summons if you summon them? If you don't summon them, aren't they just regular monsters?"

2017-03-14, 12:52 AM
Rixia looked to Ruby to helpfully explain, "A 'summon' is only one term, informal as it is. They go by many names -- Eidolons, Aeons, Primarchs... the list go on. And it would depend on your definition of a 'regular' monster. Are Nedow or I just regular monsters?" she smirked, a little playfully, perhaps.

2017-03-14, 01:07 AM
Alistair smiled at Rixia - We all probably have our own entry in the big "kill monster, get bounty" book up in heavens. Don't sweat on it. Anyway, aside from running away from the big fire lizard - which is because we've got mission and it says "Do not engage" - could anyone drop a hint, where are we going?

2017-03-14, 02:52 AM
Ruby furrows her brow, considering Rixia's prompt as she urges her chocobo to keep up.

"It's not about how someone looks. I think something's only a monster if it's hostile. There are a lot of monsters that look like people."

2017-03-14, 06:00 AM
Simon looks over his shoulder for the Esper, then back at his companions, who chatted as if being attacked by powerful spirits was perfectly normal. Maybe this was normal for a bunch of adventurers. "So, what now? We've confirmed there's an Esper about. And it's attacking the, uh, followers of a different one. Do we report this, or try to lose the fire lizard, then double back to see what it's up to?"

2017-03-16, 09:31 AM
As the adventurers argued, the smell of smoke became stronger. Soon, flames were visible from their position. It was obvious that they would be engulfed soon, if they remained where they are.

Salamander itself, however, was not yet visible.


Players: state your actions.

2017-03-16, 12:14 PM
Ruby looks back again, and starts to panic a bit. She hurriedly straps the scythe to her back, then reaches over to grab the horn of Rixia's saddle while snapping the reins of her own chocobo.

"Come on! We can't be here right now!"

2017-03-16, 01:48 PM
Rixia nodded, then headed along with Nedow northward.

2017-03-17, 09:49 AM
Sarel and his chocobo turn north as well, following his party away from the flames.

"We need to get off this prairie! The grass'll just keep burning, and while we can outpace the fire for now – at least I hope we can – we're going to be in big trouble if we don't get out of here pretty quickly!"

2017-03-17, 10:30 AM
And so, the Chocobo-riding adventurers -plus one Rabbit- continued on their way North.

---Hours Later----

The group approached a thick forest. Directed by the Rabbit, they wandered into it.

music cue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFHUcmiouVo


Players: Make an Awareness Skill roll. Difficulty: Moderate (9).

2017-03-17, 10:40 AM
Ruby relinquishes Rixia's saddle almost immediately, rather than awkwardly lean over to her left for several hours. Upon arrival in the forest, she stood up on her chocobo to get a better vantage and looked around.

+2 = 9

2017-03-17, 11:16 AM
[Ruby -and everyone else who made the roll- will spot creatures in the trees- one above each one of them, in fact.]

[Roll to Identify: Monster Lore (Elementary) 5].

2017-03-17, 11:43 AM
Val Devant

Unable to come up with a clever retort, Val just glared at Rixia for a second before riding off.

As they enter the forest, he just keeps reciting in his mind Siren lies, don't trust a succubus...Siren lies, don-

That in mind, seeing yet more monsters hovering around them gave him the heebie-jeebies, and he was quick to point them out to the rest of the party.

Awareness: [roll0] + 2 = 9 [Pass]
Lore (Monster): [roll1] + 5 = 13 [Pass]

2017-03-17, 11:47 AM
Lore (untrained): [roll0]

2017-03-17, 02:08 PM
Rixia didn't look any more fatigued after their ride, going deeper into the forest and glancing around. "Look sharp, people -- above," she mentioned.

[roll0] +3 - Awareness
[roll1] +2 - Lore

2017-03-17, 05:11 PM
[Those who succeed at their rolls recognize them as Goblins. There are 8, armed with daggers. ]


[Players: state your actions.]

2017-03-17, 10:22 PM
"Uh... I wonder if they're friends of the green lady too..."

Ruby's eyes dart between them as she removes her scythe's straps and rests the weapon on her shoulder.

"We should try to talk to them first... if they let us."

2017-03-17, 10:32 PM
"Somehow, I think they're less amenable, given that they're armed," Rixia responds, slipping off her chocobo and drawing the blazefire sabre as well. She gestures towards the goblins. "Let us pass, or suffer the consequences."

2017-03-17, 11:56 PM
[To communicate with the Goblins, the characters must make Language Checks -Difficulty Moderate (9). This means they know their language, Lajargon, and never have to make rolls to speak it. Those who fail this roll can still try to speak to them, bust must roll every time.]

[To persuade or intimidate the Goblins, use Negotiation Skill. Difficulty Moderate (9).]

2017-03-18, 12:10 AM
"Hey, wait. I bet this is the same kind of goblin Uncle Blake kept telling stories about."

Ruby clears her throat, and from her standing position on her chocobo, calls out to the goblins in Lajargon.

"We just want to talk to the green lady!"

Untrained: [roll0]

Hoo boy, I made it. I'm cracking up OOC.

2017-03-18, 02:21 AM
- Seriously? - Alistair sighed. What was it with his new group, where people want to chat with every piece of aggressive fauna. At least some of them prepared for inevitable. He dismounted as well and prepared his sword - he still tried to hold it in non threatening position out of the spirit of camaraderie not to disrupt Ruby's negotiation attempt, but he at least was battle-ready.

2017-03-18, 02:40 AM
Val Devant

Seeing the knives, and having experience with Goblins in the past, Val takes no chances like he did with the stupid rabbits. With deep rumbling sound his sapphire cloak flies open and forms up as a pair of wings, and he draws his sword. His pupils turn blue for a second as he reads the nearest Goblin's aura and lets out high pitched squeaks.

Climb down. Slowly.

Language: [roll0] + 5 = 16 [Pass]

Slow action: Scan nearest Goblin.

2017-03-18, 11:38 PM
Nedow keeps up a brisk gallop and when the Goblins arrive, she considers ditching the bunny but for some reason, she's preoccupied with the worry that Ruby would hate her for it. She trots past the girl, before just outright dumping the rabbit in her lap.

"Oh, for the love of... Here, kid, have a bunny; it's happy that you think it's cute.

{{Hey! Okay, listen up! Do you work for Siren, the Green Lady? If so, we have a message for your boss. If not, get out of the way or we'll kick all your asses. By the way, I can speak for myself and little boy blue over there that we'll take ANY excuse to fight something, so choose wisely."}}


2017-03-19, 09:03 AM
Tonberryking, I need to know what your roll was for.

Scan Result: Goblin. Hp 46, Mp 11, Weak to Darkness, no Blue Magic spells.

A squeaky voice shouts from one of the trees. Those who speak Lajargon will understand it says, "Leave us your loot and we let you pass!"

Players state your actions.

2017-03-19, 09:07 AM
Ruby giggles when Nedow hands her the rabbit, then laughs louder, over the goblin talking.

"Hey Rixia, they think we're going to give them money."

2017-03-19, 11:35 AM
Sarel grabbed his staff and hopped down from his chocobo's saddle. The rabbits were one thing, but these Goblins didn't look like they were much for negotiations.
Rolling Language (+2)
2 + 2 = 4

2017-03-19, 03:06 PM
Unfortunately, in his attempt to speak to the goblin above him, Sarel got his words mixed up.

...Something about its mother.

"GRAAAH!!" it screams furiously, and drops on the White Mage, knife raised!
The rest of the goblins follow suit, each attacking a party member.
(The Rabbit hides in a bush.)


Music cue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEatl2ibmSI

Note that since the goblins were spotted, the PCs have the initiative this (and every round).
Goblin AVD: 7 Armor: 3 Magic Armor: 2

2017-03-19, 03:32 PM
Rixia sighed and glanced to Alistair, before smirking. "Well, there's the fight you longed for. Blaze-Edge!" She announced, and her weapon unfurled into its combat form, blade locking into place as she rushed the closest of the goblins, performing a gliding sweep to scythe through him.

Standard - Attack Goblin.
+ 4 (Accuracy).
+ [roll1] for Damage.

2017-03-19, 09:10 PM
Rixia rolls 30 Damage for her weapon attack, reduced to 27 by the Goblin's ARM. This reduces its HP to 19.

"ARRGH!!!" it screams in pain.

Players: remember you can only take one Standard Action each Combat Round (such as an attack) and any number of Instant Actions. A Slow Action however is resolved next Round.

2017-03-20, 12:57 AM
Simon plants his feet as if to meet the attacking goblin's charge, but dodges aside at the last moment. He drives his knee into the creature's chin before it can react. "You should have backed off!" He snarled, forgetting the goblin probably didn't understand him.

Simon will make a normal attack.

[roll0] + 4

That hits, so he'll inflict 22 damage (9 from the roll + 16 (PWR x 2) - 3 from the goblin's armor).

2017-03-20, 01:47 AM
The laughing abruptly ceases as Ruby drops the bunny onto the chocobo's saddle and leaps from the mount, blade drawn. She brings the scythe down on the goblin that attacked Sarel.

+6 = 10

+ (10 * 2) = 27

4 + (10 * ((level/4) + weapon level 2)) = 34 - 3 = 31

2017-03-20, 08:05 AM
Ruby's attack reduces the Goblin to 15 HP

"AGHhhk! You $!&@" it screams, in Lajargon.

2017-03-20, 08:41 AM
Nedow isn't one for patience. Rather than drawing her sword, she flicks her fingers out as if weaving some ethereal web, and sparks begin to fly. Electric motes and forks surround her hands haphazardly before she flings out her hands to toss the goblins some lightning bolts. All of them.

I don't think Magic has a to-hit roll, but when this goes off:

[roll1]+ (10x2... or is it 5x2?)

2017-03-20, 01:00 PM
Val Devant

Val starts chanting in Laljargon, as he ejects from his chocobo into the air. Those who speak it will recognise him saying some not very nice things about the Summoner's Guild inbetween magic words.

Slow Action: Cast Goblin Bomb [3MP] on an uninjured Goblin

Val is now flying, all melee attacks suffer -4 to hit him.

2017-03-20, 02:44 PM
[Spells hit automatically unless otherwise stated.]

[Group Spell Damage is divided by the number of targets (max divisor is 3). In this case, Nedow's damage is 24 to one Goblin, 12 to two, or 8 to each 8 (your choice).]

[Note spell casting is a slow action. The spell takes effect next round, unless you get interrupted by something (like a successful attack.)]

[Also don't forget to reduce you MP by 4 after the (successful) casting of the spell.]

[Kobold Bard: You don't have Goblin Bomb listed in your Character Sheet, you have Choco Ball.]

2017-03-20, 03:55 PM
Sarel sweeps his staff forward, then shifts to a two-handed grip and thrusts it up towards the gut of the incoming Goblin.

Rolling 2d6 + Accuracy (3):
9 + 3 = 12
Damage: 9 + 18 = 27 damage vs M.ARM

2017-03-20, 04:13 PM
Alistair raised his sword into the air and slashed downwards. Dark magic flew over the blade and rushed into the air as hungry for blood black mist. The mist blackened the battlefield, drinking the lives of goblins...and its unlucky summoner.

Creating Devouring Void - a difficult terrain with recurring damage of 6 non-elemental damage ignoring marm to all enemies and myself. It will persist until I'm unconscious

2017-03-20, 07:58 PM
Sarel does (27- 2) 25 damage to his Goblin foe. Since it had only 16 HP left, it is reduced to 0.

The staff crackles with magical energy, effectively channeling its wielder's will and power through itself. Upon touching its target, it overwhelms it, doing physical damage. *TZZT*-AEEE!!!" it screams, and drops to the ground.

Suddenly, the area grows dark -and cold- as night.

Alistair and the Goblins will automatically take 6 points of damage at the end of every round of combat.

Players: you have until tomorrow afternoon to perform your Round One actions. After that, I'll have the Goblins act, then we move into Round Two.

2017-03-21, 05:22 PM
Undaunted by the apparent fall of one of their own, the Goblins press on. Their tactic is to attempt to disarm the adventurers, by stabbing them in the arms.

[Note: since Hairic hasn't shown up in over a week, I'm going to have his character written off the story, for now anyway. He can rejoin later if he wishes. So it was 7 Goblins, now reduced to 6.]

Goblin ACC: 3; Basic Damage: 3 + 2d6; Weapon: Dagger, basic damage + chance of disarming: opposed Force Roll (+6 for the Goblins)

Players: Check if your characters are hit or disarmed, and how much damage they take.

2017-03-22, 03:13 AM
Rixia's blade clashes against the Goblins', and she whips around and winces as she feels a sting of pain at her chest. "... mistake..." she grimaces, and collapses before the creature.

2017-03-22, 11:37 AM
Ruby looks over toward Rixia, and is distracted long enough for a goblin to disarm her, leaving a small gash on her hand in the process.

2017-03-23, 03:06 AM
Simon just barely avoids getting stabbed in the elbow. The resulting wound to his side bleeds heavily, but it doesn't hinder him too much. With a snarl and a blur of motion, he swats the goblin's arm aside and jams his fingers into its neck. Simon draws blood as well.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees one of his allies fall. Simon shouts quickly at the White Mage, "Can you get her up?!"

2017-03-23, 10:00 AM
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees one of his allies fall. Simon shouts quickly at the White Mage, "Can you get her up?!"

Sarel turns from the fallen Goblin in front of him to address the Monk.
"I can heal her, but it'll take some time – and time is kind of in short supply at the moment! The most I can do for now is try and keep everyone else up, or help put the rest of these goblins down."

2017-03-24, 10:14 AM
aaand my rolls didn't work. Again. Ignore this post.

2017-03-24, 10:17 AM
Goblin attack on Val Devant: [roll0] [roll1] + 3 (-4 from Flight) = 5

Val's AVD 6 = Miss!

Disarm Attempt: [roll2] [roll3] + 6 = 18 vs [roll4] [roll5] + 9 = 17 Success. However, since the main attack this is part of was a miss, I'm going to rule that Val keeps his weapon and his spell is not interrupted

2017-03-24, 05:36 PM
[Goblin Attack on Nedow: [roll0] [roll1] + 3 = 10 - Hits]

[Nedow: AVD 7, ARM 4 - takes 6 hp of damage]

[Disarm result: [roll2] [roll3] + 6 = 11 ]

[ [roll4] [roll5] + 4 = 13 -Fails. ]

2017-03-24, 06:01 PM
Enemy Turn Over

Suddenly, the darkness irradiating from the Knight seems to surge forth, and both Alistair and the Goblins feel chilled to the bone.

Alistair and the 6 Goblins - but not the rest of the Party- take 6 more HP of damage. Note that this is not Shadow Element damage.
The Goblin that attacked Rixia is down to 13 HP, Simon knocked his out, and the other four have 40 HP left each.



Nedow's Thunder Spell: all Goblins take 8 points of damage. Now one has 5 hp and the rest 32.

Players state your actions.

Also folks from now on Please make all your rolls on this thread, so I can keep better track of them.

2017-03-24, 07:36 PM
[ARRGH I have to make yet another post in line! Sorry folks!]

[Val's Goblin Bomb:[roll0] [roll1] + 36 = 44. Another Goblin is dead.
(Premature explosion?) [roll2] No. ]

2017-03-24, 11:48 PM
Ruby yelps in surprise and anger at the cut on her hand, then pulls back and smacks the goblin in front of her as hard as she can.

Unarmed strike accuracy:
+6 = 14

Damage: 16 + 8 = 24

2017-03-26, 07:37 PM
Simon leaps over his defeated foe, sprinting around the group of goblins. He did not want anyone else getting hit by his next attack. A curtain of wind stirs around Simon as he begins focusing his internal energy. He shouts at the goblins. "Hey! Over here!" Though his kick was aimed at the monster nearest to him, the resulting shockwave shattered the ground beneath all four of them.

Spending 2 Chain Points to attack all enemies with Mach Kick.

[roll0] + 4

The goblins take 20 damage each.

2017-03-27, 07:28 AM
Ruby's unarmed strike: 24 - 3 = 21. 32- 21 = 11 hp.

Mach Kick: 20- 3 = 17.
Rixia's foe: 5 hp = 0
Nedow's = 32 -17 = 15
Alistair's = 32 -17 = 15
Ruby's = 11 = 0

Two more Goblins have fallen. Only two are left, and they're badly wounded.

Note: Now that Val and Nedow have completed their previous turn's Slow Actions, they can act again.

2017-03-27, 10:44 AM
Rather than waste time casting another spell, the centaur leaps forward and swings her saber in a backhanded stroke at the first goblin she can reach. She looks a little desperate to finish this off after seeing one ally get downed and the others get hurt.

[roll1]+2 = 5 ...Prrrrooobably not gonna hit.

2017-03-27, 03:17 PM
Goblin Defense Summary: AVD 7 ARM 3 M.ARM 2

The Goblin reflexively dodges, and Nedow barely misses it.

2017-03-28, 11:22 PM
[Isn't anybody else going to post their actions this round? If you don't I'll just have to move on to the Enemy Turn. You have until tomorrow evening.]

2017-03-29, 07:34 AM
The battle went well, as Alistair seen it. Even despite initial success of the goblins, the team's response almost demolished the monsters. So instead of finishing of someone with a spell or something, the Dark Knight spent a moment of opportunity to pick up his weapon - hopefully, his magic will do it's work without his attention

Well, yeah, picking up the sword after being disarmed

2017-03-29, 09:24 AM
Wind swirls around Sarel's staff as he channels magic through it, swinging it towards one of the remaining goblins.

Rolling 2d6+Accuracy (3):
4 + 3 = 7 (Hit)
Damage: 4 + 18 = 22 damage vs M.ARM

The staff finds its mark, if only barely.

2017-03-29, 05:58 PM
22 - 2 M.Arm = 20

HP 15 - 20 = 0

Another Goblin falls. Only one is left, and the look on its face is one of sheer terror.

2017-03-30, 08:00 AM
Enemy Turn

"YIPES!" the small humanoid utters and, abandoning its brethren to their fates, runs away into the forest, quickly vanishing among the trees.


The PCS win! music cue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVnnfuNsdQQ

Rixia may get up now. She has 1 HP left.

All players earn 1 Exp. Please add it to your sheets.

Players, state your actions.

If you search the six Goblins, each has a 50% chance (7 or higher on 2d6) of having a Potion. (You can also pick up the daggers, but they are obviously made of crude materials.)

Note the Goblins are unconscious. However the PCs may kill them without a roll if they want. Up to you.

2017-03-30, 08:26 AM
Ruby rushes over to Rixia and tries to patch up the wound, pursing her lips in a frown.

+ 3 = 11

2017-03-30, 02:13 PM
Val Devant

Val snatches the potion and stashes it, he's sure Rixia will be fine. I'd just like to remind everyone that I said this was a bad idea.

And with that he goes back to whispering his mantra Siren lies, don't trust a succubus...Siren lies, don-

Search the Goblin he killed: [rollv]2d6[rollv] = 11 [Pass]

2017-03-30, 02:19 PM
Rixia rolls over with a slight groan, wing twitching as she regains consciousness to see Ruby standing over her. "... thanks," she whispers. It doesn't look like the wound will do any lasting damage.

2017-03-30, 09:09 PM
Body and Soul Ability kicks in.

Sarel proceeds to use salves and magic to heal everyone completely.

2017-03-31, 12:14 AM
Ruby grins broadly when she notices Rixia's - and her own - wound close from the healing magic. She looks around at the party, and seeing everyone in good health, stands back up, speaking cheerfully, and perhaps a bit loudly.

"I guess I don't have to kill them all now! So, where are we going?"

2017-03-31, 02:48 AM
Rixia rubs at her head and rises. "We still need to proceed... to Siren's hideout, and seek an audience with her against Salamander's wrath out in those fields. It is the only feasible option, at this point, given that our path back south was blocked by the fire."

2017-03-31, 05:40 PM
"Might be a good idea." Simon looks a bit uncertain. "But first, does anyone know where we are?" Their escape from Salamander had taken them far from any road he recognized. "We'll need to find a way back to Mysidia at some point, and I do not fancy being lost with an Esper on the loose."

2017-03-31, 07:08 PM
"Mmm, let me survey," Rixia let out a thoughtful hum, before quietly rising up into the air and taking out a sheet of paper as she sketched out a rough map of their surroundings. She wasn't the most well-travelled sort, but a vantage point always helps.

[roll0]+4 Awareness.

2017-03-31, 10:56 PM
Ruby takes her cue from Rixia and also starts looking around. Beyond that, she begins to survey the area for environmental clues.

+2 = 12

+3 = 11

2017-04-01, 09:05 AM
Surveying from the sky- Difficulty Easy (7): Success.

Rixia doesn't see Salamander or anybody else nearby. She does however, spot some ruins a bit further north.

Surveying from the ground- Difficulty Moderate (9): Success.

Ruby finds the path that leads back to the road.

2017-04-01, 01:34 PM
Ruby walks over to her scythe and picks it up with a sigh, then mutters something about having to oil the blade now that it's been on the ground. She rests it on her shoulder and points toward the road.

"I guess if we go that way we can get back on track."

2017-04-02, 07:55 AM
Suddenly, the wind changes, and it brings a soft sound with it.

The sound of... harp music?

Roll to tell where the music is coming from: Awareness, Difficulty Easy (7). Note only one player's success is needed.

2017-04-03, 01:54 AM
Awareness [roll0] +3 10 total

After the battle, Alistair was mostly silent, he only thanked Sarel with a nod of appreciation - he was probably conserving his strength, thinking he will need it in the nearest future. So, he ridden his chokobo when suddenly...
- Hey - the knight have addressed the group? - Do you hear it? - he waved in the direction of the music.

2017-04-03, 02:48 AM
Rixia dropped down and nodded to Alistair, saying, "I hear it too... Salamander isn't around, so this is our best chance to move."

[roll0] +3 Awareness

2017-04-03, 08:00 AM
The music seems to be coming from the north, not too far away.

2017-04-03, 12:59 PM
Ruby climbs back onto her chocobo and rides over to Rixia.

"I'm really happy you got up. Um... let's go back to the road and find that thing you saw. Maybe that's where the music is coming from."

2017-04-03, 09:44 PM
Rixia has a quiet smile to Ruby, nodding. "... I made a mistake, it happens." She turns to the goblins and inspects them for any loot, though -- it always pays to be careful. There may be further clues, and if not, useful items...

2017-04-04, 12:09 AM
Ruby looks down, and while she doesn't quite get the significance, has already decided to latch onto Rixia. She jumps off her chocobo and starts searching another of the goblins.

2017-04-04, 07:59 AM
[Note: searching the Goblins requires a successful Thievery roll (a simple 2d6 roll if you don't have the actual skill) difficulty Easy (7) and nets you a single potion each. ]

2017-04-04, 08:19 AM
Thievery (untrained): [roll0]

2017-04-05, 06:04 AM
Sarel searches one of the fallen goblins...

...but doesn't come up with much.

2017-04-05, 08:58 AM
A While Later.

The party arrives at some ruins. It is easy to tell that this was once a town; but it is abandoned now, all the houses and buildings crumbling and covered with vegetation: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/2/2e/VIICC_Banora_Ruins.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130902081226

But most noticeable of all is the harp music, which is loud enough to hear clearly now:

(Music Cue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S_Dhuknibs )

Players, state your actions.

You can easily follow the music to its source now; no roll needed.

2017-04-05, 01:56 PM
Nedow finds new things to become upset with as the ground here is realtively unstable for one of her footing; she digs her hoof into the ground suspiciously and tries not to complain aloud. Rixia's injuries got her worried, not that she'd openly show it, but the centaur gives the geomancer a few cautious looks once they were done looting corpses and back on the trail.

"Ah, jeez, I wonder who that could be..." she says with a droll voice, still trying to find decent footing for her hooves.

"Hey, kid, did you keep that rabbit after we left? It woulda helped to keep him around--he could back us up that we didn't put any of her fuzzy friends to the sword. Nedow eyes Ruby for a moment, half accusing, half asking her.

[roll0] [roll1]
Lootin' time.

2017-04-05, 02:54 PM
Ruby scratches the back of her head, gritting her teeth nervously.

"It, uh... it ran off when the fighting started. Sorry. I think that's what happened, anyway. Things get a little fuzzy when I start fighting."

2017-04-05, 03:05 PM
Suddenly, the Mysidian Rabbit from earlier (it had followed the Party) shouts, "Green Lady! Green Lady this way!!" in Beast Speak, and takes off down a dirt road, towards some kind of stone building where the music can be heard coming from.

2017-04-06, 12:09 AM
Val Devant

Feeling safer in the air, Val follows Rixia's example and remains airborne once they reach the town, tying his chocobo a safe distance from the house of impending doom.

I'm not big on summoning lore, anyone know what to expect?

Lore for details on Siren -
Lore (Magic): [roll0] + 1 = [8]
Lore (Monster): [roll1] + 5 = [11]

2017-04-06, 05:19 AM
Rixia was careful with her looting, ensuring that she didn't trigger anything.

[roll0]+3 - Thievery

Rixia followed the group at a more cautious pace, rubbing at where the stab wound still bothered her slightly... but the sight of the town had rather captivated her. "Hm... the song of the Siren, perhaps...?"

2017-04-06, 05:36 AM
"I'm expecting more trouble." Simon laughs weakly. He pulls the green stone from his pocket, and with a grimace, attaches it the materia slot on his right glove. "Also, hoping that music isn't a sign that we're expected."

2017-04-06, 06:18 AM
"More trouble? Okay..."

Ruby readies her scythe and hops off her chocobo, looking around to see if there was, in fact, impending trouble.

Awareness: [roll0] + 2 = 10

2017-04-06, 08:37 AM
Rixia found a single potion on a fallen goblin.

Players: please add your new loot to your sheets.

Roll to know Siren's Magics: Difficulty Challenging (11) = failure

Roll to know facts about Siren: Difficulty Moderate (9) = success

Val remembers that Siren is the Summon of Deception, although that is a misnomer; though she can be devious, she can be honest as well, depending on the situation.

Ruby senses no trouble nearby... at least, not outside the building.

(There are no enemies in town)

Players: state your actions. Will you enter the building?

2017-04-06, 10:20 AM
Ruby shrugs, takes another glance around, then approaches the nearest door of the building, calling out rather than knocking.

"Good afternoon!"

2017-04-06, 11:02 AM
The building -which has a symbol marking it as a temple- https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--GcScTpLy--/b_rgb:fffffe,t_Heather%20Preview/c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1446223026/production/designs/185704_1.jpg was softly illuminated by sunlight leaking through the broken roof.

A woman, with green feathers for hair, sitting on some rubble, was playing a melody on a harp. http://img01.deviantart.net/1131/i/2017/061/b/2/final_fantasy_braveexvius___esper_siren__by_amtai0 3-db10b81.jpg

She stopped, however, when she noticed Ruby's presence.

The Rabbit was by her side, squeaking desperately.

"I see..." she finally spoke, in a melodious voice. "Welcome, little one. You are my pet's friend, I assume? You and your friends may come in. What brings you to my temple?"

2017-04-06, 12:23 PM
Ruby looks up at the woman with a grin.

"Hi! I'm Ruby. Lady Yuna sent us to find out why summons are fighting even though there's no summoner making them fight."

She gestures for the rest of the party to join her.

2017-04-07, 01:05 AM
Val Devant

... "Oh, and another thing: this is of the utmost secrecy. Do NOT tell anyone what you learned here, or the deal is off" her tone changed to serious now. ...

Sighing, Val maintains his aerial position. In hindsight assuming the little kid would act like an adult may have been poor judgement on the part of the group. But the giant scythe just made her seem so much more responsible than it was probably reasonable to expect from an 8 year old.

He had been planning to let the negotiators negotiate, but now that the cat was out of the bag, Val turned defensive. Pulling a dose of Sweet Sugar from his pocket, he got ready to swallow it and Scanned Siren.

Slow Action - Scan Siren

2017-04-07, 09:14 AM
"Lady Yuna? The Valefor Summoner?" Siren asked. "She does not know? And she sent you to find out."

Scan Result: Rank 1 Summon. Resistant to Water.

Siren stared at Val out of the corner of her eye, but did not react to him.

"I will tell you what" the Summon continued. "If you can prevent Salamander from razing my lands, I will answer your questions. There might even be a- special reward in it for you." (winks an eye)

2017-04-07, 10:04 PM
[roll0] +2 (Magic)

Rixia bowed slowly. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady Siren. We are indeed impeded by Salamander, though..." there is a pause. "I don't believe that we are in a position to be able to do that. I doubt we would be able to take down a summon in a straight-up fight, and in your grasslands that he has been burning, he has an advantage."

She glances to her side. "I believe we would both benefit from cooperation. What would you say to that?"

[roll1] (Negotiation)

2017-04-08, 12:12 AM
Simon joins the others, waving his hand in greeting. "Hello." What was the appropriate way to introduce yourself to an Esper, anyway? He settles on making a suggestion to Siren. "If we know the reason Salamander has attacked your lands, we might be able to convince other people to help fight it."

2017-04-08, 06:30 AM
Alistair silently ventured into the temple. While the group was busy negotiating with the summon, the dark knight just admired the beauty of Siren. When he heard something familiar - tactics. He shook his head as in "snapping out of it" and begin to talk in his usual hushed voice.
While it's true, and we are definitely no match for an Esper, where is a will - there is a way. Where exactly are your lands, lady Siren? Perhaps if we could look at a map we could come up with something. Redirect a river, prepare a fire moat - we'll never know, what hidden gems the terrain will provide us

2017-04-08, 08:30 AM
Val Devant

Val glares back at Siren, still muttering to himself about her being a succubus and wondering if he should mention he's fireproof.

Awareness (airborne) [roll0] + 2 = [5]

2017-04-08, 08:42 AM
Note: for purposes of this conversation, we will not use rolls, since Siren is a major character, not a minor one like the goblins

"Hmm... very well, I will make a confession first, then" Siren says to Rixia. "Manifesting on the Mortal Plane takes a lot of power for Summons. Right now, neither the little red iguana nor myself are at full power. It would not be easy, but a strong party could take it down."

Then, to Simon: "As for why Salamander is attacking my lands- now that is the secret we are are negotiating for. You want to learn it? Then get rid of Salamander for me. Fair, no?"

She smiles rather seductively to Alistair: "Now, that's the spirit. I don't care if you beat it, trick it or talk it away- just get it to stop burning my grassland and forests."

And then, in a surprisingly serious tone, she adds, "Things are going on, things you mortals are unaware of. And your very survival might depend on knowing about them."

Val spots nothing but rubble in the decayed temple, besides Siren and the party.

2017-04-09, 01:45 PM
Ruby glances back and forth between the adults talking about fighting Salamander.

"I guess we can fight it. I don't like when monsters just try to kill everyone for no reason."

2017-04-09, 02:58 PM
Rixia lowers her head and says, "... very well. I don't see any other particular options for us at the moment, and I would rather not see nature continue to be damaged."

2017-04-09, 03:05 PM
Nedow is oddly quiet, almost shy to approach the esper.

She only clops in to avoid being seen in such a reticent state, not meeting Siren's eyes, and she would have rather not said anything, but she can't afford to be left out, either:

"...Yeah, look. We answer to... a guild back in the city and to be honest with you, Lady Siren, I'm seeing a pattern of know-it-alls sending us off with little to no information about what's really going on. If you wanna reward us and all with information, fine, but as a show of good will, is there anything you can tell us know about all this?
Anything that might help fight the fire crocodile or whatever the hell he is?

...I mean, we saved your bunnies and all..."


2017-04-09, 08:15 PM
As I said, rolls are no good here; you need to roleplay your interaction with Siren.
Fortunately, you have played very well. :smallwink:

"Hmm. How about this?" the Summon responded. "Neither Salamander, nor I, are on this plane with an agenda about Mortals. Otherwise, I would have simply charmed the lot of you and sent you out to do my bidding!" (wicked smile.) "No, it just happens that our goals are contrary to each other's. As long as you don't attack it- or otherwise provoke it- Salamander is not likely to roast you alive."

"Besides, that red lizard isn't exactly the smartest Summon ever, either."

2017-04-11, 02:53 AM
"Maybe your conflict doesn't involve us directly, but I have the feeling we should be still concerned about it." Simon crosses his arms. "We'll see what we can do about getting Salamander to back off." Or at least, be more open about what was going on between it and Siren.

2017-04-11, 02:58 PM
"Agreed," Rixia looks towards Simon. "At the very least, extensive damage to one of our ecosystems is cause for concern enough. I've no quandries with stopping what it is he's doing..."

2017-04-12, 08:37 PM
Suddenly, another Mysidian Rabbit ran into the temple, and went up Siren's lap, shouting, "Mistress!! Fire Beast here!!!" in Beast Speak. It continued to add details in its screechy voice.

The Avian Summon listens with a concerned look, then turns to the Party: "Looks like time has run out. Salamander is here- right about to enter the forest."

"If you are going to do something about it... I suggest you do it now.''

Players: State your actions

2017-04-13, 11:55 AM
Ruby steps out and readies her scythe, then has a look around for approaching threats.

Awareness: [roll0] + 2

2017-04-13, 12:13 PM
"Well...crap. Okay, so, we need a plaaaaaAGGH! Get back in here, you!"

Nedow tries to keep Ruby from going outside, assuming that her younger pier was going to charge out and fight the monster head on. She's snorting angrily the whole time and tries not to stamp her hooves when so many other peoples' feet are around.

"PLAN. FIRST! ..Seriously, I can't keep us alive all the time with my superior intellect.... Rixia, does that gun thingy of yours fire ice? Does anybody else have ice spells?I'm thinking we bottle that bastard in somewhere and then just pelt him with everything we have, but that means we'll need coordination and possibly one of us acting as a decoy to lead it around. Siren! You got a box canyon or a dead end, cul-de-sac--whatever anywhere nearby we can lead it safely towards?"

2017-04-13, 12:48 PM
Ruby stops in front of the door and takes a large step backward, then purses her lips impatiently. Her plan was, in fact, to run out there and fight a thing she had no understanding of.

"I don't know any magic..."

Something seems off about Nedow's request for ice magic, and she furrows her brow while contemplating it.

"Um... doesn't fire melt ice? I think maybe we want water."

Magic knowledge to understand elemental interactions: [roll0]

2017-04-13, 06:39 PM
Neither Salamander nor any other enemy is currently in the ruined town.

Lore: Magic check to know Salamander's weakness- Difficulty Challenging (11) - success.

Salamander is Immune to Fire but Weak to Water.

"If you are going to ambush it" Siren said, "Your best chance is at the forest's entrance. He hasn't made it in yet, with those short legs of his. But hurry, before he sets it on fire."

2017-04-14, 12:18 AM
"Sorry. I can mimic the effects of magic in a pinch, but not ice." He shrugs. "If we need time to plan, I can try to talk the Esper down. I'd appreciate a little backup, though." Assuming their host was to be believed, Salamander wasn't out for a fight with anyone except her. Also, he was wearing fire warding gear. "Don't everyone volunteer at once." Simon heads for the doorway.

2017-04-14, 03:55 AM
Val Devant

I can only do fire sorry, unless our new water-elemental ally wants to bequeath a new spell on me.

2017-04-14, 09:50 AM
"I can't- not while I'm in this form" Siren sighed. "Being material is so- limiting."

2017-04-15, 02:44 AM
Val Devant

Why am I not surprised. Well I don't intend to get near the thing, but if it helps I'm also fireproof.

Val looks for a stream or river they could divert to trap the incendiary summon, or considers brewing some Sleepy Stir Fry that they might trick it into eating. As he does so he absentmindedly runs a spark of blue magic across the tops of his fingers, when suddenly he shapes it into a palm-sized cloud.

Hey, can anyone make it rain?

Intuitive magic request - since nobody in the group has an actual water spell, could the collective mages and Siren (if she's willing to help) call down rainfall to block Salamander's path or weaken him for the upcoming confrontation?

2017-04-15, 05:40 AM
Rixia shook her head. "... lightning, fire, and gale bullets, but no ice. Just my luck, I suppose..." she murmurs as she checks her preparations. "I can Draw upon nearby ambient water sources, and if we have knowledge of where such a place would be..."

2017-04-15, 06:53 AM
"Hmm... you might be onto something, little mortal" Siren purred. "I can tap the moisture of the plants in the forest. Possibly even create a Water Elemental Terrain effect. It will take time, though, and you'll need to distract Salamander, or it will notice."

2017-04-15, 11:30 AM
"I can distract him!" Ruby interjects excitedly, "It takes a lot to hurt me! I'll stand in the way so he can't get to you all while you do your magic things."

2017-04-15, 11:53 AM
"Seriously? I'm coming with you, too; kid. I can't let it get out that I allowed a child to go fight a giant fire death lizard-- my reputation would be ruined!"

Nedow huffs, looking cross and in general quite upset, like she thinks (and probably does,) that all these plans suck. Not that she is shooting them down, however... the situatiojn is desperate. And she needs a pack of lies to write off why she thinks throwing a heavily armed child at Salamander is a bad idea.

2017-04-15, 04:30 PM
- Ehh, looks like too late for something fancy. - Alistair sighed and brought his sword from his shoulder into a fighting stance. - All right, let's make a stand until the water magic is ready.

2017-04-15, 09:21 PM
Forest Entrance

The wind brought in the smell of burnt grass, alerting the forest's inhabitants, who were quick to flee.

Then, finally, out of the burning grass, burst out-

-a small scarlet lizard, less than a foot long. http://img02.deviantart.net/dc37/i/2013/222/b/3/blue_tongue_d_salamander_by_dancudancu-d6hkq2n.png

It looked around, its eyes brilliant beads of crimson fire. After a moment, it began walking towards the forest, leaving tiny molten footprints on the ground.

In only a few moments, it would arrive, and begin setting it on fire.

Players: this is a (slight) flash-forward. Assume your characters had time to arrive and hide or otherwise set up their plans.

State your actions.

2017-04-15, 10:30 PM
Ruby steps out in front of the creature with a grin. Her scythe is at her side, pointed downward and away from her body to block a wider area.

"Hi! How's it going?"

2017-04-16, 09:38 PM
At first, the reptilian Summon gave Ruby a dismissive look- until it noticed her rather large weapon.

Then, in a hoarse, sibilant voice like a snake's, it asked "What do you want, Mortal?"

2017-04-17, 12:06 AM
"You're Salamander, right? Who summoned you? I don't see your summoner. Hey, do you always set stuff on fire when you move or do you have to try? Is fire just part of you? Is it like when slugs move how they leave a trail of slime, but for you it's fire? How does that work, anyway? Instead of bodily fluids, do you have bodily fire?"

Ruby's first bid to distract the creature was to lock it down with a barrage of questions, hoping to keep it talking long enough that her allies could do... something. She wasn't quite clear on what, not knowing much about magic.

2017-04-17, 12:27 AM
Rixia was involved in Siren's plans to create water-elemental terrain, so that the group at least had ground that would be advantageous enough for them to fight on. She was concentrating, drawing on the errant motes of power to try to harness the world around her.

Lore (Magic) I suppose! [roll0] +2

2017-04-17, 03:26 AM
Val Devant

Val was likewise involved in bringing about Water World, drawing glowing sigils at strategically places points the air and making an annoyed would every time his cloak flapped into his eyes.

If this needs a roll, let me know. The boo kdoesnt specify.

2017-04-17, 08:00 AM
Ruby's barrage of questions only annoyed Salamander. It shook its head as if to clear it, then snapped, "Out of my way, child, unless you want to be incinerated!"

Magic Lore Roll Check Difficulty: Moderate (9) Success.

Suddenly, it begins raining- with really, really heavy drops of water, to the point it hurt! Salamander then hissed "What isss thisss!? Thisss isss no mere rain! Sssiren! Thisss isss your doing!!! But you will not stop me! I will burn down your forest with my Crimson Roar!!"

The Water Elemental Terrain effect does 6 points of damage to everyone in it *including the player characters* at the end of their turns (Salamander takes 12 due to its Weakness to Water.) A successful Force or Finesse roll negates the damage.

Crimson Roar will take effect at the end of the third combat turn. At that point everything in the surrounding area will be incinerated- most likely including the PCs.

COMBAT ROUND ONE. Players, state your actions.

2017-04-17, 08:11 AM
"Haha! Dance with me, monster!"

Ruby flashes a broad grin, her eyes widening in excitement - battle is a lot more fun when her friends aren't in danger. She twirls the scythe, coating the blade with the magical rain, and brings it down on Salamander's back, aiming for dead center of the creature.

Attack: [roll0] + 6
Damage: Roll + 30 = 35
Force to resist rain if M.ARM doesn't negate it = [roll1] + 8

2017-04-17, 05:34 PM
Salamander's AVD: 6 -Hit!

Salamander's ARM: 3. 35- 3 = 32

Salamander's HP: 134 - 32 = 102

Ruby's scythe cuts deep into Salamander!

"RAAGH!! You'll pay for that human!!"

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go1ELpt2iyQ

Difficulty of resisting Water Terrain Damage: Elementary (5) -success.

2017-04-17, 06:40 PM
Rixia winces a little as the rain starts to gather around them, but then she changed her focus to Draw upon its power. "... Junction, set." She drew the Blaze-edge Sabre and focused upon it, drawing motes of water to splash into a powerful spiral around Salamander. "Water spirits, heed my call!"

Using Geotrance to cast Sliprain on Salamander. [roll0] + 4 accuracy, +20 Water-elemental damage.

2017-04-17, 08:27 PM
Salamander's AVD: 6 < 8 -Hit.

Sliprain: does (Highest Attribute x Half Level) + 2d6 points of non‐elemental or Water damage. In this case, (10 x 1) + 4 = 14.

Salamander's M. ARM = 3. 14- 3 = 11. Doubled due to Water weakness = 22.

102 - 22 = 80 HP.

*TSSSS!* Hot steam escapes from Salamander's wet body as it howls in pain again.

But then, it stares at its attackers in anger, and begins muttering something incomprehensible.

Language or Lore: Magic roll to understand it. Difficulty Moderate (9).

Rixia needs to make a Force or Finesse check (Difficulty 5) to avoid taking 6 points of damage)

2017-04-17, 10:10 PM
Nedow trots and leaps about trying to stay out of the way of getting hurt by...well, anything, but amid the wetness and the steam coming off the fire lizard, she tries to prep a spell that oughta settle his hash. Of course she's not sure how well lightning may fair against fire, but there's a first time for everything. Though she swears, if this bastard burns any of her mane or her tail, she's going to join Rixia slashing him apart...

Spending this turn prepping Thunder again.

[roll0][roll1]+12 = Damage.