View Full Version : [3.5] Celestial Channelling, Fiend of Possession - equivalent for Neutral outsiders?

Mr Adventurer
2017-02-16, 09:04 AM
Hiya, pretty much as the title: is there any sort of equivalent to Celestial Channelling or the like, for non-fiend, non-celestial Outsiders?

Is there anything in the settings or story which could be a precedent for a houserule for such, even if there's no provision in any rules?

2017-02-16, 09:34 AM
Hiya, pretty much as the title: is there any sort of equivalent to Celestial Channelling or the like, for non-fiend, non-celestial Outsiders?

Is there anything in the settings or story which could be a precedent for a houserule for such, even if there's no provision in any rules?

The in-game Lawful Neutral Outsiders would seem to be against such activities due to their stratified nature and near single-minded pursuits.

The in-game Chaotic Neutral Outsiders are considered to be not strong or motivated enough to effect the change they desire on the Cosmological scale... so would probably be open to forming a pact with someone who did have that kind of motivation.

Mr Adventurer
2017-02-16, 12:29 PM
Hmm. Going to widen the question to include Elementals as well as Outsiders. IIRC there is at least one PrC for Elemental channelling like this in Eberron, but are there any spells or processes rather than class levels for this?

Also, are there any non-evil Undead-type creatures other than the appropriate Ghosts?

2017-02-16, 12:40 PM
Also, are there any non-evil Undead-type creatures other than the appropriate Ghosts?

Crypt Things and Gravecrawlers are the only two varieties I can remember offhand, but I'm sure there are others.

The Viscount
2017-02-16, 02:46 PM
There are 2 variant non-evil liches, one in Monsters of Faerun and one buried in the variant rules section of Libris Mortis.

Eternal Blade isn't 100% like channeling, but there's some definite using of non-evil entities. Similar goes for Revenant Blade.

Deathless creatures aren't exactly non-evil undead, but they are very close to being undead and they aren't evil. The Aerenal elves (and to a lesser extent Valenar elves) in Eberron are very much about channeling and using their deathless ancestors, there are a few feats and spells that sort of do this.

Kalashtar in general and PrCs like Quori Nightmare and Atavist are very much about channeling the Quori spirit that they are constantly with.