View Full Version : Advice on these magical items

Sir cryosin
2017-02-16, 01:31 PM
Ink stamp of glyph of warding:
as a action you dip this stamp into magical ink and stamp something. When you stamp something you set a trigger and set a exploding glyph as if you cast the glyph of warding spell. When the glyph gos off roll a d6 - 1 if you roll one it's 1. What you roll is the type of damage it does.
1. acid
2. Cold
3. Fire
4. Lightning
5. Thunder

This next one I'm working on

Cloak of the winter wolf:
As a action you flip up the hood you transform into a winter wolf. When you take the wolf form you gain the winter wolf stat block in the monster manual. You retain your Wis, int and char stats. When you are not in the winter wolf form you have resistance to cold damage.
Curse: everytime you enter the wolf form make a DC 14 wisdom save or gain a level of feral. When you gain 5 feral levels you become a feral winter wolf your unable to switch back. When you are reduce to 0hp you revert to your regular form and you are unconscious. When you wake up you have a strong desire to put the clock back on and flip up the hood.

Helm of the Berserker rage:
As a action you can activate this helm. In doing so you gain the rage feature as in the Barbarian class. You gain rage damage according to your level that corresponds with the level on the rage damage table as if you were the same lv of barbarian.

Pouch of hellfire sling bullets:
Each day the first 12 sling bullets pulled out of this pouch. Has a magical enchantment on them making the magical and deals a d6 fire damage.

Puh Laden
2017-02-16, 03:23 PM
These look good to me except for the helm. I mean, how does it work with a barbarian? As written it does nothing but give them unlimited rage which is sad and potentially dangerous. It also gives the signature ability of the barbarian away for free. I would maybe limit it to giving you rage as if you were a certain level barbarian and require attunement with a set number of charges per dawn.

The cloak only needs a way to break free of the desire (remove curse is the only way?). If no one has remove curse your character is gone and they don't even get to be a cool badguy since they're just a winter wolf.

The stamp of warding should maybe have charges (ink running out) depending on how worried you are about abuse.

2017-02-16, 03:40 PM

Too powerful in its current state.
You're giving them infinite damage.
Reduce it somehow; either x uses per day or a maximum x number of glyphs up at any one time.


It's a nice idea, seems people can get out of the side effects too easily via a remove curse. Perhaps build against that.


Also seems a wee bit too powerful. Perhaps include fatigue levels to give it some balance.

Sling Pouch:

It feels like an item that might be more useful at lower levels. perhaps reduce the number of powered shots to 3.

Sir cryosin
2017-02-16, 10:54 PM
Sorry I don't put everything in. The stamp needs magical ink that the party would have to gather ingredients then craft the ink.
The helm is just a concept that I was thinking about.
The cloak I like and has already given to my players. Yes it does suck that the only way to remove feral marks is remove curse. But they have to fail the saving throw to get one.
The pouch is cool to have when most of the party don't have range weapon.

Sir cryosin
2017-02-16, 10:56 PM
Thanks for the advice. On this

Sir cryosin
2017-02-16, 10:59 PM
These look good to me except for the helm. I mean, how does it work with a barbarian? As written it does nothing but give them unlimited rage which is sad and potentially dangerous. It also gives the signature ability of the barbarian away for free. I would maybe limit it to giving you rage as if you were a certain level barbarian and require attunement with a set number of charges per dawn.

The cloak only needs a way to break free of the desire (remove curse is the only way?). If no one has remove curse your character is gone and they don't even get to be a cool badguy since they're just a winter wolf.

The stamp of warding should maybe have charges (ink running out) depending on how worried you are about abuse.

The cloaks desire work just like any other crused item.

2017-02-17, 04:07 AM
Again, I don't know what kind of players you have but the ink is a soft limit; they can still circumvent it.
One day they'll decide to dedicate their time to gathering ink, or save up their ink, stamp a piece of paper 1000 times and throw it at the BBEG you had lined up.
It'll result in 10 minutes of bickering and you having to either retcon the item or come up with a really convoluted reason for why only 2 of the glyphs went off.

But maybe your players are different, just warning you of the grief you might experience.

2017-02-17, 02:06 PM
Some people are concerned about the stamp being too powerful as the players could cheese it, I think a simple solution would be that the strength of the glyph is proportional to the size of the stamp, and that stamps cannot overlap or exist within another stamp. Attempting to do so either smears and destroys both, or instantly triggers both, whichever is more entertaining/karmic at the time.

Sir cryosin
2017-02-17, 03:55 PM
Again, I don't know what kind of players you have but the ink is a soft limit; they can still circumvent it.
One day they'll decide to dedicate their time to gathering ink, or save up their ink, stamp a piece of paper 1000 times and throw it at the BBEG you had lined up.
It'll result in 10 minutes of bickering and you having to either retcon the item or come up with a really convoluted reason for why only 2 of the glyphs went off.

But maybe your players are different, just warning you of the grief you might experience.

If they do that fine by me. If they are having fun.

2017-02-20, 07:02 AM
It sounds like some of these items are made so they have drawbacks. With great power, comes some suffering :)

1) Stamp: 1 stamp per sheet of paper. And no, you cannot throw a ream of paper at someone :) Having to gather components is fine, but make sure to assign gold value to those items. This will make it so players can also buy it...unless you want your campaign to be about foraging for material. Alternatively, I would just give it charges with a random regeneration per day - like a wand.

2) Cloak of winter wolf: Remove curse becomes easily available at some level, so your penalty is easily avoidable. Instead of remove curse, make it so they have to find Belladonna and consume it. THere is a danger the player will fail his poison saving throw.

3) Helm: If used by Barbarian it improves their rage by some way (similar to belt of dwarvenkind, or monks belt from 3.5). Non Barbarians can only use it once per long rest.

4) Pouch: This is particularly powerful. Assuming a player makes 2 attacks per round, this is 6 rounds of some nice extra damage. It replenishes each day. If your group really needs this because they lack ranged attacks, fine, but if it's to help beef up one player...this is pretty strong

I really like the cloak of winter wolf. The stamp is just awesome considering the comic strip on this forum :)

2017-02-20, 09:46 AM
The bullets should have some "must be used within the same turn or the enchantment fades" qualifier, or you've got a magic ammunition factory.