View Full Version : Help me make a decision!

2017-02-16, 03:04 PM
So, I don't usually look up 'builds' and whatnot, and try to super optimize, usually. Generally, I just make what I think is neat and pick feats and stuff that I feel go well. This does end up being a known build in many cases though, as there is never anything that original anymore, I guess.

Anyway, the character I am playing now is a 'Polelock', I think people call it. So far, I am lvl 5 fighter, 2 warlock. I plan to go to level 8 fighter (eldritch knight) to get the ability to make a melee attack when I cast a cantrip, and at least level 4 Warlock, with the 4th level switching an invocation for lifedrinker, so my melee attacks get cha bonus to damage.

Now, my problem here is where to go from there? I have been comparisons, but I am not the best at mathing, and I just dont know what I want to do. There is a big part of me that just wants to go full warlock after the 8th level of fighter, but I just dont know. Here are some examples of what I am thinking, at various future levels:

lvl 20 - Fighter 16/ Warlock 4 (str and cha 20, lifedrinker, agonizing blast)
3 attacks + polearm master attack: +5 to hit, dmg d10+10, PAM d4+10
4 Eldritch blasts + 1 Attack: +5 to hit with all, d10+5 dmg with the EBs, +10 with the attack

lvl 20 - Fighter 8/Warlock 12 (str 20, cha 18, lifedrinker, agonizing blast)
2 atacks + polarm master: +5 to hit, dmg d10+9, PAM d4+9
4 EBs+1 attack, d10+5 dmg with EBs, d10+9 with attack

A few things to note:
-level 20 may be bad examples, since it is so far in the future, who knows when or even if we will get there.
-So far, I have been mostly a melee fighter, using EB sparingly, so changing to a mostly blaster would be a kind of odd change.
-I like warlocks a lot, so may lean towards more warlockery even if it isnt purely optimized.

Anyway, this post is just kind of a sounding board experiment... Let me know what you think would be best and/or most interesting. I havent done the actual math to average out the damage or anything, because math hurts my tiny brain.

2017-02-16, 03:12 PM
I regret to inform you that the "Level" referred to as a prerequisite for Warlock Invocations was clarified in Errata to mean Warlock Level and not Character Level. You have to go to 12 in Warlock before you can take Lifedrinker.

2017-02-16, 03:26 PM
Oh, really? I always thought it was class level. Do you happen to have a link to the errata?

I guess that changes the desision a bit, since even if I went Fighter 8/Warlock 12, I wouldnt get lifedrinker until 20.... at that point I may as well go tome or chain warlock (are there still only the three pacts?)

The question still stands though... in fact, it makes it even more difficult if the weapon damages are +5 instead of +10.

2017-02-16, 03:41 PM
Essentially, you're trying to pelt people with EB and then smack them with your weapon, right? Utilizing EK's War Magic at lv7? And you saw how EB is pretty much the best cantrip in the game... Right? Is that the jist of it?

First, EB is a ranged attack. Meaning when you make the attack in melee range, its at Disadvantage. So just so we're clear, you'd have to EB at a distance, then run in and hit. Fine. Next round? Well, the enemy is right there in front of you. That round is at Disadvantage with EB.

You can do this build, but there's much better ways of doing it.

Warlock / Sorcerer, for example. Don't use your Action for EB, use Sorcerer's Metamagic to turn EB into a bonus action with Quicken.

"Oh but the Fighter gets Heavy Armor!"
Sea Sorcerer. Favored Soul Sorcerer. Hexblade Warlock. All ways to get around that.

"But Fighter gets a fighting style!"
And? The best one for this is the Defense style. Or go buy a Cloak of Protection, for +1 to AC & all Saving Throws. It's Uncommon, shouldn't be hard to find.

2017-02-16, 03:43 PM
It's hard to give advice without more detail. What is the rest of your party composition? What do you want to focus on? Do you have to stats for adding other classes, and would you want to? Who is your Warlock Patron?

2017-02-16, 03:43 PM
Oh, and just general advice? Don't plan out your character build all the way to lv20. It's honestly a waste of time. The odds of you playing the character from 1-20 are slim at best. The campaign will end before then, or fall apart because people get too busy, or your character will die, or new material will come out that'll get you excited at another build concept.

It's fun to theorcraft characters and builds. I do it all the time. Just don't get too hung up on it.

2017-02-16, 03:45 PM
For one thing, I use a Glaive, which has reach, and will be taking sentinel next level, so hopefully I can avoid the disadvantage on EB attacks by staying 10' away.

For switching to sorcerer, thats not in the stars - I am already a level 5 Fighter, 2 Warlock, and I am liking the mix. I've been mostly melee so far, and like the character concept, so I'm not about to rebuild him completely. I don't really want to change everything and do quickened spells like you suggest.

Edits: Yeah, I have examples written down in notepad at different milestones, since I dont like planning for level 20 - I want to be playable the whole time... I just didnt want to write down my crazy notepad ramblings, because it would get confusing.

As for party composition, I don't think it matters all that much - we have a Barbarian that does most of the 'tank' like jobs, and I am the other main frontliner, though I am pretty good so far at keeping the baddies at reach, which will be even easier with sentinel.

I could take other classes, but I dont want to spread too thin... kind of happy with just the fighter/warlock. My patron is the fiend, but I may be changing it to the new Raven Queen one.

2017-02-16, 03:56 PM
If you're an EK, I highly suggest Fighter 10 for Eldritch Strike. Combine that with warlock spells and you can almost be sure enemies will fail their saves.

2017-02-16, 04:03 PM
I will recommend not to go Pact of the Blade (you don't get much out of it), Pact of the Chain or Pact of the Tome works better

Both gives you acess to familiars (They can use their Help action to give you advantage on your first melee attack -the rest will be EB so meh or give it to any other melee fighter -Barb- or when any caster plan on using a Hit based spell).

Also you could get many rituals with Pact of the Tome (Giving you a lot of options out of combat -Versatility is nice-) and both pacts give you a good way to scout the area (with the familiar).

Another option its with the Pact of the Chain, have in mind that this mean that you can work around with your familiar ability to use items or others (so if you plan on going this way, visit the nearest general store and get some play things like Oil, Alchemist Fire or just needles to throw in the floor to make a small area difficult terrain)

2017-02-16, 04:07 PM
Hm, Raven Queen patron and Chain Pact would give me two pets... That is kinda interesting.

2017-02-16, 04:10 PM
Essentially, you're trying to pelt people with EB and then smack them with your weapon, right? Utilizing EK's War Magic at lv7? And you saw how EB is pretty much the best cantrip in the game... Right? Is that the jist of it?

First, EB is a ranged attack. Meaning when you make the attack in melee range, its at Disadvantage. So just so we're clear, you'd have to EB at a distance, then run in and hit. Fine. Next round? Well, the enemy is right there in front of you. That round is at Disadvantage with EB.

You can do this build, but there's much better ways of doing it.

Warlock / Sorcerer, for example. Don't use your Action for EB, use Sorcerer's Metamagic to turn EB into a bonus action with Quicken.

"Oh but the Fighter gets Heavy Armor!"
Sea Sorcerer. Favored Soul Sorcerer. Hexblade Warlock. All ways to get around that.

"But Fighter gets a fighting style!"
And? The best one for this is the Defense style. Or go buy a Cloak of Protection, for +1 to AC & all Saving Throws. It's Uncommon, shouldn't be hard to find.

You realize he's already playing this character, right?

2017-02-16, 05:57 PM
I guess that part of my issue is that I really like warlocks and EB+bonus attack seems like the better choice, but I feel like I -should- be more fightery... I suppose I will go to 7 or 8 fighter, then start going Warlock and see what happens. If I end up EBing all over, then so be it... Though I will still be comparing the options all the way through, so any other input would be appreciated.

Now between Warlock and Eldritch Knight, I have more spells than I need, I think, considering I so far mostly melee, and even when I get the ability to free melee when I cantrip, I still wont need more spells than I get, so not much point to Tome pact... Also, with lifedrinker basically out of reach, there is no point in Blade pact... That leaves Chain pact... Maybe I will have a Quasit riding my Raven... Or an Imp that can change into a raven, so I'll have one on each shoulder.... so many choices!