View Full Version : Evil, unholy weapon?

2017-02-16, 10:03 PM
Designing a powerful artifact, an unholy weapon that was originally created to be wielded by an Ur-Priest who hated the gods. Need something truly sinister, more so than your typical villainous dagger. 3.5e, all books and dragon magazines allowed. Any giants here know of anything like that? Enchantments aren't neccesary, just searching for a physical form for the weapons. Only limitation is it needs to have a blade of some kind on it, whether than be an axe head, a spear tip, etc.

2017-02-16, 10:31 PM
If you're designing an artifact, don't bother with existing material. Come up with what you want it to do based on it's theme, in this case, the theme of an Ur-Priest, or divine spell-theives. Do you want it to be a greater or lesser artifact? It does make a pretty significant difference. Lesser artifacts are generally within the realm of "basically epic items", while greater artifacts range from epic items to plot maguffins that would rip a hole in normal games.

2017-02-16, 10:40 PM
Just the physical form of it? How about a ripper, from the Planar Handbook? It's a martial weapon, basically a short-hafted broad-headed spear. At medium size, it does 2d6 piercing with a 19+ threat range. Planar handbook has a few mundane weapons with colorful names, in order to make warriors of upper and lower planes feel more distinct. Also, the serrated non-magic quality from Dragon #358 allows edged weapons to cause 1 point of bleeding damage for 1d4 rounds after a critical hit.

2017-02-17, 06:20 PM
If you're designing an artifact, don't bother with existing material. Come up with what you want it to do based on it's theme, in this case, the theme of an Ur-Priest, or divine spell-theives. Do you want it to be a greater or lesser artifact? It does make a pretty significant difference. Lesser artifacts are generally within the realm of "basically epic items", while greater artifacts range from epic items to plot maguffins that would rip a hole in normal games.

It's most likely going to be lesser bordering on a greater artifact. The concept is that this weapon was forged for someone by a deity of divine rank 7 at the time, who was a master enchanter. But the enchantments aren't necessarily what I'm looking for, more just what it should look like physically. What kind of weapon it should be.

2017-02-17, 08:22 PM
If you have watched the ahow Once Upon a Time, I would reccomend making it like Rumplestiltskin's dagger.

2017-02-18, 02:23 AM
It's most likely going to be lesser bordering on a greater artifact. The concept is that this weapon was forged for someone by a deity of divine rank 7 at the time, who was a master enchanter. But the enchantments aren't necessarily what I'm looking for, more just what it should look like physically. What kind of weapon it should be.

Well, if the weapon steals magic from deities (which I assume it would based on it's concept?) why not have it transform into the favoured weapon of whatever deity it last stole magic from?