View Full Version : Player Help Are Small PCs screwed when it comes to Alter Self?

2017-02-17, 03:02 AM
I was building a Halfling Lore Bard and was considering my options for Magical Secrets, and was looking forward to Alter Self - Thinking that once i reached 6th Level I could use it to make myself look like any PC race, Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, etc. But i got looking closer at the Alter Self's description and discovered the portion where it says i "can't change into a creature of a different size".


It makes me wonder what alternatives are out there. I would like to know how Players (and DMs) handle these restrictions.

What forms are available for a Small PC to turn into?

Would stilts affect the spell's limitations?

Are there other ways for me to appear as a Medium PC race? I would like to retain equipment if possible.

2017-02-17, 03:25 AM
I suppose that this is so that Alter Self doesn't become a more versatile version of Enlarge/Reduce, which is a spell of the same level.

One thing you could do is talk to your DM so that he allows you to make this size change but without any mechanical benefit from it, only social situation benefits (i.e, you are still considered size small for grappling situations, for instance). A bit gamist perhaps, but could work.

2017-02-17, 03:27 AM
I guess you can try to pretend to be a little kid.

2017-02-17, 03:51 AM
If you are a very tall halfling, Disguise Self can add an apparent foot to your height, making you a very small human.

2017-02-17, 05:47 AM
Medium sized PCs can't use it to disguise themselves as dwarves, halflings, gnomes, goblins, kobold and other short races. So no, short races don't get shafted. They simply get different infiltration targets from it.

2017-02-17, 05:50 AM
Medium sized PCs can't use it to disguise themselves as dwarves, halflings, gnomes, goblins, kobold and other short races. So no, short races don't get shafted. They simply get different infiltration targets from it.

I agree, but quick quibble: Dwarves are size Medium.