View Full Version : Two Player Campaign

2017-02-17, 09:35 PM
So my large group has begun to trail off playing and it's getting harder and harder to get them all together so two of my players have asked me to start a small side story for the two of them to play.

I typically plan a hard game type, and felt I may build to strong for just the two of them. So I am allowing each of them to have a pet, cr 2, as of now and let them level it some as we go.

Was wondering if anyone has done this before? Or if anyone has any suggestions?

2017-02-17, 10:56 PM
Two player campaigns work just fine- I'm in a couple of them right now. Having characters that can cover a wide variety of roles is useful, and hirelings are definitely handy. Lets you really get into the RP and relationship between the party members.

2017-02-17, 11:29 PM
So my large group has begun to trail off playing and it's getting harder and harder to get them all together so two of my players have asked me to start a small side story for the two of them to play.

I typically plan a hard game type, and felt I may build to strong for just the two of them. So I am allowing each of them to have a pet, cr 2, as of now and let them level it some as we go.

Was wondering if anyone has done this before? Or if anyone has any suggestions?

I love 2-player games, they're among my favourite.

In my experience, you don't need to boost the characters up much, but combats are very swingy, one way or another. When things go well you gonna feel like they waltz through your encounters... until everything goes south very fast. Its good to have a deus ex machina ready, one that you have set-up early so its doesn't feel too out of place the the eagles are coming... That and use encounters whereas defeat moves the story forward; have the lizardmen stabilize the PCs so that their meat is still fresh for the full moon's feast etc.

Combat asides, 2 players work great for sandbox adventures, and RP opportunities are aplenty (not to mention roleplay between the two players). 2-player dynamics allow for styles of plays that usually drag the game down; long NPC encounters, social or political games, exploration, infiltration and espionage. Two of my most memorable games were (for the most parts) 2-player games, mostly involving ranger, druid and bard characters.

Essentially, 2-player game allow you as a DM to focus on the preferences of your players, and its easy to give each an equal amount of "spotlight".

2017-02-18, 08:25 AM
I am really excited about the rp level that I can get. One player is my wife, who has only been playing about a year but has been getting really into it as of late. And my other player is my best friend who has been playing with me for about 9 years and is very big into the role play side more than the combat.

I am starting them in the jungle and one character is trying to pull the other out of his tribe. So they will be doing a temple run.