View Full Version : Well.. crap. That went south in no time. How do I solve this?

2017-02-18, 05:31 AM
I'm the ward of a dragon wyrmling.
I was swallowed whole by a creature.
After taking a bunch of acid damage, I used my boots to teleport out of the creature's belly. In that round we managed to kill it.

As the session was ending with that kill, we, the players, remembered the wyrmling.
The DM ruled that it was also swallowed, took the same damage I took (about half its hitpoints ), but didn't port out with me because of the limitations on my boots' powers.
There's a good chance it's somewhere in the negative hitpoints now, but may still be alive.
Now I have one round to get in there, heal or revivify it and either get out again or ward it against further damage before getting out the next round.

I'm a high level cleric. Haste was cast by our bard.
My plan would be to rapid cast gaseous form (domain spell), enter the beast's belly, heal or revivify the wyrmling and then, with the remaining/extra movement, stuff the puppy, who is described as being the size of a cat, in my handy haversack.

Is that a viable strategy?
It has to be rules legal, because our DM has never heard of rule of cool and doesn't ever overrule RAW to reward creativity.
If not, I'm not sure what to do.., since I can't really trust my party members to help (or maybe they will but it's rather important that I solve this one on my own, if I can).
Allowing the wyrmling to die and then resurrecting it later is NOT an option.
I'm thinking maybe there is a simpler way, even if I have to use a miracle spell, to solve this with less fuss.
Any ideas?
It was established during the fought that you can't teleport inside the creature (maybe now that it's dead?).. Is there a spell I can access via rapid casting miracle that allows me to bring the wyrmling to me and then cast a heal or revivify on it?

2017-02-18, 08:35 AM
Remember that you can't cast spells in Gaseous Form, so you'd have to change back before healing the wyrmling.

If you're considering Miracle to be an option, just use this function of it:

Moving you and your allies, with all your and their gear, from one plane to another through planar barriers to a specific locale with no chance of error.

Presumably, the wyrmling is your ally, so it'd be included in this. You can even go to some positive-dominant plane to start healing it immediately.

2017-02-18, 08:56 AM
If miracle to duplicate a spell is an option, just disintegrate the corpse. Since you're targetting the corpse, the dragon inside shouldn't be affected. You can disintegrate up to one 10ft cube of nonliving matter, so if you can't do the whole body it should at least get the belly easily enough.

2017-02-18, 09:11 AM
You will need the assistance of your party members.

Have one move and cut a hole in the corpse, another move and pull it out, and then you move and heal.

Alternatively, have one of your party members bull rush you to the corpse, use a move action to climb inside inside and cast heal on the little guy. If you can rapid cast a spell, you should be able to use 2 move actions to accomplish this.

2017-02-18, 10:41 AM
If you have a Wiz/Sorc in your party then I would reccomend Get him to move to you and Cast Dimension Door to the inside of the Creature where you cast heal on the wyrmling or have him disintegrate the 10ft cube with the disintegrate spell. The disintegration by RAW would no longer damage the wyrmling since it is destroying the corpse, then just heal it.

2017-02-18, 11:05 AM
Know thyself. What powers do you have available? Do your Boots (presumably Anklets of Translocation?) still have charges left? Which spells do you have prepared? The Gizzard damage no longer occurs so you could just teleport inside and heal, if you can teleport as a swift action. There's probably no way you can get the target out since you couldn't teleport with them the last time. You need an action to get in, another to grab them and a third to get out, but everything rides on the details. You should definitely be able to get in and cast a spell to stabilize the wyrmling and then get it out the next turn though. But, details! This is all about the details.

Mr Adventurer
2017-02-19, 03:18 AM
If the DM is strictly RAW, point out that the wyrmling can't be in the creature's stomach because it was never attacked, so the monster's Swallow Whole ability couldn't have triggered on it.

This won't work if the monster had some kind of area effect Swallow Whole (like... the Garngrath from MM5, I think?).

I mean... was the dragon on your shoulder? And it just sat there while you got swallowed? That's crazy.

2017-02-19, 03:29 AM
If the DM is strictly RAW, point out that the wyrmling can't be in the creature's stomach because it was never attacked, so the monster's Swallow Whole ability couldn't have triggered on it.

This won't work if the monster had some kind of area effect Swallow Whole (like... the Garngrath from MM5, I think?).

I mean... was the dragon on your shoulder? And it just sat there while you got swallowed? That's crazy.

This ^.

The dragon is a separate entity. If it was inside your coat or something when you got swallowed, then it was inside your coat when you teleported out. If it wasn't considered grappled by you, then the monster's grab & swallow whole could not affect the dragon at the same time by RAW.

By RAW, the dragon would have to have been attacked separately.

Thus, the dragon is safe.

2017-02-19, 03:57 AM
The best thing you can ever do to a DM that's supposedly all about RAW is point out that they shouldn't be the only ones that get to enjoy the rule of cool, because that's called cheating. Like others mentioned, how exactly did the monster swallow whole a creature that wasn't grappled by it? I'm not even sure if you can swallow whole two creatures in the same round. I know you can't in Pathfinder but I'm not clearly sure about 3.5.

Anyway, if casting miracle is not a problem, just use it to teleport the wyrmling outside of the dragon's belly, or to remove the corpse from existence. Alternatively, if you can get inside the belly and in the same round cast another spell, use Miracle to cast Trobriand's Baleful Teleport. It functions as teleport, except you can use it on others too.

2017-02-20, 04:21 AM
Another solution would be to planeshift the corpse.

2017-02-20, 04:37 AM
Another solution would be to planeshift the corpse.

You can't planeshift objects.

Using miracle (or convincing the DM he couldn't target the dragon with swallow whole) seems like your best bet.

2017-02-20, 06:21 AM
It's probably what I'll end up doing.
Though I'm still curious as to whether my initial strategy would work, rules wise

Stealth Marmot
2017-02-20, 07:26 AM
Why can't you let it die and cast Raise Dead on it? It's not an outsider, it can be raised.

Alternatively, if you have a mass cure wounds spell, cast it. It is technically within range. Your DM might allow not having technical line of sight if you argue with him for a bit.

2017-02-20, 07:41 AM
Why can't you let it die and cast Raise Dead on it? It's not an outsider, it can be raised.

Alternatively, if you have a mass cure wounds spell, cast it. It is technically within range. Your DM might allow not having technical line of sight if you argue with him for a bit.

Because it's my life's mission to care for it, shelter it from harm and protect/educate/defend it.
If it dies, it doesn't matter that I can raise it the next round... I will still have failed my mission utterly, not to mention seriously disappointed my god, Bahamut.

2017-02-20, 08:16 AM
You can't planeshift objects.Interesting tidbit: The rules never actually say that a creature becomes an object on death or destruction. Theoretically, a dead dragon is still a creature (just with the "dead" condition).

Additionally, there's spots that refer to a "dead creature" - Raise Dead, Speak with Dead, Deathwatch, et cetera, rather than just "corpse", further reinforcing the interpretation that a creature doesn't actually become an object on 'simple' death.

2017-02-20, 08:17 AM
What kind of wyrmling is it?

2017-02-20, 08:29 AM
http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/08/0852260e6679f71219b11bfe93c3a1f789e30730b7de842f9e 666aab4717471c.jpg

2017-02-20, 08:34 AM
http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/08/0852260e6679f71219b11bfe93c3a1f789e30730b7de842f9e 666aab4717471c.jpg

It's hard to tell who you're referring to with that....

2017-02-20, 08:39 AM
What kind of wyrmling is it?

Gold, but probably houseruled. The DM is playing him as a npc.

Mr Adventurer
2017-02-21, 04:30 AM
Let us know how it went, dehro!

2017-02-21, 11:02 AM
Linguistic quibble: You have a wyrmling as your ward. You are not its ward. You are its caretaker.

2017-02-21, 11:28 AM
If you're willing to use Miracle, use it to cast Arcane Fusion, with which you cast Benign Transposition(Yourself->Dragon baby) and Bear's Endurance. I believe the 16hp(read below) gained from the buff, plus the fact that it'll be right by the Bard(A.K.A: secondary Healbot)'s side should make it safe enough.

Though that's kind of a waste of 5000 xp just to cast two spells of level one and two... Guess you could net extra points from Bahamut by showing such dedication to protecting the baby.

Wait, cat-sized? That's a refluffed Gold Dragon for sure. Normal Wyrmlings would be human-sized, so no way it's getting 16hp. Well, try finding any sorcerer spell that gives temporary hitpoints or just Polymorph it, I guess?

Stealth Marmot
2017-02-21, 11:35 AM
Linguistic quibble: You have a wyrmling as your ward. You are not its ward. You are its caretaker.

Right the dragon is HIS ward. He should keep telling himself that.

2017-02-21, 12:04 PM
Right the dragon is HIS ward. He should keep telling himself that.

If it isn't, this isn't such a problem, because clearly the dragon was doing its job by protecting its ward. :smalltongue:

2017-02-21, 04:44 PM
Linguistic quibble: You have a wyrmling as your ward. You are not its ward. You are its caretaker.

You're right, or course.

I'll consider the options (like being adopted by the dragon :smalltongue:)

2017-02-21, 08:46 PM
Miracle Benign transposition and then teleport out plus close wounds as an immediate action heal to stabilize it and heal it a bit. Next time I would reccomend having your party wizard create a Demiplane and have him take you all there, planar bind a nightmare and have him cast Astral Projection so that way even if it is killed it does not actually die.

2017-02-21, 09:33 PM
Though I'm still curious as to whether my initial strategy would work, rules wise

My plan would be to rapid cast gaseous form (domain spell)
I assume you mean quicken? Rapid spell is a different thing. That'll consume your swift action if it's a quicken.

enter the beast's belly
A move action, probably. Depends on how far you are. Gaseous form only allows 10 feet of movement, but if you're right next to the corpse you might get away with a 5ft step.

heal or revivify the wyrmling

A standard action, if you can bypass the fact that you can't make V/S/M components while in gaseous form.

with the remaining/extra movement, stuff the puppy, who is described as being the size of a cat, in my handy haversack.
A move action, which you used earlier unless you're only 5 ft away.

Since you have access to miracle, you can just resolve this entire problem with a standard action. Thinking is for people who can't cast 9ths.

Interesting tidbit: The rules never actually say that a creature becomes an object on death or destruction. Theoretically, a dead dragon is still a creature (just with the "dead" condition).

Additionally, there's spots that refer to a "dead creature" - Raise Dead, Speak with Dead, Deathwatch, et cetera, rather than just "corpse", further reinforcing the interpretation that a creature doesn't actually become an object on 'simple' death.
The save line of gentle repose suggests that corpses are also objects.

2017-02-21, 10:00 PM
The save line of gentle repose suggests that corpses are also objects.I never said D&D was consistent.

2017-02-21, 10:09 PM
Remember that you can't cast spells in Gaseous Form, so you'd have to change back before healing the wyrmling.

If you're considering Miracle to be an option, just use this function of it:

Presumably, the wyrmling is your ally, so it'd be included in this. You can even go to some positive-dominant plane to start healing it immediately.
+1 to this plan and the "convince the DM that the dragon wasn't swallowed" plan. Tell him your plan to save the wyrmling BEFORE trying to get him to retcon the position of the wyrmling, so that it doesn't look like you're whining.

2017-02-24, 08:22 PM
Let us know how it went, dehro!

So, in the end I didn't use miracle at all.
I quickened gaseous form, entered the creature's corpse, found the wyrmling, returned to my physical form and cast heal upon it. I took 20-something damage from being inside the stupid thing. The next round I cast blade barrier around the two of us, which resulted in a gory mess of blood and entrails being splattered all over the place and no further damage taken. Pretty satisfying, all considered :smallbiggrin: