View Full Version : Using kelpstrand

Hiro Quester
2017-02-18, 10:32 AM
DM has just let my Druid 18/monk1 learn Kelpstrand (Book limited game, other spells and feats on a case-by-case basis, in which my Druid has had to limit his power; DM just made a deal to encourage me to concentrate more on using magic than on wildshape. So I didn't ask until now.)

3 Questions:

1: Once a target is grappled by a kelpstrand, what can one do next? Can the strands damage, move, or pin and gag opponent, for instance?

2: Can an opponent be the target of more than one kelpstrand from the same casting?

Spell text says the target is "One creature/3 levels, no two of which are more than 30 ft. apart". So at level 19 I can cast 6 strands.

Text mentions that a creature can be targeted with multiple kelpstrands and has to make separate grapple or Escape Artist checks against each kelpstrand." Is that from the same casting, or multiple castings?

3: I have improved grapple feat (monk bonus feat, made my wildshape forms even better grapplers) does that apply to kelpstrands' grapple check too?

The text says "If you hit a creature, you immediately make an opposed grapple check...". So it seems that I am making the grapple check, using my grapple modifiers, like improved grapple, as well as my BAB+wis+CL, rather than the strands making a grapple check.

2017-02-20, 12:39 AM
DM has just let my Druid 18/monk1 learn Kelpstrand (Book limited game, other spells and feats on a case-by-case basis, in which my Druid has had to limit his power; DM just made a deal to encourage me to concentrate more on using magic than on wildshape. So I didn't ask until now.)

3 Questions:

1: Once a target is grappled by a kelpstrand, what can one do next? Can the strands damage, move, or pin and gag opponent, for instance?
No. The grapple check is just to determine whether the target is affected. Once he is, then he's just treated as entangled, it can't do any of those things.

2: Can an opponent be the target of more than one kelpstrand from the same casting?

A creature targeted with multiple kelpstrands has to make separate grapple or Escape Artist checks against
each kelpstrand currently grappling it to escape.

Spell text says the target is "One creature/3 levels, no two of which are more than 30 ft. apart". So at level 19 I can cast 6 strands.

Text mentions that a creature can be targeted with multiple kelpstrands and has to make separate grapple or Escape Artist checks against each kelpstrand." Is that from the same casting, or multiple castings?
Either. If you target one guy more than once with a single casting, he makes multiple rolls, same as if you targeted him with multiple strands from multiple castings

3: I have improved grapple feat (monk bonus feat, made my wildshape forms even better grapplers) does that apply to kelpstrands' grapple check too?
Yes. The only things you sub out are your strength (for your wis) and your size (for your cl) so this is a handy spell to cast when in a small, agile form such as a sparrow or legendary eagle.

The text says "If you hit a creature, you immediately make an opposed grapple check...". So it seems that I am making the grapple check, using my grapple modifiers, like improved grapple, as well as my BAB+wis+CL, rather than the strands making a grapple check.
I don't understand what you're asking here. You do tabulate it as though you were rolling, yes, but you're explicitly not considered grappled, and you don't have to take any actions to do so.