View Full Version : Talk about warlock invocations. Mostly hexblade.

Sir cryosin
2017-02-18, 10:33 AM
So I like the hexblade, and I liked how the got invocations burning hex and chilling hex. I would like to see more hex, curse invocations. Ones that might cause conditions like poison, can't take reactions, ect.... This that make you feel like you cursing a target and not just adding damage.
Now another thing I like to talk about is. The very short time you get to use your hexblade curse and the invocations that go alone with them. Hexblade curse I can live with but burning and chilling hex feel lacking. In that you spent a invocation on them and don't get to use them all that much. I would like to have freedome to use them out side of them being tied to hexblade curse.

So what are some cool hex's and curse's invocations y'all can come up with one Im just spitballing out here is
Dreadful curse: you curse a target filling them with sense of fear. The target can willingly move towards you and has disadvantage on attack roll made on you.
Curse of misfortune: the target has -x on any ability check they make.

OK before anyone ringes my neck I did say I'm just spitballing here and they are just Concepts.

2017-02-18, 12:01 PM
First, yes, burning hex and chilling hex are completly lackluster (in fact, they are horrible choices), you don't use that much and even when you can, you have better uses for you bonus action.
Both your suggestions would need expend a bonus action and a ST and a short rest use limitation.

2017-02-18, 12:47 PM
I'd love to see more curses. Not just through Hex but in general.

For Hex curses, a curse of Blindness could be a nice high level invocation, a Curse of Fear works well enough. But how about a curse of the Evil Eye? Something like "Target cannot gain advantage and cannot gain the benefits of a critical hit for the duration of the Hex"?

How about a set of invocations that are called Maledictions and each one improves your Hex and Bestow Curse (And even Hexblade's Curse) with these sort of effects?

Malediction of the Weakened Eye:
Prerequisite: Level 9, Ability to cast a Curse (Bestow Curse, Hex, or Hexblade's Curse)
With a word of dark power the target of your curse finds their eyes weakening and the world dimming. They find it very difficult to see any creature or object more than 5 feet away, which appear lightly obscured. Any creature or object more than 15 feet away is heavily obscured. This Invocation applies only to the first target cursed, if the curse can be moved between targets.

Malediction of the Mired Step:
Prerequisite: Level 3, Ability to cast a Curse (Bestow Curse, Hex, or Hexblade's Curse)
As you finish placing your curse on your target their feet become mired to the ground, whether by weight of their steps, the ground seeking to suck their feet into it, or vines or skeletal arms gripping at their ankles. For the duration of the curse your target's land movement speed is reduced by 10ft. This Invocation applies only to the first target cursed, if the curse can be moved between targets.

Malediction of the Broken Mirror:
Prerequisite: Level 3, Ability to cast a Curse (Bestow Curse, Hex, or Hexblade's Curse)
You bring horrid luck down upon the victim of your curse, bending fate's gaze upon your foe in a malicious manner. Your target cannot gain the benefit of advantage for the duration of your curse, and all critical hits they achieve deal damage as if they were normal hits. This Invocation applies only to the first target cursed, if the curse can be moved between targets.

2017-02-18, 03:07 PM
An Invocation that replicates the effects of Compelled Duel against your Hexblade's Curse target would be pretty good.

2017-02-18, 03:25 PM
Binding them to the Shadow Hound rather than the curse could make the invocations they had a lot more useful.

2017-02-18, 03:36 PM
An Invocation that replicates the effects of Compelled Duel against your Hexblade's Curse target would be pretty good.

Well, then. . . I've been cooking something up for the Warlock (https://twitter.com/knuckleofvecna/status/827331954383151104) over at MFoV since about a couple weeks (I think) before the Hexblade came out - and it has compelled duel :smallbiggrin:

2017-02-18, 03:42 PM
Well, then. . . I've been cooking something up for the Warlock (https://twitter.com/knuckleofvecna/status/827331954383151104) over at MFoV since about a couple weeks (I think) before the Hexblade came out - and it has compelled duel :smallbiggrin:

Any idea when we'll get to see this?

2017-02-18, 03:44 PM
Well, then. . . I've been cooking something up for the Warlock (https://twitter.com/knuckleofvecna/status/827331954383151104) over at MFoV since about a couple weeks (I think) before the Hexblade came out - and it has compelled duel :smallbiggrin:

Any idea when we'll get to see this?

SECONDED! I want to see what y'all've cooked up in terms of a PotB patron! :smallbiggrin:

2017-02-18, 03:45 PM
Not to derail the thread further, but hell yes! I want to see a MFoV Otherworldly Patron that revolved around the Pact of the Blade! You guys do solid work, and i bet it would be better balanced than the UA Hexblade!

2017-02-18, 04:53 PM
I can talk to the Finger about a release date, and share that there's interest in such a patron :smallsmile:

2017-02-18, 05:51 PM
I can talk to the Finger about a release date, and share that there's interest in such a patron :smallsmile:

Please, for the love of all the goodly gods play test MFoV archetypes/classes before you publish them. They are thematic and cool but I've yet to allow one at my table because they are way overpowered.

2017-02-18, 06:43 PM
Please, for the love of all the goodly gods play test MFoV archetypes/classes before you publish them. They are thematic and cool but I've yet to allow one at my table because they are way overpowered.

I've put a lot of playtesting into this one, and other than that: our stuff is playtested, but it also gets tweaked after publishing due to user feedback. We can only catch so many things through playtesting - user feedback is massively helpful, so if you want to provide feedback on anything in particular, please leave a comment on the relevant article! :smallsmile:

2017-02-18, 07:08 PM
Please, for the love of all the goodly gods play test MFoV archetypes/classes before you publish them. They are thematic and cool but I've yet to allow one at my table because they are way overpowered.

When was the last time that you read something by the team at MFoV? They're all really talented and their content has been really solid for like, the last...8 months or so - that I can confirm, anyway - If you have issues with their work tell them on their site what needs fixing, instead of passive aggressively suggesting that they work harder on all of their content. Do you know how challenging it is to put out a balanced subclass or two every week? Or to put up a full book on Patreon once a month? :smalltongue:

2017-02-18, 08:34 PM
I've perused MFoV stuff for months now. About a year, actually.

A lot of the stuff is very inspired and unique. I'd love the Magitek stuff in an Eberron campaign.

Some, though, is quite strong. Especially when some multiclass possibilities are considered.

I do love what you guys have done with Monks especially. You've build a lot of unique content for them over there!

2017-02-18, 09:20 PM
I've perused MFoV stuff for months now. About a year, actually.

A lot of the stuff is very inspired and unique. I'd love the Magitek stuff in an Eberron campaign.

I had the same thought! (They made those before my time)

Some, though, is quite strong. Especially when some multiclass possibilities are considered.

Yeah, there's potentially somethings that might be powerful combinations, we try to account for multiclassing, but don't always catch everything. If you have any specific examples, you can PM them to me, and I can bring them up to the other Digits.

I do love what you guys have done with Monks especially. You've build a lot of unique content for them over there!

There are indeed! There's lots of love for one of my favorite classes!

I've got several things lined up for my other favorite class (Warlocks) that I hope to release within the next few months! :smallbiggrin:

2017-02-18, 10:59 PM
Honestly the problem is too many CHA based Casters: Bards, Paladins, Sorcerers and Warlocks all do it. I personally switch Bards to INT or WIS. Being the Experts on Lore and Stories always struck me as more WIS or even INT based then CHA. CHA is good for people enjoying your tales though I guess.

2017-02-19, 12:06 AM
Honestly the problem is too many CHA based Casters: Bards, Paladins, Sorcerers and Warlocks all do it. I personally switch Bards to INT or WIS. Being the Experts on Lore and Stories always struck me as more WIS or even INT based then CHA. CHA is good for people enjoying your tales though I guess.

Its my thought hat warlocks should just be Int casters. Why does a warlock have cha anyhow? The closest excuse is that they bargain for their power but its not like a Great Old One would think you are charming.

2017-02-19, 12:12 AM
Well sure but if you had high INT would you sell your soul?

2017-02-19, 12:51 AM
Well sure but if you had high INT would you sell your soul?

Its not exactly your soul (though that may be for some) but your service. Flavor is everything when it comes to warlocks. Were you a fledgeling wizard being taught cantrips when you stumbled upon a Tome of the Starlit Quentescience, communicating with an entity that taught you more than other pupils as long as you added to its archive of horrid knowledge? Perhaps when your sister drown in a lake you begged a nymph queen to restore her so long as you served her for every year your sister lived from there after? Perhaps you were a simple farmer tilling your field when you die from a snake you startle, before you rises a giant raven who offers you life as long as you follow the raven on your shoulder to punish those that thwart the Raven Queen's will. Maybe you were an honorable squire waiting for the day you swear an oath to the Scarlet Saber of your order & help defeat the greenskin menace. Or are you an aging lending merchant who now has youth & power from Asmodeus in exchange for arranging contracts in Hell

These examples are not all charming people but make excellent warlock ideas. Infact its my belief that warlock patronage should determine the stat something like
HEX - CON? If not then INT

Sir cryosin
2017-02-19, 10:39 AM
Hey I'm happy that people are talking about there favorite MIDDLE FINGER OF VECNA stuff. Also that wizards should use charisma spell casting stat, bard using strength as there's, durid using intelligence, ect.., ect...

But plz let's keep this thread on topic plz.

2017-02-19, 11:12 AM
I'd love to see more curses. Not just through Hex but in general.

For Hex curses, a curse of Blindness could be a nice high level invocation, a Curse of Fear works well enough. But how about a curse of the Evil Eye? Something like "Target cannot gain advantage and cannot gain the benefits of a critical hit for the duration of the Hex"?

How about a set of invocations that are called Maledictions and each one improves your Hex and Bestow Curse (And even Hexblade's Curse) with these sort of effects?

Malediction of the Weakened Eye:
Prerequisite: Level 9, Ability to cast a Curse (Bestow Curse, Hex, or Hexblade's Curse)
With a word of dark power the target of your curse finds their eyes weakening and the world dimming. They find it very difficult to see any creature or object more than 5 feet away, which appear lightly obscured. Any creature or object more than 15 feet away is heavily obscured. This Invocation applies only to the first target cursed, if the curse can be moved between targets.

Malediction of the Mired Step:
Prerequisite: Level 3, Ability to cast a Curse (Bestow Curse, Hex, or Hexblade's Curse)
As you finish placing your curse on your target their feet become mired to the ground, whether by weight of their steps, the ground seeking to suck their feet into it, or vines or skeletal arms gripping at their ankles. For the duration of the curse your target's land movement speed is reduced by 10ft. This Invocation applies only to the first target cursed, if the curse can be moved between targets.

Malediction of the Broken Mirror:
Prerequisite: Level 3, Ability to cast a Curse (Bestow Curse, Hex, or Hexblade's Curse)
You bring horrid luck down upon the victim of your curse, bending fate's gaze upon your foe in a malicious manner. Your target cannot gain the benefit of advantage for the duration of your curse, and all critical hits they achieve deal damage as if they were normal hits. This Invocation applies only to the first target cursed, if the curse can be moved between targets.

Don't warlocks and hexblades not get bestow curse? How about adding an invocation to cast Bestow Curse once per short rest without expending a spell slot? (Or something similar?)

Sir cryosin
2017-02-19, 11:24 AM
Don't warlocks and hexblades not get bestow curse? How about adding an invocation to cast Bestow Curse once per short rest without expending a spell slot? (Or something similar?)

They have that already

2017-02-19, 11:45 AM
Maybe have Bane also work as a Curse... That way with the right build a warlock could throw AoE blindness or luck curses.

2017-02-19, 01:29 PM
But plz let's keep this thread on topic plz.

Sorry for derailing it! :smallbiggrin:

Sir cryosin
2017-02-19, 02:02 PM
Sorry for derailing it! :smallbiggrin:

No problem it takes more then one to derail. We're cool also I don't think I'm going to get any more on this topic. 😅

2017-02-19, 02:38 PM
No problem it takes more then one to derail. We're cool also I don't think I'm going to get any more on this topic. 😅

I'm out and about right now, but when I get home, I'll be able to contribute meaningfully to the conversation! This is a topic that interests me too :smallbiggrin: