View Full Version : Running Volleyball game with D&D/Pathfinder rules

2017-02-18, 07:54 PM
Hi all,

I have been trying to think of a good set of rules to play volleyball in Pathfinder and would like some help.

I intend to use a 6x12 square grid to represent the court with six players on each team (my campaign has two PCs who will be on opposing teams each with a number of townsfolk npcs).

Skill (or ability/attack) DCs would govern the success of failure of serving, passing, setting, blocking, and hitting.

I imagine the serve as a melee attack roll that must exceed a base DC to go over the net, a DC to aim toward the intended square, and perhaps for higher the roll adds to the DC of a check to successfully make contact with the ball.

Setting i see like an aid another action that (if successful) adds a bonus to the hitter's roll.

Passing seems somewhat straightforward in that it should have a DC to direct it to the intended player and it should fail by a distance measured by degrees of failure (perhaps a DC 20 is a success and every five below sends the ball 5 or 10 feet further in the wrong direction and a 5 or less results in a dropped ball).

Blocking is trickiest, but i think it would be a series of checks. One to anticipate and move into the ball's path, another to successfully make contact, and another to return the ball over the net. But maybe thats over complicating things.

Characters might also have a Profession(Volleyball) skill that could be used in place of other skills, perhaps.

What really needs to be decided is how to govern each of these checks (i.e. with melee attack, reflex, acrobatics, etc) and then what might constitute reasonable DCs for each.

Thanks everybody!

2017-02-18, 09:49 PM
is there any reason why you have to represent the game as anything more than just an opposed dexterity check, aided by the team members opposed by the competing team? Do you really need to invent a whole ruleset?

2017-02-18, 10:35 PM
Certainly it could be run that way, but I intend to run it as a mini-game of sorts as part of a festival the PCs are participating in.