View Full Version : A tale of two druids

2017-02-20, 01:29 AM
I'm in a game right now with two nearly mechanically identical druids. And yet, they are so different that you'd never guess they were the same class.

One is a Goliath Mountain Druid with the Hermit background. She talks to spirits, believes all spells are just the spirits granting favors, and is very strong of body and mind. She prefers to act first and talk later, and only speaks when something important needs to be said. When she does speak, it's quick and to the point. She doesn't waste words. When she casts Magic Stone, she whispers to them, "Fly! Become your inner boulder!"

The other is a Water Genasi Coastal Druid with the Entertainer background. She claims to be a historian and anthropologist, focusing on the stories of cultures. She's verbose, often speaking more than she should. She tries to talk her way out of problems, and tends to use her charms first and foremost. She's the party face, and often asks nature for favors to help her out.

They're both Land Druids.

I love it when two of the same class show up in a game - it really helps exemplify that the difference between characters is based on personality and not simply class mechanics. I've heard time and time again that a lack of options in 5e means that the game gets boring quickly - but really, it's the personality that truly makes a character, not just the Mechanics.

2017-02-20, 03:29 AM
It is refreshing to see players play. Concept should trump crunch

I like the goliath, they are a very tribal society... so obviously the lady was sent off from the tribe and lived alone... perhaps pleasantly insane now