View Full Version : DM Help Dragons only

2017-02-20, 05:31 PM
I need help and idea on this campaign idea and how to execute this campaign,the campaign idea was (with the 2 word answer campaign idea method) my duo of players (who are half brothers in characters) said More Dragons.Please help me

2017-02-20, 05:36 PM
Maybe set the game on Argonnesson (Eberron continent ruled by dragons) and use dragons the way you'd use normal NPCs - as quest-givers, salespeople (for very powerful magic things), and so forth.

2017-02-20, 06:07 PM
Dragonborn make up 95% of the population. Every town is home to at least one dragon. Most creatures are scaly/have dragon traits (fighting a beholder? watch out for its breath attack!).

Bonus points if your party were transported here from another dimension.

2017-02-20, 06:38 PM
If you're comfortable maintaining a high CR game, I have a playtested solution.

Have them start with the option of using a Metalic Dragon of their choice as a race. They start as Wyrmlings, however they have the Change Shape action from the start, with the limit that they can only take a single Humanoid Form (of their choosing) 'till their character level becomes equal to the CR of their Adult Form(Which gets the actual Change Shape action). As normal, they don't get actions/features of their Humanoid Race. They however get a +2 bonus to a single stat of their choice.

Stats are rolled or point-bought as normal, and are for the Humanoid form. Physical stats in Dragon form are kept as per the MM, but mental stats remain the same in both forms (and are the mental stats of the Humanoid Form).

Class levels are taken normally in the Humanoid form. Class features can be used in Dragon Form, but do not stack with Dragon Actions (for example, extra attack from fighter would not stack with the Dragon Multiattack action.) Spellcasting using material components cannot be used in dragon form, unless they have a Focus or the components in an appropriate size. They also cannot profit from their equipment in Dragon Form. Non-magical clothes are torn during transformation, unless removed befor it occures. The rest of the equipment falls to the ground.

If reduced to 0 HP in Humanoid form, they change back into Dragon Form, still at 0 HP.

You can start the campain at level 3, and have the players effectivelly face off against other Adult Dragons of CR up to 13 (single dragon) or Young Dragons of CR 9 (2-3 dragon group + kobolds)

I found it made an amazing campain theme, with high CR monsters at lower Character Level, and it was still totally viable challenges. By level 11, they faced a Lich and survived.

Finally, you can add the Half-Dragon Template to a bunsh of things

2017-02-20, 08:49 PM
Dragonborn make up 95% of the population. Every town is home to at least one dragon. Most creatures are scaly/have dragon traits (fighting a beholder? watch out for its breath attack!).

Bonus points if your party were transported here from another dimension.

Is this a Nerdarchy reference?

2017-02-20, 09:10 PM
Dragons rule.

Titanic, long lived, & powerful beyond messure. Dragons are the rulers of the land, divided into dynastic houses they oversee the civilized places of the world. Most of humanity just lives normally day to day, paying tribute to the dragons every so often. Yearly, biannual, monthly, whatever floats your boat. You could cast the dragons as tyranical, benevolent or as a regular mix of morality.

2017-02-20, 09:22 PM
Is this a Nerdarchy reference?

huh i was sort of expecting a larger post than that from you:smallconfused:

2017-02-21, 12:50 AM
Dragon kings. World politics are stuck in a feudal monarchy with dragons at the helm. Most wars are fought entirely by the dragon who protects a region, with humanoid military providing support, policing territory, and looting. It's widely believed that the dragons are immortal, but the PCs see a lone warrior face down a dragon, caving in its skull and spreading the dragon's body and his own across the country side. When dragons show up to destroy the town and everyone in it in order to preserve the myth of draconic immortality, the PCs escape the burning city, the feasting hatchlings and go into hiding.

That should get you through enough game sessions to see if it's working.