View Full Version : Charge damage - which damage gets multiplied?

2017-02-21, 11:59 AM
Hello, I have a +1 Charging Magebande Valorous Lance, as well as power attack feat and spirited charge feat, as well as rhino hide (+2d6 on charge dmg) and I am mounted.

My question is how much of the damage gets multiplied by the feats and enchantments.

Does the damage from Magebane+Charging+Rhino Hide get multiplied as well? (2d6 vs invokers/arcane casters, 2d6 and 2d6)
I also have favored enemy and will eventually be getting the Holy enchantment on the lance, does this damage get multiplied as well?

Or is it simply the 1d8 (lance dmg) plus str that gets multiplied? Does the power attack damage increase along with it? (And is the damage instead x4 from Valorous and Spirited charge? If this is correct, what's the modifier for power attack, since it adds 2:1 what's the ratio end up being, 8:1? )

Thank you!

EDIT: While I'm at it, I'll be riding a rhinoceros, does the rhino get to do its own damage along side my damage for charging, it has the powerful charge special attack

2017-02-21, 12:02 PM
Your base weapon damage die is multiplied. Your flat bonuses are multiplied. Your bonus dice do not get multiplied.

2017-02-21, 12:06 PM
Bonus damage dice don't get multiplied (so magebane, rhino hide, and holy don't get multiplied but FE and power attack would).

Lance and Spirited Charge is x3. Valorous would make that x4. (So Power Attack is 8:1, as you stated.)

EDIT: Also, figure out a way to get the Rhino's Rush spell so you can make it x5.

2017-02-21, 12:07 PM
Thank you guys, that's real helpful!

2017-02-21, 12:13 PM
The responses you will get may be contentious and unlikely to come to a single answer about. Some issues included:

Leap Attack: Using the errata or not? If so, what is the RAW about the third line (two-handed)?

Power Attack: Is the 2 damage for every 1 attack penalty a multiplier or a set trade? This affects the ratio when multipliers are brought into the equation.

Combat Brute: Is this additional damage on top of the Power Attack damage? If not, is the 3 damage for every 1 attack penalty a multiplier or a set trade? Can you use it in conjunction with Shock Trooper (which trades the attack penalty for an AC penalty)?

You don't seem to be going for that stuff, so they probably wont be an issue.

Slightly off topic, it is usually not a good idea to optimise charging; you end up either one shotting things or being completely useless. You can make the game very frustrating for the DM and boring for yourself or other players. Just taking Power Attack into Shock Trooper will likely be all you will need and wont see you being shut down by the DM; you'll also have way more resources for picking up other things to do (tripping early on, otherwise skill investment and/or maybe going into some spell/power use, etc.).

2017-02-21, 02:22 PM
Certainly, but we are running a bit of a different campaign settings

All 4 of us (players) are DMing as well as having our own characters, Io is throwing this planar arena for the deities to compete, instead of the deities duking it out they have to choose champions. we are currently competing to prove ourselves to be the champions of our deity. We are gestalt and this is what I have so far

1-Cleric 1/Ranger 1
2-Cleric 2/Ranger 2 (Strong Arm Style)
3-Cleric 3/Ranger 3
4-Cleric 4/Ranger 4
5-Cleric 5/Ranger 5
6-Windrider 1/Ranger 6
7-Windrider 2/Beastmaster 1
8-Windrider 3/Ranger Knight 1
9-Windrider 4/Ranger Knight 2

Time and travel domain
Flaw - (was power attack but ranger variant gives power attack free) mayhaps shock trooper? Idk
Flaw - Tremendous Charge
Human - Holy Mount
Level 1 - (domain) Improved Initiative
Level 1 - Devoted Tracker
Level 2 (Ranger Combat Style - Power attack)
Level 3 - Natural Bond
Level 6 - Trample
Level 6 (Ranger Combat Style - Improved Sunder)
Level 8 (Windrider) - Mounted Combat
Level 9 - Spirited Charge
(Starting at level 9 so level of feats gained is not as relevant)

Riding Boots (gives ride-by attack)
Steadying robe (or cloak)
Rhino Hide (5,165gp) +2 armor made of rhinoceros hide, charge attacks deal an extra 2d6 dmg
Strongarm Bracers 6k gp

Wands -
3rd level
Conviction, mass

2nd level
Hold person
Master cavalier

Mount Feats:
Endurance, Improved Natural Attack (gore), fly-by attack, tunnel riding, travel devotion, twisted charge, power attack, improved bull rush

I might keep travel devotion, I was hoping to give the mount a level in cleric to better use travel devotion but my mount has 2 charisma so that won't work. It also needs 1 last feat

One player is our tank (damage reduction/counter attack)
Another player is ranged hand crossbow face slayer
Last player is a wizard/Druid summoner

The way matches work is we are summoned to an arena (which is just regular wilderness in whatever random terrain setting comes up) with 1-4 random monsters ECL to our party or 4-5 levels higher.

We fought a monster manual cleric mummy cr15 and 1 shot it to death, while our next encounter (everyone decided not to rest) we teleport to another terrain and we fought one those fat tiny winged demon, cr14 and we all nearly died. It's a challenge in itself to try to keep opponents on par with us, not to fight too many powerful monsters but at the same time not 1 shot high CR monsters (and the more monsters we summon the more time consuming it is, with only 4-5 hours of play, including any side tracking shenanigans we do)