View Full Version : Optimization Help with a Spellthief build

2017-02-21, 04:05 PM
So after many years I have finally found another D&D group who are using 3.5 and I have been invited to play with a relativly well rounded group. This is perfect, a character concept I've wanted to play forever is back, so ill share it, and I'd like any help you guys can give in making it viable.

The core is being a Spellthief, even just 1-2 levels is fine, no need to go nuts, but my goal play wise is to be a competent melee fighter who has enough of his own magic to be clever (My last campaign as a sorcerer, I used defensive spells offensively more often than my offensive spells. The concept of the character is a man orphaned and raised in a middle of nowhere Wee Jas temple who is absolutly in love with her, and I don't just mean spiritually ;)

Classes that have peaked my intrest for this multiclass nightmare have been...

Archivist (Love the lore focus since if hes ever to meet his love hes gonna need to know a lot and the focus on knowledge skills combined with an archeological obsession just fits)

Invisible blade (the 5 level version with the unofficial errata that removed the need for ranged feats, perfect for a stand and fight build i think, and feint perks boost sneak attack)

Daggerspell Mage (Channeling touch attacks through my attacks? Yes please!)

Im not married to any of these classes beyond the spellthief, nor am i against dipping a dedicated caster for better spells and more of them, but the core of the character is a dex melee charisma hound, I invision my primary attributes being

Charisma (because hes a dashing seductive man obviously, and feint and cha spells are easy enough)
Intelligence (All that time studying)
Dexterity (Rogue?)

My issue is being sure how to make this all come together in a package that isnt terrible, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

2017-02-22, 11:17 AM
One of the biggest problems with Spellthief is that dipping out severely hampers advancement of most of the ST class abilities. There is a feat that allows for some class sharing with other casting classes, but it only advances your ability to "steal" spells and not your ability to "store" spells. Many tables houserule that these both get advanced which is mostly reasonable, but it may be worth checking with your DM first to find out how he/she would rule it. Additionally, the interpretation of the class stacking for the caster levels can also vary by table so it might be worth checking with the DM on.