View Full Version : [Spirit of '77] FAME

2017-02-21, 05:29 PM

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?516124-OOC-Spirit-of-77-FAME)


The City, USA.

Limerick's Pub, Southside. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkJCJLhpH8Q)

It's a quiet night, baby. Limerick's is a place for a working man to get a quiet drink, a place to drown those devils deep, put them in their place before they claw their way out the next day. Way out, you dig?

Way out.

Limerick's tables were second-hand, bought at auction for a reasonable price. They were old, and they had their share of rings on them, the ghosts of boilermakers past and present, showing age like the rings of a tree. But there wasn't a one of them that was marked with names or graffitos or slurs, because the people who drank there, they knew who owned the place. Irish wasn't always there, what with biz and all, but the POW/MIA flag hanging in place of honor behind the bar held vigil for him all the same. For him and all the boys that hadn't come home.

Though some thought that not all of Irish came home, not all of him.

Irish sat at one of those tables, and beside him was his partner in law, Jimmy J.J. Jones. Where Irish was hot, Jimmy was cool, cooler than ice, baby. He knew the streets, and the streets knew him. The streets knew their own and the streets knew that their own was one righteous dude. J.J. relaxed with the ease of a man at home anywhere, his evil black cigar matching the smoke of the Marlboro Red jutting from Irish's fist.

Where the two detectives were in their element, one of the men sat across from them stood out like a burning brand. A one-piece scarlet stunt suit flared like a burning phoenix, and gleaming shades hid eyes burning with hunger. Hunger for thrills, for success, for the next opportunity for the spotlight.

And beside him sat the man of the hour, the man who called this meeting. He smoked a wood-tipped Black and Mild, its sibling tucked in the pearl buttoned pocket of a somewhat rumpled linen shirt. He looked older than his photos in the magazines, his moustache grown somewhat unruly, but still wearing his trademark Montreal Expos baseball cap.

Claude Desjardins. The auteur French-Canadian director, who was currently filming his highest-of-the-high profile science-fiction epic, CRUSADERS OF SOL, starring the biggest of the big, Kirk Rummel, right here in the City. There was no end of speculation regarding the picture, and the old rumors that had always plagued Spectacular Pictures were cropping up again.

"This can't go any further than this table, you understand?" asks Desjardins. His accent was a barest hint in his voice. "They said you were reliable. They said you were righteous, and if an honest man needed something, it was you two who you went two. Do I got that right?"

Without waiting for an answer and nervously puffing on his cigar to relight it, Desjardins continued.

"Crusaders is going to be my masterpiece, you understand? I'll grind that curly-haired twerp under my heel, I will! Did you know that he stole my notes for Crusaders? He did! I mean, even the names sound the same! He just got it out first, the cheesy rip-off! Anyways," he says, trying to get himself under control, "I need help." He pauses to look around.

"Kirk Rummel is missing."

Desjardin jumps suddenly, but it's just the jukebox (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbiFkS4XwG8) coming to life after being fed a dime.

"Spectacular, the studio, they say he's off preparing for his role, meditating like, but that's bull! Bull! Kirk wouldn't split like that! Just being in this picture has pushed him into mega-star territory!"

He stubs out the cigar, fishes another out from his pocket and lights it from a gold DuPont. "I need you guys, I need you to find Kirk. Get him back. We got to finish making this movie. I brought one of my guys to help you out" he adds, and pats Lucky on the shoulder with one shaky hand. "Lucky is Kirk's stunt double, and he's not afraid of anything. He knows Kirk. But please. You got to find him. I'm risking everything here, going behind the studio's back. But I know something's wrong."

Lucky, you know that Claude's anxiety is all too real. He cornered you earlier in the day, and roped you into his scheme to go around the studio and track down the star. You were most likely into it for the kicks anyways, let alone the fact that no star means no picture, and no picture means you don't get paid.

And besides, Claude promised you a speaking part in Crusaders of Sol!

What do you all do?

2017-02-21, 06:19 PM
Sheet (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

J.J. exhaled a slow trail of tobacco smoke from his nostrils while staring down "Mr. Hollywood" Clause Desjardins. Then he looked at Lucky in that scarlet hotsuit, and looked at Irish. Taking the smoking butt from his lips, Jimmy says, "Yeah, man. You're dealing with the most righteous cats in the city. If we can't get it done, nobody can, ya dig? If your man's 86ed on you, we'll find him. But, this is a two-dude operation so it's up to my business partner here if we take the case."

J.J. looks at Irish, "What you think, my man?" He lifts his cocktail glass with a double-shot of gin and the ice 'tingles' against the glass as Jimmy takes a sip.

2017-02-21, 07:55 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Taking a sip of his Jameson, Irish leaned forward in his chair, set his glass down and flicked a bit of ash from his Marlboro into the tray. He glanced at JJ, then at Lucky, and settled his gaze on Mr. Desjardins. Irish speaks deliberately, in a gruff, baritone voice; Well, Mr. Desjardins, your big star has tak'n a walk. That's heavy. And, whoever "they" are, well, they didn't yank your chain. JJ's right about that. We'll need the highs and lows on this deal before we skin this cat. What kinda bread we talk'n and who might gain from this, "Rummel" tak'n the split? Oh, and it'll cost ya extra for us to babysit the Red Baron. We always work alone.

2017-02-22, 01:11 AM
His fists were fast as lightning! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731249&postcount=3)

Lucky looks back at Claude with a smile and a reassuring nod, then looks back at the dynamic duo they were trying to recruit. Beneath his shades he took a good hard look to measure them up, "Confident ain'tcha? Well I can dig, means we'll probably work well together. Don't want to be working with no chumps. Whether you like it or not, I'm going with you" His brow furrows as his trademark smile widens, "Because just so ya know, I'm here to babysit you, so don't get any funny ideas."

2017-02-22, 02:07 AM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish smirks. Listen, Lucky, Is it Lucky? Alright. See, me and JJ, we're damn good at putt'n it down. So, if you wanna find your boss and keep this slick career of yours, you best step off with the attitude and we'll get along right-as-rain. You gotta know who's call'n the shots. You dig? Irish takes another sip of his Jameson. Alright Mr. Desjardins, what'll-it-be?

2017-02-22, 07:37 AM
Desjardin ground his Black and Mild in the ashtray and ground the heels of his palms in his eyes.

"I'll pay your rate for three days. After three days without Kirk, I don't know if there will be anything left of the production. If you can get me my star back, then I'll pay out five grand (http://www.in2013dollars.com/1977-dollars-in-2016?amount=5000). This is my money, you dig? Out of my pocket. I don't have the studio's resources to throw around here."

He leans back, and pulls off his cap. He scrubs his hand through his unruly hair. "I don't know who would want to disappear Kirk. There's a lot of money riding on him, and he's an A-list star. Triple A. But there's been something. Another reason I brought Lucky is that he's been doing some driving for Kirk. You know Kirk's got a real high-glitz relationship with Liza Petrelli, another one of Spectacular's stars, right? Of course you do. It's all in the papers. Thing is, Kirk's been visiting some chick on the side. Lucky knows where she lives, he's dropped Kirk off there before. You run her down, you might have a lead.

"So we got a deal or what?"

2017-02-22, 09:22 AM
J.J. nods and looks around the bar, "Five grand? Outta sight! Seems solid to me but, look here Lucky - you have any special skills? I mean you don't look like no investigator, man." Jimmy glances at Irish and shook his head.

2017-02-22, 12:10 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish takes a long drag on the cancer stick, letting the smoke ease out of the corners of his mouth like a sweet ride purring in neutral. He looks at JJ after the comment about Lucky; nodding in agreement. Aite, Mr. Desjardin, five it is; that's half now and half when Kirk, your shining star, ain't miss'n no more.

2017-02-22, 03:41 PM
"What is this, amateur hour?" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbgoR2G-CI4) snarls Desjardins, his expression hardening. "I heard you were professionals. You're already getting your daily rate, with a reward upon completion. I didn't come here to get shaken down. I came here for help. Am I wasting my time?"

2017-02-22, 04:40 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish finishes off his glass of Jameson; No, Mr. Desjardins, you're not wasting your time. Settle up with JJ on any further details and the day rate. We'll be in touch. Irish glances over at JJ; You know where to find me.
Irish stands and walks behind the bar where he pours himself another glass of whiskey, then he heads upstairs to his apartment. Walking in he reaches into the drawer of the nightstand, pushing past the jockey's in various colors to find his shoulder holster holding the most powerful handgun in the world. Taking the gun and holster out to waist level, he sets the drink down on the night stand, pops the strap on the holster and grips the Smith & Wesson M29 Magnum. Pulling the 45oz Magnum slowly out of the holster reveals its polished, stainless steel 8.375 inch barrel. With a grin across his face; It's time to rock-n-roll baby, rock-n-roll.

2017-02-22, 05:43 PM
Sheet (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

J.J. nods at Irish and closes the deal with "Hollywood Man", "Look, Mr. Claude, you lose ya man, your flick is dead and maybe your whole film-makin' gig. This is crucial. Very, very important, ya dig? A dude in your position can't go fa cheaps, hear me? You think the fuzz or somebody else can get done what you want? Seems to me the world is shaking you down. We the ones who can get you right. We need half up front for expenses to coordinate finding your ace. Should make sense to a sophisticated gent like yourself, right? If nothing else, $1250 up front helps us do what you want, man. Let's be real."

1. He pays the $2500 now
2. He's happy about the deal.

J.J. looks at Lucky, "Okay, man. When Irish gets back we need the name and address of Kirk's other woman."

2017-02-22, 06:09 PM
Desjardins scrubs his face with his hands again. He looked older than his pictures before. Now he looked positively haggard.

"You're right, you're right. You can't make a film without the talent. You can't do anything without the talent. And talent costs."

He writes a cheque, and slides it across to J.J.

"Just find him. Inside of three days."

And then he splits. The man just gave you the shirt off his back, gumshoe. You better deliver.

2017-02-22, 07:02 PM
His fists were fast as lightning! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731249&postcount=3)

"Yeah I can tell ya a bit about the broad we're looking for. Auburn curly hair, five foot seven, willowy and a face cut right from the pages of a men's magazine, hell I'd say something like last month's playboy (https://pxhst.co/avaxhome/00/03/00300300.jpeg). Though that's just the cover page, you're going to want to see centerfold. She seems like the well-to-do type, though you wouldn't judge on their usual meetup spots."

((might add more if i have more time, i'm suuuuper busy on wednesdays, sorry about that guys))

2017-02-22, 09:01 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Tight Lee jeans. Italian leather belt with '76 Eagle U.S.A Bicentennial buckle. Black combat boots, newly shined. Black poplin button-down shirt, with sleeves rolled to the forearm, tucked in just right. Magnum in the shoulder holster, cross draw. Beretta 92 small-of-the-back holster. Ammo for both. Mortima diver's watch. Zippo "Missions" lighter and smokes in the shirt pocket. Double-breasted tan overcoat for the finale.

Jameson in hand, Irish walks downstairs to meet JJ and Lucky. He gives JJ a nod as he takes some bread from the till.

Where to?

2017-02-22, 11:44 PM
Jimmy shrugs and looks at Lucky again, "Where we headed, Bruce LeRoy?" He shows Irish the $2500 check, winks and whispers, "I gotcha back, as usual."

2017-02-23, 11:55 AM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish looks at the check JJ is waving; Righteous! Pimpin' the day long. He gives JJ a wide smile.

2017-02-23, 12:27 PM
His fists were fast as lightning! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731249&postcount=3)

Lucky gives a quick nod and stands up, one could hear the faint sound of a rattling chain. On his side there was some sort of chain (https://www.karatemart.com/images/products/large/ghost-rider-chain-whip.jpg) coiled in a circle and attached to his belt.
He begins to walk outside, " Well the first place we should check is a club called the Vortex, big name, but I promise you other than the music it ain't much. At least not at first sight. See there have been rumours of it being a former speakeasy, y'know back in the days when partying didn't jive as well with the man. I can't say much more than that, but if you're as good as you say you are, I'm sure there's something to find"
He stops in front of dirt bike as red as he is, it seems... well loved.
"Can't dare to leave this baby behind, so just keep a tight distance from me and we'll be cool."

2017-02-23, 02:50 PM
J.J. stroked his moustache, "Vortex, hunh? Okay, let's check it out. Irish, you ready?" Fishing his keys out his pocket, Jones checked his threads making sure he was together.

2017-02-23, 03:03 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Vortex? Never heard of it. Irish gives his brother a nod on the way out. The simple gesture is all that's needed.
Ready. Irish slides into JJ's sweet ride and turns the dial to some funk (www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsl4A9hZEto).

2017-02-23, 03:55 PM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

Cranking his SM and gunning the throaty Maserati V6, Jimmy grins at Irish, "Hey, bro. What I tell you about touching my radio? You lucky that's my jam." J.J. laughs and elbows Irish as he follows Lucky into the street steering his metallic-silver Citroën smoothly into traffic.

2017-02-23, 05:21 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Aite, Jimmy, now that its just us. Whatcha think about Mr. Hollywood and his Red Rocket? You think we'll find this chump shagged up with his ho, stoned like a mofo? Or, you think this dude is into some buku jazz ... like mob-level beef?

2017-02-23, 06:24 PM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

J.J. cracked his window and leaned back in his Corinthian-leather seat, "Look man, if I had a dime for every time some dude tried to run game on me I'd have a mansion in Beverly Hills --- and Hollywood Claude is the jive-est of jive-turkeys. There's a lot he wasn't coppin' us, but there's always more to the story. We just need to stay frosty. He probably sent Ho Chi Mihn along to spy on us and report back anything we dig up that might mess with his movie hustle, ya dig? Let me handle the Red Dragon though, okay? This 'aint the 'Nam, man. We gonna handle this like the players we are. Diplomatic, copy? Let's see who plays what card first, and if and when diplomacy fails, we drop the hammer like only we can do. You feel me, Irish?"

Hearing his song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_izvAbhExY&list=PLGBuKfnErZlAkaUUy57-mR97f8SBgMNHh&index=3), Jimmy turns up the radio as he whips the SM around some hippies walking in the street.

2017-02-23, 06:52 PM
It was a quiet night in Limerick's, but at Vortex, baby, it was loud and it was proud (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oRW9cN3ucg). Not what you might call a fashionable part of town any more, but that didn't stop the crowd of hustlers outside the club from assembling to see and be seen. Living up to it's name, the Vortex seemed to draw in beautiful people of all types, peacocking bright to the point that Lucky's outlandish outfit was the norm, J.J.'s outfit was conservative and Irish was almost a square.

Almost, mind.

The three of you roll up to the door, only for the meaty arm of one of the bouncers to bar your way.

"Hold on, fellas," he says. "No one packs in the club. Management," he adds, almost apologetically. "You want to come in, you got to leave your heat."

2017-02-23, 07:12 PM
His fists were fast as lightning! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731249&postcount=3)

Lucky had the good sense to leave behind his knives. He approaches the bouncer by briefly removing his shades to show there's nothing in the whites of his eyes to cause suspicion. "Check me, I ain't got nothing but a fashion statement. And I know you've seen cats come in here with more dangerous stones dangling from their ears."

2017-02-24, 12:08 AM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

While still in the car with JJ; Diplomacy? My arse. Diplomacy is saying, "Nice doggie" til I get the drop on a chump.

Being stopped by the bouncer, Irish pulls his overcoat back to reveal the magnum in the shoulder holster. Aite, mack. I'll play nice. Going back to the car, Irish places the magnum in JJ's glove box, locks the door, and proceeds with a bit of a strut. He gives the bouncer a head snap; We cool.

OOC: If I need to roll something, let me know. My hope is that, after seeing that big arse .44, this cat won't look for the Beretta on the small of my back. Irish is gonna feel naked without a piece.

2017-02-24, 12:46 AM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

Shocked that Irish gave up his cannon that easily, Jimmy does the same, securing his piece in a lock-box under the seat. Making sure his SM was locked and after checking for any suspicious characters in the area, J.J. struts back to the Vortex door, "Done, my man. Hey, you seen any celebrities droppin' through tonight? I'm tryin' to run up on Pam Grier or something!" J.J. laughs and looks to enter with his comrades.

2017-02-25, 06:45 AM
Irish and Lucky, your respective ruses work, but not as well as you had hoped. The bouncer gives each of you a long look, one that tells you that he's printing your faces on his mind, and if there's trouble, you're going to be the ones that he remembers.

That done, welcome to the club.

The Vortex is so named for its dance floor- three concentric circles (http://www.sawyoo.com/postpic/2012/11/three-concentric-circles_111036.jpg) over which the DJ holds court and on which the funky people get down. The floor is already full, most tables are taken and there are people milling about, hustling. The bartender is hustling drinks along, and people seem to be having themselves a time.

What do you do?

2017-02-25, 05:04 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish plans to keep it cool, sticking to the shadows and not drawing too much attention; especially since he's not going to blend in with the peacocks of the Vortex.

1. What’s the fastest escape route out of here? Backdoor?
2. Who’s in charge around here?
3. Who knows more than they’re letting on?

Irish turns to Lucky; Put eyes on this chick, dude.

2017-02-25, 06:27 PM
His fists were fast as lightning! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731249&postcount=3)

Lucky gives an affirmative nod, "Don't got to tell me twice."

1. What's the fastest route out of here? Would Lucky have to stunt to get there?
2. Is there anything hidden here? Never knew if the speakeasy rumor was legit
3. Who's the toughest person in the room? Does look like they're the type to cause trouble?

"Though in this crowd of people, it might difficult. So here's my idea, if our lady friend's dating Kirk, chances are she's the type to go after high profile type guys. Now you ain't exactly dressed for the occasion, but hey it makes you stand out right? If you flash some cash and make a scene, maybe we can draw her out. If not, hey chances are you might get lucky. I'll put in a word to Claude for you if you want, and we call it a business expense."

2017-02-25, 08:19 PM
Club Vortex (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnnCSdXnYZE)

Irish, you fall back into old patterns without thinking. Observe the field. Evaluate threats.

Search and destroy.

Scoping an exit is natural. The door you came in is through a door and up some stairs. However, if you had to guess, you could bull over the bar and through the back, up through the delivery hatch in the street.

Scoping for anyone knowing more than they let on is natural as well. There's a cat at a table by himself, a black man in a dove grey three-piece and chrome shades, flashing with the reflected lights of the club. If there's anyone here who's got something extra going, it's him.

As for who's in charge? It's the DJ, baby.

And don't you forget it.

Lucky, you get the same idea. In fact, you think that if you could ride a motorcycle over that bar, you could fly out onto the street like a bat out of hell. If only there was a motorcycle...

Now those speakeasy rumors...now that you mention it, there's the men's room, and there's the ladies'. But over there, around the corner, is another men's room...apparently out of order?

As for the toughest guy around, well that's a tough one. There seems to be a whole bunch of toughest guys in the club tonight. A pack of iron horsemen were hanging out at Club Vortex tonight, leather jackets emblazoned with a turbanned skull, a curved dagger going in each eye and out the mouth. ASSASSINS, screamed the rockers on their backs.

2017-02-26, 10:23 AM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

Following Irish and Lucky around the spot, J.J. checks out the ladies because yes sir. He also looks over the nightclub searching for anything that might catch his eye, "Okay so where's the Queen of Diamonds tonight? Hm."

2017-02-26, 12:14 PM
JJ, you see the same things that Lucky did- the anomalous bathroom (Out of Order), the pack of bikers hanging out in the club, sticking out like sore thumbs, but you also see what he didn't.

Auburn curly hair, five foot seven, willowy and a face cut right from the pages of a men's magazine, you hear Lucky repeat in the back of your mind as you catch each other's eyes across the dance floor. She's everything the stuntman mentioned, and more. And she's scared, gumshoe. Scared for her life.

And you know deep down that if you're not careful, you're going to fall in love with this one.

2017-02-26, 12:24 PM
It's at this point in time that the girl attracts more attention than just that of our detective. Several things happen at once:

•The Assassins finally zero in on the girl, and acting as one, begin to push their way across the dance floor.

•The man in the grey suit keeps his cool, but his chrome shades point to the dance floor as well, as if she had suddenly appeared as a blip on his internal radar.

•The DJ, seeing the perfect opportunity, shouts into the PA system:

"Awright awright awright! Sounds like it's time...to start up the vortex!"

At his command, the lights enter a strobe frenzy and the three concentric rings of the dance floor each begin to rotate in the opposite direction! The dance floor is even more chaotic than before!

What do you do?

2017-02-26, 12:56 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish leans in to JJ before he heads to the dance floor; I got the cat in the grey suit, black guy with chrome shades. I'll watch your six. If you wander, I'll trail.

Irish starts moving, slowly, toward Mr. Chrome. He keeps glancing at JJ making sure to cover his brotha.

2017-02-26, 01:44 PM
Irish, as you make your way towards the man in the suit, you catch his attention. Almost languorously, he lights a long, filtered cigarette from a wooden match, then slowly shakes it out. The chrome shades meet your own gaze, and you see yourself reflected back in them, lit in nightmare blues and purples as the moving dancefloor behind you whips the lights into a frenzy.

"And what," he asks you, his voice deep and powerful, able even to be heard amongst the clamour, "are you supposed to be?"

2017-02-26, 04:11 PM
Noddin' at Irish, J.J. moves for the fox, "Time to pick up the spare, man. I got the lady in my sights. Lucky, check out those Assassin cats, man, while I see what's happenin' with Kirk's squeeze.

2017-02-26, 04:57 PM
(JJ, if you could edit your post to reflect my OOC post, I'll let you know what's going on here)

JJ, life's always a hustle, but even for a real gone hustler like yourself, getting across this dance floor isn't easy. Each ring of the Vortex is moving in a different direction, which is fly when you're busting a move, but when you're trying to get somewhere, baby, it's a trial. When you're trying to do so with a pack of bikers in your way, well, it puts you in mind of the Godfather's own words. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBZQzbZVNoQ)

"One side, runt!" snarls one of the Assassins as you both try to barge across the dance floor, and he swings a bottle at you.

Roll to Take a Hit or Get Out of the Way!

2017-02-26, 05:02 PM
Lucky, man, you're out of sight. For a cat with light feet like you, there's always a way through, and your hopping and bopping gets you there. You make it around the rotating dance floor and face off the Assassins who have made it through the crush of dancers, standing between the girl and her assailants. You whip your chain around, slashing across the face of one, and he cries out as his colleagues drag him away. You've stood them off, but they're not fully retreating. "There's money for that girl!" one of the Assassins shouts over the music. "Good money! We'll cut you in!"

I choose • They offer you an alternative. They've been gotten out of the way, but there are more making their way through the dancers. Soon enough, there will be too many to threaten at once.

However, all your hopping and bopping got the attention of security. They don't cotton to folk stamping around on tables around here.

As per the 8 on your Keep Your Cool roll, you've attracted the attention of the bouncers.

2017-02-26, 05:11 PM
His fists were fast as lightning! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731249&postcount=3)

"Gentlemen, let's not mince words here." Lucky pulls his chain back and begins wrapping it along his forearm forming a make-shift chain gauntlet,
Ahh perfect he smirks,
"They are not paying you nor me enough for the ass kicking you're about to receive. But hey, I'm down to party if you chumps are. So tell me, are you feeling lucky, punk?"
In a graceful flourish he assumes his stance, daring them to move forward with a gesture of the hand.

2017-02-26, 06:19 PM
"And what," he asks you, his voice deep and powerful, able even to be heard amongst the clamour, "are you supposed to be?"

Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish strolls up to the table; Ah man, I thought you were Smokey Robinson. I was going to ask for an autograph; guess I'll roll on. Irish is focused on two objectives; Mr. Grey and JJ. If JJ goes down, Irish will have to think fast.

2017-02-26, 07:49 PM
Mr. Grey's theme (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwzaifhSw2c)

"Ah," he says. He takes a long drag on his 120, the cherry reflecting bright in his sunglasses.

"A joke. I like jokes."

He holds the smoke, then blows it out in a long gout at you.

"Tell me another, comedian."

2017-02-27, 04:01 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish takes a seat at Mr. Grey's table, allowing him to keep peripherals on JJ.
He gives Mr. Grey a sly smile; Here's one. What does the mob and pus$y have in common?

(The answer based on response) One slip of the tongue, and you’re in deep sh!t.

2017-02-27, 07:02 PM
Mr. Grey's theme (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwzaifhSw2c)

"Ha," he says, rather than laughs. "Ha, ha."

He watches the fracas on the dance floor. He smokes. He appears to ignore you, until he speaks.

"I will tell you a joke.

"A man walks into a bar. He is distraught, so the bartender, who is a tender soul, asks him what ails him.

"The man tells the bartender that he has lost hope. His wife is dying of a wasting disease. He has lost his job. But he says that he has one last trick left.

"He takes the glass he was drinking from. He breaks it. With the broken glass, he opens up his veins and spills his blood over the bar.

"The bartender asks the man what he is doing. The man tells him that the last trick is- and then he expires before finishing his sentence.

"The bartender was never the same. He died insane and alone on the street after losing everything."

He drags on his cigarette again. He doesn't laugh.

2017-02-27, 11:07 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Well now, that's a quaint story. Like a bedtime story of sorts. If you prefer stories to jokes ... I'm a nightmare walking...


*With the inability to analyze Mr. Grey, Irish simply stands up and looks for Kirk's woman. He'll try to assist JJ when the floor spins in his direction.

2017-02-28, 06:03 PM
Irish, you hear Mr. Grey's last retort behind you:

"See you in my dreams, then."

2017-03-02, 07:25 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish will attempt to reach the chick. Powering through the dancers on the spinning floor, [roll0]

2017-03-03, 08:10 PM
Irish, you power through the crowd easily, foxtrotting from one spinning ring of the dance floor to the next. After all, compared to an LZ shrieking with enemy fire, what's a little disco? You manage to bustle out the other side- hey, was that JJ?- and get around the bikers engaged with Lucky- but the girl is gone.

Lucky, you smoke that sucker but good- he stops flapping his lips and staggers back, but even more Assassins make their way towards you. The numbers are not looking good, my man. Enough Assassins are gathered that they now count as a gang. As if that weren't enough, security's pushing their way towards you as well.

JJ, you dodge the bottle like it ain't no thing, but the commotion jostles the dancers around you, and one falls into you and knocks you to the floor. People are starting to panic- and being on the floor is not your best case scenario.

What do you do?

2017-03-04, 01:55 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Lucky, we gotta split, dude. Too much heat.
JJ, get up, let's roll.

Let me know which one applies for trying to spot the chick; Keeping Your Cool (Quick Thinking) [roll0] or Scope Out A Scene (Where's the Chick?) [roll1]
If neither are applicable or Irish doesn't see the girl, he will move toward the bar.

2017-03-04, 02:40 PM
Irish, as you narrow your eyes against the strobe lights, you do see something interesting: a men's room door with an "Out of Order" sign on it, ajar. When you were scoping for escape routes earlier, you had discounted that one as the door was closed.

2017-03-04, 07:52 PM
His fists were fast as lightning! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731249&postcount=3)

"Aww... that's too bad, and looks like the party just started" Lucky's widened smile was punctuated with a lick of tongue. His eyes begin to wander.
"But perhaps I can leave you folks a parting gift. To remember me by."
He was hoping to look for something like a disco ball he can pull down for a dramatic flourish, though it would seem that any improvised scenery was out of reach.


2017-03-05, 08:04 AM
"As classy as it may look, this is just another jive dive, man. Where did Miss America run to?" J.J. got up, adjusted his brim and wiped off his threads.

2017-03-05, 09:32 AM
Lucky, you're looking around, you're trying to hold back the bikers, you've got a lot on your plate, baby. There's even more on the way.

"There, him!" shouts the security guard from behind the bikers, who are currently about to do something other than gab. "And those are his friends!"
You are cut off from the exits by security, who are now after all three of you. Everyone take 1 heat

That was when the club really popped off. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R044sleOW6I) The Assassins, not ones for peacful negotiations, meet you halfway.
The Assassins are a Small gang, 2-harm, 1 armour, so they take 1 harm from your attack. You take 3 harm, reduced to 2 by your armor.

It's a desperate battle, baby- you leap and spin like a tiger, chain flashing and slashing. The Assassins wade in with broken bottles and switchblades, fists and whatever else they can get their hands on. You give as well as you take, but they've got numbers.

What do (all of) you do?

2017-03-05, 02:33 PM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

When security runs up, J.J. points at the Assassins, Those the guys right there! We just came here to cool-out, man. Those cats are crazy trouble! I mean look at 'em! All we want to do have some drinks and mingle, ya here me? I got knocked down by a beer bottle! We're just consultants and they're gangsters! Can you handle this please, my man, because these turkeys are runnin' off the foxes." Jones holds his hands up in mock-surrender waiting for the club-fuzz to do their thing.

2017-03-05, 03:44 PM
Security at Club Vortex is no joke. The doormen and bouncers converge on the Assassins, who are less interested in scuffling with bouncers than they were with you all.

A bouncer grabs JJs lapel, but lets him go when JJ presents the very reasonable suggestion that it's the bikers they had best deal with. But still.

"You and your friends are out of here. If I see you when we're done with these dip****s, I'm calling the cops."

GWYW requires you to have some sort of leverage or something to offer. I'll present it to you here: security wants you out.

2017-03-05, 10:01 PM
Irish, as you narrow your eyes against the strobe lights, you do see something interesting: a men's room door with an "Out of Order" sign on it, ajar. When you were scoping for escape routes earlier, you had discounted that one as the door was closed.

Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish will attempt to make it to the "Out of Order" men's room before security arrives, trying to keep it cool, and move swiftly without JJ and Lucky. Acting Fast [roll0]

edit: mothersucka

2017-03-06, 07:52 AM
Oh Irish, baby, you drew the joker this time. You make for the door, but someone, bouncer or biker, grabs the tail of your coat and pulls it away.

Showing your friend, Mr. Beretta, to the whole world.

"He's got a gun!" A deep, sonorous voice. Your old friend Mr. Grey, helping you out.

"Call the cops!" shouts one of the bouncers.

What do you do? (Take 1 heat)

2017-03-06, 12:15 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Jokers are wild, baby.

Seeing this plan go FUBAR, Irish skins the 9 and puts sights on whomever is between him and the "Out of Order" door, be it Assassin or Bouncer. His eyes widen as his brow curls downward. Irish has been here before and in a much more hostile environ. If he must, he will get in someone's face. Otherwise, he's going through that door!

Back the fuk off or I'll smoke your arse.

Get in their Face [roll0]

2017-03-08, 10:39 AM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

J.J. knows how this song ends all too well: Irish was in 'Nam-mode to the fullest! He moves to his partner saying, "This spot's done, brother. Let's get the hell outta here! Lucky, c'mon, man!" Seeing the Assassins and security were occupied, J.J. heads for the nearest exit as quickly as possible!

2017-03-09, 10:47 AM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Hearing JJ's plea, Irish withdraws and heads for the back exit through the bar.

2017-03-11, 10:10 AM
You scramble out- the bouncers want nothing to do with you at this and the Assassins are stepping back as well. After all, no girl, no payout. You hustle past the par staff, burn past a confused and frightened barback and wham bam, babies, you're out the delivery hatch and back on the good old streets.

What do you do?

2017-03-11, 06:08 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

This dude is ripe with rage. This flag-wave'n, religion-hate'n, mothersucka was ready to call no joy. How could we... How did we... Where is that chick, man? Irish realizes he's still waving the Beretta around and holsters the 9. What's the plan now JJ? Our shiny diamond went downstairs. I know it.

2017-03-11, 06:49 PM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

Nodding at Irish, Jones says, "Chill, baby. This is a quick fix. We just need our man, Lucky to lead us to the mystery fox's residence. She was Kirk's squeeze so the Red Dragon has to know. What's the low-down, Lucky?"

2017-03-14, 01:36 PM
Indeed he does, babies, indeed he does. Address in hand, JJ and Irish roll out in JJs whip and take to the streets. Lucky does as well, on his bike.

When you pull up to the brownstone, something seems out of place. It's not a nice neighborhood, but what neighborhood is in this year of '77? Graffiti screams from the walls and shuttered shop fronts, but it's got an edge to it. The kind of stuff you hear from the lips of homeless people and street preachers, you dig?

The other thing is, Lucky didn't make the rendezvous. At some point, he disappeared.

What do you do?

2017-03-14, 03:18 PM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

Gazing around the area through the widows of his ride, J.J. remarks, "Wow, man. The lady lives like a tramp. If you would've told me this is where the trail went, I never would've guessed. Make sure you bring the heavy artillery, Irish." Jones steps from the SM and closing the door he scans the neighborhood for anything worth seeing.

2017-03-14, 03:37 PM
Jeeper creepers JJ, those peepers of your don't miss much, do they?
You're from the streets, hell, you're of the streets, and you know that on the streets, there's always a man in charge. You read the graf like a book, and that book's title is The Goblins, the gang who claims these blocks as their own. There's no Goblins present as yet, but trouble should draw them like flies to...well, as a PI, you're no stranger to bull.

But when you look beneath the surface, getting under the grime and the grit, you see something...not quite outta sight, but outta place. There's a bum on the street, just another casualty of 1977, but he looks off to you. You ain't ever seen a bum with a clean shave under all that grime, and the glint in that bum's eyes sure ain't the glint of a stone cold crazy. Stone cold, but not crazy.

2017-03-14, 06:04 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish holsters the Magnum and checks the 9 before sling'n a leg out of the car and standing tall. He shuts the door slowly then cups his hands in lighting a Marlboro. Taking a look at his mission lighter, Irish ponders; Where are we going now.

Irish straightens his overcoat, walks up beside JJ; What now, partner?

2017-03-15, 06:17 AM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

Jones nods at Irish then glances at the bum, "Big daddy's a little clean for the street to me. Too clean. There's stray dogs and there's yard dogs. He 'aint no stray. Let's get acquainted." J.J. walks casually in the "bum's" direction while looking at the condemned buildings on the block.

2017-03-15, 07:23 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

A'ite. Chat him up.

Irish is cover for JJ as he talks to the Bum. He's watching JJ, the Bum, and surveying the surroundings.

2017-03-15, 08:05 PM
"Hey fella, spare some change for a vet?"

The bum holds out his left hand, a glove missing several fingers.

"Times are tough, you know? I just wanna hot meal. Cup of coffee, you know?"

2017-03-16, 05:39 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Yo, my man, what's your name? ... What unit you with? ... How'd you lose those digits? Myself, I jumped the fence into Laos in '69.

Irish wants to see if this cat's a river or a dam.

2017-03-17, 02:26 PM
He makes to reply, Irish, when you see something in his eyes.


That sparks a reaction in your head. You recognize this cat. In fact, you see something familiar peeking out of his ratty sleeve. A dragon's tail, red and gold. A tattoo.

Just like yours.

2017-03-17, 05:03 PM
J.J. starts to talk but pauses when it seems Irish was putting it down. Instead Jones watched while occasionally glancing around for anything usual.

2017-03-19, 09:58 AM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Hey, my man, your tat... I know you, don't I?

2017-03-20, 07:55 AM
"Listen pal," says the faux-bo. "L-listen, I don't know you from no one-"

He's cut off by soft squeak of old brakes. Across the street, a cab pulls up outside of the apartment building and a familiar figure steps out.

It's the girl.

"It's the girl!" hisses the ersatz knight of the road into a radio that appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. And in the other, a pistol.

A van shrieks around a corner, and a handful of men burst from the back doors, all cheap plastic clown masks and SMGs. The grab the girl and drag her into the van. The van's mag wheels are already screaming before the men are fully in with their kicking and screaming cargo.

What do you do?

2017-03-20, 11:02 AM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

J.J. starts running for the car as soon as the snatch goes down! "Let's hussle, Irish!"

2017-03-20, 03:04 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

DROP the pistol AND the TWO-WAY or I'm gonna smoke your arse, bro. I know that tattoo, man. You know I'll do it.
Get In Their Face [roll0]

2017-03-20, 05:49 PM
"And you know I'll do it too, Private Keane."

Irish, oh baby, how you gonna browbeat a man with a gun when you got two big handfuls of nothing?

"Yeah, I remember you now. Do yourself a favour- stay out of this operation, soldier."

He says this as he backs down the alley, gun held on you.

As he disappears, the roaring in your ears subsides, and you hear your partner shouting for you as the Citroën's engine roars. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4vQ-eYgIy0)

I'm going to assume you're going to get in the car with JJ to get this moving forward.

JJ, you put one zippered platform boot down on the Citroën's gas pedal and it's go-go-go. Those clowns in the van got a bit of lead on you, but if there's one thing your sweet ride has, it's get up and go.

The Van is at +2 Lead currently (I'm using the chase rules from Wide World of 77, the supplement. If you ain't got it, grab it, it's good). JJ, roll +Hustle with +1 for your car's stats to make up the difference.

2017-03-21, 03:56 PM
JJ, the Citroën's engine snarls like a tiger in a cage, pacing, pacing, waiting for fresh meat. Your 8-track blares fit to drown it out, but nothing can truly drown out the voice of a tiger like that. Nothing.

Traffic's not too bad, nothing that the Citroën can't handle. Like that selfsame hunting cat, it's almost like the car wants to hunt. Hunt and kill.

And there's the prey, heaving into sight. It's a custom job, with more peel-out and squeal than you would have thought, but it's not nimble like the Citroën is and you slide up behind it.

You're not unnoticed, though. The back doors kick wide open, and plastic clown faces sight down the barrels of M3 SMGs.

What do you do?

2017-03-21, 06:11 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Sliding into JJ's sweet ride, Irish skins the Magnum.
That didn't go as planned. I know that bum from somewhere, but...sh!t. Let's get these suckas

Irish is not himself. His mind has wandered here, then there. Things didn't go down at the disco club like he had hoped. This girl got picked off quick by the clowns and then, this cat with same tat. Damn, man, and all happening while he was sober. Maybe I need a drink?

Seeing the back of the van open up with the armed clownies. Irish knew he had to throw down. Gripping the magnum (3 harm) and reaching his hand out of the window, Irish singles out one of the clowns (Out for Blood +1 Harm) and fires off a round; Smoke His Ass [roll0] A hit for 4 harm?

2017-03-21, 06:47 PM
Irish, things ain't been going your way. Things been getting confused, messed up, people you been looking for almost in your grasp, then gone, melting like a happy dream on a rainy morning.

But here and now, you feel the cool air of the city night across your face, across your arm, across the fist holding that cannon, and everything clears away. This, this here, is something you know, baby.

You squeeze and the trigger and recoil shock rolls through your wrist and forearm as the gun goes off in your hand and the clown you been sighting down on rocks back as a piece of lead damn close to a half inch across chews its way straight through the army surplus flak vest he was wearing and shaking his organs apart with hydraulic shock. He drops his gun and pitches out of the van, barely avoided by JJ's quick swerve.

Better be quicker though, JJ, as the rest of the clowns aren't waiting around for their turn on Irish's dance card. After a moment's shock, the M3s start talking.

And baby, you don't want to be introduced.

2017-03-22, 07:55 PM
J.J. rams the vehicle! "I got this fish! Eat the road, ****!"

2017-03-25, 06:45 PM
Cowards die a thousand times before their deaths, JJ, but that doesn't describe you. The masked men open up on you and your sweet Citröen, and rather than jink away you pound on. There's a cost to bravery though- as you rip past the van, you're raked by automatic fire, holing the chassis of your ride and putting out your window, filling the car with shrieking glass that draws your blood.

The Citröen takes 2-harm, Irish and JJ take 1-harm.

But once you're past, you wrench the wheel and put all six cylinders into it, shouldering the van into a spin that comes to an end when it smashes into a newsstand.

What do you do?

2017-03-25, 08:34 PM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

Jimmy pops out of the car pulling his piece of war from his ride! He comes to the front of the van shouting, "THROW THE WEAPONS OUT AND KEEP YOUR HANDS UP!!"

2017-03-26, 11:01 AM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish stays calm through the chase. Doing otherwise is not in his self interest. When the van spins out and JJ goes Five-O, Irish attempts to access what's going down. Is everyone still in the van or did some of these cats get slung. He's seen too many goohks pop out of the bush like some comic superhero to be comfortable that all is well in this situation.
Scope out a Scene[roll0]

Custom question, if permissible: Are any of these cats hiding around the van or is everyone visible? (Is there anything hidden here?)

2017-03-26, 04:00 PM
JJ, that kind of rap with that kind of heater in your fist would shake any normal hood out on street. But these cats, they weren't normal hoods. Military, though more likely ex-military, would be your guess. The driver opens up on you, shooting out the windshield at you. He misses you, but you hear one the tires of the Citröen start to wheeze.

Roll with Somethin' Less when driving the Citröen until you get it fixed

Irish, you're heat on the streets, scoping the scene. No one's out of the van yet- looks like the crash scrambled those yeggs but good. Won't be long though- by your count, there's still a few of those badmen still in there, and a crew of cats with SMGs and flak jackets is one that you don't want to mess with.

What do you do?

2017-03-26, 07:59 PM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

Clenching his teeth behind tight lips, Jimmy opens up on the shooter - "BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!" "Shoot my whip?!? I GOTCHA!"

2017-03-27, 10:47 AM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Magnum in hand, Irish attempt to grab the girl. If any of these punks move, he'll clip'em.

2017-03-29, 07:44 PM
Irish, boys in the back are scattered like nine-pins, all pretty groggy. You hear gunfire from the front- the driver must have buckled up.

No such luck for these goons though. Or the girl, for that matter. You're able to grab her arm and hustle her out of the back of the van before she or her abductors (or former abductors, as you fit that bill now) can protest. As you step away, the van's tires start spinning again and it lurches away from you

JJ, the driver's having difficulty hitting you, same as you are him. Must be that double vision, baby. That must be why he firewalled the throttle, jumping the van to life and trying to run you down.

What do you do? JJ, roll to keep your cool +hustle!

2017-04-04, 04:03 PM
Irish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731403&postcount=6)

Irish will attempt to stow the girl in JJ's sweet ride. Minimal force, but apply as needed. Magnum in hand.
Listen sugar, we're friends of Kirk. Get in the car.

2017-04-05, 08:37 AM
J.J. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21731163&postcount=2)

Seeing the jive turkey trying to turn him into street pizza, J.J. dives for the sidewalk!

2017-04-05, 04:38 PM
JJ, baby, you foxtrot out of the way of that van quick as you like, and it just keeps on going out into that bad night. Looks like they haven't figured out their little girl's gone missing.

Speaking of which, Irish, it looks like she's willing to accept your rap. She saw you two come after the cats who snatched her, and she climbs willingly into the Citröen, despite how bullet-scarred it is at this particular point in time. Your partner in crime slides into the driver's seat, and you fade into the night of the city as the credits for this episode rolls...

And that's end of session 1! Check your end-of-session moves- have you followed your Buzz? Have you acted in accordance to your hooks? Have you levelled up?