View Full Version : Lumberjack: nonmagical scout + kensei + GWM

2017-02-21, 09:49 PM
After conjure animals shenanigans, my DM suggested we prepare level 7 backup characters..

Could I get some feedback on this build?

Wood elf hermit ranger 3/ monk 4: 10 strength, 16 dex, 14 con, 10 int, 8 charisma
56hp speed 45' AC 17

He swings a great-axe with dex, can climb trees and slow fall down.

to hit: D20+D8+1 damage: 2D6 +15

Nonmagical scout ranger 3: 8 superiority die: can add half of roll to athletics, perception, stealth, and survival check, or D8 to attack rolls plus 2 maneuvers (probably riposte and trip attack unless the playground has better ideas)

3 pautices at 2D6, mariner for the +1AC and can climb and swim at 45'

Kensei monk 4: greataxe, glaive, and longbow so I can keep it out and still get my monk features. 4 Ki points

Basically take GWM swings with the (precise attacks), pummel with my bonus, or if I miss take an unarmed strike, or if I crit/kill swing again. If I unarmed strike I can get a 19AC and take patient defense to go defensive.

My next level would probably be monk 5 for the second attack, then ranger 4 for +2dex. After that I can go battlemaster (action surge, second wind, more superiority die and maneuvers) or keep going monk.

2017-02-21, 09:52 PM
Why is he so weak? Lumberjacks are strong and hardy folk. (as in strength score, not necessarily combat prowess)

2017-02-21, 09:57 PM
Why is he so weak? Lumberjacks are strong and hardy folk. (as in strength score, not necessarily combat prowess)

I thought about putting a 12 in strength and going with athletics but decided on better religion and nature checks. good point though (thematically).

(yea I went dex for the AC)

2017-02-22, 02:51 PM
Would make him 2 ranger 5 Kensai to start with 2 attacks and get level 3 ranger features at 8 instead. :)

2017-02-22, 07:19 PM
Would make him 2 ranger 5 Kensai to start with 2 attacks and get level 3 ranger features at 8 instead. :)

That's good but at that level combo the 2 maneuvers you take at spell-less ranger 2 would have to include precise shot. If I got the ranger 3 conclave, that is already included as a class ability under the ways the scout can use superiority die. I can't wait for that extra attack though :D

2017-02-22, 09:13 PM
Where are you getting so many superiority dice?
The scout is a rogue or fighter UA archetype
The spell-free ranger from "customizing classes" had SD
But none of the ranger archetypes grant SD

The Scout makes a Rogue or Fighter into Ranger-Lite