View Full Version : My Gestalt-capable 3.5 Character planner/sheet (link in post)

2017-02-22, 07:30 AM
Hey guys, I've been working on this for a while and I think I've ironed out all the kinks (or I'm blind and I'm not seeing them). My formulas are shoddy, but they all work (seemingly) flawlessly, so here you go! There are probably several better ones out there, but I'm quite fond of mine =)


Save a copy if you like, give it a whirl, and let me know if there's any good way to improve, or any issues to fix. The link I posted is read-only until you save a copy for yourself (either for Excel or Google Sheets, whichever you use)

To Use: It should all be pretty simple. In case you want a brief summary, here is a description of each Tab

Main Tab: This is where you put your character level plan, feat selections, and stat increases. If you aren't playing Gestalt, you can just hide the G and H columns by right-clicking them and selecting "Hide Column". When you enter your classes, it'll show errors in the formula until you add the classes to the Class tab (see next). For your 4th level stats, write the shorthand "Cha", "Str", "Dex" etc, and enter the value you roll for HP each level in the 'HP Rolls' Column.

Caveat: This is using the partial progression rules from Unearthed Arcana, where BAB and Saves are given fractional values that equate to their normal progression, but stack with other fractional values (Average BAB is 0.75 points per level, for instance, resulting in 15/10/5 at level 20 as per normal).

Class Tab: Add in here the different classes you're using in your build. In the boxes to the right, select their BAB/Save progression, hit die type and skills, and it'll automatically factor that in on a level-by-level basis on the Main tab, including Gestalt values (always taking the highest bonus of the two).

Stats Tab: In the top-left, you can enter your character's current level to show your current max HP and skill points. Add in your base stats, racial and other bonuses into the Stats table. Stat increases from every 4th level are automatically added in based off your 'Current Level' entry. For feats/abilities that give you +1 HP/Skill point per level (Improved Toughness/Human skill bonus etc.), or a flat value (Toughness/Open Minded feat etc), can be entered next to the Con/Int totals and are automatically added in to their respective values. The Saves are mostly automatically calculated, but add in any other bonuses you get (items, racial bonuses/penalties etc)

Skills Tab: All main skills added, with automatic synergy bonuses where relevant (and listed synergy bonuses for where the bonus is circumstantial). This page automatically factors in bonuses from the Stats tab, and lists trained only. Add abbreviations for your classes in the 'Class' column if you like. To add Cross-Class skills, put the actual number of skill points you're investing in the 'C/Class' column (2 skill points for each point of bonus) and it will compute the total bonus for you. At the top is a helpful counter showing how many Skill Points you're meant to have (based off the level you selected in the Stats tab), and how many points you've spent so far. I've also added a spot to put extra costs like Skill Tricks down at the bottom, that factors into the 'Skill Points Used' value.

AC Tab: This is just a way to tally up your bonuses to AC, speed, and Armour Check Penalty (ACP factored automatically into the Skills tab). The AC value itself calculates touch/flat footed AC for you, but doesn't affect the rest of the document.

Items Tab: Just a basic outline, you can modify as you see fit. Lists the basic item slots for characters, with columns for market price, extra material price (Adamantine etc), cost multiplier ('X' column, mostly for custom items: 2X cost if base spell has 1min/level duration etc), Weight, ESL (Effective Spell Level, if you need that) and CL for Caster Level. Add or remove whatever columns you like, nothing in this tab changes any other tab

All up, if you want to use it, go nuts. Edit it as much as you like. I don't care about credit, I just put a few good hours of work figuring out the formulas for this so I figured someone else might like to use it too! Hit me up with some constructive feedback if you like =)