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View Full Version : need help with equipment/other design

2007-07-23, 06:33 PM
okay so i'm trying to build this campaign world. it takes place on earth in a century or two, the story itself will revolve around the events leading up the the third world war. i wont go into the story too much just now but i need some help working out the equipment the party has access too.

for reference the players are troops on this campaign worlds equivalent to the nazis, this is not a matter of similar ideals just that they are instigating the conflict. i want to design thier equipment to reflect a severe difference in thier tecnological base to that of their foes (even though it is the future most of the planet has technology either on par with where we are now, or worse due to degredation, its not a happy future) anyway so i am starting with standard issue armour, i have decided that it will be a exoskeleton suit with a helmet and visor that interlock to keep the user fully enclosed there will also be an active camoflauge coat and a seperate equipment harness.

i cannot figure out how the suits automatic medication system will function ingame. i want it to gave some standard bonuses or effects but also be able to be loaded with medications the user chooses. i was thinking of making it effectiveley give the die hard feat to the wearer but that seems a little off.
the other stuff i have decided on is that it gives +5 to armour as well as damage reduction 10 to ballistic damage. also the suit is powered and gives +3 to dex, con, and str.

but the medication thing has me stumped, are there already rules for something similar?

2007-07-23, 10:15 PM
Well first off consider that that's really powerful armor. Especially if that's just the standard. Are they starting at level 1? Because that's really good for level 1 in my opinion. But of course, if you have taken that into consideration and find all this fine, then more power to you.

As for the medication system... You say you want the user of the armor to be able to select the type they want. I assume you mean choosing between either straight healing or various ability enhancing drugs. What I would do is assign a certain amount of 'cartridge slots' to the armor which can be loaded with cartridges for whatever type of meds the user wishes. Then allow them to use a cartridge a certain number of times per day. I would say no more than 3 since the armor is already so good, but obviously this can be whatever you want.

2007-07-24, 01:10 AM
thats a good idea

and yes this is some crazy armour but that is on purpose (the players start at level 5 and are not meant to be normal people in any respect, i am allowing for extra feats / stat points and giving them some very powerful kit. this is entirely my plan as i want to make strait up fighting not the thing the party needs to worry about, they will have to worry about not being out maneuvered or swamped and that is assuming the threat is directly related to combat...)

but i like the slots idea better than anything i came up with, thanks!

2007-07-24, 02:23 AM
No problem. I figured you probably knew exactly what you were doing, but had to open my mouth regardless.

2007-07-24, 10:46 AM
For the medical aspect, depending on how powerful you want it, you could have it automatically stabilize them when reduced below 0 hit points and maybe give them Fast Healing up to 10 hit points. Stops them from dying and gets them back into the fight quickly.

2007-07-24, 10:58 AM
Similar to the cartridge/slots system. The rules for potions already cover a lot of healing and buff effects. It would be easy to call potions 'medications,' and have the armor able to hold X number of them inside. If you want you can have the suit administer them as a move or free action instead of a standard action. Additionally the player can desiginate one slot as the Emergency slot and the suit triggers a contigency effect to administer the emergency medicine when the player becomes disabled.

This rule has the added benefit of needing to replace the medications instead of just using them X nembers of times per day. This can reflect the problem of running low on supplies when deep into enemy space, or the scarcity of powerful medications when civilisation has collapsed.

Keld Denar
2007-07-24, 11:14 AM
Have the suit automatically monitor vital processes, a la the bio suit from Halflife. Then, if vital signs drop below a certain set point (determined by user, 50% for example) the suit would automatically inject a potion into the wearer. For example, if suit detects that the wearer has just dropped to 75% health, it may inject 10 cc cure light potion. If the wearer drops to 25% health, the suit knows the wearer was injured bad, and instead injects 10 cc cure serious potion. Also, if the wearer got poisoned, the suit would detect it and administer neutralize poison and possibly lesser restoration to counteract the effects. The suit would have to be "recharged" though, perhaps at a station with a certain monitary cost per use of each potion, and a maximum carriable amount set by the number of charges the suit can hold.

2007-07-24, 12:24 PM
okay so here is my thoughts
there will be two versions of the system, one is designed more as an in case of emergency system, this would have 5 slots that can have an automatic trigger variable (something the suit can know for example hit points or even ability score damage. also some other things such as broken bones, detection of something in the atmosphere or even certain battlefield conditions e.g. if i get flanked by more than 3 enemies, automatically inject this double shot of epinephrine) or be triggered on command (i may be reworking how actions work in this setting to simplify combat my thought was each player having a set number of actions possibly set by their initiative or dex or something and then having everything take an action to do, or something like that i haven't decided)
the other version will be a sort of medkit, it will have ten slots and the same automatic triggers as well as manual triggers. also this version comes standard with what the user will likely need: morphine, epinephrine, styptic, disinfectant, and Phenoxybenzamine to calm you down after the epinephrine shot. these five are the standard, single use loadout of the 5 slot version in this version they each have 5 shots as standard beyond the 10 slots available.

the larger version will take up more space in the soldiers equipment harness as it is to big to be mounted on the exoskeleton like the smaller version.

2007-07-26, 05:01 AM
does anyone know of a good set of real world drugs with D20 system rules?
both medications and other narcotics would be nice