View Full Version : Looking for Some Newer Games

2007-07-23, 07:08 PM
I've been out of the gaming world for way too long. Between school and my social life, as well as playing D&D and Magic (both of which I enjoy quite a lot), I haven't been playing very many other games, especially video games. I'm looking for some new games to play, preferably for a Windows operating system.

I've wanted to play some Real-Time Strategy, but as I haven't played games in a while, I don't know much about any recently released PC games. As well, some newer FPS options would be cool to try. Anyone have any good suggestions?

Thanks for the help.

2007-07-24, 04:45 AM
Ghost Recon is a very fun and tactically oriented FPS. Bought C&C 3 Tiberium Wars yesterday, but haven't gotten around to installing and playing yet. Looks fun though!

2007-07-24, 09:49 AM
Ghost Recon is definitely a good choice if you like tactical shooters. It has a sequel too, which is better than the first IMHO. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a great game too. And if you enjoy fantasy FPSs, Dark Messiah M&M is the way to go!

As for RTS games, there are loads of good choice:
C&C 3, which was mentioned, Mammoths FTW!
Supreme Commander, for the epic scale.
Medieval Total War 2, for (even more) epic medieval warfare.

Hope that helps.

2007-07-26, 07:59 PM
Well Warcraft 3 is old but many people still play.

2007-07-27, 07:47 AM
Depending on how long you've been out of the gaming loop, if you've missed out on F.E.A.R. go pick up a copy. Now. What are you doing still sitting there? Go! Now! J/k :D

Seriously, I normally hate FPS' but F.E.A.R. just...yeah, awesome. Amazing A.I. ,Storyline is good, and it actually does make you jump occasionally in a good pants-soiling way.

As for RTS...well, i don't play them, i'm more of a TBS guy. Heroes V is more my cup-a-tea, so I can't really suggest anything in that department.

2007-07-27, 07:57 AM
For a good RTS/RPG, I'd recommend Spellforce - Order of Dawn.

While I haven't played the sequel yet, the first one is very good.

Brought to you by the evil mutant space gerbils that are controlling my posting. 4

2007-07-27, 04:45 PM
Played a few levels of the second Spellforce (wanted to clock the first one before really playing), and it is far superior. Play Spellforce for the story, then play Spellforce 2.

2007-07-27, 08:13 PM
one that's coming out in October for PC and Xbox 360 is Left 4 Dead. Its a survival horror FPS, online up to 8 players. 4 play as survivors and 4 can play as the bigger enemies.

2007-07-27, 09:11 PM
For a good RTS/RPG, I'd recommend Spellforce - Order of Dawn.

While I haven't played the sequel yet, the first one is very good.

SpellForce has two expansion packs (Breath of Winter and Shadow of Phoenix I think they are called) which I would rather suggest you than SF2. I played it and I got very disappointed with it. Your avatars aren't as strong as they were in comparison to ordinary units, advancement is totally different and I don't like that either, the numbers went sky high ... Probably the only thing I liked were the titans which got much more powerful and mighty as they should be.

To tgva8889: if you are interested in FPSs you should try Call of Duty 1 & 2. If you like getting scarred I recommend The Suffering. That game made me jump of my seat far more than once. If you like card games Astral Tournament is ok and Astral Masters rocks.

P.S. Prustan don't take it to your hart what I said about SF2, I just expected so much more having completed SF1 and I really liked the elves in SF2, damn good archers.

2007-07-28, 12:16 AM
I really like the Elves too. Given the right amount of resources, and a choice between the Light races, I'd take the Elves, block off the entrances to my base, and build up in safety.

What I really like about SF2 over SF1 is that it's much more informative. It actually tells you what your upgrades do, which allows you to plan, rather than having to guess what tree your favorite equipment/spells are under.

2007-07-28, 01:13 AM
here is some good games of the top of my head.

RTS: Dawn of war
FPS Gears of war (I here it's going to come out for the pc by the holidays):smallbiggrin:
RPG: Oblivion

I might come up with more later.

The Evil Thing
2007-07-28, 04:50 AM
Supreme Commander, for the epic scale.
Those without dual/quad-core need not apply. So, if you have the powerhouse necessary to run it (don't believe the minimum specs for a minute), definitely go for it. Otherwise, just pass it by until you next upgrade.

I'll also throw my votes in for the Dawn of War series, as well as Company of Heroes. Relic really know what they're doing now.

For FPS, I also recommend S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

It would help if we knew how long you've been away. There are a few others that I like, but they haven't been released recently.

2007-07-28, 06:05 AM
SpellForce has two expansion packs (Breath of Winter and Shadow of Phoenix I think they are called) which I would rather suggest you than SF2. I played it and I got very disappointed with it. Your avatars aren't as strong as they were in comparison to ordinary units, advancement is totally different and I don't like that either, the numbers went sky high ... Probably the only thing I liked were the titans which got much more powerful and mighty as they should be.

Hmm...I'll have to look into those...Thanks for the information. :smallsmile:

I really like the Elves too. Given the right amount of resources, and a choice between the Light races, I'd take the Elves, block off the entrances to my base, and build up in safety.
Elves are teh p00nage. Upgrade those wind archers and you got the greatest ranged units of them all. Plus the foresters...ah, Elves are amazing...

Ahem. Anyway. Spellforce for the win, mate.

2007-07-28, 06:09 AM
RPG: Oblivion

Oblivion isn't an RPG.
From newer real-time strategies, I recommend Company of Heroes. By brother played it, and praised it.

2007-07-30, 01:35 PM
Hmm...I'll have to look into those...Thanks for the information. :smallsmile:

Elves are teh p00nage. Upgrade those wind archers and you got the greatest ranged units of them all. Plus the foresters...ah, Elves are amazing...

Ahem. Anyway. Spellforce for the win, mate.

Elves were good in SF1 but I considered the best unit overall Dwarven Defenders with throwing hammer upgrade. The funny thing was that each time a defender kills a unit a star appears over his head (max 5 stars visible) and he gains damage boost. I had them start dealing 7 to 10 damage and going up to 20+ (against the same type of unit) if you stick long enough on the same map. Anyone else noticed this?

2007-07-30, 01:45 PM
Oblivion isn't an RPG.
From newer real-time strategies, I recommend Company of Heroes. By brother played it, and praised it.

Seconding CoH. It's got the most strategy I've ever experienced in an FPS.

For FPS I'd recommend F.E.A.R. Why? It's genuinely scary at points, has a good storyline and the shooting/AI is good too.

For RPG.... hmm. I suppose Baldur's Gate 2 would be a good choice. (I personally didn't like 1. Dunno why.)

2007-07-30, 10:19 PM
Well...I haven't bought a new game since I bought Call of Duty 2. Does that help you any?

Call of Duty is a great series that I've played, by the way. I think I've tried Astral Tournament, but I could never convince myself I should buy it.

Thanks for the tips, I think I might try to find this Spellforce game people keep talking about and see if I like it. Also, I've seen F.E.A.R. and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mentioned multiple times, so I might try and find those next time I go buy some new games.

I think my friend has played Dawn of War before me once, and I thought it was rather cool, so I might try that also.

The RPG requirement isn't really necessary. It's met by Neverwinter Nights Diamond for the time being, and soon it will be met by Pokemon Battle Revolution (at least, it counts as an RPG to me), so that's less of a problem. I've been looking for a good RTS for years. Starcraft has begun to lose its charm for me.