View Full Version : Player Help What does a distinguishable aasimar look like?

2017-02-22, 07:03 PM
As the title says. Tieflings can have several traits that distinguish them from humans, so what are some for aasimar besides white hair?

2017-02-22, 07:10 PM
"Aasimar bore the mark of their celestial touch through many different physical features that often varied from individual to individual. Most commonly, aasimar were very similar to humans, like tieflings and other planetouched. Nearly all aasimar were uncommonly beautiful and still, and they were often significantly taller than humans as well.

While several aasimar were immediately identifiable as such, others were even less distinguishable than tieflings from their human ancestors, commonly standing out with only one unusual feature. Most aasimar had pupil-less pale white, gray, or golden eyes or silver hair, but those descended from planetars could also have emerald skin, while those descended from avoral celestials might have feathers mixed in with their hair."

This is from the Forgotten Realms wiki. There's no absolute feature other than beauty.

In my worlds, Aasimars always have colorful hair, like animes, and eyes of an absolute color (no white in their eyes, just a color). Some other DMs made their hair always gold (shiny, apart from blonde), or even small wings in their heads.

Puh Laden
2017-02-22, 07:21 PM
Depends on whether you're going classic descended-from-celestials DMG aasimar or reinvented born-with-a-mission Volo's aasimar. Classic is usually just otherworldly beautiful, but the Volo's version might have something like a special mark; I know the art for the protector aasimar in full-winged mode has a mark on the forehead with glowing rune/tron lines all over.

2017-02-22, 07:26 PM
As others have said, Aasimar are mostly just hot with maybe a birthmark and weird eyes. If you're looking for something a little less cliche, the weirder features of angels are always good. Perhaps little wings growing out of their ankles and wrists that cover their feet and hands?

2017-02-22, 08:20 PM
I see it like this:
Aasimar Normal Form = Book Targaryens + WoW High Elves.

Aasimar Transformed = Aasimar Normal Form + Super Sayian (or Marvel's Human Torch, it depends how fiery you want it to be, specially for a Scourge Aasimar)!

Sariel Vailo
2017-02-23, 12:06 PM
well i actually have volos and use aasimar their are some distinguishable features. the fallen aasimar has pale white or purple skin . the fallen aassimars ability "necroticshroud changes your pupils into pools of darkness and a pair of skeletal wings appear.
The other two aasimar ill talk about after this segement. the "ANGELIC GUIDE" this in volos might show an aasimar immediately. because the fallen one does'nt have a angelic guide. thus if youre "HUMAN" ally begins talking to himself and says ahem saving these peasants is more important than slaying the cultists allright he may be talking to more than just the group.

The tell tale aasimar subrace is SCOURGE Radiant consumption bright firey wings constant radiant dam to all around including ones self. but a quote from the scourge "Scourge aasimar are imbued with a divine energy thaat blazes intensely within them. it feeds a powerful desire to destroy evil _ a desire that at best is unflinching at its worst all consuming. many scourge aasimar wear masks to block out the evils of the world removing their masks only in the presence of battle or great evil. volos guide to monsters page105"
Thus a scourge aaasimar barbarian who removes their mask enters a hustice filled rage of justice and flames or as i wante this move to be throughh the fire and the flames.

the protector and its quote arent really ****. just protect the weak truth justice and faerunian way.youre more talky lg person who stands against bad ideas aka lg they might transform and gain wings a flight and do more radiant dam

the fallen is a little more complicated its not a villanous class option but here "An aasimar who has been touched by dark powers or given in to evil can become one of the fallen a group of aasimar whos inner light has turned to shadow. volos guide to monsterspage 105" but i want to key in on a very important part "WHOSE INNER LIGHT HAS TURNED TO SHADOW."
That means a fallen aasimar just needs to have lost their light.

I'll quote volos one last time "Falling from grace or rising to it that says to me that at any time an aasimar if it so chooses can dramatically shift sucraces based upon if it wants to or if the dm thinks youve failed just as with the villanous class option for paladin."

Sariel Vailo
2017-02-28, 11:13 AM
did that help

2017-02-28, 11:21 AM
http://70f186a60af817fe0731-09dac41207c435675bfd529a14211b5c.r92.cf1.rackcdn.c om/assets/attachments_p/000/051/537/size500_Planetouched_Aasimar_detail_500.jpg

Truely distinguished

2017-02-28, 11:25 AM
Personally, I'd stay clear of generalising them as "beautiful", or worse, fair-skinned and radiant. Beauty can differ between cultures, and not everyone is fair-skinned. Those could apply, but it's not the only way.

It should be more like, that they just look a little divine, and how much and in what way will vary, just as with Tieflings. These are features I'd consider:

Eyes with odd colours that almost glow in the right light.

Birthmarks that look like celestial symbols, that might change slightly to reflect your mood.

Colours are more vibrant or exaggerated. If you're fair-skinned, you almost have a glowing look. If you're dark-skinned (whether it's black, brown, blue, green), the shade of your skin looks almost light-absorbing, or perhaps it has a metallic sheen. It should stand out as unusual, slighlty supernatural, but not menacing like Tiefling. Enough to say that they're different, but it might be difficult to pinpoint exactly what. Perhaps people say that they look "more alive" than others. Someone who's tall and skinny looks unnaturally graceful rather than scrawny. Someone on the heavy side looks strong and vigorous. Any trait is given a heavenly quality.

Similar to the above, they could look like actual metaphors. If you descended from a sea-celestial, you don't just have "eyes like an ocean" in the metaphorical sense; if someone looks closely, they'll see that your irises undulate like waves, and they are deeply green-blue, easy to get lost in. If your ancestor is related to fire, your hair isn't described are firey just because it's got the right tone; it has all the nuances of an inferno, flutters like flames in the wind. If you're related to a love deity, your body fits the beauty ideal of your society (which could vary a lot) too perfectly. Maybe a woman has unnaturally red lips, a man has muscles that are just too well-defined to be natural. With some frost-divinity in your veins, your hair, beard and eyebrows looks constantly frosted, your eyes are ice-blue and you're unnusually cold to the touch (but not corpse-like).

And all of these features could be even more obvious when you're using magical abilities. Eyes blaze like miniature suns, tattoos are aglow with starlight, your black skin shines like obsidian, your hair literally burns with fire, snow swirls around you even in the middle of summer.