View Full Version : Weird dreams?

The Eye
2017-02-22, 08:12 PM
Recently I'm starting to have very weird dreams, last night I had this weird dream where I was at the entrance of Ipsen's Castle from final fantasy IX and when I entered the place it looked like I was going doing some sort of creature stomach, it was all organic and visceral.

It kind of looked like the interior of this sea monster form one of those silly old Hercules movies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eaFLI8JmQI), minus all that water.

Then a "ghost” who was wearing long white robes and hood which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand holding a lantern where ghostly green flames burned. It started shooting the worlds "Love me, love me, love me." and I knew that behind the mask there were eyes staring at me.

After, I tried to flee I entered another room where all my family and people I know form work were having a fancy dinner in a place that looked like British Parliament Westminster Hall. After that, the ghost entered and reveled to be a co-worker I kind of have a crush on.

Then me and the secretary started to eat crackers so we could summon a genie. That sounded completely normal and made sense at the moment, then a friend of mine entered the room dressed as Mary Poppins and said I was late to go to Patagonia with the paper birds and the crystal people. Then I woke up.

That was really weird and the whole stomach part really disgusting.

How about you guys? Ever had a VERY weird dream?

Also if anyone want to try and analyze this mess of a dream feel free to '-'

Green Elf
2017-02-22, 10:12 PM
Wow, that was weird. Do you have a fever, or think about anything related a lot? I think you're having a fever dream.

2017-02-22, 11:22 PM
The only time I ever had such weird dreams was after I had a particularly nasty surgery, and I had morphine to deal with the post-op pain. Turns out, morphine? That'll mess you up. And not just when you're sleeping; I remember thinking the car ride home was one long game of Mario Kart!

2017-02-23, 12:13 AM
I have weird dreams all the time, the specific level of weirdness depends on how Im feeling at the time. If Im stressed out, the dreams tend to be pretty disturbing and distressing, if Im sick, they get really, well, weird.

Many years back when my life was stressful enough that I was 18 and having constant chest pains and panic attacks, I started having rather, erm, violent dreams. I was the one always perpetrating the violence, which upset me so much I started going 2-3 days without sleeping just to avoid it (I was really not a violent person).

These days I just dream odd stuff that changes topics and characters a lot. One thing I always found weird to me was that all my dreams seem to take place in the real world, but its different. For example there was an old park near where I grew up thats mostly been taken over by housing now. I still dream of it being surrounded by bush and trees like in my childhood, but there are also features that have never existed in reality there (Like a giant rock pillar with a cave on top). Even though they are different to real life, I always dream about these same locations, like I have my own recurring dream version of reality :smallconfused:

Prince Zahn
2017-02-23, 01:47 AM
I think it's safe to say that most people who remember dreaming have really weird dreams, so if it helps, you are not alone there.

My dreams are weird too, but not in that sense. Mine are more riddle shaped and don't tend to be as trippy.

for example, one time I dreamt I return to my old school and meeting a friend there who might or might not have had a crush on me, seeing new friends make her cry, chasing after her through oddly colored hallways until she comes to the principal's office, she then sneaks in, says she is getting out of here, she forges a permission slip, and offers me one too. It was dated for my birthday on 2030. She tells me I'll need it.

It's not as unusual but that doesn't stop me from waking up in the morning thinking it made no sense and ask myself "what in the nine hells did I just dream?" "what does all that even mean?? "

My mom explained to me once that dreams are more than just weird images, they are your subconscious trying to tell you something through images and symbols it pieces together from your memories. It could very well be that you thought about a few of the individual elements of these dreams recently, or that internal issues or feelings you have might still be unresolved (like with the ghost, feeling like you were swallowed by a beast. Probably symbolic for something.)

I'm not much of a dream interpreter but one key advice is that dream meanings are very rarely literal. What you see in the dream is rarely what it's actually about. Dreaming about being in the belly of a sea monster doesn't have to mean you'll get eaten, or a fear of being eaten.

I hope it helps!

2017-02-23, 03:12 AM
The first dream, and still one of the weirdest, I remember was from I was six very vividly.
It was evening in a forest. I knew because that light had that low angle, golden look. The forest floor was littered with cigarette butts. Well and truly covered. Peter Rabbit and his family were there, and there was this evil looking hobo. Kind of like the hobo from the Dennis the Menace movie, long straggly hair, disgusting clothes, missing teeth, etcetera. but even worse, and it was years before I saw that movie. He ate some of the cigarette butts then wandered into this caribou hide tent, which was lit from the inside. His silhouette visible on the tent wall, his body contorted as he screamed in agony, burnt to death from the inside from eating the cigarette butts, as Peter Rabbit and his family huddled, helplessly watching in fear and terror.
I then woke up.
I was six.

2017-02-23, 06:36 AM
No dream is too weird, in my opinion.

Also, don't pay too much mind to interpretations. If all of your dreams have some recurring patterns or fixations, that might point to something, but otherwise it's just random plots your brain is composing to better sort out and save your memories.

2017-02-23, 08:53 AM
I stopped remembering my dreams quite some time ago. Whether this means I'm finally getting properly deep sleep that refreshes me, I'm now content with my life, or whatever, I have no idea. But I suspect it's largely because the stuff of dreams needs fuel and my life is pretty routine these days. Literally the most exciting thing I did yesterday was get stuck in the beginnings of Chicagoland gridlock. That's got no novelty anymore so it's worthless as dream fuel.

I used to have awesome dreams, though. The central themes were exploration and searching for someone. Not usually in the same dream. The someone changed often, but the dreams ended immediately if they were ever found, so it was more like they were the macguffin than actually people--despite actually having known said people in real life.

Approximately 99 of 100 of my dreams were better than waking life, if only for the novelty of say sitting in the back of a Datsun Brat shooting animated skeletons with a sawed off shotgun while my buddy was driving like a madman in an over the top action flick set in an abandoned city. One of the more interesting experiences of my high school days and it is not a shared memory I can reminisce over with my friend because it never happened to him.

2017-02-23, 11:05 AM
I love talking about dreams. The Interpretation of Dreams is my favorite book EVER and I do it very often, my friends say I'm very good at it, so I could try to interpret yours but it will be based on many assumptions since I don't really know you.

Also, it may bring about some personal stuff that I’m not sure if you want to share, but then again you post it in the internet for all to see so it's safe to assume you don't care(Or didn't know any better). :smallbiggrin:

So, here we go:

The dream starts at this beautiful video game castle, I assume this part symbolize your childhood, a place where you feel safe and happy. I'm assuming you used to play this game as a child and really liked doing it, but it seems your childhood is coming to an end and that takes us to the second phase.

The creature's stomach, I see this part as representing your fear of growing up and having to socialize with other people, it also represent you having to give up things you like to become a more mature person, I assume you used to like this Hercules movies when you were a child, but now that you have grown up they seem "Bad and silly" this setting represents the changes happening your mind about what is appropriated for an adult and what's not.

By reading your other posts, I assume you are a very shy person who has problems socializing in this new "adult world", where you are forced to talk to people, do stuff and not have time for games is scary and uncomfortable you feel as if it is literally devouring you whole, in this world you have little control and is tormented by this creature that later is reveled to represent your desire to love and be loved by someone you fancy. This phase may represent your internal guilty over all this fears.

The third part represents your anxiety of performing well in front of your peers, both family and friends are in fancy dinner, a place where you are expected to perform well and people WILL be judge if you if you commit a faux pas. At this less solitary place the "Monster" reveals its less scary form of “your crush” and appears more approachable, all the social rituals seem weird and nonsensical to you, I bet this secretary is someone who often engage in conversation with you so you try to perform this weird and arcane "social" ritual with her.

Finally your friend appears as Mary Poppins a magical nanny that comes to wash all problems away, this friend may be someone you trust and that allows you to live up your more childlike side with no judgment, she (Or he) is ready to take you away back to a realm of fantasy and magic represented by the foreigners of a place such as Patagonia.

Overall your crush appears as this "Ghost monster" to represent how much you fear approaching this person and confessing that you like he or she in a romantic way, this weird change of setting indicate how weird and alien this whole adulthood seems to you and how much of hard time you have adapting to it, and how much pressure you seem to feel about your performances in front of your co-workers and family, and how you long to be back at the fantasy worlds of your youth.

That's what I was able to come up with; most of it is based on assumptions so I hope I don’t have it completely wrong.

For everyone who is saying that they don’t remember their dreams I have a tip, try to keep a dream journal and write on it everything even when you don’t remember your dreams just write down, “I didn’t remember my dream today” it really helps that’s what I did and now I remember every dream I have.

But beware, sometimes remembering what you see in the world of unconsciousness may be more of a curse than a blessing Mhuahauahauahuahaua :smalltongue:

2017-02-23, 11:25 AM
I'll say this about when I share dreams I've had about other people, with those people: they get weirded out by it. Well maybe about 60% do, anyway. I'm sure in some part it's because when I talked about dreams that didn't feature people, they've been pretty disturbing by "normal" standards. Or at least by their standards. But I loved 'em. Who the hell wants to have dreams that are as boring as the stuff they do every day when they're awake? I've had the "getting up in the morning for work/school" dream, and it pisses me off because I end up having to wake up twice to do something I don't particularly want to be doing anyway. What the hell, subconscious?

Speaking with dead relatives dreams are always interesting. These were people that I knew well enough that I can plausibly fill in the blanks and it's nice to chat with people I'm never going to see again in this life.

2017-02-23, 11:34 AM
I'll say this about when I share dreams I've had about other people, with those people: they get weirded out by it. Well maybe about 60% do, anyway. I'm sure in some part it's because when I talked about dreams that didn't feature people, they've been pretty disturbing by "normal" standards. Or at least by their standards. But I loved 'em. Who the hell wants to have dreams that are as boring as the stuff they do every day when they're awake? I've had the "getting up in the morning for work/school" dream, and it pisses me off because I end up having to wake up twice to do something I do t particularly want to be doing anyway. What the hell, subconscious?

Speaking with dead relatives dreams are always interesting. These were people that I knew well enough that I can plausibly fill in the blanks and it's nice to chat with people I'm never going to see again in this life.


That's why I'm not a big fan of "Inception" it was too mundane I was expecting something more ephemeral and crazy looking not just boring places such as a hotel and a militar base.

The Eye
2017-02-23, 09:01 PM
@S@tanicoaldo: That's... Actually pretty accurate, except I didn't really like those Hercules movies I watched because of my older brother, but there was no way for you to know that and still very accurate.

2017-03-02, 09:54 PM
Welcome to the dream world! Things are going to get really weird.

But seriously, since a dream can only be limited by imagination, a lot of weird stuff can happen. That's normal, especially if you are very imaginative.

I've heard that if you can be aware that you are dreaming, you can manipulate the properties of the dream world, and do literally anything you want, as long as you can imagine it.

Or you can just eject if that's what you want. But what's the fun in that? :smallsmile:

Winter Road
2017-03-03, 06:18 PM
I had a dream recently I was on the Andy Griffith Show, everything was in black and white and very pastoral, but Andy had some horrible surgery that left him without any arms or legs >____>
It was really morbid....

2017-03-11, 06:35 PM
One time I dreamt of a former high school classmate who drowned in my senior year due to training to be a Navy SEAL. He laughed and called his drowning a near death experience. (In the dream we were chilling in Heaven) I was all :o

2017-03-11, 09:26 PM
my dreaming persona has his own memory - in dreams i can remember other dreams. one persistent theme is that i'm in south GA at a smartkid summer camp....in life, i had a chance at this and ditched it to hang out with hippies in san diego. also, there are semi-static locations in my dreamworld. between my highschool and home there's a bridge. if i go off to the left of the bridge and go into the woods, i find this village of people that has been transplanted from SE asia to here to keep people away. what they are protecting is a weird, very out of place aboveground subway station. in the dream i know this is impossible, that there is no subway within 100 miles of my home. instead of having a turnstile to get into the station, there's a line of them on the platform, so you have to pass through one to board a train. they take any coin. the train goes between worlds. onboard you have to gamble and play and trade to get supplies (although you have coins you can use, you don't want to run out). i've visited several odd worlds via this train - and the point about memory, i remember doing this in the dream

btw, there's a drug, galantamine, that supposedly enables lucid dreaming. (http://dreamstudies.org/galantamine-review-lucid-dreaming-pill/)

2017-03-14, 10:13 AM
I taught myself how to lucid dream ages ago; its pretty easy once you get the hang of it.