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2017-02-22, 09:41 PM
Merin held up her hand, motioning for her companion to stop. They had arrived at the outpost, but there was no sign of activity from inside. It seems that the normal guards stationed there had withdrawn inside, though there isn't an apparent reason as to why that might be. The Forsaken ranger turns to Destin, her face hidden save for a narrow gap in her cowl that left her eyes exposed. "Captain Falvis said that this was the place, didn't he? It seems a bit... quiet, for a place we've been tasked with defending."

Destin knows that looks can be deceiving in Lordaeron. This close to the Plaguelands, minions of the Scourge could be lurking around any corner, and there's no telling if another enemy of the Forsaken might come to the region. It would be wise for the two of them to approach with caution...

2017-02-22, 09:52 PM
Destin reaches down to pet his loving hyena, Kenzi. The canine barks happily and wags her tail. He looks around the landscape and nods. "There is little reason to rush into this, Merin. It could well be a trap, but..." He frowns. If Falvis expected them to actually run into a trap, a squadron of just two seems like a poor choice. So perhaps they are being paranoid?

The Forsaken soldier is not one to question his commanders. Though he joined the military to try and secure the future of the Undercity, Destin is not a man with a lot of initiative. That's not surprising, seeing as the banshees practically run the entire collective. A lowly creature like him would never be anything more than a cog in the machine compared to Sylvanas and her sisters of the dark.

"They cannot escape our senses. Rotting flesh is a particularly strong smell, after all," he points out. Destin kneels down and pets Kenzi again, then asks her to sniff out the enemy.

Kenzi has Scent. I think zombies would have an overpowering scent, skeletons probably not.

Destin's Perception: [roll1]
Destin also has Carrion Sense, so if there are any freshly dead Forsaken in the area he should know about it.

2017-02-22, 09:56 PM
Kenzi and Destin do pick up the scent of fresh corpses, but the number is small; if the outpost had suffered any casualties, there were only a few. Kenzi picks up the trail of some zombies leading to the outpost, but none that appear to be leading away.

Merin nocks an arrow and follows Destin as they make their search. "Do you think that we should approach the outpost first?"

2017-02-22, 09:58 PM
Destin nods and slowly walks towards the outpost. He keeps an eye out for any approaching enemies.

2017-02-22, 10:00 PM
A couple of Forsaken soldiers peer out over the small keep's wall as they approach, and even from here they can see that the pair is leveling crossbows at them. "Halt! State your business!" They sound on edge; likely new recruits, then, as a more seasoned warrior would have a firmer hold on their tone even after the post had been attacked.

2017-02-22, 10:09 PM
Destin chuckles. "At ease, men. I am Destin and this is Merin. We were asked to investigate a disturbance by Captain Falvis. May we approach?"

2017-02-22, 10:52 PM
The guards look at each other, and one of them heads down to open the gate.

2017-02-22, 11:03 PM
Destin smiles when the gate opens. "Right, thank you. So, why don't you tell me how things have been going the last day or so? Has anything interesting happened?"

2017-02-22, 11:09 PM
The soldiers nod. "We had an attack from a small group of Scourge-controlled undead two days ago. We drove them off, but they caught us off-guard and managed to kill a few of us in the fight."

2017-02-22, 11:15 PM
Destin nods. "Did you manage to take out every single one of them? Did any escape? Do you know where they came from?"

2017-02-25, 05:38 PM
"They came from the Plaguelands. We dealt with the undead, but there seemed to be an imp leading them, and the little bastard vanished before we could take him out."

2017-02-25, 05:40 PM
"Good thing we have a hyena with us then," Destin mutters. "Even if the creature turns invisible, it can't hide its scent. Merin, we should go scout the edge of the Plaguelands, see if we can't find this imp or its master."

2017-02-28, 04:23 PM
"Agreed." The ranger heads out with Destin, while Kenzi leads the way to pick up the imp's scent.

2017-02-28, 04:33 PM
Kenzi's Survival: [roll0]

Destin frowns as he looks out onto the Plaguelands. "Have we heard any news from the scouts about Arthas's whereabouts? Or his necromancer servant?" he asks Merin.