View Full Version : Metamagic tricks with Sorcerer

2017-02-23, 09:24 AM
Hi all,

I am curious as to what kind of metamagic tricks you guys have come up with your sorcerer. I know there's the obvious one like twinning haste, etc. But what about the more subtle ones?

2017-02-23, 09:43 AM
Subtle Suggestion to influence others to follow your designs. Subtle Shatter allows a sorcerer to stop wagons (break the axles), end chases (break supports under them or for things to fall on them), assassinate, etc. Distant Counterspell to foil spells outside of normal radius. Extended Invisibility for lots of stealing. Lots more of tricks with Subtle.

2017-02-23, 10:13 AM
subtle shatter is a bit silly.

you're creating destructive sound that can destroy rock, trees, etc... you can make the casting silent, but you can't make the spell's effect silent. it may not be immediately obvious that the shatter came from you, but it *will* be immediately obvious that the shatter spell happened.

anyways, if you haven't heard of it, careful has a lot of awesome uses as well. not for stuff like fireball (unless your party has evasion or equivalent), but for stuff like web, entangle (if you can get access to it), stinking cloud, grease, sleet storm, etc... these uses are fairly widely known if you look for sorcerer class guides, though.

careful works on all saving throws the chosen individuals make for that spell, period. chosen individuals can, for example, just walk around in a careful web as much as they want and they will never get stuck. they can walk around in a careful stinking cloud and never lose an action. they can walk on a careful grease and never fall.

another interesting one i've heard of is extended delayed blast fireball. if you actually have time to charge it up, extend will give you an extra 10d6 damage. personally, i've never encountered a situation where i had 2 minutes to charge up, but if you do, it would be a pretty cool trick.

2017-02-23, 10:42 AM
Oh I don't care if it is known that a Shatter spell was used, just so long as the Shatter can't be traced back to me. No pointing, no magic words, just a face in the crowd that happens to have a sliver of mica in his pocket. Crumble it afterwards (very easy to do) and you have no connection back to the spell. Just don't advertise the fact that you have that as a capability...

Same thing with spells like Crown of Madness. It doesn't matter whether they know that a spell was used so long as you have taken precautions so that it can't be traced back to you. Try to avoid foci or conspicuous material components when doing so!

2017-02-23, 11:27 AM
There's a trick with Quickening a Hold Person spell and then using your action to make weapon attacks at advantage and also granting auto critical hits. Works really well with multiclassing with a martial (i.e. Someone who gets extra attack. I did this by putting a Battle Master and a Sorc together for the action surge, maneuvers, and the GWF style).

Sick of that enemy caster Counterspelling you? Subtle Spell all day.

2017-02-23, 12:46 PM
Subtle Enhance Ability Eagle's Splendor. Obviously more resource intensive than Friends, but you get all the benefits without the drawback. Might even be a good substitute for Charm Person. Twinning it for Cat's Grace is also good when your party has two scouts.

Twin Banishment is obvious but so much fun.

Quicken Wish, Subtle Wish, Twin Wish - salivating.

2017-02-23, 01:18 PM
Quickened Dimension Door: when melee starts bothering you, move 120 feet away and Fire Bolt them.
Twinned Greater Invisibility: Advantage to two people is doubling your money.
Subtle Suggestion: Nothing better than giving orders without giving orders.

I for one dislike twinned Haste, because if you lose concentration or cancel the spell two of your buddies will lose a turn.

2017-02-23, 01:26 PM
Storm Sphere with careful spell allows you to put the storm sphere on top of your allies in the middle of a melee with no damage to them. After that, since the enemies would expectably be in a gridlock type situation, they're sure to stay in range of the lightning attack with advantage for a bit longer too.

If you're some kind of martial multiclass, a grapple into a quickened cloud of daggers could be fun.

2017-02-23, 03:42 PM
Quickened Dimension Door: when melee starts bothering you, move 120 feet away and Fire Bolt them.

Unless you absolutely must have that distance, I'd rather just cast Misty Step. If you're going to Quicken anyway, Quicken Shocking Grasp is almost as functional for more damage.

2017-02-23, 03:48 PM
Empower doesn't need you to cast the spell, just to roll damage with a spell.

So each time you roll spell damage you could use Empower.

Not the best thing ever, but it's something.

2017-02-23, 03:58 PM
Unless you absolutely must have that distance, I'd rather just cast Misty Step. If you're going to Quicken anyway, Quicken Shocking Grasp is almost as functional for more damage.

Misty Step lets them keep chasing you, unless you're naturally faster (though there aren't many wood elf or tabaxi sorcerers out there). Same thing for Shocking Grasp, if it hits one guy. But 120 feet away + 30 more after you cast the cantrip just makes them give up. Turned the tide of one battle for me.