View Full Version : Hello, I never played any race apart from humans. How would I adapt to others?

2017-02-23, 10:13 AM
Hello guys! :)

You are my source of hope and light in this magma of madness and desperation I meet each time I will have to do something I'm uncomfortable with.

I'm planning to do a chaotic evil half-ogre barbarian.

I've got a few questions:

1) Where could I read the way members of a ogre tribe interact with each other?Is there a certain line of conduit ogres have to share with each other?

2) How could I characterize my half ogre? For example, I'm wondering if there are inherent flaws that members of this race share. For example, clumsiness when dealing with other races, a certain hate, an inclination for this of that thing.

3) When interacting with other races, why would a half ogre decided to actually separate himself from the tribe and join a temple? What benefit would he be dreaming to find, if he wasn't exiled and could actually live in peace (for what matters...) for his tribe?

4) Should I put certain stats pretty high and other pretty low for a roleplaying reason? Like for example, low wis and low intelligence. Or would I fall into stereotype?

5) Given that there is a chance I could have quite a few high rolls but also a pretty mediocre one, I was wondering what's the difference between a half ogre barbarian with high intelligence but low wis, and one with high wis but low intelligence. How could I act coherently?

Thanks for help.

2017-02-23, 03:58 PM
Hi, first let me tell you my opinion about your post in general, this applies to all 5 questions : don't ask us for a "canon" answer, rather, play it as you imagine it. Of course this means that your group, and especially your DM, has to be OK with it. Take your first question, for example. Talk with your DM and tell him you imagine ogres as a mystical people who all share the same religion and see any other ogre as their brethren. Or tell him you see them as a multitude of clans with complex rivalries and diverging traditions. Or tell him that when meeting another ogre, an ogre always challenges him to a test of strength which will determine their future interactions. Don't feel restricted by what may or may not be in the manual!
This pretty much covers your first 3 questions. However, if you do need an official source of are just looking for inspiration, check out the monster manual. I'm sure there are some more specific sources, someone is bound to post it ITT.
Regarding your 4th question, I think that racial modifiers already cover this. You don't need to widen the gap. However, as a barbarian, it is likely that you will choose to.
As for your 5th question, the answer is in the player's handbook (they give you the example of the absent-minded wizard), but you shouldn't worry too much about it. There is only so much abstraction can achieve. However, wisdom is better suited to barbarians than intelligence.

2017-02-23, 05:33 PM
Hello guys! :)

You are my source of hope and light in this magma of madness and desperation I meet each time I will have to do something I'm uncomfortable with.

I'm planning to do a chaotic evil half-ogre barbarian.

I've got a few questions:

1) Where could I read the way members of a ogre tribe interact with each other?Is there a certain line of conduit ogres have to share with each other?

2) How could I characterize my half ogre? For example, I'm wondering if there are inherent flaws that members of this race share. For example, clumsiness when dealing with other races, a certain hate, an inclination for this of that thing.

3) When interacting with other races, why would a half ogre decided to actually separate himself from the tribe and join a temple? What benefit would he be dreaming to find, if he wasn't exiled and could actually live in peace (for what matters...) for his tribe?

4) Should I put certain stats pretty high and other pretty low for a roleplaying reason? Like for example, low wis and low intelligence. Or would I fall into stereotype?

5) Given that there is a chance I could have quite a few high rolls but also a pretty mediocre one, I was wondering what's the difference between a half ogre barbarian with high intelligence but low wis, and one with high wis but low intelligence. How could I act coherently?

Thanks for help.

1) I'm not sure. Many different races have information about their daily life and interactions. (Such as elves, raptorans, and gnolls in Races of The Wild) I have not seen anything of the sort for ogres.

2) Well, ogres have low intelligence. He could be an aggressive idiot(As most NPC ogres.) or he could be a gentle giant satisfied with simple pleasures. He could struggle through books, determined to overcome his natural shortcomings. He could instead focus wisdom, being a cleric full of intuition and common sense, despite his poor analytical ability. If you give him high intelligence he could try blending into human society discreetly.

3) I'm sure that half-ogres travel for all the same reasons other races travel. Maybe he's simply restless, and wants to visit exotic locations. Maybe he's picked on by full-blooded ogres and left for his own safety. Maybe he is travelling as a rite of passage amongst his people. Perhaps he is in search of a sacred item recently lost. Maybe he wanted skills he could only learn outside his tribal lands.

4) I don't think so. Place your stats where they will make him useful. After you have placed them make roleplaying decisions based on them. Useless characters are not fun to play, regardless of their roleplay potential.

5) High intelligence and low wisdom might make him pensive and inattentive. He may frequently lose himself in thought, becoming unaware of his surroundings. High wisdom and low intelligence could make him an astute observer, but unable to fully comprehend the working of what he's seen. He might notice all the small details of a political debate, but be unable to understand the political or economic implications.

2017-02-23, 05:59 PM
Races of destiny covers half races, if I recall correctly there's half ogre stuff, too.

2017-02-23, 11:52 PM
Only thing I can think of is, Slayer's guide to Ogres (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/1823/Slayers-Guide-to-Ogres?it=1). Although not an official WOTC source but wouldn't hurt to take a look.

2017-02-24, 09:15 AM
Half ogre, half what? And did it grow up with the ogres or with the other parent's people?

Going by Salvatore's novels, ogres just live in a smallish, angry, violent tribe. They treat tribes of less personally powerful orcs like trash, despite orc tribes being bigger and more numerous, the same way orcs treat goblins.

Red Fel
2017-02-24, 09:33 AM
Hello guys! :)

Hello, Sergio.

You are my source of hope and light in this magma of madness and desperation I meet each time I will have to do something I'm uncomfortable with.

That is unfortunate. I mean, have you met me?

I'm planning to do a chaotic evil half-ogre barbarian.

You poor, unfortunate soul.

I've got a few questions:

I've got a few answers.

1) Where could I read the way members of a ogre tribe interact with each other?Is there a certain line of conduit ogres have to share with each other?

Wherever your DM says there is. In other words: Ask your DM how Ogres work in his setting.

2) How could I characterize my half ogre? For example, I'm wondering if there are inherent flaws that members of this race share. For example, clumsiness when dealing with other races, a certain hate, an inclination for this of that thing.

Generally? Big, dumb, strong. Valuing power over sympathy. Hating anything that isn't Ogre. However, that's a general, broad-brush answer. You can paint them however you like. For example, with DM approval, perhaps you came from an Ogre tribe of outcasts - Ogres who were generally smaller and weaker than their more brutish brethren, who were perhaps more spiritual or in touch with nature than their more belligerent kin, etc. Figure it out for yourself, then get DM approval.

3) When interacting with other races, why would a half ogre decided to actually separate himself from the tribe and join a temple? What benefit would he be dreaming to find, if he wasn't exiled and could actually live in peace (for what matters...) for his tribe?

Maybe he feels more kinship with his non-Ogre half. Maybe he feels no connection with, or is shunned by, his Ogre kin. Maybe he's Belle in the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. Or Ariel in the Disney version of The Little Mermaid. Or just straight-up any Disney princess you like, because apparently being unsatisfied with being pretty and part of a powerful political dynasty, and wanting to find their fortune instead among murderers and thieves, is kind of their thing (except for Belle, who isn't part of a political dynasty).

4) Should I put certain stats pretty high and other pretty low for a roleplaying reason? Like for example, low wis and low intelligence. Or would I fall into stereotype?

As a Barbarian, you need Con for your Rage and to soak hits, and Str to deal damage. Everything else is a matter of preference. You could get Dex to pull some clever tricks; Int to be deceptively clever and informed; Wis to be able to spot traps and problems; Cha to be an intimidating party face. Do you. Yes, the stereotype is to favor only physical stats, but it's your character; steer into the stereotype or away from it, your call.

5) Given that there is a chance I could have quite a few high rolls but also a pretty mediocre one, I was wondering what's the difference between a half ogre barbarian with high intelligence but low wis, and one with high wis but low intelligence. How could I act coherently?

High Int, low Wis, means that you're bright, but not observant. High Wis, low Int, means you're intuitive, but not book-smart. Generally, Wis will probably be more valuable to you if you have to choose between the two, because of Spot/Listen checks and Will saves.

Low either doesn't make you incoherent. Having, for example, an 8 Int, doesn't make you childlike; it means you're slightly less brainy than the Human average (10). Likewise, a Wis of 8 won't make you oblivious, just a bit slower on the uptake.

2017-02-27, 12:11 PM
Thanks boys. Appreciate each one of your answers. I will let you know any news.