View Full Version : Optimization 3.5e I need your help to brake the game with a Spirit Shaman

2017-02-23, 11:44 AM
I have a mission, and I need your help.

I need to find a why to make Spirit Shaman over-powered.

The character will start at level 4.
It can be human, half-elf or halfling(no tamplets).
There are no magic items.
2 flaws are allowed.
No arcana.

All 3.5e books are allowed.

I am searching for a why to make it work and I will really like to get your help :)

If you do help please ad the book name.

2017-02-23, 11:49 AM
What I hope will be the common advice is:

1) Don't break the game.

If you are playing a real game, don't break it. Don't spite the DM, or the players, or anything, just enjoy the game, or stop playing it, or discuss your problems with the group as reasonable adults (or exceptionally reasonable children).

If you are merely presented a theoretical argument for breaking, then why does it need to be a Spirit Shaman? I can think of one way to break the game right off the top of my head, but that applies to Commoners too, so if you have a specific reason for the Spirit Shaman, we would need to know why before we could be sure.

2017-02-23, 11:53 AM
How over-powered do you want it? There are a lot of games where simply using good tactics (battlefield control spells and buffs/debuffs) is game-breaking. There are lots of games where using just specific spells is game-breaking - animate dead or rope trick or polymorph, for instance. There are lots of games where the Spirit Shaman can't break anything, because he's a T2 wannabe and the go-to build at that table is Psionic Artificer 20.

2017-02-23, 11:57 AM
I'd think that any path to breaking a spirit shaman would start and possibly end with just retrieving and then casting the most powerful druid spells that aren't ruined by the lack of druid class features. I gots a handbook full of those things, so maybe use that. You're pretty low level, so you'd only have to read through the first and second level spells for now. Maybe start with summon fey from kingdoms of kalamar if you really wanna do powerful junk.

2017-02-23, 12:12 PM
Max out UMD?

It really doesn't take a whole lot to "break" a game, it's better for everyone at the table(you included) to just have fun, even if that is sub-opitmal at times.

2017-02-23, 12:13 PM
What I hope will be the common advice is:

1) Don't break the game.

If you are playing a real game, don't break it. Don't spite the DM, or the players, or anything, just enjoy the game, or stop playing it, or discuss your problems with the group as reasonable adults (or exceptionally reasonable children).

If you are merely presented a theoretical argument for breaking, then why does it need to be a Spirit Shaman? I can think of one way to break the game right off the top of my head, but that applies to Commoners too, so if you have a specific reason for the Spirit Shaman, we would need to know why before we could be sure.
But this is how we play, we all need to break the game.
It need to be a Spirit Shaman because this is the class the we choose as a group.

How over-powered do you want it? There are a lot of games where simply using good tactics (battlefield control spells and buffs/debuffs) is game-breaking. There are lots of games where using just specific spells is game-breaking - animate dead or rope trick or polymorph, for instance. There are lots of games where the Spirit Shaman can't break anything, because he's a T2 wannabe and the go-to build at that table is Psionic Artificer 20.
over-powered like the damage dealer that need to only hit to kill.

I'd think that any path to breaking a spirit shaman would start and possibly end with just retrieving and then casting the most powerful druid spells that aren't ruined by the lack of druid class features. I gots a handbook full of those things, so maybe use that. You're pretty low level, so you'd only have to read through the first and second level spells for now. Maybe start with summon fey from kingdoms of kalamar if you really wanna do powerful junk.

I will read it, thank you.

Max out UMD?

It really doesn't take a whole lot to "break" a game, it's better for everyone at the table(you included) to just have fun, even if that is sub-opitmal at times.

No magic items.
And I need to break it by making it over-powered.
We are having fun, but all the PC(and some NPC) need to be broken.

2017-02-23, 12:41 PM

Just sit around thinking about your options for ages, thats "braking" ^^

2017-02-23, 03:33 PM

Just sit around thinking about your options for ages, thats "braking" ^^

I still don't understand your joke.

Anyway, I think nobody understands why I need it.

2017-02-23, 04:27 PM

Just sit around thinking about your options for ages, thats "braking" ^^

I still don't understand your joke.

It's a Grammar joke. You used the verb "Brake", instead of "Break".

2017-02-23, 06:34 PM
Now I feel both appreciated and misunderstood. ;)

As for the originally (even if grammatically wrong) question: I.do not.think breaking the game means.what you think it.does.
If you simply want maximised power, there should.be plenty people knowledgeable enough to help.you, but try asking something like "help me optimise the.heck.out of spirit shaman" or something.
Might help ;)

2017-02-23, 06:42 PM
No magic items and that race selection will make this extremely difficult since you need a high Wis (for more spells) and a high Cha (for save DCs) and removed the means to do that aside from dumb luck. But yea, spirit shamans are very strong but you have the issue where you will have a single spell retrieved in a spell level for a long time, so you need to pick the absolute best spells when they appear.

2017-02-23, 06:53 PM
Grab Spontaneous Summoner (Complete Divine) to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally Wis times/day. Add in Greenbound Summoning (Lost Empires of Faerun). That'll help pad out your low spells retrieved with a strong alternate option.

The Druid list has a lot of animal-focused buffs; it might help to grab a Wild Cohort (Web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a)). You don't get to share spells, which is sad, but it's very nearly as good as the Druid's. Because it has hit dice, it can get feats-- and your cheesiest bet there is to have it start towards Vow of Poverty.