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purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-07-23, 08:54 PM
A recent conversation with a friend sparked this poll from me. Now, most of my friends (myself included) are on facebook. Mainly due to the whole college thing. I find it's a great networking tool, and keeping in touch with people among a few other things. Anywho, I was wondering if people have/prefer one or the other, or both.

2007-07-23, 08:56 PM
I keep a MySpace do to the large amount of people I can't keep in contact with otherwise, and because Facebook requires(or did, don't know if they changed it) you to be in school not a lot of people I know use it. I don't spend a great deal of time messing with it anymore though, just check/send messages.

2007-07-23, 08:57 PM
The reason I here of more people liking facebook is mainly due to the fact that it's "less creepy" than myspace.

2007-07-23, 08:58 PM
You can get on facebook with any email now. You just won't be connected in those "school" networks.

2007-07-23, 09:06 PM
The reason I here of more people liking facebook is mainly due to the fact that it's "less creepy" than myspace.

I have both, but I agree with your statement.

2007-07-23, 09:12 PM
I had MySpace for about two months, then I deleted it. As soon as I got to college, I got facebook. I'm not going to lie, I am hopelessly addicted to Facebook. I check it multiple times a day, and it is my primary means of communication with people. I find Facebook far superior to Myspace, though all those stupid applications you can add really annoy me.

2007-07-23, 09:13 PM
I don't really have a preference. Both of mine are set to uber-private so I have yet to encounter the creepy aspect.


2007-07-23, 09:17 PM
I'm homeschooled, so the school aspect of facebook is rather pointless for me.

I think people basically get whichever one most people they know have.

2007-07-23, 09:17 PM
I have neither. What is the point to it? If it's just to keep in touch with people, wasn't that why email was invented? Couldn't you just keep in correspondence with regular email?

That's just my two cents. *shrug*

2007-07-23, 09:18 PM
They're both horrible. Facebook is now overrun with stupid applications, and myspace gives me a headache because so many people out there do not know how to layout a webpage, or even pick colours that don't make me go blind.

That said, I still have a Facebook account because once in a blue moon it lets me know about something going on. But I can guarantee you I'm getting rid of it once I'm done with uni.

2007-07-23, 09:21 PM
I agree with B-Man. I have neither and I'm fine with it.

I guess it depends on what your friends/rest of your world have.

And if it's for meeting people, well, then you're risking the "creepy factor".

2007-07-23, 09:48 PM
Facebook is better. But MySpace has bands. I've had a Facebook. I've never had a MySpace. Hmmm...

The winner goes to complaining to your girlfriend rather then the internet and the morons out there! :smallbiggrin:

2007-07-23, 09:51 PM
Umm....I use both, but much prefer Facebook.

2007-07-23, 09:55 PM
I only have a myspace. Despite the creepyness, I like the layouts, music, contact part of it. II'll be getting a facebook this fall though.

2007-07-23, 09:56 PM
Facebook is better. But MySpace has bands. I've had a Facebook. I've never had a MySpace. Hmmm...

Yeah, but it's still pretty random. I see those MySpace pages artists make and they are all full of posts of thousands of people thanking for being added or something. Which sounds stupid, don't know, "ohh, this musician added ME, it must mean I'm special!". It's not like it means actual contact with the artist person.

Also as it has been pointed out, MySpace designs tend to be jumbled and plain painful to look at.

2007-07-23, 09:59 PM
Yeah, but it's still pretty random.

Yeah but they're like hand small homepages sometimes. Tour dates, info, new tracks, etc. And that's more of the larger groups, I like MySpace as a smaller group catalyst as well.

2007-07-23, 10:02 PM
Applications on Facebook suck, besides that though, it's okay.

And I've already met people that are going to my College next year (Freshman, like myself) so I may know some people when I start off!

2007-07-23, 10:04 PM
Apparantly, from my brother, Facebook is excellent as a more impersonal version of Email. You can block someone without feeling bad, and they don't get IM privelages. Stuff like that. Nevertheless, I don't have it. maybe when I get "friends".

2007-07-23, 10:05 PM
I had a myspace for a while but then I got rid of it cuz everyone there was so annoying. I could tell what they were thinking as they put up every picture, bulletin, and blog. "Oooo look at me I'm so cool cuz I have a layout and a picture on myspace. I know everyone will read my blogs and care about my so called "personal issues" that are aren't really that important or interesting". I've never had a facebook but my brothers say its better cuz its not filled with annoying people like the ones mentioned above. Also they say it has the less creepy aspect of myspace. Ie friend requests from people you've never heard of.

2007-07-23, 10:06 PM
Meh, both Facebook and Myspace are instruments of the devil, used to try to make us communicate with other people. I'll stick with my self-imposed paranoid isolation, thank you very much.

2007-07-23, 11:40 PM
Meh, both Facebook and Myspace are instruments of the devil, used to try to make us communicate with other people. I'll stick with my self-imposed paranoid isolation, thank you very much.

So do you bring a cross, holy water, or something when you come to these forums?

I'm a facebooker, and I agree entirely with everyone in that the applications are ridiculous. Nevertheless I have a million of them, most of which I should remove. Never did the Myspace thing.

2007-07-23, 11:45 PM
I have both, though i greatly prefer Myspace, and am hardly on Facebook. My (kind of) band also has a Myspace page, and if we ever get music on it, and finalize the name and members, i'll probably wind up posting it here to get ppl's comments on it.

Hell Puppi
2007-07-23, 11:46 PM
I have a fear that myspace is going to be a device for some evil plot or another, but I still have one. I don't blog on it (I still have my LJ for that =P) but I do use it to keep in touch with people.
I don't have a facebook =/

2007-07-24, 12:14 AM
People keep sending me invites to use those ridiculous applications on Facebook, and I keep disregarding everyone of them. That was one thing I really liked about Facebook. There was no opportunity for formatting the page to make it the way you wanted. None of the crazy pages some people have on MySpace where you have to scroll a mile to find the other end. Instead it was kept neat and organized, easily viewable. Now it's a jumbled mess, and it takes forever to find stuff on some people's pages.

2007-07-24, 06:36 AM
I had a myspace for a while but then I got rid of it cuz everyone there was so annoying. I could tell what they were thinking as they put up every picture, bulletin, and blog. "Oooo look at me I'm so cool cuz I have a layout and a picture on myspace. I know everyone will read my blogs and care about my so called "personal issues" that are aren't really that important or interesting". I've never had a facebook but my brothers say its better cuz its not filled with annoying people like the ones mentioned above. Also they say it has the less creepy aspect of myspace. Ie friend requests from people you've never heard of.

This a good point - myspace does seem to be tremendously 'emo' (whatever that really means these days), and every single person on there seems to be a photographer or, at the very least, an artiste of some description.

Literally the only thing of any use on Facebook for me is the 'Events' feature, which lets me know what's going on around town. Literally the only thing of any use on myspace is the aforementioned peoplesl, who are hilarious.

2007-07-24, 06:46 AM
Facebook ftw. Apart from applications, which suck.

I find Facebook to be a great way to stay in touch, I just don't let it know too much about me.

2007-07-24, 06:59 AM
...I used to have Bebo, which is what all my friends used/use.

Deleted it though. Creepiness factor and such. Plus, I hardly ever updated it, and I never spoke to my friends over it. I much prefer to talk to them in real life or over MSN.

Never used Myspace, never used Facebook.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-07-24, 07:00 AM
I refuse to touch either of those abominations. They are blights upon the internet landscape.

Archonic Energy
2007-07-24, 07:12 AM
Neither .!

Missing Shoe
2007-07-24, 07:39 AM
I've had both for about 3 years now and I have to say Facebook is better, although its slowly slipping. Myspace pages annoy the heck out of me because of how poorly some people do their pages (sorry if I offend anyone). I just feel lucky since I know how to program I can make a nifty page. Also the constant porn stars trying to get me to come to their sites is rather annoying. Or the fake emails saying "Hey I was looking at your page.." that you can get 3 times a day.

Facebook has a much better fixed layout although the apps are making me hate it. Some are ok, but others make me wonder about some of my friends. The news feed was highly disturbing at first, still kind of is. Especially if your significant other is addicted to it. Then they get to know everything you do which just makes them paranoid(yes I am aware of the privacy settings, still creepy).

So choosing the lesser of the two evils I choose Facebook. Its a good way to keep in touch with friends especially if you/they move around a lot.

2007-07-24, 07:42 AM
I have a fear that myspace is going to be a device for some evil plot or another, but I still have one. I don't blog on it (I still have my LJ for that =P) but I do use it to keep in touch with people.
I don't have a facebook =/

Oh man, Live Journal... I remember when that ruled the interblargs... I had an English teacher that wanted us to send our homework to her through a blog. >_>

2007-07-24, 07:48 AM
I am [alt-tab, F5, alt-tab] not addicted [alt-tab, F5, alt-tab] to Facebook at [alt-tab, F5, alt-tab] all.

I can stop any time I want to [alt-tab, F5, alt-tab].

Really, I can [alt-tab, F5, alt-tab].

[alt-tab, F5, alt-tab]

2007-07-24, 08:46 AM
I don't use either because all of the people that would ever want to get in contact with me have my cell phone number.

I can't stand the notion of "superficial friends" that the whole Myspace or Facebook system connotes. I look at my brother's myspace page, and I see that he has 213 friends, of which he probably knows who a maximum of 40 actually are or who he has actually seen in real life. So his myspace wall and messages are just a large amount of effectively spam, "lol hi brian we oughta talk!!1!" and random "LOL!" in response to the person who wrote on his wall before that person.

You tell me that this is 'frienship?' Pishposh, I say. My friends are the ones that I can talk to and trust, that I enjoy being around, and the ones that I see on a regular basis, or at least call me on a regular basis.

The same applies to Facebook. If I were to make a Facebook account, I would end up with a large mangle of people all that I met in my classes, but not really friends, just acquaintances. So after even a year of college, I would have around 50+ people that not only would I know barely superficially, but a couple of years down the road I would be sitting with a friend at my computer looking at my list of Facebook friends, and he goes, "Who's that?" and I reply, "I dunno, had some class with her-but she's hot, eh? :D"

I refuse to be that guy. One, I'm seriously not that superficial, and two, the only real friends I've made in college haven't been from classes I've been in, but the gaming club that we have. And I see them every day.

2007-07-24, 08:50 AM
I have a Myspace page I barely bother to log into. No one I know is on it, and you couldn't find people you know even if you tried, what with the stupid usernames people choose.

Facebook on the other hand is one of my premium tools for arranging stuff with my friends, and sharing pictures. The applications are total garbage, but I just ignore people's requests to use them.

2007-07-24, 10:37 AM
When you post something on myspace, you own it.
When you post something on facebook, they own it.
This means that I can post my music collection and let people listen to it on myspace and still sell it on allbums, using my myspace as an adverticing suplement, but I can't post my collection of proffecional photos on facebook and then sell them using facebook as an adverticing tool. On the contrary, they can use my photos on anything they want, as they have the rights to them.
Just read the user agreement.
So, I have only myspace (http://www.myspace.com/narmoth)

2007-07-24, 10:45 AM
Copyright law sugests otherwise. Myspace used to "own" everything posted to it and could use it forever.... but that is a blatent disregard for intellectual property rulings planet wide.

I use both. Myspace has let me get back in touch with people that I haven't seen since elementry school, which is kind of neat. and also as I live on the other side of the world from almost everyone I know, the internet and various tools there-in (there-on ?) are my best option.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-07-24, 10:47 AM
Didn't even know about Facebook until recently and it doesn't look half as much fun as MySpace, nor does it seem to have as many options for personalization.

2007-07-24, 11:03 AM
Both Facebook and Myspace are stupid attempts of the CIA to get your personal information. And no offense guys, I trust no one I talk to on the internet, no matter how cool they seem, because as far as I know you're all lying about something, just as I do.

2007-07-24, 11:21 AM
When you post something on myspace, you own it.
When you post something on facebook, they own it.
This means that I can post my music collection and let people listen to it on myspace and still sell it on allbums, using my myspace as an adverticing suplement, but I can't post my collection of proffecional photos on facebook and then sell them using facebook as an adverticing tool. On the contrary, they can use my photos on anything they want, as they have the rights to them.
Just read the user agreement.

I did, and you are wrong. They don't say that you can't, they say that you can't without asking them first.

All content on the Site and available through the Service, including but not limited to designs, text, graphics, pictures, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, and their selection and arrangement (the "Site Content"), are the proprietary property of the Company, its users or its licensors with all rights reserved. No Site Content may be modified, copied, distributed, framed, reproduced, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted, transmitted, or sold in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without the Company's prior written permission, except that the foregoing does not apply to your own User Content (as defined below) that you legally post on the Site.

Emphasis mine.

Summary, we own the IP rights to whatever is on Facebook, unless it is stuff that you uploaded.

When you post User Content to the Site, you authorize and direct us to make such copies thereof as we deem necessary in order to facilitate the posting and storage of the User Content on the Site. By posting User Content to any part of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to the Company an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such User Content for any purpose on or in connection with the Site or the promotion thereof, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such User Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing. You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the license granted above will automatically expire, however you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content.

Summary - If you own it, you can upload it. If you upload it, you give us the right to use it however we want in connection with Facebook.com or the promorion of facebook.com. If you take it down, we lose the right to use it.

For what it's worth, MySpace has the same thing intheir terms and conditions, only theirs is not written in lawyerese.

After posting your Content to the MySpace Services, you continue to retain all ownership rights in such Content, and you continue to have the right to use your Content in any way you choose. By displaying or publishing ("posting") any Content on or through the MySpace Services, you hereby grant to MySpace.com a limited license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Content solely on and through the MySpace Services.

And MySpace does also say that you can't use MySpace for commercial use unless it is specifically authorized by them.

The MySpace Services are for the personal use of Members only and may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors except those that are specifically endorsed or approved by MySpace.com.

2007-07-24, 11:24 AM
Facebook is better. But MySpace has bands. I've had a Facebook. I've never had a MySpace. Hmmm...

The winner goes to complaining to your girlfriend rather then the internet and the morons out there! :smallbiggrin:

The world needs more people like Amotis. :smallbiggrin:
(see, even one of the "morons out there" bows to the Manifest Amotisine Win!)

Me? Neither. Wrong net-culture generation for social networking sites. Have a LinkedIn and a DevArt, but that's about it.

2007-07-24, 11:33 AM
I'm not an American and the author himself tries to handle the study carefully (and even goes to pains to say this isn't a thorough study), but I found this article quite interesting:
Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace (http://www.danah.org/papers/essays/ClassDivisions.html).

Assuming the initial poster wants to use a social networking service, I would definitely suggest Facebook over Myspace. Though as the author of the article above suggests, this may be because I fall under a certain demographic.

Still, the main reasons I say I prefer Facebook are things I did not get when I used Myspace:
1) You have a lot of control over your privacy
2) I've discovered associates or friends I hadn't been in contact with in ages

2007-07-24, 11:52 AM
I don't use either because all of the people that would ever want to get in contact with me have my cell phone number.

I can't stand the notion of "superficial friends" that the whole Myspace or Facebook system connotes. I look at my brother's myspace page, and I see that he has 213 friends, of which he probably knows who a maximum of 40 actually are or who he has actually seen in real life. So his myspace wall and messages are just a large amount of effectively spam, "lol hi brian we oughta talk!!1!" and random "LOL!" in response to the person who wrote on his wall before that person.

You tell me that this is 'frienship?' Pishposh, I say. My friends are the ones that I can talk to and trust, that I enjoy being around, and the ones that I see on a regular basis, or at least call me on a regular basis.

The same applies to Facebook. If I were to make a Facebook account, I would end up with a large mangle of people all that I met in my classes, but not really friends, just acquaintances. So after even a year of college, I would have around 50+ people that not only would I know barely superficially, but a couple of years down the road I would be sitting with a friend at my computer looking at my list of Facebook friends, and he goes, "Who's that?" and I reply, "I dunno, had some class with her-but she's hot, eh? :D"

I refuse to be that guy. One, I'm seriously not that superficial, and two, the only real friends I've made in college haven't been from classes I've been in, but the gaming club that we have. And I see them every day.

All the people on my Facebook are people I know personally, and consider myself friends with. Yes, they have my phone number, but if you want to let 100 or so people know about a party its a pain to call/text each one individually. Its the same deal for pretty much everyone I know.

What I'm saying is, I can use Facebook without being 'that guy', and its useful since I have friends that I don't see every day, and some that I don't even live in the same country as at the moment.

2007-07-24, 05:16 PM
I'm not an American and the author himself tries to handle the study carefully (and even goes to pains to say this isn't a thorough study), but I found this article quite interesting:
Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace (http://www.danah.org/papers/essays/ClassDivisions.html).

This article is quite interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

2007-07-24, 06:15 PM
I have a myspace that I never use. I know a fair bit of html and it irritated the heck out of me that I couldn't just do a html thingy to make it look the way I wanted it to and had to actually LOOK UP how to change things on the durn thing. Annoyed me. I never use it. It notifies me when the one person that emails me from there does so, and that's the only time I go there.

My sis in law sent me the Facebook in an email and asked me to join. For me, it's an online photo album. I live in a different country than my family, so by putting my pics of my kidlet in there, my family can see how she's growing. No one can access your information unless you allow them, which I really like. I never knew it used to be primarily a school thing since most of the people in my facebook are family. I did join the groups that were for alumini for the highschool and college I went to and have gotten back in touch with a lot of people that I lost track of when I moved. It's nice to know how they're doing now, and helps us keep in touch, no matter where we are now. I do some of the extra stuff, but not all that many. Just the things that I think are interesting. I also like that I can upload the large pics from my camera and the site automatically shrinks it for viewing, but if one of my family copy and save the pic, they get the BIG pic, which they can then print out for themselves with the higher pixel resolution.

So yeah, Facebook, hands down better. at least it's all one colour, instead of leaving it up to colourblind people to make the choices themselves. ugh.

2007-07-24, 07:24 PM
All the people on my Facebook are people I know personally, and consider myself friends with. Yes, they have my phone number, but if you want to let 100 or so people know about a party its a pain to call/text each one individually. Its the same deal for pretty much everyone I know.

What I'm saying is, I can use Facebook without being 'that guy', and its useful since I have friends that I don't see every day, and some that I don't even live in the same country as at the moment.

Yeah, I know almost every one of my friends of Facebook. The only people I don't are people I recognize from high school but never really met. Facebook is how I keep in touch with people from high school during college, and people from college during breaks.

2007-07-24, 11:38 PM
Both Facebook and Myspace are stupid attempts of the CIA to get your personal information. And no offense guys, I trust no one I talk to on the internet, no matter how cool they seem, because as far as I know you're all lying about something, just as I do.

Yay! Someone who thinks like I do! Except that I trust the CIA (it's the Freemasons you have to worry about... them and midgets) and I don't lie. But otherwise, yes, Facebook and Myspace are basically just very good ways to let whoever interviews you for your next job know intimate details of your romantic life and your consumption of drugs and alcohol. Giving out personal information that's easily accessible online just isn't a good idea.

2007-07-25, 08:29 AM
All the people on my Facebook are people I know personally, and consider myself friends with. Yes, they have my phone number, but if you want to let 100 or so people know about a party its a pain to call/text each one individually. Its the same deal for pretty much everyone I know.

What I'm saying is, I can use Facebook without being 'that guy', and its useful since I have friends that I don't see every day, and some that I don't even live in the same country as at the moment.

See, I'm not the party-goer type guy anyway, because with work and school I need my studyin'-time. Even if I did have time to go to parties, I wouldn't, so that option is out for me.

Maybe I'm a social outcast? Maybe I'm a loser? Oh well, at least I'm a nonconformist. ^_^

2007-07-25, 10:49 AM
Well, to put it simply, if Myspace got the rights tho the music yuo posted on myspace when you posted it, Nuclear Blast wouldn't make myspace-sites for every band they sign.
On the other hand, the norvegian goverment organization whos job it is to protect customers rigths in customer vs corporation - conflicts, has warned peope about the rights you give away when using facebook.
So, at least read the user agreement before signing up. What is in the agreement is what is legaly binding. This means that if the agreement states that they own something you post on their server, then they do. If it doesn't say that, then they don't.

2007-07-25, 10:53 AM
This a good point - myspace does seem to be tremendously 'emo' (whatever that really means these days), and every single person on there seems to be a photographer or, at the very least, an artiste of some description.

Yeah thats part of it, but the thing is everyone on myspace seems so self absorped, even though they don't come off that way in real like. I think I also dislike myspace and other online networks because they discourage personal contact but thats probably me being paranoid. *hums sig to self*

Anyway fun story, I was at a friends house one day and another friend showed up and they both started looking at myspace. I groaned to myself and told them I hate myspace for reasons already stated. Then the second friend says "What do you do all day?" That was the day I realized I spend all my time here.

2007-07-25, 12:35 PM
Well, to put it simply, if Myspace got the rights tho the music yuo posted on myspace when you posted it, Nuclear Blast wouldn't make myspace-sites for every band they sign.
On the other hand, the norvegian goverment organization whos job it is to protect customers rigths in customer vs corporation - conflicts, has warned peope about the rights you give away when using facebook.


MySpace (and FaceBook) don't get the rights to the music. They get the rights to use the music in conjunction with advertising for MySpace (or FaceBook).

As for Nuclear Blast making MySpace pages for the bands that they sign, it is very possible that they have signed an agreement with MySpace allowing them to do so.

So, at least read the user agreement before signing up. What is in the agreement is what is legaly binding. This means that if the agreement states that they own something you post on their server, then they do. If it doesn't say that, then they don't.

At the same time, one shouldn't go around spreading FUD about what it says in the ToS. The ToS's for MySpace and FaceBook, say essentially the same thing about content that you put up.: If you post it, you give us the right to use it, free of charge, in advertising for FaceBook (or MySpace).

2007-07-25, 01:33 PM
This is why I never will use Faebook. I hope this will celar things up a bit. Please note that this is only parts of teh user agreement with my comments, and not the full text. And Mudbunny: I stated what I didn't like about Facebook. You went personal on me. Please don't do that again. It ruins the good spirit of this forum.

Facebook may also collect information about you from other sources, such as newspapers, blogs, instant messaging services, and other users of the Facebook service through the operation of the service (e.g., photo tags) in order to provide you with more useful information and a more personalized experience.

This means that they can, and will if they want, gather any information about me and save it on their servers. This alsio means that if someone posts a photo of me drunk on a party, they can link it to my profile, so my future boss might look through my facebook profile and deside that I'm not the employee he wants

Also notice that they say that they GENERALY won't abuse this, meaning that if they wish, they will:

We may use information about you that we collect from other sources, including but not limited to newspapers and Internet sources such as blogs, instant messaging services, Facebook Platform developers and other users of Facebook, to supplement your profile. Where such information is used, we generally allow you to specify in your privacy settings that you do not want this to be done or to take other actions that limit the connection of this information to your profile (e.g., removing photo tag links).

In connection with these offerings and business operations, our service providers may have access to your personal information for use for a limited time in connection with these business activities. Where we utilize third parties for the processing of any personal information, we implement reasonable contractual and technical protections limiting the use of that information to the Facebook-specified purposes.

This means that they will give anyone they wish access to any information on your profile, so they might send spam aimed directly on your interests.

If the ownership of all or substantially all of the Facebook business, or individual business units owned by Facebook, Inc., were to change, your user information may be transferred to the new owner so the service can continue operations. In any such transfer of information, your user information would remain subject to the promises made in any pre-existing Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use at any time.

Anyone can be sold anything about you with this.

Removed information may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time but will not be generally available to members of Facebook.

It is still available to Facebook, and can be sold to any third party partially or whole.

Fianly, my main problem with Facebook:

By posting User Content to any part of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to the Company an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such User Content for any purpose on or in connection with the Site or the promotion thereof, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such User Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.

In plain text this means that you give Facebook the licence to use in any context anything you post. Combined with the fact that they reserve for themselves to keep all you post and use it for anything, this means that anything you ever post can be used by Facebook for anything or sold by Facebook to anyone.

2007-07-25, 02:01 PM
This is why I never will use Faebook. I hope this will celar things up a bit.

FWIW, MySpace has statements to the exact same effect in their user agreement.

Please note that this is only parts of teh user agreement with my comments, and not the full text.

The Terms of Use of FaceBook and MySpace are essentially the same. They grant them-selves the same rights as it comes to your personal content that you post on their site.

And Mudbunny: I stated what I didn't like about Facebook. You went personal on me. Please don't do that again. It ruins the good spirit of this forum.

I didn't go personal on you. I have never said that you are wrong for liking MySpace as compared to FaceBook. I just pointed out that you are spreading FUD about FaceBook. They claim the same rights as MySpace does when it comes to personal content that you put up.

Facebook may also collect information about you from other sources, such as newspapers, blogs, instant messaging services, and other users of the Facebook service through the operation of the service (e.g., photo tags) in order to provide you with more useful information and a more personalized experience.

This means that they can, and will if they want, gather any information about me and save it on their servers. This alsio means that if someone posts a photo of me drunk on a party, they can link it to my profile, so my future boss might look through my facebook profile and deside that I'm not the employee he wants
A couple of points. First of all, the only way that Facebook will know if there is a picture of you drunk at a party on the site is if someone tags you in the picture. In that case, you might want to ask your friend why exactly they put up the picture of you in the fist place. Second, most companies, when they are looking for info on a prospective employee, will do a Google Search on the name. If it is already out there on the net, they will find it anyways. It is not that Facebook grabbed it that all of a sudden it becomes visible.

MySpace makes no comment on whether they will use other, outside information about you that they gather.

Also notice that they say that they GENERALY won't abuse this, meaning that if they wish, they will:
We may use information about you that we collect from other sources, including but not limited to newspapers and Internet sources such as blogs, instant messaging services, Facebook Platform developers and other users of Facebook, to supplement your profile. Where such information is used, we generally allow you to specify in your privacy settings that you do not want this to be done or to take other actions that limit the connection of this information to your profile (e.g., removing photo tag links).

In connection with these offerings and business operations, our service providers may have access to your personal information for use for a limited time in connection with these business activities. Where we utilize third parties for the processing of any personal information, we implement reasonable contractual and technical protections limiting the use of that information to the Facebook-specified purposes.

This means that they will give anyone they wish access to any information on your profile, so they might send spam aimed directly on your interests.

Most businesses do this. Whenever you sign up for a service on the internet with your electronic address, you are opening it up for use for advertising content as determined by the service provider.

MySpace makes no comment on what they will (or will not do) with your email address.

If the ownership of all or substantially all of the Facebook business, or individual business units owned by Facebook, Inc., were to change, your user information may be transferred to the new owner so the service can continue operations. In any such transfer of information, your user information would remain subject to the promises made in any pre-existing Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use at any time.

Anyone can be sold anything about you with this.

This is FUD that you are spreading here. If FaceBook is bought out, of course all of your personal information goes to the new owners of the company. That is standard operating procedure whenever *any* business that has clients is bought or sold.

Of course, MySpace says the exact same thing about their Privacy Policy changing at any time without written notice. But I guess for them, it is all right.
[quote]MySpace.com may modify this Agreement from time to time and such modification shall be effective upon posting by MySpace.com on the MySpace Website. You agree to be bound to any changes to this Agreement when you use the MySpace Services after any such modification is posted. It is therefore important that you review this Agreement regularly to ensure you are updated as to any changes.

[quote]Removed information may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time but will not be generally available to members of Facebook.
It is still available to Facebook, and can be sold to any third party partially or whole.

More FUD.

Fianly, my main problem with Facebook:

By posting User Content to any part of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to the Company an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such User Content for any purpose on or in connection with the Site or the promotion thereof, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such User Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.

In plain text this means that you give Facebook the licence to use in any context anything you post. Combined with the fact that they reserve for themselves to keep all you post and use it for anything, this means that anything you ever post can be used by Facebook for anything or sold by Facebook to anyone.

If that were true, you would have a point. However, you are reading it wrong. It gives them the right to use it in connection with FaceBook. If you would read further down the page, you would read the point where they say that when you remove the User Content from FaceBook, you cancel the licence with them.

Of course, MySpace has the same sort of licence agreement in it's ToS.

2007-07-25, 05:26 PM
Between going to more than 1 high school, and taking classes at 4 different colleges: I have friends in every city in the country (well, a lot of them) and facebook is the only way I could ever keep track of them all. Heck, it helped me catch back up with a lot of friends that I never got a chance to say good bye to when I changed high schools.

This has actually inspired me to get rid of the single application I have on facebook.

Delaney Gale
2007-07-26, 03:09 PM
Eh, I got Facebook when I went to college and it just seems to have gotten progressively tackier over the past two years. It is fun sharing pictures of my male friends in miniskirts though ^_- (... we have an annual drag dance at my school).

I never really cared to concentrate on MySpace. Always seemed like too much work for too little intelligence.

2007-07-26, 03:56 PM
Between going to more than 1 high school, and taking classes at 4 different colleges: I have friends in every city in the country (well, a lot of them) and facebook is the only way I could ever keep track of them all. Heck, it helped me catch back up with a lot of friends that I never got a chance to say good bye to when I changed high schools.

Yeah, I like Facebook primarily because it's great for keeping up with lots of friends who you'd otherwise drift away from when you left school / uni / work / whatever, and also because it's kind of handy for sharing pictures and organizing big but simple events eg telling everyone I know to go to the pub for my birthday.

Rob Knotts
2007-07-26, 04:16 PM
I originally got onto MySpace because of some friends I met at the university. Now that those former friends and I can't stand the sight of each other, I dropped my old profile and created a new one to keep in touch with local friends I found out were also on the site. When I decided to put up a gaming blog I decided to put that on MySpace as well, figuring I might as well go with the devil I know.

2007-07-27, 06:49 PM
This has actually inspired me to get rid of the single application I have on facebook.

Excellent, another person joins the ranks of the application free Facebookers.

Jack Squat
2007-07-27, 10:05 PM
I have a MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/jacksquat3)...I don't really do anything to it though; just change the song and video every now and then. I'm pretty sure my friends suckered me into getting it

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick
2007-07-27, 10:17 PM
Revised opinion; I no longer trust the facebooked myspaces. They're both shady in extremis.

Insert Name Here
2007-07-28, 10:12 AM
Hmm. I got invited, not through email or anything, but in real life, by my godfather. So all the people I know closely are the first of my friends. Then again, my godfather made my account, and didn't give me all that much choice in the matter. But either way, I don't like how my school network seems to go. (So many chain messages...), but I maintain a degree of separation, instead socializing with the ones I know closely (incidentally, most of them are adults, and I'm 14), which is fun. That, and you can keep track of the game I'm DMing on it. I haven't tried the other stuff, but facebook's fun seems quite dependant on what kind of social network you're in.

EDIT: I forgot to say: I have friends from school, only because they invited me. I know them (don't like them that much, really), but never interact with them.

2007-07-28, 10:50 AM
There are ways to avoid the porn-bots. Set you're profile to private on myspace. People can't find me unless it is through my friends pages. And I know every single person in real life, on both myspace and facebook. The only exception to this is a musician, and that's because one of my friends actually knows him.

So far, I've not gotten any weird friends requests/spam letters/etc on Myspace and I've been on for 8 months now. Facebook, I have no applications on my profile. I think they are fairly useless and just clutter the page up.

And bosses can't see those pictures unless they know to check your friends profile or your profile is not set to private. I have it set up so no one can even search for me unless they are in school, and even then there is no access to my profile. If anyone wants to see my profile, they have to friend me first. And I must know who they are.


2007-07-28, 01:33 PM
Well I have gotten some requests from ladies that want to show their photos to me and want me to follow a link. I simply deny those requests. That kind of seem to solve the problem.