View Full Version : Anyone have a bearded dragon?

2017-02-23, 12:36 PM
My cat's really old, like 18 years old, and I'm afraid he's going to go soon. I don't really want a dog or another cat. One of my students brought a bearded dragon into class, and man, that was one chill lizard. I think I might like one after my cat goes.

Any words of wisdom? How big of a mess do these things make? Not to be crude, but if it's on my shoulder and it poops, is that a big deal? I read a bit about these guys and girls, but the sites I read didn't mention that. How about them breaking out? Are they escape artists like gerbils? Or do they just like to hang out on warm things?


2017-02-24, 11:04 PM
I had two for several years.

I never had trouble with them escaping. They're pretty chill and aren't terribly good climbers as pet lizards go, so as long as you aren't cramming the vivarium full of branches and things (which isn't a good idea anyway) it's not like you'll be racing to get the lid down. They'll mostly just sit and wave at you unless something's bothering them.

As far as organic messiness goes, they're not as bad as birds. Similar idea but with less liquid, as you might expect from a desert-dwelling organism.

The biggest gripe I have about keeping beardies is that they need to eat live insects as well as vegetable matter; even when they get big enough, feeding mice too regularly gives them fatty liver. Crickets are messier, louder, and worse about escaping than the lizards themselves, and they're probably what your local pet store stocks. If you can afford to look into other options for feeder insects, it might save you a cricket infestation.

A smaller gripe: they don't like humidity and they need heat. This can be a hassle depending on where you live.

2017-02-24, 11:09 PM
Crickets are messier, louder, and worse about escaping than the lizards themselves, and they're probably what your local pet store stocks. If you can afford to look into other options for feeder insects, it might save you a cricket infestation.

Yeah. Apparently that's a thing that happens. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?513089-Gaaaah-now-the-crickets-are-taking-over!&highlight=crickets+are+taking+over)