View Full Version : Building a new Character

2017-02-23, 01:42 PM
Hey y'all. First post here and I'm looking for some help to make a good character. I'm currently getting ready to start the 3rd D&D campaign that I've ever played. We are doing edition 3.5 and all official books are allowed to be used. What I'm wanting to build is a Warblade.

So basically, we are starting out at Level 15 and will have the standard starting gold. As I said all official 3.5 books are welcome to be used (please site sources since I'm a nub). My starting stats that I rolled are 18,16,16,14,13,13. Help on picking feats, maneuvers, stance, and equipment would be much appreciated. I'm obviously focused as a melee combatant and will probably be the only one in the front line. Also, our party lacks any REAL healer so I will have to take care of my own wounds most likely. Thanks in advance for the help everyone.

2017-02-23, 01:59 PM
Not too familiar myself with the Warblade so I will reccomend another thing you can do. Make a Warblade 6/Ur Priest 9 and always prepare Quickened Surge of Fortune. With that get a Pitspawned Vorpal weapon and on fights as a swift action cast Quickened Surge of Fortune and then with your Pitspawned vorpal weapom discharge the surge of fortune to treat as natural 20 triggering Vorpal and now you only need to confirm critical for which Pitspawned gives a +2 Bonus and you can get IIRC a bonus equal to your intelligence bonus in confirming criticals but IIRC it caps at your Warblade level which easily can net you a +8 to confirm your hit which if you do is an automatic kill against most things. With this you can make your DM rage so hard if you choose to use this strategy. With this you can also heal heal yourself since you can basically cast as a cleric.

2017-02-23, 02:45 PM
Are you dead set on Warblade? Crusader (especially Crusader going into Ruby Knight Vindicator) would be ideal for mixing a frontline combatant with a healer.

2017-02-23, 05:47 PM
I recommend the Healing armor enchantment from Magic Item Compendium. It isn't terribly potent, but it doesn't count towards your armor's enhancement bonus. This means it doesn't get in the way of other enchantments.

Also in Magic Item Compendium is the Healing Belt. It lets you heal yourself or others.

In the Tome of Battle there's a feat called Vital Recovery. It makes it so you regain hitpoints when you regain maneuvers.

The Setting Sun school has a set of maneuvers called Mighty/Devastating/Comet Throw. They let you literally throw ogres. It's pretty slick. (Also lets you use your dexterity if it's higher, so twiggy elves and were-rats can heave golems off rooftops too.)